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> [Suggestion] A few requests, Can we has...

post Mar 24 2017, 02:09
Post #13441

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QUOTE(cmos @ Mar 23 2017, 20:26) *

Funny how you complain about certain styles requiring a bit more micro management and then propose changes that would increase micro management for all styles by a huge amount. People don't use skills not just because they suck but because the time and attention required to use them would decrease the clear speed considerably. You may like to take it slow, but the majority of people just want to get it over with and get to the reward phase as soon as possible. Let's be honest here, HV doesn't have the most captivating gameplay out there. (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif)

I never really complained about the micromanagement itself, or else there would be no point in suggesting micro management.

All I said during the analysis was that 2H and Niten require more micro-management to be actually playable.

Even considering the use of FUS RO DAH to make it faster, you still have to be awere of the monsters getting off stun to stun them again, not really being able to do something like watch a movie while hovering monsters, which is what most 1H users(including me) does.

I'm quite aware that for a game like HV(which was created to be basically a credit, GP and Hath sink) changes that mess with current METAs and might make the big donors get turned away from playing are sneered upon, and most people usually request things to make the game easier/faster for them, not minding how it can affect the game.

An example to this would be if a DW player suggested adding a buff to Dual Wielding that adds 5% crit chance and 10% crit damage every time an attack is evaded/parried, without giving any reason behind it or backing it up with meaningful arguments, simply saying DW lacks damage compared to 1H.

I made these suggestions thinking about the life expectancy of the game as a focus, as like I said previously, I don't really mind which the best META is, as long as there is a fast and cheap one I can use to play my arenas and get chaos tokens to improve my monsters, which is the main thing that caught my interest when I started playing and made me stick with it since then.

To illustrate my viewpoint, if additions that only improve clear speed happens in the future for example, with a new difficulty being added for bored players every other patch, the situation of the player base might just get worse with time, with more players getting bored, less people buying stars and no new people coming to try the game, as it was basically molded around the end-game players wishes until they got tired of it and left.

Of course, if Tenboro eventually decided to shut down HV because it got to that point, it shouldn't affect the galleries much, as I believe anyone who found HV initially came for porn, and got addicted to the game for some reason, like difficulty, lengthyness, community that does more math than actually play the game or anything else that makes HV be a unique thing, but I know that at least I'll be quite sad watching it go down the drain if it were to ever happen.

Other than that, during my suggestions and counter arguments, I never said the "lazy playstyle" should get completely scrapped.

Removing the limit of OC gained per turn and improving the number of counters for 1H should still make it completely possible to mantain permastance, cast OFC and so on. The only new thing would be that skills become more accessible to everyone, instead of having to use three skills to use Merciful Blow, Shatter Strike or Frenzied Blows.

It wouldn't be ilimited OC of course, and sometimes a player might not get enough counters and OC wouldn't be able to be refilled at the rate of skill usage if they are used on cooldown, including FUS RO DAH and OFC, but if a player want to continue hovering over monsters with permastance on, such a change wouldn't stop them from doing it, probably making it even easier for it to remain at cap all the time if no skills are used.

The main reason for my suggestions is to create a proper base for all styles to work on higher difficulties before new ones are added, so eventually players aren't forced to cast holy spells or do something ridiculous like commented previously to finish arenas, wanting a patch to make the game easier, then wishing the game could be harder later on and repeating the same cycle over and over again.

This post has been edited by Kinights: Mar 24 2017, 02:31
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post Mar 24 2017, 03:15
Post #13442

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QUOTE(Kinights @ Mar 23 2017, 00:20) *

However, if it was doable(never was at that level myself, so no idea about that) and players were simply dissatisfied with the high difficulty and time taken to clear the game, getting the patch with unlimited consumables and then now, two years later, many players being away because the game is too easy, waiting for new things to do or some new difficulties to make the game harder again, then it's simply that people want to change the game to fit their personal tastes instead of letting the game be it's own thing.

I'm leaving because the game it's too easy - No one ever.
Compared to the tens of players that just abandoned HV because they have nothing to do (max forged equipments, profs, lvl 500) I'm really not convinced that the problem is HV being too easy.
Which is actually not since most mage still needs Imperil (with its super-short cast time) to have any chance of clearing PFUDORFest.
HV doesn't need to be easy, boring, difficult, it needs to be the less obnoxious possible, it's a browser game at the end of the day, no one ever asked to micromanage like they are playing Starcraft.

I'm also not convinced that the consumable rework was due to the difficulty being perceived as too high, more like it wasn't really working as intended and the system was too punishing for some styles/modes.
And there were complaints after the change so yeah, it's not like it went from hardverse to easyverse as you're implying.

QUOTE(Kinights @ Mar 23 2017, 00:20) *

Reading 0.82 patch notes thread, people were doing arenas looking for bugs, were linking equipments, suggesting changes/fixes and giving a mountain of feedback, where Tenboro appared from time to time to give answers, but other members were already discussing and answering questions hours after the patch went live.

0.82 only changed one gameplay mechanic (plus a bit of very small changes), consumables, everything else remained the same.
You are proposing deep modifications to each styles, and many of them are connected to each other.
Releasing everything together would be like changing half of HV, it's simply not feasible.
And I'm not sure breaking everything in smaller parches (one for each style) would work.

QUOTE(Kinights @ Mar 23 2017, 00:20) *
Also, I intended my post to be a huge list of suggestions for a melee overhaul, much like the list of suggestions Maximun Joe has, so it's not like I want them all in a single patch, so I apologize if I made it sound like that.

The problem lies in the fact that you want to rework everything and not add suggestions on top of the current system.
Instead of analyzing the current situation, doing some math, coming up with suggestions/value tweaks (if a system is not broken just tweaking attack and defense values should bring a better balance) you presented a KinightsVerse based on posts on Ask the experts.
I honesly think it's not even possible to give an honest opinion on the changes since to give any kind of useful feedback you need a good grasp on how everything works.
I remember that when I said that I felt haste was decreasing the clear speed of 1H many weren't convinced
Ask now and 99% of the players will agree that at high level (350+) 1H does not need haste at all.
So if you rewrite a style from scratch what we have is something that can't be predicted (and since we can't predict we can't comment).
It's not just the numbers of suggestions, it's the magnitude of those.
If you change, for example, the max counters for 1H to 5, remove the stun effect (linking it to weapon proc so effectively turning 1H in 3 different styles) and you remove counter on parry you are basically completely changing the style.
I can't predict how that will turn out and you can't either.
So there is simply no discussion possible on that change because instead of tweaking the style you create three different new styles.
This is not a good way of balancing a game.

QUOTE(Kinights @ Mar 23 2017, 00:20) *

Other than that, even in my broken example, it wouldnt break the game for anyone, as IW weapons would have both a void strike and an elemental one. The only thing that could break is the weapon economy, but that's player driven and can break any time for any reason.

I was under the impression what you were basing the damage on the EDB roll.
So ok, it's just a change that will have no real effect since at low level you either go melee or mage, the players having a bit of both aren't very common.

QUOTE(Kinights @ Mar 23 2017, 00:20) *

My suggestions to weapons are to make meaningful drops meaningful regardless of the kind, so instead of having Tenboro messing around with drop rate increases, which will probably never happen, making weapons more equal is a more reasonable suggestion.

I'm not sure HV was written with that in mind.
If everything is equal getting a perfect equip is much easier, meaning people will get bored of HV sooner.
There shouldn't be enormous difference but weapon/armors tiers should be there.

QUOTE(Kinights @ Mar 23 2017, 00:20) *
It's not uncommon for games to offer benefits to players that spend time in them, like a level 500 being able to soulfuse anything in the game for the base price against me needing 1500 Soul Fragments to souldbind a gear that will give me more benefits.

I don't understand if I'm not being clear or if you're ignoring my point.
I'm not against having to play, I would be not be level 473 otherwise, what I dislike is having to play in a stupid mode (abusing Crude IW is dumb) just because it's the only way to have an optimized character.
It makes no sense and no (good) games require hours of boredom.
If a style need a prof that prof should increase it during normal gameplay (that's why the comparison with FUS RO DAH means you missed the point entirely).
This is true for all the profs except for staff, and people are complaining that grinding staff prof is boring and just a waste of time.

And you suggest that melee players needs elemental and depr prof to optimize the damage/procs?
Do you want people to dislike playing HV?
Let's quote again this piece of wisdom
QUOTE(cmos @ Mar 24 2017, 00:26) *

the majority of people just want to get it over with and get to the reward phase as soon as possible. Let's be honest here, HV doesn't have the most captivating gameplay out there. (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif)

And the optional and you are not forced part is the most nonsensical counter-argument I have ever seen.
Would you insert a turd in a restaurant menu since it's optional and the customers are not forced to eat it?
If you insert something disliked in a game you better have a good reason for doing so, and you have given none.
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post Mar 24 2017, 05:28
Post #13443

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QUOTE(Sapo84 @ Mar 23 2017, 22:15) *

I'm leaving because the game it's too easy - No one ever.
Compared to the tens of players that just abandoned HV because they have nothing to do (max forged equipments, profs, lvl 500) I'm really not convinced that the problem is HV being too easy.
Which is actually not since most mage still needs Imperil (with its super-short cast time) to have any chance of clearing PFUDORFest.
HV doesn't need to be easy, boring, difficult, it needs to be the less obnoxious possible, it's a browser game at the end of the day, no one ever asked to micromanage like they are playing Starcraft.

I didn't mean leave for good.

My intention was to talk about many of the high level players that do some arenas and most of the daily REs and are quite active in the forums, and also some older players that pop up once in a while in the forums, talking a bit and mentioning the wait for the next patch.

While writing the suggestion list, I tried thinking of ways to implement some available actual gameplay(which is a thing people also mentioned wanting to be added) while not messing with the current "lazy playstyles", mainly the case of 1H, as I mentioned when answering Jug Santa, where raising the number of counters and removing the limit of OC per turn would probably make OC remain at cap even easier than it currently is, so people who play daily while doing something else in another screen for example aren't really affected by it, other than being able to choose between three different styles inside 1H, which I'll talk below

I'm also not convinced that the consumable rework was due to the difficulty being perceived as too high, more like it wasn't really working as intended and the system was too punishing for some styles/modes.
And there were complaints after the change so yeah, it's not like it went from hardverse to easyverse as you're implying.

It's true that the game was too punishing according to your previous mentions on how it used to be, but according to you, during those times it was a hellish experience to finish the longest arenas, while today it's still hard to finish a PFUDORfest.

Looking at it this way you can see the drop in difficulty level with people being able to clear PFUDORfests just saying it's hard.

Personaly, saying the game isn't easy would be if finishing the longest arenas was just hard if a player had decent gear, but doing a PFUDORfest would be a thing only a lvl 500 with full peerless equipment would do with some difficulty, where if an average player acomplished it, that would be a glorious event, with an entire discussion about the style used and so on, instead of people comparing notes on their 10~20 minutes SG arenas and -difficulty-fests cleartimes.

0.82 only changed one gameplay mechanic (plus a bit of very small changes), consumables, everything else remained the same.
You are proposing deep modifications to each styles, and many of them are connected to each other.
Releasing everything together would be like changing half of HV, it's simply not feasible.
And I'm not sure breaking everything in smaller parches (one for each style) would work.

0.82 affected gear generation besides consumables, with suffixless gear being one of the first noticed things that weren't really described deeply in the patch notes, or missing PABs on magnificent drops and such as well, or even the change in equipment salvage, which was changed back regarded as a bug by Tenboro.

When you first said it was too much, I suggested initially getting rid of the chain skill necessity, being the first thing to come(in my opinion the most important change in my entire list). Next can be the overcharge if adding it along with the free skills is already too much change to melee and so on, getting feedback and such.


The problem lies in the fact that you want to rework everything and not add suggestions on top of the current system.

Well, I did add suggestions on top of the current system.

It's not like saying I think changing something to something else(like 1H counters giving the used weapon proc effec to max possible stacks) isn't a suggestion to make improvements to the current working system, where people want changes to melee, but don't want it to be the same permastance thing, wanting the playstyles to be their own thing.

That's the reason why I proposed the new counter mechanic, as if you look at DW currently, there are many weapon combinations that can be used(which still usually include a rapier though), but for 1H it's simply rapier+shield, where if my suggestion took place, new styles of the other weapons and even other prefixes/suffixes get a chance to shine like in DW.

An actual rework according to what you said would be my suggestion to remove counter attacks from parrying, essentialy removing something instead of adding a suggestion on top of it, but it doesn't stop being simply a suggestion for me, who believes it's reasonable to think of a 1Her blocking and then using their weapon to counter, but parrying an attack with the weapon and finding time to still give a counter with it is a bit too much.

Instead of analyzing the current situation, doing some math, coming up with suggestions/value tweaks (if a system is not broken just tweaking attack and defense values should bring a better balance) you presented a KinightsVerse based on posts on Ask the experts.

Even though I can sound unreasonable saying this, my actual thoughts when writing the whole post was to make a big list with everything I found reasonable while reading the threads I'm catching up to, leaving most of the thesis and math out and wait for the players who like to calculate to come here and do the math and make predictions on how, for example, 1H with swords would become broken because of the massive damage caused by constant bleed on all monster at all times due to the number of counters and high block rate most 1Hers have, giving some feedback on how it could be changed to be reasonable or even being against the whole new counter idea and showing the math or previews of why their opinions reached to that.

Most people so far have done none of that.

I can understand it's my fault for making the post so huge that people might still not have completely read it, as I did analyze the current situation like you said I didn't and, even though there's a lotof proposed changes, it has never been a future upcoming patch note, simply being my huge and reader unfriendly suggestion list.

I can admit that I didn't do any math bacause I was lazy since the start, and by the end of the day I just wanted to post the whole thing already and stop editing it.

However, if you say that simply posting a suggestion without doing math and just providing arguments, I can say you did the same thing trying to push a Sapo84Verse when you suggested that frugal equipment should get a boost in the mana conservation.

I don't believe it's actually a bad suggestion at all though. It just lacked more brainstorming in it, where it could be further discussed the pros and cons when being implemented instead of getting called out for having a peerless focus staff.

If I, who knows mostly nothing about mages can give my own opinions for that, like for example giving a mage that has a full set of frugal cloth and a focus staff a passive never expiring buff similar to the focus effect, actually generating some mana per turn and getting a permanet counter-resist effect, but to make up for the mana conservation, have all frugal and focus equip have reduced rolls other than mana conservation to give it a reasonable lesser damage, a new mage playstyle could actually take form from your suggestion and a constructive discussion that was initiated by it.

As you can see, I'm pretty decent at brainstorming, where I wrote too much wanting to leave math for the further discussions, but you are simply saying that I made too many of them and they will break the game(when they are simply suggestions to be there to be talked about and discussed instead of being a universal truth), without showing me the proof, calling flaws on my post without having completely readen it yet and similar reasons that makes it hard for me to try and take contructive thoughts and arguments out of the lengthy answer posts that just say "too much".


I honesly think it's not even possible to give an honest opinion on the changes since to give any kind of useful feedback you need a good grasp on how everything works.
I remember that when I said that I felt haste was decreasing the clear speed of 1H many weren't convinced
Ask now and 99% of the players will agree that at high level (350+) 1H does not need haste at all.
So if you rewrite a style from scratch what we have is something that can't be predicted (and since we can't predict we can't comment).
It's not just the numbers of suggestions, it's the magnitude of those.
If you change, for example, the max counters for 1H to 5, remove the stun effect (linking it to weapon proc so effectively turning 1H in 3 different styles) and you remove counter on parry you are basically completely changing the style.
I can't predict how that will turn out and you can't either.
So there is simply no discussion possible on that change because instead of tweaking the style you create three different new styles.
This is not a good way of balancing a game.

Well, I could actually preview most of it while writing, and even made adjustments while editing.

As it's too many suggestions, let's take a topic to discuss about first then.

If 1H counters started giving the max stack of the used weapon, here's what I believe would happen(not even considering raising the number of counters here):

-people using clubs would have essentialy a better effect to the previous 1H counters, as they get three counter stuns + the normal attacks giving a chance for a stun as well, continuing being the tanky style, but with reduced damage

-people using swords would be quite fast, comparable or maybe better than rapiers, as their could cause massive bleed AoEs with the counters, essentially getting the damage from the counters + the DoT from the max stack bleeds, but without stunned mobs, if the player's block rate isn't high enough, they would probably use FUS RO DAH to complement the style.

-rapier same as above, getting past armor like currently, but probably using FUS RO DAH as well to stun mobs.

-is there a point in using wakizashis for 1H?

Those were my previsions, so at least this can be discussed with arguments why it's wrong or not, with math showing that continuous max bleeding stacks wouldn't be as good as I thought or something like that. (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)


I'm not sure HV was written with that in mind.
If everything is equal getting a perfect equip is much easier, meaning people will get bored of HV sooner.
There shouldn't be enormous difference but weapon/armors tiers should be there.
I don't understand if I'm not being clear or if you're ignoring my point.
I'm not against having to play, I would be not be level 473 otherwise, what I dislike is having to play in a stupid mode (abusing Crude IW is dumb) just because it's the only way to have an optimized character.
It makes no sense and no (good) games require hours of boredom.
If a style need a prof that prof should increase it during normal gameplay (that's why the comparison with FUS RO DAH means you missed the point entirely).
This is true for all the profs except for staff, and people are complaining that grinding staff prof is boring and just a waste of time.

And you suggest that melee players needs elemental and depr prof to optimize the damage/procs?
Do you want people to dislike playing HV?
Let's quote again this piece of wisdom


And the optional and you are not forced part is the most nonsensical counter-argument I have ever seen.
Would you insert a turd in a restaurant menu since it's optional and the customers are not forced to eat it?
If you insert something disliked in a game you better have a good reason for doing so, and you have given none.

Hmm. Your last part got me.

It's just that I find it's a functionality that makes a lot of sense, but I didn't have a better idea of a way to add it effectively other than grinding magic proficiencies.

Getting them passively just from normal attacks would be quite broken, so maybe a better suggestion would be a complementation to my previous idea:

Elemental weapons have a percentage chance of inflicting the status effect they are related to.

Maybe whenever a status effect from the weapon's elemental damage procs, there's a chance to get magic proficiency.

It could be essentially at the same rate you get your deprecating proficiency even while using imperil and drain every turn, but it would still make meleers passively gain the proficiency while fighting normally.

It sounds quite reasonable to me at least, showing my point of how a constructive and good counter argument can help improve or completely change my ideas.
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post Mar 25 2017, 21:03
Post #13444
Juggernaut Santa

Living in HV 0.83 until Tenboro adds the Tower to Persistent
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Oh right, we were talking about it some time ago: Buff Shade Gear.
If the adb is intended to be so much lower than Power then that's okay.
But the Crit part of the equipment should be fixed.

As this post states, a Savage Power of Balance set beats in all the situation a Savage Shadowdancer set, in all three ADB, Crit Chance and Crit Damage.

This defies the fact Light Armor has an ability for Crit and it's the best combination for DW.
It should be faster compared to Heavy DW, but it's not.
(let's leave out the survivability for now).

So either:

Option A - the Crit abilities for Light Armor have to be buffed, increasing the Crit Chance (AT LEAST the double than now, so 0.5 Crit every 10 levels of prof AKA 25% maxed base Crit Chance, that may seem high, but will be added multiplicatively to the PAB bonuses and the equipment stats, so it's lower than it seems, but it will allow to go beyond 70% [current max is 69.9] and possibly reach close to 80%, beating Power Armor's one [74.4-78.6]), and possibly adding the same amount of Crit Damage as well to the ability (110% Crit Damage instead of the actual 85% may seem exaggerated but it would balance the shade lower ADB, and let's consider that Power already reaches 91%*);
*it could be possible to add a cap to 100% Crit Damage [heartseeker excluded], so it would be open a larger possibility of using Agile gear instead of Savage.

Option B - native Crit Chance and Crit Damage have to be added to Shade Armor...in this case I suggest to put the current ranges of Savage Prefix/Shadowdancer Suffix ranges as native Crit Chance and Damage, and keeping the bonuses from said suffixes, in this way a Savage Shadowdancer would have double the crit stats it has now, and it would be still fair, considering that Crit Stats in Power Armors aren't that far from that (Crit Chance even surpasses that since you can forge it).

This post has been edited by End Of All Hope: Mar 25 2017, 21:12
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post Mar 25 2017, 21:25
Post #13445

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i'd go with abilities. Crit damage could be added to DW Crit ability. eventually to Light Crit too.
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post Mar 26 2017, 00:48
Post #13446

The Sleeper
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I'd lke to suggest a litte change in the Titles.

Ascended +6.0% Damage, +1% Evade
Destined +8.0% Damage, +2% Evade
Godslayer +10.0% Damage, +3% Evade

Those 3 titles have 3%evade and i never thinked about it but now that i'm going 1-hand and have a little more info about it this idea popped up: making a selectable choise on where the extra point in evade will go like this

Ascended +6.0% Damage, +1% Evade OR +1% Parry OR +1% Resist
Destined +8.0% Damage, +2% Evade OR +2% Parry OR +2% Resist
Godslayer +10.0% Damage, +3% Evade OR +3% Parry OR +3% Resist

A player can chose so a Dual Wielder will chose Evade, a 1-Hander Parry and so on.

Also, why not making Dovahkiin Title more usable?

As it is 10% Damage Bonus and 3% Evade is far better, so why not adding something more to the Dovahkiin Title like 15% Damage Bonus (without the extra evade or else, just brute forse)?

Or just making the Dovahkiin Title stack with another one.

This post has been edited by Maharid: Mar 26 2017, 04:31
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post Mar 26 2017, 02:03
Post #13447

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QUOTE(Maharid @ Mar 25 2017, 23:48) *

Ascended +6.0% Damage, +1% Evade OR +1% Parry OR +1% Resist
Destined +8.0% Damage, +1% Evade OR +1% Parry OR +1% Resist
Godslayer +10.0% Damage, +1% Evade OR +1% Parry OR +1% Resist

perhaps you meant:
Ascended +6.0% Damage, +1% Evade OR +1% Parry OR +1% Resist
Destined +8.0% Damage, +2% Evade OR +2% Parry OR +2% Resist
Godslayer +10.0% Damage, +3% Evade OR +3% Parry OR +3% Resist

QUOTE(Maharid @ Mar 25 2017, 23:48) *

Also, why not making Dovahkiin Title more usable?

As it is 10% Damage Bonus and 3% Evade is far better, so why not adding something more to the Dovahkiin Title like 15% Damage Bonus (without the extra evade or else, just brute forse)?

Or just making the Dovahkiin Title stack with another one.

as far as i know it's due to balancing reasons.
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post Mar 26 2017, 02:46
Post #13448
Juggernaut Santa

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QUOTE(Scremaz @ Mar 25 2017, 20:25) *

i'd go with abilities. Crit damage could be added to DW Crit ability. eventually to Light Crit too.

Nah, if you buff DW Crit, you buff Heavy+DW too.

QUOTE(Maharid @ Mar 25 2017, 23:48) *

Too much (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif)
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post Mar 26 2017, 04:40
Post #13449

The Sleeper
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For DW i think rising DW Crit max level to 0.4 and adding to it a 0.1-0.2 of Crit Damage will be really good.

I will also give 2H some boost but i don't play it so i let this to others.
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post Apr 1 2017, 23:52
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I noticed that the login form redirected to from hentaiverse.org doesn't use HTTPS, which is a bit of a security concern. Could this be changed, please?
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post Apr 2 2017, 04:54
Post #13451

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https://forums.e-hentai.org/index.php?showtopic=202798 which is a discussion on all the security concerns behind moving to cloudflare, and touches a little bit on the login form not using https: https://forums.e-hentai.org/index.php?showt...02798&st=20
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post Apr 2 2017, 23:44
Post #13452
Shind Mar

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Ability to fight your own monsters so you can adjust them accordingly.
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post Apr 3 2017, 11:00
Post #13453

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QUOTE(Shind Mar @ Apr 2 2017, 23:44) *


Ability to fight your own monsters so you can adjust them accordingly.

pretty sure someone may exploit it to boost its win count, if not coded properly. and even if done as it should be and without accounting wins earned (earnt?) this way, players are so overkill towards single mobs that datas will be useless imo.
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post Apr 3 2017, 12:52
Post #13454

Sinful As Hell
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A reset button for HV. All progress. The max levels might get bored and want to relive their days of grinding staff proficiency, not having optimized gear, and losing to groups of 6 monsters. Of course, hide the button behind a whole bunch of stuff and multiple windows that confirm the intention to reset. Or have it be a hath paywall, something that's difficult to get to quickly, like a 100k Hath or something.

You could say that personas are something like that, but they don't let you start from the very beginning. Like New Game Plus, since you now know what each button does and a general idea on how to proceed.

Maybe have a legacy XP Bonus for resets? Or higher difficulties? After all, if you were able to get to the reset, you should have some idea behind how to deal with stronger monsters than PF.
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post Apr 4 2017, 05:15
Post #13455

The Sleeper
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@Scremaz: you simply don't gain anything for defeating your monster nor the monster gain something by defeating you.

You can just see what a certain amount of Crystal Upgrades and\or Chaos Tokens will do to the monster and how it respond in fight.

It will be of good use and it will be fun for the tuning part.

@tganimation6: Good suggestion, you retain only the Perks and the Donation bonus.
Maybe add the ability to turn on\oof perks (having 500% more exp at the beginning will be bad, too fast growth compared to income).

Maybe make it available only for Silver\Gold Star and at over level 100\200.

This post has been edited by Maharid: Apr 4 2017, 05:17
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post Apr 4 2017, 22:20
Post #13456

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Another suggestion(s), this time related to HV, toplists and donations.


-Create a new 4th tier award for the end of the year toplists, being related to the Alpha channel in the RGBA color scheme, adding to the RGB current one in place(which I believe is a reference to the RGB color scheme at least).

This new 4th tier award would give:
  • +25% EXP gain permanently
  • +1 Hath every Dawn
  • +1000 Credits every Dawn
In addition, the 51-100th places in the toplists would get 0.5 Ranking Points, which is the amount necessary to get this award


-Users with Catgirl donation status would instantly get these 4th tier awards, essentially like Gold Star donation status instantly awards them all available confectionaries.



-Currently, I don't see much incentive for general users/HV players to aim for Catgirl status, essentially keeping their money/credits for equipment upgrades or other goals after getting their Gold Stars.

-There's currently no way for users to get the previous year awards, which I believe can make some people that started contributing later dissatisfied with a missing awards in their profile(like missing cookies), or even new contributors not really interested in working hard for the awards as they will have all the other past ones missing.

-The current rewards given by the 3 award tiers make it perfect for adding the new 4th tier(100%, 75% and 50% +XP bonus or 4, 3 and 2 Hath per Dawn for example)

-Makes the users who rank in the 51-100th places in the toplists not displeased with their achievements



PROS should mostly be:
  • More people donating for catgirl status to get the benefits in HV
  • More people interested in toplists as awards become more accessible
  • Option for users to get the missing awards, like with the missing cookies from the end of the yeat lotteries
  • More people pleased with their profiles filled with awards, with no feeling of having a blank hole or something missing in it, and stopping any new suggestions to be able to get the previous awards from being created(people might still request for ways to get the RGB ones instead of the "A" one though)
CONS should mostly be:
  • More people having access to the Catgirl Camarilla subforum, which I believe was created when the number of Gold Star users increased and made the GS restricted forum not limited to just a few users like it was originally intended for, probably making some Catgirl users displeased with more people becoming Catgirls like what I believe happened with Gold Star.
  • This would create a new "essential" step for HV players, who would aim for Catgirl after GS for the many given bonuses, similar to how Gold Star gives all the previous cookies, giving additional XP bonuses and Hath besides the ones form the star status itself, making some players displeased and probably starting the "Pay to Win" backlash similar to when the lottery was first implemented with no restrictions.
  • Creates a new passive generation of Hath and Credits every Dawn, which shouldn't be much, but as I'm not really an economist, I can't affirm for sure wether it would affect inflation or not and how quick it would if so.


The base of my suggestion should already be mostly laid out, so I'll use this part to extensively write why I thought of this and why I believe this is reasonable, so if you are reading this, be aware that this is my opinion on the subject, which can and probably might be different than many others, but I won't change it unless I'm presented with reasonable arguments, which aren't things like "you are wrong", "because I hate this" or "too much".

Anyways, to start, the suggestion comes mostly from my Return of Investment personality.

Most HV players should be like this, grinding money and using math, scripts, Excel sheets and/or more to check if upgrades to gear or certain investmens are better than others and why.

I believe most people should know that currently the Gold Star status should be quite an upgrade for people who play HV a lot, but the player doesn't have another definite goal after that, being able to use their money to continue donating shooting for Catgirl, using it Adopting servers for the passive Hath and GPs, with the chance to get in the toplists and get an award or just use it to play the game and upgrade gears/monsters/anything else.

MY current main goals would mostly be the two donations or upgrading my monsters, but from the RoI viewpoint, Adopting servers should be the best one available, if the information on the wiki about it is right.

From my simple math(which might be wrong of course), here's my comparison between aiming for Catgirl or using the money for adopting servers:

Catgirl Status

Cost: 900$

Benefits: +9M credits returned instantly, +200% EXP bonus, +40000 Credits/GP and +9 Hath every Dawn, other gallery/forum benefits(all permanently after a one time pruchase)

RoI after 3 Years
-43.8M Credits
-43.8k kGP
-9.855 Hath


Cost: 900$(considering x5 3Year slots @ $180 each)

Benefits(according to wiki): +3000~4000 GP and 15 Hath per slot every day, H@H toplist contribution, other benefits(all temporary according to purchase option, 3 years in this case)

RoI after 3 Years
-16.5k(rounded up)~21.9k kGP
-82.125 Hath
-possibly getting 1 award every year

To round up numbers in simple credits, I will consider a horrible inflation and use 1Hath = 3500 credits and 1kGP = 150 credits on average on these 3 Years

Final RoI

Catgirl Status --- 43.8M + 6.57M + 34.5M(rounded up) = 84.87M credits

Adopt-a-Server --- 2.85M(around average) + 287.45M(rounded up) = 290.3M credits

Considering those two numbers, one could say that I'm being ridiculous or a lunatic calculating income so far ahead, or even that Catgirl status doesn't need to be paid for again, where one would need to refresh the Adopt-a-Server purchase every 3 years to get the same result.

The main issue here though is the return, where Catgirl returns basically 2/9 of the invested amount(considering buying a GS for 40M) and Adopt-a-Server returns a bit more than 7/9 of the total amount, where the rest can easily be obtained in the 3 year spam to refresh the purchase, also giving the buyer a good enough chance to get the blue awards from the participation in the H@H toplist, if not the green or red ones somehow.

This all of course leaves aside the usage of money for anything else by the user, and also considers going straight from a single Gold Star to Catgirl using $900 or 360M credits, which not many would have access to, but even considering someone choosing between a Tri Star or a single 3 Year server slot, the math should be still quite similar.

Of course adopting servers doesn't give any instant XP benefits that would boost a HV player experience, but the possibility of getting an award at the end of the year makes up for that.

In the case that the 4th tier awards are also given with Catgirl status, the XP bonus would go from just the extra +200% to an additional stackable stackable 175% on top of it(considering the 7 current RGB awards), making it a lot more desireable for heavy HV grinders, or even general players for the additional credits/Hath per Dawn, not even considering the people who would aim for it simply for the looks and to fill blank spaces in their profiles.

Even if the Catgirl suggestion is rejected, I still believe that the introduction of the 4th tier award by itself is a good suggestion, including more users and adding a new award that goes quite well with the other RGB ones, with names being something like "Ethereal", "Opaque", "Crystal", complementing the rewards as the most basic one instead of the 3rd tier Sapphire one.

This post has been edited by Kinights: Apr 4 2017, 22:36
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post Apr 4 2017, 22:56
Post #13457

A certain pervert. OT expert. Just dancing around in the game.
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please check a few wiki pages:
  • https://ehwiki.org/wiki/awards#Awards (introduction to the big table)
  • https://ehwiki.org/wiki/Never_To_Be_Added#E-Hentai (note that Changes to the pre-2013 awards was written on 2013, so probably today it will be more like Changes to the pre-2017 awards, i guess)
also, keep in mind that the whole point is that while donators are surely an appreciated help for this site, people should donate whatever they can in order to help Tenboro granting us this site - so, he recognizes them somehow. not the other way around - that is, promizing them something in order to lure them into donating more money. may be a little difference, but there's a big ethical gap imo.

This post has been edited by Scremaz: Apr 4 2017, 22:57
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post Apr 4 2017, 23:12
Post #13458

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QUOTE(Scremaz @ Apr 4 2017, 17:56) *

please check a few wiki pages:
  • https://ehwiki.org/wiki/awards#Awards (introduction to the big table)
  • https://ehwiki.org/wiki/Never_To_Be_Added#E-Hentai (note that Changes to the pre-2013 awards was written on 2013, so probably today it will be more like Changes to the pre-2017 awards, i guess)
also, keep in mind that the whole point is that while donators are surely an appreciated help for this site, people should donate whatever they can in order to help Tenboro granting us this site - so, he recognizes them somehow. not the other way around - that is, promizing them something in order to lure them into donating more money. may be a little difference, but there's a big ethical gap imo.

Yeah, completely missed that point I guess.

Still, looking from the viewpoint that the list is subject to change, I'll still leave it as my suggestion for how to get previous year awards, as I'm sure it won't stop being suggested, even if catgirl gives another 5th tier dummy opaque awards that don't add anything and are simply for the looks(can be simply for having participated in the yearly toplists as well).

Other than the Catgirl+Awards combo, is the 4th award tier reasonable by itself?

It would extend the toplists from a 50 to 100 places one and complement the current awards quite well imo.

This post has been edited by Kinights: Apr 4 2017, 23:14
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post Apr 4 2017, 23:24
Post #13459

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QUOTE(Kinights @ Apr 4 2017, 23:12) *

Yeah, completely missed that point I guess.

Still, looking from the viewpoint that the list is subject to change, I'll still leave it as my suggestion for how to get previous year awards, as I'm sure it won't stop being suggested, even if catgirl gives another 5th tier dummy opaque awards that don't add anything and are simply for the looks(can be simply for having participated in the yearly toplists as well).

Other than the Catgirl+Awards combo, is the 4th award tier reasonable by itself?

It would extend the toplists from a 50 to 100 places one and complement the current awards quite well imo.

i don't see a point in giving donators the same awards that people earn by working for an extended period of time. they *need* to be different things imo. stackable at best, but different nonetheless, because different is the way they support the site.
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post Apr 4 2017, 23:31
Post #13460
blue penguin

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QUOTE(Kinights @ Apr 4 2017, 22:12) *
Other than the Catgirl+Awards combo, is the 4th award tier reasonable by itself?

It would extend the toplists from a 50 to 100 places one and complement the current awards quite well imo.
At some point it will be needed if EH keeps the pace. Some 3 years ago (or 4 perhaps? don't remember well) only 1-25 gave any points into toplists. And before that only 1-7 ranks were relevant.

I guess we are not there yet, i.e. 1-50 is perfectly fine for the size of the community. We just left the first quarter of 2017 so things may be different for 2018, yet I do not believe that we will need another tier until 2019-2020.

That said, Scremaz is right about the donators. Donation and awards should be kept as separate things.

P.S. I actually like the RGBA idea. Having four awards can make things more fun, e.g. Tenb can switch to CMYK every other year.
alpha - diamond
cyan - aquamarine
magenta - opal
yellow - topaz
black - obsidian

This post has been edited by blue penguin: Apr 4 2017, 23:34
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