QUOTE(Tenboro @ Jan 10 2015, 14:37)

It's not so much a "make all existing equipment obsolete" patch, it's more of a series of changes that should make drops less trolly overall and allow people to get meaningful upgrades. Good equipment for your level should be a lot easier to come by, but at the same time it will add a hard level restriction to at least somewhat alleviate the Auction House syndrome where the most common way to find an upgrade is to buy it.
QUOTE(Tenboro @ Jan 11 2015, 01:59)

A level 200 player won't be able to use gear dropped by a level 400 player, no.
QUOTE(Tenboro @ Jan 11 2015, 05:53)

Not entirely similar. Equipment will drop with a level corresponding to the player similar to before, but you won't be able to equip gear with a higher level than you, and it's not something you can increase in the item world.
QUOTE(Tenboro @ Jan 11 2015, 05:53)

Gear that doesn't have a level will be bound to a level the first time it's equipped.
QUOTE(Tenboro @ Jan 11 2015, 07:18)

The equipment's level will fix its stats to that level.
This honestly sounds like it's an attempt to make use of rare equipments impractical for anyone who doesn't do the daily grind, all day every day.
Also, it seems like those changes are designed to make it impractical for someone to donate to the site and use the resulting credits to get a leg up in the Hentaiverse. Or to undercut the Shared Free Shop entirely.
I don't see why you wouldn't allow item world grinding to increase the level of the item (say, to the grinder's current level) - unless you want to preserve item shop leveling services as a viable economic practice.
The main issue with Auction House Syndrome isn't that what you can buy is always so much better than what drops - it's that what drops is generally stuff you aren't using. If there were fewer choices, it would settle this matter, but at the same time, it would reduce or eliminate the player-side economy that has developed.
On the other hand, if drop frequency was based on current equips, that would flood the market with the wares people are using - which might do interesting things.