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> [Suggestion] A few requests, Can we has...

post Apr 2 2015, 18:57
Post #12241

Where is the loli?
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Suggestion for the equipment level restriction in the next patch.

How about making the equipment level scale to player level in a 50 levels range?
e.g. If a level 320 player get a equipment drop. That equipment can scale to player level for level 301-350. Any player below level 301 cannot equipment it. Player with level 351 or higher can only use its level 350 state.

And please also add an item that can change any gear to the player current level range.
e.g. If a level 423 player use that item on an equipment. That equipment will have a level range of 401-450.

(IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
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post Apr 3 2015, 16:13
Post #12242

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Suggestion for the forums. Remove this thread because its useless.

Who reads 613 pages of trash and stays sane?
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post Apr 3 2015, 16:48
Post #12243

Big, Bad and Horny
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QUOTE(jenga201 @ Apr 4 2015, 00:13) *

Suggestion for the forums. Remove this thread because its useless.

Who reads 613 pages of trash and stays sane?

First of all, it's "it's" (a contraction of "it is"), not "its" (the possessive form of "it"). The more you know...

Secondly, someone has never heard of an archive binge. True, one would likely not ever gain any fresh insights into what people want *now* if one read from page 1, but reading from, oh, page 600 or so will give a good indication (barring some trolls here and there, but that's par for the course). And reading from page 1 will likely give one an idea of what the game was like back in the day - for historical purposes, which is not entirely useless.
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post Apr 3 2015, 17:15
Post #12244

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QUOTE(jenga201 @ Apr 3 2015, 07:13) *

Suggestion for the forums. Remove most threads.

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post Apr 3 2015, 17:39
Post #12245

Where is the loli?
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QUOTE(jenga201 @ Apr 3 2015, 22:13) *

Suggestion for the forums. Remove this thread because its useless.

Who reads 613 pages of trash and stays sane?

How about remove the whole forum. Anyone who read thousands of pages about fap fap fap will not stay sane. (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif)
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post Apr 3 2015, 19:26
Post #12246

Dreaming of optimizing the system
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To be perfectly serious, the spam threads are quite irritating. Most contribute nothing except increased forum costs, which we know are not insignificant. Really, 12280 pages of people posting their experience numbers, meaningless to everyone but themselves? Or 540,000 posts of people posting
It is the dawn of a new day!
Reflecting on your journey so far, you find that you are a little wiser.
over and over and over and over again?

Surely all that should be spent on something more important, like fapping or playing (or at least non-shitposting). If the goal is to give non-English speakers the ability to gain the forum XP bonus, there are many more productive things that could be incentivized instead.
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post Apr 3 2015, 20:31
Post #12247

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QUOTE(Superlatanium @ Apr 3 2015, 12:26) *

To be perfectly serious, the spam threads are quite irritating. Most contribute nothing except increased forum costs, which we know are not insignificant. Really, 12280 pages of people posting their experience numbers, meaningless to everyone but themselves? Or 540,000 posts of people posting
It is the dawn of a new day!
Reflecting on your journey so far, you find that you are a little wiser.
over and over and over and over again?

Surely all that should be spent on something more important, like fapping or playing (or at least non-shitposting). If the goal is to give non-English speakers the ability to gain the forum XP bonus, there are many more productive things that could be incentivized instead.

Entirely the fault of posting bonus and minimum post count for other things. Nothing will be done about it though. I say revive the Spamhaus and stuff the spam threads back in there. They currently do nothing but push legitimate chat threads down and out of sight.
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post Apr 4 2015, 01:32
Post #12248

Mathematical Trashcat
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I would like to only post when I feel it is important to do so, not just so I get my exp

Result: No posting bonus multiplier, dawn fixed at 2.5% for everyone

This post has been edited by skillchip: Apr 4 2015, 01:32
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post Apr 4 2015, 03:38
Post #12249

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QUOTE(skillchip @ Apr 4 2015, 10:32) *

I would like to only post when I feel it is important to do so, not just so I get my exp

Result: No posting bonus multiplier, dawn fixed at 2.5% for everyone

Make it 100% and we got a deal xD
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post Apr 4 2015, 04:04
Post #12250

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Is it still necessary to incentivize posting?

If not, then why not just shift the Dawn bonus to depend on the number of random encounter battles cleared in a 30-day sliding window? It requires roughly the same amount of effort as posting in a spam thread, and it doesn't pollute the forums.
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post Apr 4 2015, 06:27
Post #12251

Mathematical Trashcat
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QUOTE(n125 @ Apr 4 2015, 02:04) *

Is it still necessary to incentivize posting?

If not, then why not just shift the Dawn bonus to depend on the number of random encounter battles cleared in a 30-day sliding window? It requires roughly the same amount of effort as posting in a spam thread, and it doesn't pollute the forums.

This would make me actually bother to do randoms
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post Apr 4 2015, 08:31
Post #12252

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QUOTE(n125 @ Apr 3 2015, 20:04) *

Is it still necessary to incentivize posting?

If not, then why not just shift the Dawn bonus to depend on the number of random encounter battles cleared in a 30-day sliding window? It requires roughly the same amount of effort as posting in a spam thread, and it doesn't pollute the forums.

I like the idea behind this change.
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post Apr 4 2015, 16:15
Post #12253

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QUOTE(xmagus @ Apr 3 2015, 10:48) *

First of all, it's "it's" (a contraction of "it is"), not "its" (the possessive form of "it"). The more you know...

Secondly, someone has never heard of an archive binge. True, one would likely not ever gain any fresh insights into what people want *now* if one read from page 1, but reading from, oh, page 600 or so will give a good indication (barring some trolls here and there, but that's par for the course). And reading from page 1 will likely give one an idea of what the game was like back in the day - for historical purposes, which is not entirely useless.

Quite salty. You must post in this thread alot.
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post Apr 4 2015, 20:20
Post #12254

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QUOTE(skillchip @ Apr 3 2015, 23:27) *

This would make me actually bother to do randoms


I almost never do them.
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post Apr 5 2015, 04:14
Post #12255

Big, Bad and Horny
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QUOTE(jenga201 @ Apr 5 2015, 00:15) *

Quite salty. You must post in this thread alot.

Alas, it is 'a lot' (note the spacing). One may stay awhile, and move along, but one eats a lot.

Doing my part for English purity! But in all seriousness, I post only when I have something to say. I agree with the removal of the posting requirements and replacement with random encounters to increase the XP gain bonus.
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post Apr 5 2015, 05:25
Post #12256

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Don't forget that forum activity adds up to +7 to mod power too. Replace the count of days you posted at least once, with a count of days you played at least one random. No mod power for non-HentaiVersers!
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post Apr 5 2015, 17:40
Post #12257

Where is the loli?
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Random suggestion for 2H .

Currently, 2H users are required to hit the primary target successfully in order to toggle domino strike, which can hit multiple targets and infect debuff. Combined with the already rather low damage of 2H, it make 2H the slowest one among 1H/DW/2H.
The concept of my following suggestion is to make 2H kill ~50% faster without changing its base damage by always letting them to hit multiple targets and sustain the spirit stance forever liked 1H.
In addition, I think there are not much driving force for melee players to train "Ability Boost" past 100. So, adding addition ability to encourage (forcing (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/heh.gif) ) people to train more.

Here is my suggestion.
  1. Add an ability for 2H called Domino strike.
    It make 2H attack always hit 1/3/5/7 targets at skill level 0/1/2/3.
    The level requirements for levels 1/2/3 are 100/200/350 and require 5/10/15 AP respectively.
  2. It never skip the extra targets even if the primary target evade/parry the attack.
  3. It give an increase in Over Charge if at least one of the targets (besides the primary target) getting hit successfully. It can be stacked with the normal OC increase of hitting the primary target.
  4. The initial damage for the extra targets is started at 20%. And grow with proficiency.
    • for the targets next to the primary target, the damage scaled linearly from 20% to 100% for proficiency from 100 to 300.
    • for the target one block away from the primary target, the damage scaled linearly from 20% to 80% for proficiency from 200 to 350.
    • for the target two block away from the primary target, the damage scaled linearly from 20% to 60% for proficiency from 350 to 450.

This post has been edited by Colman: Apr 5 2015, 19:40
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post Apr 5 2015, 18:31
Post #12258

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Make Gem drops during battle stand out moor; maybe bold blue text?
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post Apr 5 2015, 18:59
Post #12259

Dreaming of optimizing the system
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QUOTE(dfsfsdfdf @ Apr 5 2015, 16:31) *

Make Gem drops during battle stand out moor; maybe bold blue text?
Use one of the many scripts and you'll see when gems appear in the powerup box.
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post Apr 5 2015, 19:10
Post #12260

Big, Bad and Horny
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QUOTE(Colman @ Apr 6 2015, 01:40) *

Random suggestion for 2H .

Currently, 2H users are required to hit the primary target successfully in order to toggle domino strike, which can hit multiple targets and infect debuff. Combined with the already rather low damage of 2H, it make 2H even slower than 1H which is strange.

Here is my suggestion.
  1. Add a skill for 2H called Domino strike.
    It make 2H attack always hit 1/3/5/7 targets at skill level 0/1/2/3.
    The level requirements for levels 1/2/3 are 100/200/350 and require 5/10/15 AP respectively.
  2. It never skip the extra targets even if the primary target evade/parry the attack.
  3. The initial damage for the extra targets is started at 20%.
    And grow with proficiency.
    • for the targets next to the primary target, the damage scaled linearly from 20% to 100% for proficiency from 100 to 300.
    • for the target one block away from the primary target, the damage scaled linearly from 20% to 80% for proficiency from 200 to 350.
    • for the target two block away from the primary target, the damage scaled linearly from 20% to 60% for proficiency from 350 to 450.
The main idea of this suggestion is to make 2H kill 10-20% faster without changing its base damage by always letting them to hit multiple targets.
In addition, I think there are not much driving force for melee players to train "Ability Boost" past 100. So, make it into ability to encourage (forcing (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/heh.gif) ) people to train more.

I like this idea, but some modifications:

1. The skill should not be dependent on OC - it should be a direct replacement for the current Domino Strikes. Otherwise, it's no different from Rending Blow or Shatter Strike, really.
2. The low damage output for 2H (for me, at least) is due to two factors; the rapid depletion of OC when in SS, and the fact that a non-forged Exq Slaughter rapier can - at best - give you 120%-130% attack accuracy. This leads to the fact that half my OC can be blown away simply because some chaosed-up mob evaded and parried my attack 7 times in a row. Which also allows all the other mobs to hit me many, many times over. Therefore, Domino Strikes(+) should also recover OC the same way Counter does for 1H.
3. If using Niten, this skill will additionally proc PA (static 15% chance or if attack crits). Or possibly Stun. This will instantly make Niten very, very popular.

QUOTE(dfsfsdfdf @ Apr 6 2015, 02:31) *

Make Gem drops during battle stand out moor; maybe bold blue text?

This can be done using scripts (HVStat, for one). However, a related suggestion - at the end of the battle series, unused gems should auto-activate *prior* to ending the battle. It's frigging annoying if the last mob drops a Spirit Gem which will fully refill my gauge... and then I can't use it because the battle series has ended. Actually, I could say the same for the OC gauge - at the end of the battle series, automatically refill HP (at 50% of the Defend skill) and then MP (at 50% of the Focus skill) until it's exhausted.
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