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> [Suggestion] A few requests, Can we has...

post Nov 12 2017, 15:21
Post #13621

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QUOTE(skillchip @ Oct 21 2017, 17:04) *

Infusing weapons with the temp buffs by using the temp buff items and some catalyst making the bonus permanent (must be done multiple times to get to 100%)

at leasts make it last longers or has battle based durations

15 minutes is more than half a DwD to some and just a few dozen rounds to others with bad internets ☆o(><;)○

it is not like someone with ultra-fast t/s is going to benefit too much either as infusion isn't that expendings (⌒_⌒; )
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post Nov 12 2017, 21:16
Post #13622

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QUOTE(Tsugumi Komachi @ Oct 8 2017, 04:44) *

Hope that we could have more new hath perks, and some other ways to consume materials.

I think I have a new idea for a HatH perk. (note 1 below)

Give FoS a sub perk costing 50k or so named "Snowflake's Workshop"
Snowflake's workshop does nothing more than open the availability of the sub-perks.

Then give Snowflake's workshop (7) sub perks costing 10k to 70k named "Tenbrony's Custom Service I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII"
(Or Tenboro... I got the Tenbrony from a post he made)

When a TCS sub perk is reached, that member PMs 10B, and makes his request for an equipment of "prefix/type/suffix.

(This manual part will eliminate the need for excessive programming, while still not causing too much work on the boss.) (Or... he can delegate to the mods)

10B then MMs the member back an equipment called "Snowflake's Prefix Type of Suffix"
A piece of equipment named "Snowflake's" will have 120% the stats of a perfect Legendary.

Total cost for 7 pieces of equipment will be an astronomical 330,000 HatH.

The Camirillas will be in a constant state of hoarding HatH, raising the price of HatH, giving non Camirillas a better market to sell their HatH.
This may cause a small bit of inflation, but capitalism is based on inflation! Everyone wins!!

note 1 -> I did not read the entire thread to see if this idea has been presented before.
My Doctor is in jail for writing me false prescriptions for Ritalin, and I ran out.

I hired my gardener to do it for me, but this is taking much longer than expected.
He cannot speak English.

This post has been edited by RoadShoe: Nov 12 2017, 21:29
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post Nov 17 2017, 06:33
Post #13623

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About the staff abilities tree, is there any reason why the melee staff (staff monk in other RPG) hasn't been implemented yet, despite there're already abilities that support that fighting style?

If possible, i want to suggest (or bring up again) the ideas of Melee Staff which will be listed in 2H:
- Having melee based PAB with high chance of Wisdom appearing (not just limited to Arcanist suffix)
- Have AAB, attack crit, etc and melee type suffixes.
- Attack multiple targets similar to 2H.
- Weapon skills: elemental/holy/dark based attack with high chance of inflicting status effects of the same element (higher than using spell). Scale off both attack damage and magic damage instead of being similar to elemental weapon.

And remove the stacking restriction on Arcane Focus and Heartseeker. This restriction seems unreasonable.

Edit: just rechecked the wiki, it seems like Arcane Blow (aka Staff Normal Attack) is already scale of both ADB and MDB. So the only thing missing would be melee based staff weapon and more staff weapon skills.

This post has been edited by UnknowDestroyer: Nov 17 2017, 17:53
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post Nov 20 2017, 07:12
Post #13624

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i have brought this up before, but this minor bug still persists: when monsters are affected by six or more status effects, the sixth icon appears below the others outside the monster's box. this can be fixed by changing the width parameter of btm6 class elements from 190px to 195px

note that if you're running monsterbation you will not encounter this bug since the script adds css to fix it (and has been doing so from before its inception)

and while i'm here i'd like to bring up two more thoughts, mainly to see if they have come up before:

a hath sink that would add convenience and have a tangible ROI: extend the duration of consumables, could be a tiered set of perks ranging from +25% to +100%

one way to reduce the 1H/other and slaughter/balance imbalances would be to have critical strikes generate more overcharge
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post Nov 21 2017, 01:33
Post #13625

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Could we have something that makes Spirit Channeling last longer when we toggle it?
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post Nov 28 2017, 00:02
Post #13626

Hataraku Noni-sama
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May I suggest a change to the Item World?

Problem is that the perfect combination of potencies is so important in mage - you can't play PFFest without it. And getting pen5 spel4 is just too hard to get right. Chance is too low. I mean, I like a good grind like the next fellow, but this is insane! Even for my taste.

Solution: Change behaviour of Amnesia Shards
Amnesia shards reset only the last gained potency.
So if you have pen4 spel4 and get eco1, you can reforge eco1 away while keeping pen4 spel4

Concequence: Amnesia's could get too cheap
This could make IW too easy. But that can be solved too

counter measure against that consequence: higher levels cost more to remove
  • Reset from IW1 to 0: 1 shard
  • reset from IW2 to 1: 2 shards
  • reset from IW 3 to 2: 3 shards
  • ...
  • Reset from IW 10 to 9: 10 shards.
So if you'd want to refore, let's say pen4 spel4 eco1, that would cost you 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10 = 55 shards. At current prices that's 880k

Alternative solution: IW one potency slot at a time
You can only get 1 potency until it reaches 5, then you have a chance for a 2nd potency. This makes IW 5+4 still very hard, but significantly less madness.
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post Nov 28 2017, 00:44
Post #13627

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QUOTE(DJNoni @ Nov 27 2017, 23:02) *

Problem is that the perfect combination of potencies is so important in mage

it's not like it's useless for melees either...


btw, i suggest a revamp of FRD skill. currently only a couple of styles can take advantage of it, and only if you spend a fair amount of time/credits to find the proper IW/gears. basically, only if certain requirements are met.
the idea of stunning all enemies on the field is nice, but there's room for improvement imo. for example (yes, i know some of them won't happen, but asking doesn't hurt):
1 - giving Dovahkiin the benefits from Godslayer title (for how OP it may seem, it wouldn't even boost FRD so much)
2 - boosting its damage a (tad) bit
3 - boosting Stun proc duration
4 - assigning a second proc, like PA. or an exceptional BW stack, (way) higher than 5x. this would also make 2H style a bit less crappy in the process, btw

1 and 2 would give users something to evaluate on general while deciding between Godslayer and Dovahkiin, while 3 and 4 would make FRD-based styles less strict.
note that for now the way to proficiently use it is 2H/Niten, but only if you can reach ~30 speed - which is quite the high value. this means a particular IW and often some Agile armors on top of it. not sure FRD + Power armor is actually viable, btw.

This post has been edited by Scremaz: Nov 28 2017, 01:08
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post Nov 28 2017, 03:11
Post #13628
Basara Nekki

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QUOTE(DJNoni @ Nov 27 2017, 20:02) *

Solution: Change behaviour of Amnesia Shards
Amnesia shards reset only the last gained potency.
So if you have pen4 spel4 and get eco1, you can reforge eco1 away while keeping pen4 spel4

How about creating the Dark Descent II perk for this purpose? 3,000 or 4,000 Hath would be fair?
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post Nov 28 2017, 14:21
Post #13629
Juggernaut Santa

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...(IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/heh.gif)
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post Nov 28 2017, 15:02
Post #13630

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QUOTE(Scremaz @ Nov 27 2017, 20:44) *

1 - giving Dovahkiin the benefits from Godslayer title (for how OP it may seem, it wouldn't even boost FRD so much)

Not OPs at all if give lower ratings like 5% damage ヽ(*・ω・)ノ

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post Nov 28 2017, 15:13
Post #13631

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QUOTE(reality_marble @ Nov 28 2017, 14:02) *

Not OPs at all if give lower ratings like 5% damage ヽ(*・ω・)ノ

yes, i thought about something like that as well. possibly combining it with either 3 or 4, and then Dovahkiin title may have a sense. it may even be worth to wait until lv350 or 400 to unlock it.
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post Nov 28 2017, 15:50
Post #13632

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QUOTE(DJNoni @ Nov 27 2017, 23:02) *

May I suggest a change to the Item World?

Does HV tracks the order in which the potencies are unlocked?
If not what you're asking is impossible anyway, even without consider how much easier IW would be.
I think it would be partly acceptable only if, for every potency, you had the same chance of unlocking another random potency.

The second solution prevents IW with three potencies so I would say it's not ok since it restricts the result way too much.

I would propose a third solution aka first option with a spin.
For every IW you can either reforge the item (same as now) or spend 2 shards (1 with Dark Descend) and remove 1 single random potency.

QUOTE(Scremaz @ Nov 27 2017, 23:44) *

1 - giving Dovahkiin the benefits from Godslayer title (for how OP it may seem, it wouldn't even boost FRD so much)
2 - boosting its damage a (tad) bit
3 - boosting Stun proc duration
4 - assigning a second proc, like PA. or an exceptional BW stack, (way) higher than 5x. this would also make 2H style a bit less crappy in the process, btw

1) Just remove Dovahkiin then and simply unlock the skill instead of the display title, it does seem a complete rework to me (I'm okay with it btw)
2) Sounds ok
3) It's already bad that you can permastun, giving permastun to every melee style doesn't seem like a good idea, it trivializes the game
4) PA -> no, it would make Longsword FRD an unkillable melee mage
BW -> no, it would make FRD only usable with Estoc since longsword and katana procs would be made useless
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post Nov 28 2017, 15:58
Post #13633

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QUOTE(Sapo84 @ Nov 28 2017, 14:50) *

1) Just remove Dovahkiin then and simply unlock the skill instead of the display title, it does seem a complete rework to me (I'm okay with it btw)

no, why? personally i'm ok with the "pick A with pros and cons or pick B with pros and cons". also, i'm pretty sure it still won't give that big of a reason to FRD in this ADB-centric market/meta, i listed only because somepony would've surely suggested it.

QUOTE(Sapo84 @ Nov 28 2017, 14:50) *

3) It's already bad that you can permastun, giving permastun to every melee style doesn't seem like a good idea, it trivializes the game

pretty much like Imperil 2 > Imperil 5 > Imperil 8 > T3 > T2 > T1? :3

and permastun as long as you have 30% speed. it's not that immediate of a thing. you need certain IW, certain gear and certain stats. there's a certain build to realize, like non-Imperil mage (obviously way cheaper)

QUOTE(Sapo84 @ Nov 28 2017, 14:50) *

4) PA -> no, it would make Longsword FRD an unkillable melee mage
BW -> no, it would make FRD only usable with Estoc since longsword and katana procs would be made useless

both them. i'm fine with it, so everyone may use whatever weapon they want :3
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post Nov 28 2017, 15:59
Post #13634

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QUOTE(DJNoni @ Nov 27 2017, 14:02) *

May I suggest a change to the Item World?

Problem is that the perfect combination of potencies is so important in mage - you can't play PFFest without it. And getting pen5 spel4 is just too hard to get right. Chance is too low. I mean, I like a good grind like the next fellow, but this is insane! Even for my taste.

Solution: Change behaviour of Amnesia Shards
Amnesia shards reset only the last gained potency.
So if you have pen4 spel4 and get eco1, you can reforge eco1 away while keeping pen4 spel4

Concequence: Amnesia's could get too cheap
This could make IW too easy. But that can be solved too

counter measure against that consequence: higher levels cost more to remove
  • Reset from IW1 to 0: 1 shard
  • reset from IW2 to 1: 2 shards
  • reset from IW 3 to 2: 3 shards
  • ...
  • Reset from IW 10 to 9: 10 shards.
So if you'd want to refore, let's say pen4 spel4 eco1, that would cost you 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10 = 55 shards. At current prices that's 880k

Alternative solution: IW one potency slot at a time
You can only get 1 potency until it reaches 5, then you have a chance for a 2nd potency. This makes IW 5+4 still very hard, but significantly less madness.

Plus infinity.

Present way: Work fingers to bone.
Usual result: Bony fingers pointing at Eco1
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post Nov 28 2017, 16:03
Post #13635

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just for you guys to know, a few days ago on IRC admin said he isn't satisfied about how IW works either, but it'll have to wait.

sadly i was afk and i read it only by the logs, so no clue about what he actually meant - except for the fact that he actually plans to change it soon ™.
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post Nov 28 2017, 16:08
Post #13636

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QUOTE(Scremaz @ Nov 28 2017, 06:03) *

just for you guys to know, a few days ago on IRC admin said he isn't satisfied about how IW works either, but it'll have to wait.

sadly i was afk and i read it only by the logs, so no clue about what he actually meant - except for the fact that he actually plans to change it soon ™.

Me like. ™
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post Dec 6 2017, 11:44
Post #13637

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Could we get a better Vampire/Illithid/Banshee effect?

For Vampire, something along the line of Drain skill, change the damage to 10% player's max hp (Peerless) and heal the player for half the % of base HP.

For Illithid & Banshee, increase the maximum chance to 35%, regen effect double, the effect will directly damage the enemy MP/SP bar by a % of your base damage.

If the healing/damage % of it is too high, we could nerf it down a bit and allow it to be effected by Better Drain multiplier (after the Drain spell & abilities get revamped if it ever get one of course).


I'm still not sure about allowing 2H to proc these effects on each individual enemy, so just put this idea down.
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post Dec 7 2017, 04:30
Post #13638

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(◕‿◕) buff stuff like vampier would be nice inded
has lots of prefix but only few useful
more option = more fun ٩(◕‿◕。)۶

QUOTE(DJNoni @ Nov 27 2017, 20:02) *

Alternative solution: IW one potency slot at a time
You can only get 1 potency until it reaches 5, then you have a chance for a 2nd potency. This makes IW 5+4 still very hard, but significantly less madness.

noice ....φ(・∀・*) optionings that isn't very breaking for game, still make kinda hard to get the perfect IW (for pen5spell4 woulds be a 1 in 20 chance of getting it on first try), and would probably? not be a complicateds to mess with compareds to other options suggesteds like reset last potents
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post Dec 7 2017, 04:49
Post #13639

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QUOTE(Scremaz @ Nov 28 2017, 09:03) *
just for you guys to know, a few days ago on IRC admin said he isn't satisfied about how IW works either, but it'll have to wait.

sadly i was afk and i read it only by the logs, so no clue about what he actually meant - except for the fact that he actually plans to change it soon ™.

This is Tenboro we're talking about. You must not look that gift pony in the mouthshotgun barrel. A greater credit sink might be worth being able to choose potencies, though.

Speaking of ponies, I thought the "beating a dead pony" thing when pressing R got changed a long way back? Any way to make it auto-target the top-most living monster after getting a kill, or is that an anti-bot technique?
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post Dec 7 2017, 07:18
Post #13640

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QUOTE(DJNoni @ Nov 28 2017, 00:02) *

Alternative solution: IW one potency slot at a time
You can only get 1 potency until it reaches 5, then you have a chance for a 2nd potency. This makes IW 5+4 still very hard, but significantly less madness.

another simple solution with similar results would be to limit the number of different potencies per item to 2. it would likewise remove some possible results, but i think most people could live without the possibility of 3 different potencies
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