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> [Suggestion] A few requests, Can we has...

post Jan 15 2015, 07:44
Post #11961

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QUOTE(el h @ Jan 15 2015, 11:21) *

For those that think the free shops will be doomed:

I started mine while equipment had levels. It ran quite well. The levels were a bit inconvenient, but not a big problem. In fact it helped: I got a lot of very nice donations from people who outgrew their good equipment.

Of course levels will work a bit different now, but think it will still work. Just wanted to mention that.

At that time, we could use equipment of higher level. I was using lv 3xx equipment when I was below 100.
However, I doubt it is possible in the next patch.
The problem is, all grinder have very high level and their drop cannot be used by causal players; The causal players may not be getting their own set ..............

This post has been edited by Colman: Jan 15 2015, 07:47
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post Jan 15 2015, 08:00
Post #11962

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QUOTE(Colman @ Jan 15 2015, 07:44) *

The problem is, all grinder have very high level and their drop cannot be used by causal players; The causal players may not be getting their own set ..............

Well the speculation is that drops will be better, and if not, just bail and play a different game for a few months. I left right after the "mobs get more hp each round" patch because of the fun nerf.
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post Jan 15 2015, 10:08
Post #11963

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QUOTE(gc00018 @ Jan 15 2015, 03:24) *

As for me, I care Monsters more than equipments.

Attached Image New Monster Lab Stuff never.
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post Jan 15 2015, 12:00
Post #11964

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QUOTE(Ichy @ Jan 15 2015, 10:08) *

New Monster Lab Stuff never.

Like it does matter much now when all monsters are essentially the same with only two variable factors: how hard they hit and how fast they die. And all that just to die in a ‘combat’ with player who on his side might as well had only one button — “Next Turn”.

All the stranger look those forced upgrade incentives when upgrading even single item requires ridiculous amounts of mindless grinding through such ‘combat’.
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post Jan 15 2015, 14:55
Post #11965

far ahead the known level of comfiness~
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Systems like grind level>grind equipment>level cap>enjoy your monument of virginity is very bad, and I believe we all doomed. (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/sad.gif)

QUOTE(Hoheneim @ Jan 15 2015, 07:04) *

Tenboro said "super-rare", amnesia shards aren't really "super-rare".

BTW, while I still fail to grasp the actual reasons behind this overhaul of the mechanics I don't think that the goal is to make most of the items untradeable.

1 shard/10 lvls for something needfull is "super-rare" (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif)

This post has been edited by Benny-boy: Jan 15 2015, 15:00
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post Jan 15 2015, 15:21
Post #11966

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After hitting +100 44 times it occurs to me that a +1000 button in the store, at least on the Crystals page, would be nice.
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post Jan 15 2015, 15:32
Post #11967

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QUOTE(tadprime @ Jan 15 2015, 15:21) *

After hitting +100 44 times it occurs to me that a +1000 button in the store, at least on the Crystals page, would be nice.

Consider buying crystals off other players, you can get them for around 5-5.4/crystal if you buy them in bulk (1k of each), much cheaper than the store.
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post Jan 15 2015, 23:52
Post #11968

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QUOTE(Owyn @ Jun 8 2014, 14:56) *

QUOTE(simrock87 @ Jun 17 2014, 15:42) *
Attached File  hvisbuyer.user.js.zip ( 3.31k ) Number of downloads: 104
This adds a popup for always-in-stock items in the item shop that asks for number to purchase and then goes off purchasing them in one go. Once it's done it reloads the page.

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post Jan 16 2015, 02:16
Post #11969

Look, Fat.
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QUOTE(Colman @ Jan 13 2015, 19:50) *

My past experience tell me that 10B may not think about it. (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif)

Tenboro does plan things out pretty well, but I have noticed he tends to go a bit further towards the nerf side so if we complain with valid points it swings back to the middle then people are happy.
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post Jan 16 2015, 04:36
Post #11970

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It's easier to take away and then give them a bit, then to give them everything and then take some away
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post Jan 16 2015, 04:56
Post #11971

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I hope I didn't get anything wrong, but let me try to make it clear:
-Equipments before patch & future shrine equips: receive the level limit & stat fix upon first time being equiped.
-Equipments drop by monsters in the future: fixed stat and limit depends on level of player.

If this is the case, in general the equipment drop rate needs to be much higher.....
And anymore trolling from Snowflake would be a disaster. Glad that we already have some words about it.

But I think we need more info about forging/upgrading....
Maybe the least-troublesome way is to reduce the loss from salvaging?
e.g. slightly lower the price of higher tier catalysts & slightly higher material return rate?

And if we don't tune down the special buyback cost,
A good piece will probably be gone forever(the owner can't earn credits by buyback & selling the piece to lower level players).
And this is bad to the community.
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post Jan 16 2015, 04:57
Post #11972

Look, Fat.
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People dumping gear instead of hoarding? Not sure what people are expecting.
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post Jan 16 2015, 05:34
Post #11973

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QUOTE(EsotericSatire @ Jan 15 2015, 20:57) *

People dumping gear instead of hoarding? Not sure what people are expecting.

Any piece being equipped will become poor gear to that user someday, unless the user is Lv500
Then there will be two cases:
1.That user tends to not upgrade his current gear=>forging system dies down
2.That user forge current gear, until a replacement of proper level appears, salvage old gear for materials, buyback cost > selling price =>abandon gear in bazaar

Of course hoarding not-fixed-yet gears from shrine is possible,
but the problem is how people treat their old gear will make a big difference on the whole community.
It's a potential hazard that a portion of good gear drop not going into the public market,
even if its stats are fixed and only players around that level wants it.
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post Jan 16 2015, 06:08
Post #11974

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QUOTE(colosseum_guy @ Jan 16 2015, 11:34) *

Any piece being equipped will become poor gear to that user someday, unless the user is Lv500
Then there will be two cases:
1.That user tends to not upgrade his current gear=>forging system dies down
2.That user forge current gear, until a replacement of proper level appears, salvage old gear for materials, buyback cost > selling price =>abandon gear in bazaar

Of course hoarding not-fixed-yet gears from shrine is possible,
but the problem is how people treat their old gear will make a big difference on the whole community.
It's a potential hazard that a portion of good gear drop not going into the public market,
even if its stats are fixed and only players around that level wants it.

I don't see the problem. People in this patch mostly salvage the old gear anyway. And people will not buy back the purposely salvaged gear. Just let them disappear forever. (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif)
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post Jan 16 2015, 06:47
Post #11975

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QUOTE(Colman @ Jan 15 2015, 22:08) *

I don't see the problem. People in this patch mostly salvage the old gear anyway. And people will not buy back the purposely salvaged gear. Just let them disappear forever. (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif)

Even if the old gear can sell for millions? (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif)

High buyback price after salvage reduces the reselling chance in this patch & future patch if it goes on, true.
But With the level limit that naturally makes finding&buying good&usable gear harder,
And act of letting good gear disappear happens more frequent due to fixed stat,
(or forging becomes much less frequent, approaching the state of meaningless)
The same act is killing a larger portion of potential market than now.

Adn Tenboro needs to really, really make a HUGE increase of drop chance/quality for compensation.
I'm just thinking if letting the market shrink and let drop chance balance everything is the right choice.

This post has been edited by colosseum_guy: Jan 16 2015, 06:49
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post Jan 16 2015, 09:08
Post #11976

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QUOTE(colosseum_guy @ Jan 16 2015, 12:47) *

Even if the old gear can sell for millions? (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif)

High buyback price after salvage reduces the reselling chance in this patch & future patch if it goes on, true.
But With the level limit that naturally makes finding&buying good&usable gear harder,
And act of letting good gear disappear happens more frequent due to fixed stat,
(or forging becomes much less frequent, approaching the state of meaningless)
The same act is killing a larger portion of potential market than now.

Adn Tenboro needs to really, really make a HUGE increase of drop chance/quality for compensation.
I'm just thinking if letting the market shrink and let drop chance balance everything is the right choice.

The current buy back price is cheap IMO. Anyway, buy back price is not a controlling factor in market price. It is because people salvage a forged gear after they have got a better one. No reason to waste credits to buy back something useless. The buy back is only for careless salvage.
FYI, in case you dun't know, bought back item cannot be sold to other players.

For drop chance, I think 10b will slightly remove some troll drop. He surely will not greatly enhance the drop rate and quality because there is an option to bind the gear to player's level. It may not be cheap, but old players can afford it for sure; otherwise, the donators will complaint. (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/cool.gif)

Hope the actual cost for binding a gear can be lower than 2m.

This post has been edited by Colman: Jan 16 2015, 09:09
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post Jan 16 2015, 09:23
Post #11977

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QUOTE(Colman @ Jan 16 2015, 01:08) *

The current buy back price is cheap IMO. Anyway, buy back price is not a controlling factor in market price. It is because people salvage a forged gear after they have got a better one. No reason to waste credits to buy back something useless. The buy back is only for careless salvage.
FYI, in case you dun't know, bought back item cannot be sold to other players.
For drop chance, I think 10b will slightly remove some troll drop. He surely will not greatly enhance the drop rate and quality because there is an option to bind the gear to player's level. It may not be cheap, but old players can afford it for sure; otherwise, the donators will complaint. (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/cool.gif)

Hope the actual cost for binding a gear can be lower than 2m.

Oops (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/wink.gif) Didn't notice this side effect of savlaging......

Updating the level-binding sounds good, as long as it marks the prices according to gear tier/quality.....
Imagine a low level player using a meh set at lv120, and can't find any good replacement up to lv200,
due to not-good-enough drop rate/quality, and the less-open market.
I hope in such cases players can at least pay a meh cost to update his meh set (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif)
Just like how catalysts work atm.

Edit: the level-binding should only be able to increase the level limit & stat, so as to match Tenboro's "lv200 can't equip a lv400 drop" (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif)

This post has been edited by colosseum_guy: Jan 16 2015, 09:37
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post Jan 16 2015, 12:16
Post #11978

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post Jan 18 2015, 04:07
Post #11979

Translating Miku's Yuri Nikki for the heck of it~~
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<tenboro> na, the old equipment will still be useful, at least until you've outgrown it
<tenboro> but on the bright side, it will be a lot easier to find some new, better equipment
<tenboro> you know, the standard mmo cycle of life
<tenboro> or circle of life, whatever
<tenboro> I am planning a mechanism to bind equipment to a person's level, for a cost, but that would also make the equipment bound
<tenboro> not sure if that will make it into 0.82 though
<tenboro> basically I want to give people the option to have either level-bound or player-bound equipment.. but switching to the latter will require some kind of very rare item
<tenboro> and yeah, people have been whining about not getting notable improvements through drops for ages
<tenboro> it won't be the same to bind to a player level and bind to an account
<tenboro> otherwise people could just salvage it to get it for free..
<tenboro> I hate stealing terms from wow, but it will probably be called soul binding or soul fusion or something like that
<tenboro> and you won't be locked out from using any of your gear, but equipping it will assign your level to it
<tenboro> anything dropped prior to the patch won't have a level until it gets equipped
I've heard your game-patching manifesto for quite some time now, and now that I have some time to spare, I think its high time for me to voice my comments.

Personally, I believe everyone here would certainly be all for better loot drop rates, which is obvious considering how ridiculously good equips are ridiculously rare in this game right now.
The next problem would be of course, the level binding issue. Better loots is good and all, but I don't think we should sacrifice the trade in favor of a rapid-cycle of equip changing. I think a rare item that can reset equipment levels should be introduced to rectify this.
Also, please mark all the Equips from Freeshop into "Freeshop Bound" status if possible. Can't be traded, stays with the player up to only 30 days, but has the level scaling at the range of Lv30-200.

This post has been edited by LostLogia4: Jan 18 2015, 04:08
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post Jan 18 2015, 05:16
Post #11980

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Just wondering, as the number of people who could get the yearly awards increased, how about expanding the number of monthly awards too, e.g. Platinum Ticket for 1st-3rd, Golden Ticket for 4th-10th, Silver Ticket for 11th-17th, Bronze Ticket for 18th-25th. (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/unsure.gif)
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