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[Suggestion] A few requests, Can we has... |
Oct 9 2017, 00:55
Group: Gold Star Club
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QUOTE(skillchip @ Oct 8 2017, 10:17)  Cant the store handle more than 50 of each by now?
I believe the issue is more a user side one. A large amount of equips makes the page load annoying slow.
Oct 9 2017, 21:46
Group: Lurkers
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Cant we have a bigger quickbar ?
Oct 10 2017, 09:19
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Since this game has changed over time, I request for players to be allowed to lower their level for fun, testing, and advice purposes. This could be accompanied by various other restrictions to prevent abuse as necessary (no gains, no drops, etc).
Oct 14 2017, 04:58
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Is there a script for gems to show up when attack tab is on? Wiki say nothing ;(
Oct 14 2017, 08:19
Group: Catgirl Camarilla
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QUOTE(lessfull @ Oct 14 2017, 04:58)  Is there a script for gems to show up when attack tab is on? Wiki say nothing ;(
yes, there is. MonsterbationTip: you can find answers faster and easier at the HV-chat subforum.
Oct 15 2017, 09:44
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Since the matter of Spirit Stance has recently been brought up in another forum post, I would think, since overcharge is now at a minimum of 25% to maintain it, that the simplest approach would be to raise the max overcharge gained per attack of any sort to 25%. Just my take on the matter.
Oct 20 2017, 20:36
Group: Gold Star Club
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I previously suggested implementing the use of soul fragments in the forge in a new "Gacha Roll", where you could reroll all stats in a piece of soulfused equipment.
This is a similar suggestion.
On a soulfused AND IW10 maxed equipment, it becomes possible to enter the equipment again by spending a certain amount of soul fragments.
Upon finishing the IW run, the player has a chance to get an increase in a random attribute, like +0.01 STR or +0.02 AGI, and it keeps up until the max number for the equipment piece.
The system would work like proficiency, where the max attribute, the harder the chance to get it, so you might go through runs where you don't get any increase, as well as an increase in an attribute you weren't aiming for.
Like this, if the player enters a magnificent equipment and keeps doing IWs forever, the max number of the attributes can reach is the M max, and likewise, if it's a Legendary equipment, the max out be a perfect L grade.
Then there could be Hath Perks to go along with this, raising the amount of attribute gained from each run, like x2 and x4, or just raising the cap, like +0.05 or +0.07, up to +0.1 or the like.
As I'm already asking for free stuff, could the three dragons in the last SG arena drop a trohpy like the other gods?
The fight with them it's way too easy, not even requiring an order to kill like the three godesses and the tree, where you need to kill the tree first or it will keep healing the other three continuously.
So, the dragons could also possibly come with a dragon egg/stone, or maybe a random dragon ball that gives them a certain powerup, and when killed/destroyed, makes them go into a frenzy.
The drop could be something like a reverse scale or the damaged/broken dragon egg/stone, with similar value to a Black T-Shirt or Unicorn Horn.
Oct 20 2017, 21:09
Group: Gold Star Club
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QUOTE(Kinights @ Oct 20 2017, 20:36)  On a soulfused AND IW10 maxed equipment, it becomes possible to enter the equipment again by spending a certain amount of soul fragments.
Upon finishing the IW run, the player has a chance to get an increase in a random attribute, like +0.01 STR or +0.02 AGI, and it keeps up until the max number for the equipment piece.
at this point, just reinstate the chance of unlocking PABs: http://hentaiverse.org/equip/12497175/1daa1820bdat the end of an already cleared IW.
Oct 21 2017, 21:04
Group: Catgirl Camarilla
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Infusing weapons with the temp buffs by using the temp buff items and some catalyst making the bonus permanent (must be done multiple times to get to 100%)
Oct 22 2017, 18:15
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Sprite animations or something to make it more visually interesting while holding down numpad keys
Oct 24 2017, 02:05
Group: Catgirl Camarilla
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QUOTE(ftff5log @ Oct 22 2017, 06:15)  Sprite animations or something to make it more visually interesting while holding down numpad keys
We've asked for little avatars next to our monsters before but it takes up too much bandwidth. The game is slow enough as it is. I wish we could have little avatars for them. (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/sad.gif) You can get a script for HV backgrounds. But I think they only have Hong Meiling because she's everyone's wife/waifu. And don't hold down keys, get the Monsterbation hover script! It's so much better.
Oct 24 2017, 17:01
Group: Catgirl Camarilla
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we should have VR already! Everyone would be pleased to fight the sperm whale (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/unsure.gif)
Oct 29 2017, 21:00
Group: Gold Star Club
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Make Mooglemail COD work so that you enter the price per item and it works out the total based on the quantity attached. So you could attach 5 Crystallized Phazon and enter 190000c for the item price, then 10 High-Grade Cloth and enter 17000c for the item price, and it would work out the total COD as 1,120,000c. To allow the buyer to easily verify the price is correct, you could then display an itemised listing: 5x Crystallized Phazon @ 190,000c 61x High-Grade Cloth @ 17,000c Total: 1,120,000 This would reduce mistakes when setting the COD, and would allow buyers to easily confirm the correct price has been set for the COD. Also, can we have a feature were we can get back things we dumped in the bazaar when we rage quit, because I'm really regretting selling those 1800 Energy Drinks. They'd be worth 180million now and I'd be well on my way to upgrading Perrine. As it is I've only managed to save 56million (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/cry.gif) And nobody's buying Bindings of Slaughter (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/mad.gif)
Oct 29 2017, 22:42
Group: Gold Star Club
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QUOTE(TheTornPrince @ Oct 29 2017, 20:00)  Make Mooglemail COD work so that you enter the price per item and it works out the total based on the quantity attached.
So you could attach 5 Crystallized Phazon and enter 190000c for the item price, then 10 High-Grade Cloth and enter 17000c for the item price, and it would work out the total COD as 1,120,000c.
To allow the buyer to easily verify the price is correct, you could then display an itemised listing:
5x Crystallized Phazon @ 190,000c 61x High-Grade Cloth @ 17,000c Total: 1,120,000
This would reduce mistakes when setting the COD, and would allow buyers to easily confirm the correct price has been set for the COD.
this feature is already provided by HV Toolbox. set a COD for a certain amount of items, and it will automatically fetch the total.
Nov 11 2017, 23:27
Group: Gold Star Club
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I want to change the class of monsters.
It will be nice if no cost, but I'm willing to pay some chaos tokens.
A proper amount is... 1/10 of PL?
Nov 11 2017, 23:34
Group: Catgirl Camarilla
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QUOTE(sssss2 @ Nov 11 2017, 11:27)  I want to change the class of monsters.
That would be great and I mentioned it somewhere a long time ago. You can change their names but not their class which is problematic. EDIT Since we're on the subject, do renamed monsters have any kind of hindrances compared to newly made monsters? Seems the renamed ones don't perform as well, or that's been my experience with them. This post has been edited by Sesshomaru Moon: Nov 11 2017, 23:39
Nov 12 2017, 00:28
Group: Gold Star Club
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Renaming has no impact on performance.
Nov 12 2017, 00:51
Group: Catgirl Camarilla
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QUOTE(Maximum_Joe @ Nov 11 2017, 12:28)  Renaming has no impact on performance.
All right. The one I was concerned about is just being a bitch, then.
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