[Suggestion] A few requests, Can we has... |
Jun 30 2018, 16:30
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QUOTE(jplshejeser @ Jun 28 2018, 02:00)  please b0ss make riddlemaster's bonus duration the same as heartseeker's
There already exists a Hath perk Enigma Energizer (Doubles the bonus from the riddlemaster, and increases duration to 50 turns.), for 200 Hath at the Hath Perks page. Your best bet would be to ask for extended perks of EEII, EEIII and so on. QUOTE(-EZE- @ Jun 29 2018, 18:35)  I propose that the magic "Absorb" be improved, since it is practically useless, here I have proposals for it:
Add to the effect you already have, a gain aditionaly of 5/10 "Stamina" points (Only gain if "Habilities of Absorb" are improved), this would hardly improve it, but it could help infimamente in case of being a spirit, especially if it denies in that same turn multiple magics in full process, still a little useful but with a possibility of something greater utility.
When it is consumed, have a possibility as a side effect, that the effect of "Channeling" (Increased probability for each level of "Absorb") activates you. I suggest that this probability would be that the amount of mana absorbed with respect to our maximum is the percentage of probability that activates the effect of "Channeling", multiplied by a number, that number could be 1 when that skill is not trained, and would arrive at a maximum of X (To say an example, X would be 4) that would be when the level of the ability of "Absorb" is maximum. With more clarity I give an example: if my maximum mana is 2000, and by "absorb" I gain 50 mana points, my probability of winning "Channeling" for this would be between 2.5% if I have not trained that skill, and 10 % if I have it at the highest level. (2.5 * 4 = 10). This could make not only something more viable to use it, but it would be a more attractive alternative to spend "Ability" points in "Absorb", I do not think this improvement is too much for it to be Super option or one that enters in any form of struggle, but it could be an acceptable variant so as not to consider it a useless waste in the "Ability" points in case of choosing it.
First of all, it's useless to ask for a way to gain free stamina easily. There are two consumables in the game which can give you stamina, Energy Drinks(exchangeable) and Caffeinated Candies(untradeable|lottery only prizes). You can get Energy drinks randomly by shrining Precursor Artifacts or just by exchanging with other players in the forums. With this out of the way... Changes to AbsorptionI do agree that absorption needs a change, as it's quite a useless skill to have, while the concept of it is good. I made a suggestion previously, so here's a new one, besides your own suggestion. Absorption has a long lasting effect, like other supportive skills, but if the damage absorbed exceeds a certain amount, the player will take double the damage and the skill will be stopped. The maximum damage able to be absorbed at a single time increases with supportive proficiency and with ability points invested in the skill, along with the reduction multiplier of the damage taken if absorbtion fails. That's all. (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) QUOTE(-EZE- @ Jun 29 2018, 18:35)  --Improve "Spirit Gem": When using it From 5 of "Stamina"
This is because it is intimately related to the state of Spirit Create the gem of "Stamina", being perhaps more rare than the current, this otorge 2 points of Spirit, and 50, or 75, of "Stamina" Same justification as the previous, only that which is 2 points, is for positively absorb the consumption of 1 of "Spirit" for using the gem in full "Spirit State", that or 1% of "Spirit", granted only "Stamina" at low levels. (And / or earn a Hach pay upgrade that increases the maximum capacity of "Stamina" from 250 to 400, maybe gradually from 50 to 50.)
--Create a Gem of "Proficiency"
Increase at the end of the combat (or instantly) the Proefficiency of everything, in the same way as when the user receives a bonus for Proeficiencia. An alternative to this gem could also Triple / quadruple Proefficiency Earned at the end of that round with respect to what one should earn (By itself, or even also if it is counted with the help of luck, when EVERYTHING receives an increase in Proefficiency )
Again, such easy ways to replenish stamina and gain proficiency will likely never be added to the game when there are consumables you can buy to gain stamina and trainings and perks you can purchase to help with gaining proficiency. QUOTE(-EZE- @ Jun 29 2018, 18:35)  Distinguish even more monsters pets, not only for their statistics and base mitigation together with the types of damage it can cause, I propose that they be divided into 3 groups, for example, monsters of chaos, mystics and neutrals. In this way each group will have certain characteristics that distinguish them from others as they grow, for example:
The special attacks of these pets gain a 5% chance (or 10% if it only applies to them) to cause some effect. (bleeding, perforation, stunning, ect) when they reach a certain level.
Increase the probability that the gift they give you is X type of material. Thus, according to the pets group, you can specialize in the collection of certain gifts because you need them, or even to trade, you that specialized in X type of monsters exchange those elements to spare for others of another player who specialized in having Pets of another group, increasing the cooperation between the same players.
Growth to a greater extent of certain attributes, requiring 5% fewer crystals per level in those attributes favored by that group. Or that in a certain level of the pets, being of X group, grant the user an increase in X characteristic, for example, for each Mistic pets in level 1000 or more it increases to the user 0.2% of mitigation of crush, if it has 25 monsters that meet that requirement would have an additional 5% in crush mitigation.
Regarding monsters... Making Monsters more UniqueI also agree that it's interesting to make player monsters more unique, thus my suggestion for player boss monsters a few posts above. It would be pointless to make certain monsters bring only certain materials however, as with cloth materials being the most expensive currently, players would just focus on such monsters for the higher profit, and if there were a change to the market, such monsters would probably be just deleted and recreated if they weren't bringing enough profit, thus making monsters just simple commodities again. There's already quite a big player exchange here in the forums, so I don't think heavy changes to the economy might make players very happy, as it's the worst to have your stock of valuable items suddenly turn worthless the next day, but such things still happens every once in a while in this game. Just to make this clear however... Hentaiverse is supposed to be a money sink!Therefore... although you are free to suggest ways to earn money more easily, your suggestions will probably be completely looked over. (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/tongue.gif) This post has been edited by Kinights: Jun 30 2018, 16:47
Jun 30 2018, 22:26
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i Sorry, in my mensaje i confuse the names, all, the "Stamina" in my commentary are realy the charges.... or other name, i do not know good. (the caracterist with the max is ever 250) Is interesant your suggestion, one efect of double edge, if exed the limit, maybe your die, inclusive whit full life (For the long time of efect, can be suicidal to mages if exed the limit. {Low life and maybe in mitigation}, but maybe no dangerous in characters with very high life and mitigation.) i like. in monsters pets no are the drop only one material, is only one posibility suggest for more unique in monsters pets, and only increace very low the chance of this material, or other tipe of drop, but no very much.... but, i understand your commentary, no are very good this part, i sorry. And yes, need the monsters are more unique, no are one big diferency in the diferences tipes of monsters. Tnks very much Kinights for your reply, and i understand (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) This post has been edited by -EZE-: Jun 30 2018, 22:52
Jul 1 2018, 02:29
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QUOTE(Kinights @ Jun 30 2018, 16:30)  Hentaiverse is supposed to be a money sink!
not necessarily. if any, it's supposed to be a side addition to the main gallery system. however, i remind you guys that stamina is primarily an anti-cheating mechanic. and as such, "almost any change involving Stamina" are unlikely to happen (source: https://ehwiki.org/wiki/Never_To_Be_Added#HentaiVerse)
Jul 1 2018, 18:35
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QUOTE(Kinights @ Jun 30 2018, 11:30)  There are two consumables in the game which can give you stamina, Energy Drinks(exchangeable) and Caffeinated Candies(untradeable|lottery only prizes).
You can get Energy drinks randomly by shrining Precursor Artifacts or just by exchanging with other players in the forums.
Again, such easy ways to replenish stamina and gain proficiency will likely never be added to the game when there are consumables you can buy to gain stamina and trainings and perks you can purchase to help with gaining proficiency.
QUOTE(Scremaz @ Jun 30 2018, 21:29)  however, i remind you guys that stamina is primarily an anti-cheating mechanic. and as such, "almost any change involving Stamina" are unlikely to happen (source: https://ehwiki.org/wiki/Never_To_Be_Added#HentaiVerse)I understand, I know that the stamina should not touch or recharge, I was not interested in that, it was my mistake, I'm sorry. Now, what I mentioned about "Stamina" in my subject, I did not want to say about it, but I was mistaken in my name and I wanted to say "overcharge" in all the times I mentioned "stamina", I would edit what I said to replace that word for the right if I could because it was a very big mistake on my part for a confusion of names and for my difficulty in understanding in English I did not make sure correctly on the wiki to not make that mistake. I talked about "overcharge" because in "Spirit Stance" both "Spirit" and "overcharge" are consumed, and "Spirit" can reach a very high maximum so that through "Spirit Stance" it is easily exhausted " Overcharge "without consuming most of" Spirit ", or being able to recharge with potions, Gems. ect. (Yes, I know that there is also a magic that consumes Spirit, but I say it if one has gems and potions, because the other does not have at least gems or a secondary recovery and infimates the gem of Spirit) while with "overcharge" There are no potions or gems, just for hitting melee. Forgive for this mistake, I really did not want to express myself incorrectly and make a mistake in that way. PD: I use google translate, i'm sorry if I do not understand what I write well.
Jul 1 2018, 18:51
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QUOTE(-EZE- @ Jul 1 2018, 18:35)  I would edit what I said to replace that word for the right if I could
erm... you know you can, right?
Jul 2 2018, 02:32
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QUOTE(Scremaz @ Jul 1 2018, 13:51)  erm... you know you can, right?
I fixed myself well, I can only edit the last answer I see, in that it leaves "edit", while previous messages do not allow me to edit them. When I said that in the quote, I said it because I could not edit my suggestion, and now before writing this message, I see that I can not edit both the suggestion, as my subsequent response to it, only being able to edit my previous response to this message. (I did not notice or I was reluctant to see if I could edit when Kinights answered me, since in some other forums you can only edit the last message, if someone answered you can not do anything, instead of seeing if this forum worked that way)
Jul 7 2018, 17:13
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I like the idea of gaining overcharge through casting a spell. It makes the ground level towards the broken 1h. Not necessarily 5-10, 2 & upgradeable to 4 is fair enough for continuous spell, or 30-50 for one-shot.
Jul 15 2018, 23:25
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can somebody please fix the haste tooltip already
can some god moderatore type in the tooltip:
"The target has been hastened, increasing it's action speed by 50%."
mo now after all these years plasse thanks
Jul 16 2018, 23:13
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QUOTE(Dead-ed @ Jul 7 2018, 12:13)  I like the idea of gaining overcharge through casting a spell. It makes the ground level towards the broken 1h. Not necessarily 5-10, 2 & upgradeable to 4 is fair enough for continuous spell, or 30-50 for one-shot.
Mmmmm, I think "Overcharge" 30-50 for one-shot, in one Spell would be counterproductive, I think it's too much. -------------------------------------------------------------- I have other suggestions, let's see if you are interested: - Add weapons and strategies to weapons at a distance: Bows and Crossbows. These occupy a New Proeficiency, or that works as the "Niten" contributing in two different Proficiency types (It could be contributed in weapons of 2 hands and Staff). And unlike "Niten" To be able to use these weapons you will need to have a minimum of 100 Dexterity. What would be different from this, when Weapons are used at a distance, the how much do some of the statistics contribute: There will be no possibility of Parry and block, it will only be possible to Evade, and possibly also Resist. Strength (STR) 1 point = +0.2 to Physical Damage formula 1 point = +0.5 to Physical Mitigation formula 25 point = + 1% to the Physical Crit Damage Dexterity (DEX) 1 point = +1 to Physical Damage formula 1 point = +1.5 to the Physical Crit Chance formula 25 point = + 1% to the Physical Crit Damage 25 points = + 1% Attack Accuracy Agility (AGI) 1 point = +0.5 to Physical Mitigation formula 25 points = + 1% Evade Chance 1 point above the HALF player's level = + (10% / level) Attack Speed 1 point above the player's level = + (5% / level) Magic Attack Speed Endurance (END), Intelligence (INT) and Wisdom (WIS) unchanged Therefore, this strategy would be based on a large Dexterity and Agility statistics and would not count on much Strength contribution. Being a technique of very fast hits, being able to perform multiple actions before the adversaries come to cause many problems. The armament would be divided into 2 large branches: The Bows: These would not add up in Burden and Interference. and the improvements of suffixes and prefixes in the Bows could share some inerent to the Staff, unlike the other branch, would include the increase in attack speed, The possibility of imbuing the arrows with magic to cause Elemental damage with them side effects that Elemental magic (With an extremely low cost of mana for each attack if you have these, The Bows that have this "Suffix / Prefix / Ability" that allow this type of Elemental damage with effect, when consuming They will also contribute in the Elementary Proficiency.) etc. It is better to wear light armor or clothes instead of heavy armor. The Crossbows: These instead are heavier and bulky weapons, but more advanced, having Burden and Interference close to 10. But as an advantage they perform a zone damage or throw several at 1 enemy, I mean they can shoot multiple arrows at a group of enemies . (Damage to 3 enemies, the 2 enemies near the center are less precise, being half the accuracy of the center shot.) Or a burst of 2-3 arrows to one alone. They do not perform elemental damage or raise the attack speed, they also reduce the speed bonuses provided by the armor. They could have a higher precision and damage base than the Bows, besides that unlike these it is advisable to use heavy armor. If you see as a disadvantage the fact that you do not imbue magic to the Arrows you could let them also have that possibility in the "Prefixes / Suffixes / Ability" as in the Bows, with the difference that they cover the cycle of Divine-Forbidden- Narure and with a higher mana cost, or with an infimo cost of Spirit / Overcharge in addition to mana, to differentiate them even more. Both branches can have by prefix / suffix the possibility of incorporating a type of paralyzing poison in their arrows, in which this performs a "Paralysis / Stuned / Confuse" to the opponent preventing him from performing actions for a few turns, helping him in the little resistance that would have this strategy. A 3rd type of large branch in this type of weapons at distances that could have been Boomerang: that this can hit up to 2 times, once when it is launched, and another at the end of the turn (If you are very fast you can throw more than 1 before they come back). Being the 2nd hit that is made for more than fails the 1st time and that half of the time hit the same adversary, being the other times a random enemy. This would not have elemental damage, but it could have the possibility of empty damage thanks to the prefixes, or as the boomerang returns to the user, it could have a prefix / suffix that transfers part of the damage caused as life to the user when it returns. The special actions of this new technique could be 2: 100 Proficency Cost 75 Overcharge: An accurate "Void" type hit that never fails, causes "Armor Penetration" and "Stuned" for 5 turns. Cooling: 10 turns. 250 Proficency Cost 125 Overcharge: 6 Arrows are thrown to the opponents at random (Maximum 2 hits per opponent), It will be critical in the Adversaries with "Penetration of armor". Cooling: 10 turns. This strategy would look a bit like "Dual wield", that is, you have to take advantage of eliminating the enemy very quickly to compensate for the lack of defensive capacity. But maintaining differences with this since a branch could imbue magic to cause elemental damage. - - - - - - Another thing that I propose would be to add 2 types of magic damage: Earth: Enter the elemental magics, therefore contribute in that Proficiency, add an additional type in the Ability that improves the Protection and also affect the cycle of elemental magic in which increase the damage that is caused if it is active a previous elementary effect, modifying that instead of 1 type of damage which activates it, are two making it more dynamic: Effect of Wind enhances the damage of Earth and Lightning type magic. Earth Effect enhances the damage of Lightning and Fire type magic. Lightning effect enhances the damage of Fire and Cold type magic. Fire effect enhances the damage of the Cold and Wind type magic. Effect of Cold power the damage of Wind and Earth type magic. This type, would have as secondary effect that the affected Monster Gain Mana and Spirit with half normal speed (Or do not win while this effect is active) - Nature: This would be a new type of magic that would have its own Proficiency with its own name, and would be incorporated in the Divine and Forbidden cycle, modifying it in the following way: Divine Power damages caused by the Nature type. Forbidden Power damages caused by the Divine type. Nature Potentiates damage caused by the Forbidden type. And as a "Secondary effect" of this type of magic it could be that the New negative effects obtained by the affected enemy During this "new secondary effect", the duration of these is increased by 50%. (or that increases 50% of the effect of these while this "new side effect" lasts, not affecting Stuned and possibly not Sleep in this way since it does not extend the duration but in so far as it affects.) -------------------------------------------------------------- PD: Sorry if you do not understand well somewhere, it's because of Google translator because I'm not very good at English. I hope that this time something similar will not happen as in my previous suggestion, causing a bad injury that destroys the suggestion prematurely.
Jul 24 2018, 07:14
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buff title godslayer 10% damage 3% evade to 25% damage 0% evade seriously why need 3% evade
Jul 24 2018, 08:11
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If the godslayer title were to be buffed then it should have more evade and damage but not 0% evade.
This post has been edited by PersonaFan08: Jul 24 2018, 08:30
Jul 27 2018, 19:08
Group: Catgirl Camarilla
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can we have a new hath perk "exrtra tough arena's", which adds 1 monster to all rounds of the arena's?
Jul 27 2018, 20:29
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QUOTE(DJNoni @ Jul 27 2018, 10:08)  can we have a new hath perk "exrtra tough arena's", which adds 1 monster to all rounds of the arena's?
You spelled the word " extra" wrong and why should this be a hath perk at all?
Jul 27 2018, 23:04
Group: Catgirl Camarilla
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QUOTE(PersonaFan08 @ Jul 27 2018, 20:29)  You spelled the word " extra" wrong and why should this be a hath perk at all?
yeah I meant extra Because, this would make the arena's less boring if you're at lv 500.
Jul 28 2018, 00:13
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QUOTE(DJNoni @ Jul 27 2018, 14:04) 
Because, this would make the arena's less boring if you're at lv 500.
That's fine to make arena less boring for level 500 people but why should tenboro make a hath perk for that suggestion when he can just literally add more monsters per round for the arena
Jul 28 2018, 01:30
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If you want to make the game harder, just drop some parts of your armor, don't use innate arcanas, remove healing and regen from your quickbar, donate all your healing items to low level players... No need for a hath perk. Oh, and probably the best idea to make the game "less boring": No Monsterbation anymore (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/tongue.gif).
Jul 28 2018, 02:04
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QUOTE(DJNoni @ Jul 27 2018, 23:04)  yeah I meant extra
Because, this would make the arena's less boring if you're at lv 500.
Well, he could add new arenas for higher levels instead, or at least one which could only be accesed by level 500 players.
Jul 28 2018, 02:55
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QUOTE(Nicosai @ Jul 27 2018, 16:30)  If you want to make the game harder, just drop some parts of your armor, don't use innate arcanas, remove healing and regen from your quickbar, donate all your healing items to low level players... No need for a hath perk. Oh, and probably the best idea to make the game "less boring": No Monsterbation anymore (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/tongue.gif). I believe they want more drop chance per round.
Jul 28 2018, 07:34
Group: Catgirl Camarilla
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QUOTE(Dead-ed @ Jul 28 2018, 02:55)  I believe they want more drop chance per round.
Jul 29 2018, 18:03
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Hello, I come back with more suggestions / suggestions, I hope you like it ... If something is not well understood, it must be because Google translator is not perfect XD
If in the future they expand the objects that can be equipped with jewelry / ornaments / accessories / others or something like that (where this would include rings, necklaces, belts, bracelets, bracelets and even knuckles or quiver, it would not contribute growth in Proficiency nor in the Lottery, would only provide useful bonus to the character.), I could add it thanks to the system "Hach Perk" by one of these 2 possibilities:
-Only you can put 1 of these new types of Objects to the character for free or for the unlock in ability, and by action of the "Hach Perk" you can get to expand that maximum capacity to 2 or even 3.
- Without investment in "Hach Perk" you can not use / unlock that slot for that new type of equipment, having to use this for 1, and maybe even 2 slots. Being this way if someone does not put real money or does not spend a time to collect the necessary amount will not be able to use all types of available equipment, being only a special bonus to facilitate the combats or even increase the Drop in them through the use of this.
Being either of the two options, you could also expand even more the "Hach Perk" by limiting this type of slot a bit without the acquisition of another type of improvement, since not all types of objects that enter into this new equipment could be equipped initially (does not prevent it from being Drop or that can be obtained otherwise, only this condition will be added for a small fraction of this type of equipment), since to be able to cover 2 or 3 types within the possibility of use in that equipment slot you have to buy "Hach Perk" the possibility of expanding the versatility of the character's equipment in that special slot (These would be something more specific and could be considered something better than the rest of the team that would cover this new type of equipment: knuckles, that would serve to increase the physical attack and the Critical, especially to those who use two weapons and without weapons/disarmed, bracelets, that will provide Defense and increase in the blockade, but they contribute some interference and burden, and collars that would provide as much magic resistance as to enhance or cheapen the use of this, being more for use with clothes)
You could also modify the system of "Lottery" to reduce a little that always win the usual and at the same time encourage some players to participate, not much unfortunately but at least it could serve for a slightly larger variety of winners:
---- Add the maximum winners to 10, modifying the prizes as follows:
1st Prize: The Weapon / Armor Peerless Souled
2nd Prize: Base: One (Or Two in certain festivities / events or in case more than 250 Golden Lottery Tikets have been used.) Equipement Aleatory and Quality Aleatory (Superior or Better, tradeable and Not Souled.) and + 1 Golden Lottery Ticket; and 1 additional Golden Lottery Ticket for every 50000 tickets purchased. Capacity Max: 10 Golden Lottery Tickets.
3rd Prize: Base: 1 Golden Lottery Ticket; and 1 additional Golden Lottery Ticket for every 100,000 tickets purchased. Capacity Max: 5 Golden Lottery Tickets.
4th to 5th Prize: Base: 1 Caffeinated Candie; and 1 additional Caffeinated Candie for every 20,000 tickets purchased. Capacity Max: 25 Caffeinated Candies.
6th to 8th Prize: Base: 1 Chaos Token; and 1 extra Chaos Token for every 1000 tickets purchased. Capacity Max: 250 Chaos Tokens.
9th to 10th Consolation Prize: Base: 1 kGP or 50kGP if more than 100 Golden Lottery Tikets were used; and an additional 1 kGP for every 2000 tickets purchased. Capacity Max: 100 kGP.
---- Add the Nexts restrictions:
-If a user won the 1st prize, during the next draw (Or the 2 Nexts Draws) in that type of Lottery (Weapon or Armor) their tickets will be automatically excluded from 1st place. (Participating only from 2nd to 10th place.)
-If a user won a prize 3 times in a period of 7 days, he will not be able to participate in that type of Lottery in the following 2 draws.
These limitations to a user in the lottery will only affect one of the modalities in which he carries those accumulations of victories, being difficult, but not impossible, that a player can not participate simultaneously in both, not restricting it too much. Also this will try to have to choose with greater wisdom when participating for the 1st prize because if you win this for something not so desired, and then something appears that if it is interesting the player will regret, same case in case of already having won some prize in the week, being that the same player risk or not to win and therefore not be able to participate in any lottery dreamed. In addition, the increase to 10 winners (8 since the consolation prize almost does not count, is like a refund.) Allows greater players to get some prize, being with the slight restrictions, it will surely get a slight variety among the players who win in The Lottery as well as a major incentive to those who do not participate as often to find less less frequently than the frequent winners are a very small group.
Maybe it would be a good idea in the experience bar within combat, the possibility of incorporating a way of knowing if defeating in that round the adversary monsters if it will pass or not level, being for example shown in a change of color to the experience bar, a blinking of this, or an additional and superimposed bar, of a different tonality that indicates approximately how much our experience would advance in case of winning in that round.
This could not serve to facilitate a player if they are about to advance level, being this perhaps useful to save some mana or overcharge as you can think to spend it just past the level for the realization of one time of each type of different magic so that you advance your proficiency level, or simply as an interesting fact.
This could be enabled or disabled in options, and could even be only available if it is unlocked in "Hach Perk", obviously at a very low price because of how little it would affect.
Also it could be included in "Hach Perk" a way to enable in options a translation of the game into Spanish / Chinese / Japanese, etc. or even a modification of the conventional appearance of the HentaiVerse page, for example, changing the base color of the menus of this.
Increase the cost of sending a message within the game to 50 credits (or 100 credits), 10 credits is really insignificant even for a new player, it will still be almost negligible the cost, but it will be somewhat more attractive option to be able to make shipments Free on "Hach Perk"
Increase the maximum proficiency of 1.2 to 1.25 compared to the level of the player, being at the maximum level that would reach 625 without "Hach Perk" or equipment bonus, 25 more. This would possibly facilitate in the future, in the case of being necessary for the expansion of skills and Maximum level being possible to increase this to 800 or 1000 leaving levels of proficiency quite round. (being 1000 0 1250 the maximum of Proficiency)
Now, with what you discussed before my message, I agree that there should be The arena, ring of Blod or a new special modality for players of higher levels, it is rare to see that you can reach level 500 but there has not been any zone of combat after level 300, or a new exclusive titles for the maximum level or even some way to increase the monsters that appear per round (or bonus secret passages like Semi-Chiefs with Treasures in the middle of each level of The Arena only accessible for X level or higher) in the previous sands reached a certain level, as it does not show new challenges or something different after climbing so many levels.
This post has been edited by -EZE-: Jul 29 2018, 18:18
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