[Suggestion] A few requests, Can we has... |
Jan 13 2015, 19:05
Group: Catgirl Camarilla
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QUOTE(Ichy @ Jan 13 2015, 12:26)  But to beat the boss you need gear at your level (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif) You can win a trophy which can level your equipment~ (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif) QUOTE(jenga201 @ Jan 13 2015, 14:12)  When i was gold star at lvl ~300, it took me about a full week of grinding/arenas per level. I'm thinking its possible, in the new system, to get a useable drop in a week of 4-5 hrs per day of grinding.
Faster grinding = faster leveling, you grind more for equipment and you need more equipment. I think it is impossible for who grinds in IWTBH 4-5hr per day can only level up 1 level per week(I guess you won't grind for equipment in X0.5...). Still, Golden star/ Catgirls/ Specail reward are suppose to level up faster, so it is unfair to let them become weaker compare to those without stars. Their equipment drop rate comparing to EXP gaining rate is different from common players. QUOTE(jenga201 @ Jan 13 2015, 14:12)  From what I've seen, once you gain a level, its only possible for you to get an equipment drop with better (slightly) stats. It doesn't mean your existing equipment is total crap or unequipable.
You have to face higher level monsters. They don't need equipment... (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/tongue.gif) This post has been edited by gc00018: Jan 13 2015, 19:09
Jan 13 2015, 23:16
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QUOTE(jenga201 @ Jan 13 2015, 23:12)  Buying everything might be very expensive, though... I'm thinking its possible, in the new system, to get a useable drop in a week of 4-5 hrs per day of grinding.
4-5hrs/day is A LOT. I already have an overtime job, I don't want another one. QUOTE(n125 @ Jan 13 2015, 19:24)  It gives the whiners what they want, but not exactly what they want.
I'll still lurk here to watch for your whining when you can't replace your soon-to-be obsolete Lmax freyr gear. At least not without paying out the nose for. You must be rich. And how to replace that soon-to-be obsolete ebony staff with a worse redwood? Amidst all of this equipment turmoil, my one suggestion is to have current peerless equipment scale to level without being account-locked. So at least GC's peerless charged pants will still be usable/tradeable for him up to 500. (or whatever the player level limit might be... 1000?). Disclaimer: I don't even have any usable peerless.
Jan 14 2015, 00:03
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QUOTE(treesloth @ Jan 13 2015, 16:16)  4-5hrs/day is A LOT. I already have an overtime job, I don't want another one.
Don't cherry pick posts. I said it took me 4-5hrs/day of grinding for a week to get 1 level. In that time, I expect a new useable piece of equipment could drop. Not 'it takes 4-5hrs/day for a week of grinding to get a piece of equipment'.
Jan 14 2015, 00:40
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QUOTE(jenga201 @ Jan 13 2015, 15:12)  It all has to do with grinding>drops. If you get a good drop you can't use, I don't see why you can't trade it for another good drop you want. Buying everything might be very expensive, though...
You're still thinking in the old system... If what is suggested in this patch is actually implemented, it will be a completely new way of thinking about equip drops.
You get free catalysts? Can I have some? I was referring to forging etc costs. I literally couldn't care any less about equipment upgrades. QUOTE(jenga201 @ Jan 13 2015, 15:12)  I'm tired of grinding so much to be rewarded with superior items for the past 5 months from these supposed high drop bonus arenas.
There's the big difference, you want upgrades for your stuff, which is fine by me. I'm not opposed to that at all. I just want to play some casual GF without having to worry about all my stuff becoming obsolete every x months.
Jan 14 2015, 00:55
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QUOTE(chivoef @ Jan 13 2015, 17:40)  You get free catalysts? Can I have some? I was referring to forging etc costs. I literally couldn't care any less about equipment upgrades.
Forging does need a change. I'm expecting this is one of the many things that might be tweaked. QUOTE(chivoef @ Jan 13 2015, 17:40)  There's the big difference, you want upgrades for your stuff, which is fine by me. I'm not opposed to that at all. I just want to play some casual GF without having to worry about all my stuff becoming obsolete every x months.
gtfo casual? Nothing in my comment said I was looking for equipment upgrades. I've got the best DW/2H light set that exists. In regards to equipment becoming obsolete, sure.. but wouldn't you get your new equips in that time? <- Last post about this topic. It seems like you people can't look past your own virtual financial situation and see the possible good for players of all levels.
Jan 14 2015, 00:57
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QUOTE(jenga201 @ Jan 13 2015, 23:12)  I'm thinking its possible, in the new system, to get a useable drop in a week of 4-5 hrs per day of grinding.
QUOTE(jenga201 @ Jan 14 2015, 07:03)  Don't cherry pick posts.
I said it took me 4-5hrs/day of grinding for a week to get 1 level. In that time, I expect a new useable piece of equipment could drop.
Not 'it takes 4-5hrs/day for a week of grinding to get a piece of equipment'.
How is this cherry picking? That's exactly what you said. Unless your English is different than mine. So you mean to say 'I'm thinking it's possible, in the new system, to get a useable drop every level increase?' So what of level 500 players? And that means that one replaces each gear every level? And what would guarantee a player will drop the boots they need instead of getting another helmet? And FYI, for mage, if you level without your gear leveling with you, it's pretty much crap. We don't get the benefit of good offense paired with good defense. edit: I'd like to hear opinions from all players instead of just catgirls and toplisters. If those players (99% of HV) really feel like it will help them, then fine, on with the show. This post has been edited by treesloth: Jan 14 2015, 01:18
Jan 14 2015, 01:37
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QUOTE(treesloth @ Jan 13 2015, 13:16)  I'll still lurk here to watch for your whining when you can't replace your soon-to-be obsolete Lmax freyr gear. At least not without paying out the nose for. You must be rich. And how to replace that soon-to-be obsolete ebony staff with a worse redwood?
Honestly, I'm not really looking forward to the prospect of outgrowing my equipment either. Too much effort goes into long-term gear to replace it frequently. Instead of the wheel being reinvented in a way that might make the game more frustrating, I'd rather see additions to the current loot system; things like accessories, the reintroduction of old armor types with revamped functionality, perhaps further equipment customizations requiring certain forge levels, and so on.
Jan 14 2015, 04:09
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I like the idea of having available equipment upgrades every few levels due to stat scaling. At the moment, it seems that level 380?+ players may drop many millions on a great piece of gear, upgrade it as much as they can, and then never bother worrying about that slot again (for that particular set) - that part of the game is "finished" forever, or until the player feels like spending tens/hundreds of millions for the next upgrade. I think playing the game would be significantly more interesting if a player can always be on the lookout for the (remote) possibility of an upgrade now and then. If self-found was an option that would be really great, but getting even decent drops matching your style and subpar equipment slots is rare to nonexistent for those above level 50. Right now, people play HV for XP, credits, tokens, and crystals - but not for equipment upgrades, which they have to play the market "game" for (buy $50 worth of hath, get something with stats a couple percentage points better), whether they like it or not. Regardless, if equipment will be replaced every few levels, either players will have to be satisfied with slightly worse gear than they're accustomed to using so far - which could be a good thing - or there will be better drop rates to compensate for the more frequent replacements. I've never liked the exorbitant costs that seem to be the norm for upgrading good gear - if you're under level 300, odds are you don't have anywhere close to enough resources to make any difference, let alone spend 17m on 100 Bindings of Slaughter that the higher players have on everything. It could be good if players (high level players included) are encouraged to measure the upgrade cost with the expected time until it's replaced, instead of upgrading as much as possible as soon as the new upgrade is acquired. So, instead of statements like this, QUOTE(n125 @ Jan 13 2015, 17:37)  Honestly, I'm not really looking forward to the prospect of outgrowing my equipment either. Too much effort goes into long-term gear to replace it frequently Players will spend significantly less on each upgrade, at least until they get to 500 - yes, it will be too much effort to do what is done now with every upgrade, so maybe you'll spend only 5 days worth of income on something you'll replace in 60 days, rather than spending the current many tens of millions for near-permanent gear upgrades as done nowadays. Though I don't like the equip market much, I know there are many who enjoy it a lot, and this QUOTE(Tenboro @ Jan 11 2015, 02:59)  A level 200 player won't be able to use gear dropped by a level 400 player, no. would destroy it. If drop rates were tweaked so that sub-level 400 players would occasionally find upgrades themselves, instead of always buying them as they do now (which would become impossible if this goes through), playing HV itself will probably be significantly more interesting, and feel much less like the scummy pay-to-win game it feels like now (to me). The high-level market sellers would hate this change, but playing HV would feel a whole lot more rewarding to the 98% (??) of players below 400.
Jan 14 2015, 07:06
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You people are over-thinking. Do you think Tenboro hasn't already thought about those things that you're whining about?
"Getting a new weapon every now & then to Upgrade the stats" idea is BS. TenB's idea is to make the players "Upgrade the current set more often rather than buying more parts to Upgrade the stats" (IMO). So I think the forge level cap will become loose and people will be able to upgrade more easily.
But yes, it may kill the Equipment market.
Oh and btw, getting more Level is harder for 300+ players, but not for Lv.100 and less players.
Jan 14 2015, 07:12
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After days of thinking, I finally got it.
You guys are not getting it. The main dish is supposed to be the gallery with HV as a way to limit service. However, right now, the gallery seems to be the add-on perk of playing HV. Tenboro is trying very hard to correct this.
Just imagine if you can trade in Kantai Collection. There's nothing wrong with trade restriction. We only whine because we had it before and it's gonna be taken away.
Jan 14 2015, 07:50
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QUOTE(tetron @ Jan 14 2015, 13:06)  You people are over-thinking. Do you think Tenboro hasn't already thought about those things that you're whining about?
My past experience tell me that 10B may not think about it. (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif)
Jan 14 2015, 09:49
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QUOTE(tetron @ Jan 14 2015, 06:06)  You people are over-thinking. Do you think Tenboro hasn't already thought about those things that you're whining about?
I do.
Jan 14 2015, 22:17
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QUOTE(tetron @ Jan 14 2015, 16:06)  You people are over-thinking. Do you think Tenboro hasn't already thought about those things that you're whining about?
"Getting a new weapon every now & then to Upgrade the stats" idea is BS. TenB's idea is to make the players "Upgrade the current set more often rather than buying more parts to Upgrade the stats" (IMO). So I think the forge level cap will become loose and people will be able to upgrade more easily.
But yes, it may kill the Equipment market.
Oh and btw, getting more Level is harder for 300+ players, but not for Lv.100 and less players.
Nah what tenb is doing is giving high level player (400/450+?) truckload of legendary/peerless. Mid level players (300-400) will have to contend themselves with mags, and can only look on as leg and peerless are exclusively traded between high level people who can use them... Eventually the market becomes so flooded that lesser leg with wrong prefix/suffix match will start appearing in bazaar... the trade market won't be killed but it will be partitioned with similarly leveled players trading gears amongst themselves. Also, no more freeshop, and no more "hitting the jackpot to get rich quick" for low level players HV: The tease (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/tongue.gif) This post has been edited by holy_demon: Jan 14 2015, 22:32
Jan 15 2015, 01:41
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QUOTE(holy_demon @ Jan 14 2015, 10:17)  the trade market won't be killed but it will be partitioned with similarly leveled players trading gears amongst themselves. Also, no more freeshop, and no more "hitting the jackpot to get rich quick" for low level players HV: The tease (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/tongue.gif) GC asked for usable drops. So hopefully thats what we get without too many side effects.
Jan 15 2015, 02:29
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QUOTE(EsotericSatire @ Jan 15 2015, 00:41)  GC asked for usable drops. So hopefully thats what we get without too many side effects.
So it's actually gc the one pushing the buttons?
Jan 15 2015, 02:50
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I think I'm starting to accept the incoming changes, but the pill will still be hard to swallow. (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/unsure.gif) I wonder how rare the item that turn equipment account-bound but with scalable stats will be? Not that rare I suppose, since Tenboro's interest is to let us turn as many good pieces of equipment untradable as possible. Maybe as rare as Amnesia Shards? Will lottery prizes have their stats scale from the start?
Jan 15 2015, 03:24
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QUOTE(EsotericSatire @ Jan 14 2015, 23:41)  GC asked for usable drops. So hopefully thats what we get without too many side effects.
I guess you mistake me with some other guys. QUOTE(Hoheneim @ Jan 15 2015, 00:29)  So it's actually gc the one pushing the buttons?
No, those FOS did it. As for me, I care Monsters more than equipments. This post has been edited by gc00018: Jan 15 2015, 03:24
Jan 15 2015, 05:21
el h
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For those that think the free shops will be doomed: I started mine while equipment had levels. It ran quite well. The levels were a bit inconvenient, but not a big problem. In fact it helped: I got a lot of very nice donations from people who outgrew their good equipment. Of course levels will work a bit different now, but think it will still work. Just wanted to mention that.
Jan 15 2015, 07:04
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QUOTE(Dan31 @ Jan 15 2015, 01:50)  I wonder how rare the item that turn equipment account-bound but with scalable stats will be? Not that rare I suppose, since Tenboro's interest is to let us turn as many good pieces of equipment untradable as possible. Maybe as rare as Amnesia Shards? Will lottery prizes have their stats scale from the start?
Tenboro said "super-rare", amnesia shards aren't really "super-rare". BTW, while I still fail to grasp the actual reasons behind this overhaul of the mechanics I don't think that the goal is to make most of the items untradeable.
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