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> [Suggestion] A few requests, Can we has...

post Dec 6 2014, 03:14
Post #11741

Mathematical Trashcat
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Shielding sounds promising for Force since its a field right?

Maybe Savage for Buckler? Backhand to the face
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post Dec 6 2014, 09:02
Post #11742

Niten = 我が両刀に断てぬもの無し。
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Any sign of bw buff? (seldom to the chat).
Add the stack up to 10 at least, useful for bosses & useless in long run.
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post Dec 6 2014, 09:54
Post #11743

~ Loli Trainer ~
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QUOTE(Dan31 @ Dec 6 2014, 01:48) *

Suggestion: Remove Mithril from the list of available prefixes for Buckler and Force Shield. They are already light to begin with.

better suggestion:
1. make mithril unique the bucklers!
2. this one is pretty rare
3. mithril allows you to equip the shield even when using 2hand or mage style. If you do the shields stats are reduced by 75%

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post Dec 6 2014, 11:03
Post #11744

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QUOTE(Dan31 @ Dec 6 2014, 07:48) *

Suggestion: Remove Mithril from the list of available prefixes for Buckler and Force Shield. They are already light to begin with.

Or instead replace Mithril prefix with Ethereal.
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post Dec 6 2014, 16:46
Post #11745

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It would be nice, if log window would show damage done to me with different color than damage dealt to monsters. If it's available then sorry, but I can't find such option in settings.
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post Dec 6 2014, 22:21
Post #11746

Mathematical Trashcat
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QUOTE(hiryune @ Dec 6 2014, 14:46) *

It would be nice, if log window would show damage done to me with different color than damage dealt to monsters. If it's available then sorry, but I can't find such option in settings.

There are scripts out there that do this, can't recall which ones
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post Dec 8 2014, 12:05
Post #11747

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Suggestion: Remove the Vampire/Illith/Banshee suffixes for 2H. Or apply the effect to all targets hit (maybe with a weaker effect for secondary targets).
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post Dec 9 2014, 01:19
Post #11748

नो व्हिनिन्ग अल्लोवेद
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Make Savage and Mystic forgeable.
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post Dec 9 2014, 05:26
Post #11749

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QUOTE(treesloth @ Dec 8 2014, 18:19) *

Make Savage and Mystic forgeable.

And Agile, for that matter.
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post Dec 9 2014, 07:44
Post #11750

Niten = 我が両刀に断てぬもの無し。
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QUOTE(Drksrpnt @ Dec 8 2014, 20:26) *

And Agile, for that matter.

gotta love this with dual max swift strike in swiftness offhand niten.
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post Dec 10 2014, 02:52
Post #11751

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QUOTE(Drksrpnt @ Dec 8 2014, 22:26) *

And Agile, for that matter.

And ethereal and magnificent and legendary
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post Dec 10 2014, 11:30
Post #11752

नो व्हिनिन्ग अल्लोवेद
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QUOTE(treesloth @ Dec 9 2014, 08:19) *

Make Savage and Mystic forgeable.

QUOTE(Drksrpnt @ Dec 9 2014, 12:26) *

And Agile, for that matter.

Make Savage, Mystic, Agile, Charged, Mithril, and Frugal forgeable.
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post Dec 11 2014, 01:11
Post #11753

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QUOTE(treesloth @ Dec 10 2014, 04:30) *

Make Savage, Mystic, Agile, Charged, Mithril, and Frugal forgeable.

If Charged was able to be forged, I think it would surpass Radiant in terms of value.

I would rather have something that improved crit chance rather than crit damage like Mystic.
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post Dec 11 2014, 05:44
Post #11754

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"You mustn't be afraid to dream a little bigger, darling" Eames from inception
Duel between player (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)
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post Dec 11 2014, 06:33
Post #11755

नो व्हिनिन्ग अल्लोवेद
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QUOTE(teenyman45 @ Dec 11 2014, 08:11) *

If Charged was able to be forged, I think it would surpass Radiant in terms of value.

Oh? Why do you say that? I don't really have an opinion on this.... (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/unsure.gif)
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post Dec 12 2014, 06:31
Post #11756

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Did someone already suggest adding search functions to MM and forum messages? Because that would be really helpful (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)
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post Dec 12 2014, 14:52
Post #11757

Look, Fat.
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They would have to update the invisible power 'broads' or request new features which happens eventually.
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post Dec 13 2014, 02:58
Post #11758

नो व्हिनिन्ग अल्लोवेद
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QUOTE(teenyman45 @ Dec 11 2014, 08:11) *

If Charged was able to be forged, I think it would surpass Radiant in terms of value.

I would rather have something that improved crit chance rather than crit damage like Mystic.

Actually after some discussion with Dan31, I think Radiant>Charged (even if charged could be forged), at least for holy/dark, and in Pfudor.

This post has been edited by treesloth: Dec 13 2014, 02:58
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post Dec 13 2014, 03:41
Post #11759

Mathematical Trashcat
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Damage trump all except when you already one shot
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post Dec 17 2014, 11:38
Post #11760

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Illithid, Banshee, Vampire

There has been some talk about ways to improve these and I really think they need to be improved. Why? Because they are instantly thought of as trash, mostly. So this is to at least make them viable so these are some small changes to start them off in the right direction.

For each I think a huge improvement would be if they proc with crits. This change might be a bit much for one-handed illithid and banshee but still not enough for vampire.

I think changing vampire is better, I was thinking of something along the lines of drain, where it deals damage and restores health. But more than that, I thought it should be percentage damage done, like 1-3 percent additional damage done, based on the mob's health and it restore the same amount to the player, but based off the player's effective health. (the idea was to be more effective against higher health monsters but keeping the range it restores to the player the same)

Now, all the above was meant only for one-handed weapons, but these suffix on two-handed weapons is completely useless and since you aren't removing them (at least so far) then how about a change.

So for two handed weapons I think they should have a chance at procing with the domino strikes but capped at 3 times per turn. Also, each monster further away from the first the proc chance would go down by half but the amount restored stays the same. So let's say you hit main and you have a 25% chance of procing and two next to the monster would have 12.5% chance at procing and the next furthest ones have 6.25% and finally 3.125%.

So no crit proc for 2h but utilizing the domino strike for procs.

Also, the change for vampire is for both 1h and 2h.

Finally, I have no idea how big of an impact these changes would have but they don't SEEM overly broken to me, so some more opinions would be helpful.
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