[Suggestion] A few requests, Can we has... |
Jan 18 2015, 05:37
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We'll just get more point whores who want easy credits.
Jan 18 2015, 06:26
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QUOTE(LostLogia4 @ Jan 17 2015, 20:07)  Personally, I believe everyone here would certainly be all for better loot drop rates, which is obvious considering how ridiculously good equips are ridiculously rare in this game right now. Do we actually yet know that drop rates are going to be increased? By QUOTE but on the bright side, it will be a lot easier to find some new, better equipment I'm not sure if that means Since the stats on newly dropped equipment will become better and better than your existing gear, finding upgrades will be a lot easier or Since drop rates are going to be buffed, finding upgrades will be a lot easier or both. I thought it meant the former. I'm fine with either, although things will be significantly harder later once we level up without more frequent drops - but that will make things more interesting! QUOTE(LostLogia4 @ Jan 17 2015, 20:07)  Also, please mark all the Equips from Freeshop into "Freeshop Bound" status if possible. Can't be traded, stays with the player up to only 30 days, but has the level scaling at the range of Lv30-200. An easier solution to the problem of newish players often having only crap gear, (or gear with only half the normal stats for their level because they haven't found a better piece matching their style yet), and a possible solution to there being a need for a Freeshop in the first place, would be to increase drop rates, but only for lower levels. Since they (can) level up so quickly, their equipment can be left in the dust, if stats do not scale with level anymore. Perhaps double or triple rates for a level 100 player, eventually scaling down to the standard drop rates at level 250 or something. Not only would they be much less likely to be stuck with crappy equipment, but they also might not have to stoop to using Freeshop to get a basic starter set. I don't see a separate equipment category just for Freeshop and with time restrictions being worth coding in, though I'm not the programmer.
Jan 18 2015, 06:53
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QUOTE(Ichy @ Jan 15 2015, 08:08)  New Monster Lab Stuff never.
I simply want an option to stop getting EXP totally. Let those who care the drop to level for their drops, I just want to crush enemy easily. (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif)
Jan 18 2015, 07:03
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QUOTE(Superlatanium @ Jan 17 2015, 20:26)  I'm not sure if that means Since the stats on newly dropped equipment will become better and better than your existing gear, finding upgrades will be a lot easier or Since drop rates are going to be buffed, finding upgrades will be a lot easier or both. Yeah, that's the big question. Although I don't think drop rates are the issue, but rather whether there will be an overall improvement to the caliber of drops -- both in terms of equipment quality and stat rolls. Tenboro did state that drops would be less "troll-ish", but think that statement could be true under either of the scenarios you listed. Although I think drops being made a lot better relative to the drops we get now is too good to be true... Another important questions is whether making an item player-bound re-enables continual level scaling for that item. I think it's safe to assume that making an item player-bound binds it to your account and removes the level restriction, which facilitates trading, but it would be dumb to blow millions on a level 480 item only to have its stats nerfed down to your level and fixed that way.
Jan 18 2015, 10:13
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It fine if 'Upgrade your equipment' to 'Crush the enemy easier'.
The new patch sounds like 'Upgrade your equipments' or 'You will be weaker'.
It is not fun.
Jan 18 2015, 10:49
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It was already proposed, but having 1 or more slots for accessories. Accessories could provide various effects, sometimes like hath perks, or more usual like the ones of equipment, only more concentrated. There's no need to create all possible accessories from the start, just unlocking the slot to establish the feature, and the rest could be made as time go by.
Jan 18 2015, 11:28

When I say drops will be less troll-ish, what I mean is that the rolled quality of an item will dictate the rate of common/rare drop tier and number of primary attribute bonuses, which for example means that there would be a lot less legendary cotton, and no legendaries that lack PABs. QUOTE(StonyCat @ Jan 18 2015, 04:16)  Just wondering, as the number of people who could get the yearly awards increased, how about expanding the number of monthly awards too, e.g. Platinum Ticket for 1st-3rd, Golden Ticket for 4th-10th, Silver Ticket for 11th-17th, Bronze Ticket for 18th-25th. (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/unsure.gif) Already a part of the patch. Well, technically, it's already live, but we haven't had a new month since then.
Jan 18 2015, 12:36
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QUOTE(Tenboro @ Jan 18 2015, 11:28)  When I say drops will be less troll-ish, what I mean is that the rolled quality of an item will dictate the rate of common/rare drop tier and number of primary attribute bonuses, which for example means that there would be a lot less legendary cotton, and no legendaries that lack PABs.
That's a change that does make sense. Gotta raise that LotD. QUOTE(Tenboro @ Jan 18 2015, 11:28)  Well, technically, it's already live, but we haven't had a new month since then.
Gotta level up hard before February, I guess. ...Wait, so it will go live at midnight on the 31st of January? Like the coming of Nyx in Persona 3? BAD OMEN. 
Jan 18 2015, 13:09
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I state that english is not my main language so probably you will find nonsense in this post.
About the loot system, probably has been already said, but I'm feeling like I was feeling playing Diablo 3 during its first days: "The only way to get some equipment is the Auction House".
The problem is that atm HV is not "low level friendly". I always had a lot of problem playing at high difficulty but I was reading that people greatly better equipped than me (with even more levels obv) were playing "while not watching the screen".
With this I mean that I almost never used a piece of equipment that I have found while playing. I hate to play for money like I played on D3 at the beginning because if your equipment is bad, you cannot play at high difficult so you get less money while playing and so it will take ages to reach a fair amount of money to spend.
What I suggest is to introduce the level to the equipment like it was in the past with only a slight difference. Instead of a specific level it could be better a "range".
In any MMO and even in Diablo 3, there are rare, epic and legendary pieces of equipment for a lot of levels. So why we cannot introduce them in HV?
Are you at level 250? You are able to find a legendary for your level (let's say range 200-299) that will be weaker than a legendary for the range 300-399 but stronger than a leg for 100-199.
I mean... why legendary and peerless have to be so rare and only considered as endgame gear? They should be dropped on low levels with reduced stat! What I want to say is "If I drop a piece of equipment at a low level, why it has to be probably considered garbage? It should be in someway viable for my level." Atm I drop average/superior items even with stats far away from their max. They cannot be compared with the worst piece founded at the AH.
Are you at level 250? If you will find a Mag or a Leg that piece MUST be better than a any other piece that you can find.
In the end I summarize my thoughts. If you will find a good piece, it will be not be a piece that will never change and even not something with insane stats, but it will be easier to find and easier to change for something better.
This post has been edited by pigowallace: Jan 18 2015, 13:44
Jan 18 2015, 14:36
Group: Catgirl Camarilla
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QUOTE(pigowallace @ Jan 18 2015, 01:09)  why legendary and peerless have to be so rare and only considered as endgame gear?
You don't need legendary gear until 350+. Lightly forged magnificient gear will be okay till 380+
Jan 18 2015, 14:51
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QUOTE(Tenboro @ Jan 18 2015, 20:28)  When I say drops will be less troll-ish, what I mean is that the rolled quality of an item will dictate the rate of common/rare drop tier and number of primary attribute bonuses, which for example means that there would be a lot less legendary cotton, and no legendaries that lack PABs.
but but legendary cotton of the elementalist/heaven-sent is very useful right now Also, what about T1 weapon? I'm sure nobody want to see even more legendary wakizashi now... Or was the relative higher drop rate of wakizashi a bug? This post has been edited by holy_demon: Jan 18 2015, 15:05
Jan 18 2015, 15:24
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QUOTE(EsotericSatire @ Jan 18 2015, 15:36)  You don't need legendary gear until 350+. Lightly forged magnificient gear will be okay till 380+
That's the problem, in my opinion... it would be better changing the concept of Mag (and so on) gear. Level range for any type of gear instead of a global range 1-500 with mediocre items that no one will ever use.
Jan 18 2015, 15:52
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QUOTE(pigowallace @ Jan 18 2015, 15:24)  That's the problem, in my opinion... it would be better changing the concept of Mag (and so on) gear. Level range for any type of gear instead of a global range 1-500 with mediocre items that no one will ever use.
The thing about doing that is that you get the same problems as you did in Diablo 3, first rares are awesome, then they became crap because legendaries. They then buffed the drop rate of legendaries, which quickly became trash. Then you have set items which are mandatory... then everyone has them and you have to add more types of special, exclusive legendaries and gems. For a one-ish development team that is spread between HV, H@H and (I'm sure) a miscellaneous private life. Constantly adding content is not an option. The freeshop has ironically screwed up the game. I was so happy to find a exquisite phase many years ago. Recently, I donated a bunch of legendaries to the shop, possibly robbing a bunch of people the joy of finding superiors, exquisites and magnificients.
Jan 18 2015, 16:08
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I am the only one who does not want to get crap or slightly better crap all the time? I think whole new sistem is bad per se. Why not let any equipment be slowly upgradable by time of use (at least to some point like ex max)/make equipment drops rare, but reeeally good? I want to cherish my equips, not get rid of them ASAP (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/sad.gif)
Jan 18 2015, 17:57
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QUOTE(m118w11 @ Jan 18 2015, 16:52)  The thing about doing that is that you get the same problems as you did in Diablo 3, first rares are awesome, then they became crap because legendaries. They then buffed the drop rate of legendaries, which quickly became trash. Then you have set items which are mandatory... then everyone has them and you have to add more types of special, exclusive legendaries and gems.
For a one-ish development team that is spread between HV, H@H and (I'm sure) a miscellaneous private life. Constantly adding content is not an option. The freeshop has ironically screwed up the game. I was so happy to find a exquisite phase many years ago. Recently, I donated a bunch of legendaries to the shop, possibly robbing a bunch of people the joy of finding superiors, exquisites and magnificients.
I always enjoy when I see "expuisite" or "magnificient" in HV drops. The problem is that all the joy is wiped when I understand how useless is that piece of gear. I would prefer to get nothing instead of something that no one would ever use. What I was saying is: "No one wants to get a lot of useless things. It would be better get less but more useful. Less drops, but if you drop something probably it's a good piece."
Jan 18 2015, 18:01
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Hv gaining some more idle game elements so that you can still "play" when life trys to take you away. Yay idle games. Boo idle games.
Jan 18 2015, 18:16
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QUOTE(m118w11 @ Jan 18 2015, 15:52)  joy of finding superiors, exquisites and magnificients.
There's no joy if this never happens, like it is right now. 250+ levels and zero useful equipment drops. Everything I have is from Item Shop. Also I don't give a damn about freeshop with its stupid level limit. I was past 200 when I discovered it and had way crappier equipment than offered. You may be butt-naked but, no, you're not eligible. This post has been edited by nekolor: Jan 18 2015, 18:17
Jan 18 2015, 18:23
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QUOTE(pigowallace @ Jan 18 2015, 05:09)  I mean... why legendary and peerless have to be so rare and only considered as endgame gear? They should be dropped on low levels with reduced stat! What I want to say is "If I drop a piece of equipment at a low level, why it has to be probably considered garbage? It should be in someway viable for my level." Atm I drop average/superior items even with stats far away from their max. They cannot be compared with the worst piece founded at the AH.
Are you at level 250? If you will find a Mag or a Leg that piece MUST be better than a any other piece that you can find. The only ones who actually need top tier gear to perform well are high level mages. Melee, especially 1h power, can easily do anything but grindfest on PFUDOR with no trouble, even if all they have is bazaar-level trash gear. Highly rolled Mags and Legs are an endgame bonus. Below 300-something, you'll be gaining a lot more just from leveling up than from getting super-expensive pieces of equipment - so don't worry, even if you don't find anything great it's not much of a problem. I've only found one legendary and a couple of magnificents, none of which I can use, and I'm fine with that. QUOTE(pigowallace @ Jan 18 2015, 09:57)  What I was saying is: "No one wants to get a lot of useless things. It would be better get less but more useful. Less drops, but if you drop something probably it's a good piece." But then you would have less crap to sell to the Bazaar and less credits! (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif) That said, it would be nice if it was made easier for newer players to get a decent equipment set, so that there wouldn't even be (much) demand for a Freeshop, like I posted before - but I'm talking about better chances for usable sup/exq, rather than for super rare mags/legs.
Jan 18 2015, 21:19
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QUOTE(Superlatanium @ Jan 18 2015, 19:23)  But then you would have less crap to sell to the Bazaar and less credits! (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif) That said, it would be nice if it was made easier for newer players to get a decent equipment set, so that there wouldn't even be (much) demand for a Freeshop, like I posted before - but I'm talking about better chances for usable sup/exq, rather than for super rare mags/legs. Well... touché. But I think that we have the same pov about the equipment for low level players. When I talked about "Leg for a specific range" I was talking about an equipment that can be compared to a Sup/Exq of the current system. I mean... I have a 1H Sup set and it's quite nice even if I have payed it not too much (sadly I had to visit the WTS section because I always drop cloth because I'm a melee haha) but if there had been the level range, this set could have been a Exq/Leg set because it's quite good for this level. Maybe each quality type could have a specific minimum to the stats in order to make each type actually better than the inferior type (Sup < Exq < Mag < Leg) in order to say "Hey! I dropped an Exq and I have a Sup. Surely this is better than mine!" EDIT: I don't know if it's clear, but I share your thoughts about the chances for more usable good pieces instead of insanely rare and powerful items. This post has been edited by pigowallace: Jan 18 2015, 21:21
Jan 20 2015, 02:29
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Why are so many people against selling equipment to other players? It's how these types of games work.
Up to two-thirds of the usable gear you find is useless to your build. And once you've upgraded at the endgame most of what you find will be useless to you. So why should the good-but-unusable-to-you stuff you happen to find be salvaged or vendored?
Diablo 3 had the same problem, and every attempt to fix it just made things worse. MMOs partially get around it by constantly adding new content, but still have the same problem until said content comes out. No game out there has found a way around this problem, just delayed it. Diablo 3's attempts just "lengthened" the game by forcing repeated grinding (most were attempts at preventing players from reaching endgame "too soon"). It's the nature of these games to peter out at the end.
There is no "advancing too fast". There's just people playing at there own rate. But forcing grinding in an attempt to "lengthen" the game chases people off before they can reach the endgame.
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