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> [Suggestion] A few requests, Can we has...

post Jul 30 2018, 08:09
Post #13741

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QUOTE(Scremaz @ May 25 2018, 12:21) *

iirc gianfrix coded a script to redirect REs to alt too...
You remember well. Just installed: Countdown Timer for REs 0.1.2
Works nicely. Thanks for the memories.

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post Aug 12 2018, 17:38
Post #13742

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if this game has character image it will be great
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post Aug 12 2018, 20:15
Post #13743

Press any key to continue... Where's the any key?
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QUOTE(DJNoni @ Jul 27 2018, 10:08) *

can we have a new hath perk "exrtra tough arena's", which adds 1 monster to all rounds of the arena's?

Me too! (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

QUOTE(Piscolabis @ Jul 27 2018, 17:04) *

Well, he could add new arenas for higher levels instead, or at least one which could only be accesed by level 500 players.

Me too better! Me like idea long time Sailor! (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)

Also... in case it hasn't been mentioned in the last 6 billion pages:

Please extend bonus attributes from Precursor Artifacts to 99.
or higher...

I say 99 to maintain digit aspect thingy.

This post has been edited by RoadShoe: Aug 12 2018, 20:16
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post Aug 13 2018, 02:15
Post #13744

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QUOTE(RoadShoe @ Aug 13 2018, 02:15) *

Please extend bonus attributes from Precursor Artifacts to 99.
or higher...

ye b0ss, up to 600
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post Aug 25 2018, 04:17
Post #13745

The Sleeper
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@RoadShoe: Just make it to 100 for Critical Hit Chance and Strenght to do some extra damage and reduce the great difference from 1H and Mage.

Obviously for Crit Chance and Dexterity\Agility for Light Armor too.


Just finisched my 3rd PFUDORFeast (where i got to hate that monster called RoadShoe, every time he pop up in later gam i risk my life)... got nearly nothing (1 Mag, 1 leg, both crap), it was uspetting for so much time and work.

So why not making the Final Round of GrindFest count as an arena? (And maybe a bit more)

- Guaranteed Equipment Drop (Legendary the first time of day, Mag from the second run on)
- Guaranted Token Drop
- Increased Loot Drop Chance with values like Random Encounter (2,5x Artifact-Token, increased overall drop rate).

This will be a bit more rewarding for the long time needed.

This post has been edited by Maharid: Aug 25 2018, 04:18
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post Sep 8 2018, 17:44
Post #13746

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QUOTE(Kinights @ Jun 6 2018, 20:39) *

Okay then, instead of begging for stuff, here's a concept idea for somehting that should be a decend new game content for endgame players and also a good money sink.

Boss Weapons|Armor
Instead of adding a new category to equipment, like Uniques, Epics, or Mythical stuff, this could extend the equipment progression for already existing items.

For simplicity, the types of boss equipment could be separated into 3 Tiers: Orange, Red and Purple.

Read this post for complete explanation.

I'd like to give and additional suggestion to this idea.

Besides increasing the equipment stats, new tiers could also unlock additional IW potency slots, as such:

-Orange(Boss Equip): 1 additional potency
-Red (SG Equip???): 2 additional potencies
-Pupler (God/Divine/Deity Equip???): 3 additional potencies

This is because I read recently that temboro seems to not be satisfied with the current IW system, so in the case it gets just a simple adjustment to potencies, a way that could open some further progress using IW would be great, besides increasing the value of Peerless equipment more, as of now it's simple a perfect legendary, which doesn't matter much, as most gears have just a few most important stats, if not only one(ADB, EDB, etc...), while the others are mostly secondary or completely non-important things.

Besides, who wouldn't want a chance to get equipment such as Penetrator5, Spellweaver5 and Archmage5, or Butcher5, Fatality5 and Overpower5? It would also be somewhat easier to get armor with Jug5 and Cap5, considering the number of different potencies remains at 3. (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)


Suggestion for NEW MELEE IW POTENCY!!!

So, any melee users jealous of mages having 5 weapon potencies while melees have only 4?

Maybe not, because it's easier to get But+Fat... HOWEVER!!!

Considering mages have economizer, which exists in order to conserve mana, it's somewhat understandable that melee doesn't have one, as it doesn't use any resources...


To be effective in battle, melee needs overcharge to use spirit stance and/or Orbital Friendship Cannon, so here's the suggestion.

New melee potency: Overcharge
-grants 1% overcharge with each successful hit


Currently 1H is the most viable melee playstyle because of clearspeed using OFC, besides the safety given, making PFUDOR runs a piece of cake, while DW, 2H and Niten can struggle even in lower difficulties if not micromanaging everything properly.

Considering the new potency, here's the improvements to these less viable playstyles:


Having a weapon with Overcharge5 would probably make the style even more broken, maybe not running out of spirit stance even while using OFC.


Having a single weapon with Overcharge 5, probably the main weapon, would grant 5% OC with each hit, which would probably give an easier time to keep up spirit stance and use the fighting style skills.

With the two weapons having Overcharge 5 and considering 100% chance of Offhand Strike, every successful hit would grant 10% OC, giving the player an even easier time handling spirit stance and the use of skills.


In my opinion the fighting style that depends the most on spirit stance to shine, but doesn't have a viable source to keep it up properly.

With a weapon having Overcharge 5, a successful Domino Strike hitting 7 enemies would grant 35% OC, and while this percentage would vary with every turn, it should be more than enough to give the player more comfort in mantaining spirit stance, using skills and etc.


Like with 2H, in a turn having Domino Strike hitting 5 enemies, the player would get 25% OC.

Adding the offhand strike would give a total of 30% possible OC gain per turn, thus also giving the style a proper chance to shine while using spirit stance.

Final Thoughts

While the melee playstyles have their quirks and differences to balance them, like 1H being most viable because of the block, letting go of evade chance and surviving with the tough defences of heavy armor, and 2H, DW and Niten being tied better with leather armor to depend on the evade chance, the current way that OC gains work make 1H the most viable playstyle considering its survivability and clearspeed.

Other than my previously long post suggesting changes to each fighting style, I believe this simple IW potency addition could already change the way they work immensely, thus giving players that enjoy a certain fighting style the chance to play them in higher difficulties/levels, without lagging behind other playstyles, which have a much easier time due to the way the work.
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post Sep 9 2018, 19:11
Post #13747

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Simple addition to repair tab in forge window.

Damaged equipment should appear in different colors for a much quicker visual understanding of which equipments need repair, instead of hovering on each single one individually every time.

This could be added to upgrade tab as well, to show which equipments have upgrades available.
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post Sep 9 2018, 20:00
Post #13748

Hataraku Noni-sama
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QUOTE(Kinights @ Sep 9 2018, 19:11) *

Simple addition to repair tab in forge window.

Damaged equipment should appear in different colors for a much quicker visual understanding of which equipments need repair, instead of hovering on each single one individually every time.
This could be added to upgrade tab as well, to show which equipments have upgrades available.

that would be nice, yes. But HV Utils script does it better, so I'd say don't bother.
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post Sep 10 2018, 02:24
Post #13749

The Sleeper
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If what i am about to say already got a no... why?

We have a perk that "Increases effective *** Magic Proficiency by 10% of your natural base proficiency" for all 5 type of magic.

So, why not have the same for all the other proficiencies?

Renowned Blademaster: Increases effective One-handed Proficiency by 10% of your natural base proficiency.

Brutal Berserker: Increases effective Two-handed Proficiency by 10% of your natural base proficiency.

Whirling Flashdancer: Increases effective Dual Wielding Proficiency by 10% of your natural base proficiency.

Attuned Scholar: Increases effective Cloth Armor Proficiency by 10% of your natural base proficiency.

Skilled Fighter: Increases effective Light Armor Proficiency by 10% of your natural base proficiency.

Shining Kninght: Increases effective Heavy Armor Proficiency by 10% of your natural base proficiency.

Wise Wavemaster: Increases effective Staff Proficiency by 10% of your natural base proficiency.
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post Sep 10 2018, 16:35
Post #13750

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QUOTE(Maharid @ Sep 9 2018, 21:24) *

If what i am about to say already got a no... why?

We have a perk that "Increases effective *** Magic Proficiency by 10% of your natural base proficiency" for all 5 type of magic.

So, why not have the same for all the other proficiencies?

Renowned Blademaster: Increases effective One-handed Proficiency by 10% of your natural base proficiency.

Brutal Berserker: Increases effective Two-handed Proficiency by 10% of your natural base proficiency.

Whirling Flashdancer: Increases effective Dual Wielding Proficiency by 10% of your natural base proficiency.

Attuned Scholar: Increases effective Cloth Armor Proficiency by 10% of your natural base proficiency.

Skilled Fighter: Increases effective Light Armor Proficiency by 10% of your natural base proficiency.

Shining Kninght: Increases effective Heavy Armor Proficiency by 10% of your natural base proficiency.

Wise Wavemaster: Increases effective Staff Proficiency by 10% of your natural base proficiency.

The lack of the proficiecy perk for everything else seems to be tied to the fact that theres no piece of equipment that provides such proficiency as cloth currently has(earth-walker, curse-weaver, demon-fiend, etc.)

I also suggested that common leather and plate armor give some proficiency like cloth previously, as currently theres no particular good use for them, besides the special shielding plate armor.
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post Sep 12 2018, 09:49
Post #13751

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I'd like more abilities focused on which weapon you're using.

Like abilities for Axe or Club or Rapier or Shortsword increasing damage, counter-parry, critical chance/damage, etc. depending on which weapon(s) you're using.
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post Sep 26 2018, 07:32
Post #13752

Swimsuit Girl
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Can there be an option to delete, temporarily disable, or hide your cookies and other awards? The orange cookie looks ugly, and I'm considering getting a lone silver star to match my new black and white avatar picture.

For now I'm indifferent as to the rewards that cookies and stars offer. I like the hath income, but at present I don't want the EXP boost so it evens out.

Adblock works great for hiding the orange cookie, but everyone else will still see it. (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/blush.gif)
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post Sep 26 2018, 22:30
Post #13753

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I'd like to be able to re-organize my monsters.

Currently my favorite monsters, the ones I'm focused on upgrading, are #1, #2, & #7. I'd like to be able to make them 1-3, but currently to do that it looks like I would need to delete and re-create whichever monsters I want to move.
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post Sep 26 2018, 23:30
Post #13754

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QUOTE(william1657 @ Sep 26 2018, 10:30) *

I'd like to be able to re-organize my monsters.

Same here.
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post Sep 27 2018, 07:29
Post #13755

Hataraku Noni-sama
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Can we please have, pretty please: A Change to Follower of Snowflake, you get a better chance to get an actually usable peerless.

This can be done for instance by:
- Letting the user select the typeof staff, plus prefix or suffix of the staff
- giving the user 10 peerless, from which he may sellect one

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post Sep 27 2018, 20:08
Post #13756
Juggernaut Santa

Living in HV 0.83 until Tenboro adds the Tower to Persistent
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QUOTE(Kinights @ Sep 8 2018, 17:44) *

Not gonna happen. 10b already said that he wanted to leave the overcharge thingy as 1h only.
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post Oct 5 2018, 21:41
Post #13757

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I can remember if this has been asked before, but is there a way to search for past EH lottery results rather than just clicking back day by day over and over again?
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post Oct 5 2018, 22:41
Post #13758

Hataraku Noni-sama
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QUOTE(teenyman45 @ Oct 5 2018, 21:41) *

I can remember if this has been asked before, but is there a way to search for past EH lottery results rather than just clicking back day by day over and over again?

wrong thread, but no - there is no other way.
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post Oct 6 2018, 01:32
Post #13759

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QUOTE(DJNoni @ Oct 5 2018, 16:41) *

wrong thread, but no - there is no other way.

It was implied that maybe this feature should be added if it's lacking.
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post Oct 6 2018, 01:36
Post #13760

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Well it's moot now. I did just go back through the past several months and saw that I somehow must have accidentally clicked to spend my one and only golden ticket on a Fiery Oak Staff of Heimdall of all things.

Still, would it be possible to add a search feature for winners and prizes since the game does seem to record all of that already?
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