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[Suggestion] A few requests, Can we has... |
Sep 1 2017, 08:41
Group: Gold Star Club
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Probably doesn't effect me yet as I have yet to obtain the level required and the very title itself, but I just had an idea for an improvement of the title. There should be a hidden stat for the number of dragons killed while using said title that goes into increasing the strength of the Fusrodah skill and perhaps other shouts. That would be nice. What other things do you think would improve the title even more and make it more interactive and fun.
Sep 1 2017, 08:48
Group: Catgirl Camarilla
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HentaiVerse System DiscussionAnd to answer your matter: isn't the skill enough by itself? Not to mention how powerless the goddesses already are. This post has been edited by decondelite: Sep 1 2017, 08:49
Sep 1 2017, 08:48
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Sep 1 2017, 10:00
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QUOTE(lygarx @ Sep 1 2017, 07:41)  Probably doesn't effect me yet as I have yet to obtain the level required and the very title itself, but I just had an idea for an improvement of the title. There should be a hidden stat for the number of dragons killed while using said title that goes into increasing the strength of the Fusrodah skill and perhaps other shouts. That would be nice. What other things do you think would improve the title even more and make it more interactive and fun.
Post moved from the thread this was originally in to this one(incase the replies above no longer make sense).
Sep 4 2017, 23:17
Group: Catgirl Camarilla
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Could we get gains, even if it's 0.001 like prof, for IWing partially?
Sep 5 2017, 00:26
Juggernaut Santa
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QUOTE(uareader @ Sep 4 2017, 23:17)  Could we get gains, even if it's 0.001 like prof, for IWing partially?
That would defy the purpose of completing a run. If you're talking about gains outside the pxp, you get all of them already (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/heh.gif)
Sep 8 2017, 04:47
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Tenboro sir can you please remove the cooldown of potions and elixirs, or at least just the health potion it will really help me beacause my speed is only 1t/s or even slower and other poor players who cant afford blazing fast internet , and my eye is very sore from playing so would you please...
and yes im using alt.hv and its 0.xxx - 1.3t/s please thank you
Sep 8 2017, 10:58
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i really doubt it's possible. it's there to prevent abuses, you know. if you have to cure too much, maybe you're playing at a too high difficulty...
Sep 9 2017, 18:39
Juggernaut Santa
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I already suggested this elsewhere, but now is probably the right time to do so, since Daemon Duality got buffed to have more hath sinks, and Hoarder was created.
Hath Perks for a difficulty multiplier higher than x20.
Something like:
1st perk - 2000-ish hath, increases slightly all the difficulties above normal (like hard 2->3, nightmare 4->6, hell 7->10, nintendo 10->12/15), makes IWBTH x20, raises PFUDOR to x22
2nd perk - 3000-ish hath, pfudor x24
3rd perk - 4000-ish hath, pfudor x26
4th perk - 6000-ish hath, pfudor x28
5th perk - 10k hath, pfudor x30
Sep 10 2017, 06:35
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I'm just curious if anyone has ever asked for a multiplayer VS mode? Would be hilarious to see a level 500 guy crushing down a mob of lower level players. We kind of have that already with the monster lab but still... (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif) Or maybe a short replay system where you can watch how did your monster manage to kill a player... (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/tongue.gif)
Sep 10 2017, 06:44
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QUOTE(BlueWaterSplash @ Sep 10 2017, 00:35)  I'm just curious if anyone has ever asked for a multiplayer VS mode?
No. No one has ever had such an obscure and highly controversial idea. You're da first.
Sep 10 2017, 17:49
Group: Catgirl Camarilla
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QUOTE(Maximum_Joe @ Sep 10 2017, 04:44)  No. No one has ever had such an obscure and highly controversial idea. You're da first.
OMG Someone finally found a way to portray sarcasm on the internet
Sep 12 2017, 14:02
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Request: The ability to name a monster's skills before they are unlocked.
Reason: Players won't need to write them down somewhere else in case they get a flash of inspiration.
Potential cons: Potential for players to mistakenly think that the skills are already unlocked. *Proposed fix for potential cons: Emphasize the fact that they are yet to be unlocked (e.g. grey them out, etc).
EDIT: Also allowing the use of non-alphanumeric characters would be nice~
This post has been edited by BMXArena: Sep 12 2017, 14:44
Sep 12 2017, 15:01
Juggernaut Santa
Group: Gold Star Club
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QUOTE(BMXArena @ Sep 12 2017, 14:02)  Request: The ability to name a monster's skills before they are unlocked.
Reason: Players won't need to write them down somewhere else in case they get a flash of inspiration.
Potential cons: Potential for players to mistakenly think that the skills are already unlocked. *Proposed fix for potential cons: Emphasize the fact that they are yet to be unlocked (e.g. grey them out, etc).
EDIT: Also allowing the use of non-alphanumeric characters would be nice~
Skill now have preset names if you don't change them.
Sep 12 2017, 17:26
Group: Gold Star Club
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QUOTE(BMXArena @ Sep 12 2017, 14:02)  Request: The ability to name a monster's skills before they are unlocked.
Reason: Players won't need to write them down somewhere else in case they get a flash of inspiration.
(IMG:[ upload.wikimedia.org] https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/ru/thumb/1/13/Windows_Notepad_Icon.png/200px-Windows_Notepad_Icon.png) it's handy, it's lightweight, free, present in every pc. you can use pastebin, your email, your scratchpad here or whatever file storage service to pass infos in that.
Sep 12 2017, 19:29
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QUOTE(skillchip @ Sep 10 2017, 10:49)  OMG
Someone finally found a way to portray sarcasm on the internet
Heh......Joe's a master of internet sarcasm, they've got some of the highest entertainment value on the whole site (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif) (IMG:[ i.imgur.com] https://i.imgur.com/lPaZOj2.gif)
Sep 14 2017, 04:55
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QUOTE(End Of All Hope @ Sep 12 2017, 22:01)  snip Thank you for your valuable input. There seems to be a bit of a logical mismatch, but I will treasure your words nonetheless. QUOTE(Scremaz @ Sep 13 2017, 00:26)  snip Thank you for your most audacious reply. Unfortunately, I am a time traveler and have already countered your response in the "Reason" part of my post.
Sep 14 2017, 11:37
Group: Gold Star Club
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QUOTE(BMXArena @ Sep 14 2017, 04:55)  Thank you for your most audacious reply. Unfortunately, I am a time traveler and have already countered your response in the "Reason" part of my post.
lol. you're welcome. jokes apart, i can assure you that scratchpad in your control panel is quite useful. at times i use it to exchange links between pcs (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif)
Sep 17 2017, 20:22
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Request: Way to reset stat points, maybe some expensive consumable. Most RPG games nowadays have some way of either reallocating on the fly or resetting, even diablo 2 which I never thought I would see. Thanks
Sep 17 2017, 21:06
Group: Gold Star Club
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