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[Suggestion] A few requests, Can we has... |
Oct 31 2014, 13:09
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neither of those things are forgeable. you can only add to it with swift strike and spellweaver respectively AFAIK
Oct 31 2014, 18:31
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QUOTE(something @ Oct 31 2014, 04:09)  neither of those things are forgeable. you can only add to it with swift strike and spellweaver respectively AFAIK
with binding of the cheetah, attack speed only. Well yes, +1 for binding of swiftness/charger. This post has been edited by Dead-ed: Oct 31 2014, 18:34
Nov 1 2014, 14:17
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Mean to post this a while back.
Since draining weapons are borderline useless (or totally ?) at this stage it would be fun change by moving Draining Suffix (Vampire/Illithid/Banshee) to Draining Prefix.
Legendary Vampiric Estoc of Slaughter is potentially worth fortune with usefulness off the scale - Legendary [whatever] Estoc of [whatever draining proc] is worth&useful about as much as extra cup of sand in the middle of desert.
Nov 1 2014, 14:46
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QUOTE(Thrawnizator @ Nov 1 2014, 20:17)  Mean to post this a while back.
Since draining weapons are borderline useless (or totally ?) at this stage it would be fun change by moving Draining Suffix (Vampire/Illithid/Banshee) to Draining Prefix.
Legendary Vampiric Estoc of Slaughter is potentially worth fortune with usefulness off the scale - Legendary [whatever] Estoc of [whatever draining proc] is worth&useful about as much as extra cup of sand in the middle of desert.
Vampire is useless not because draining is useless but because the amount of hp recovered is too little. Just make its effect x10 and it should be fine. This post has been edited by Colman: Nov 1 2014, 14:47
Nov 1 2014, 15:30
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I like the Idea of salvaging Weapons and forge their special traits to another weapon. Like salvaging a Vampire Weapon will generate some Vampire material you can add to your of Slaughter weapon. Or add whatever you have to your weapon to generate Silly< shit like a Slaughter Axe of the Ox with mana, Spirit and HP drain. Sound overpowered yes but if every Upgrade just adds a tiny bit of stats and needed materials double with each upgrade it will become a great material sink!
Of course drain mechanics need to improve or everyone will just go for attack power again.
Nov 1 2014, 16:54
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QUOTE(Colman @ Nov 1 2014, 13:46)  Vampire is useless not because draining is useless but because the amount of hp recovered is too little. Just make its effect x10 and it should be fine.
player lvl based and forgeable leg. banshee rapier of nimble - endless spirit stance (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)
Nov 2 2014, 06:05
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Add Sunset Shimmer, & Lightning Dust to the roster of pony figurines. Maybe consider adding Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon, Queen Chrysalis, Princess Cadence & Gilda too while you're at it.
This post has been edited by hujan86: Nov 2 2014, 06:10
Nov 2 2014, 22:14
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Remove Catalyst and Scraps for repair and use just plain Credits. It is just unneeded clickerey.
Nov 3 2014, 01:54
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But Ichy, you can't overspend with pure credits.
Nov 3 2014, 06:45
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QUOTE(J99814 @ Nov 2 2014, 23:54)  But Ichy, you can't overspend with pure credits.
Yeah, that's the point! (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif)
Nov 3 2014, 07:38
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random thought, add a scroll that refreshes all currently active buffs
Nov 3 2014, 11:45
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QUOTE(Ichigo1100 @ Nov 3 2014, 05:38)  random thought, add a scroll that refreshes all currently active buffs
also, some scrolls to cast spell? (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif)
Nov 3 2014, 14:20
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QUOTE(Dead-ed @ Oct 31 2014, 18:31)  with binding of the cheetah, attack speed only. Well yes, +1 for binding of swiftness/charger.
Well cast speed is already additive, making it much better than attack speed.
Nov 3 2014, 16:26
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QUOTE(m118w11 @ Nov 3 2014, 02:20)  Well cast speed is already additive, making it much better than attack speed.
It also has a cap, but people haven't really worked it out what it currently is for different spells. I don't think melee has different attack speeds but it varies greatly with spells.
Nov 4 2014, 10:16
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Since Imperil and Spec-Mit floor=0 is here to stay, have deprecating prof add to imperil's effect by reducing specmits < 0. This effect only begins at a very high level, say "your level + max-forged LegMax Deprecating Prof on a katalox staff at your level." Any deprecating prof below this level will not add anything to imperil.
This promotes the use of Curse-Weaver gossamer/cotton, but only to a certain degree. and maybe curse-weaver staffs, but not likely.
Nov 4 2014, 18:40
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Remove Focus MP charge and Defend HP charge.
Because I want to see melees squirm. Focus in particular practically gives mage functionality to melees without the drawback of low defense. Seriously, it's basically a pseudo ether tap.
Nov 4 2014, 18:45
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QUOTE(hitokiri84 @ Nov 4 2014, 16:40)  Remove Focus MP charge and Defend HP charge.
Because I want to see melees squirm. Focus in particular practically gives mage functionality to melees without the drawback of low defense. Seriously, it's basically a pseudo ether tap.
But when they focus they get hit due to no avoidance. Of course there is a drawback!
Nov 4 2014, 18:57
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QUOTE(skillchip @ Nov 4 2014, 10:45)  But when they focus they get hit due to no avoidance. Of course there is a drawback!
...because that totally matters to a tank that has whittled the round down to 1 weak monster, and can do that for infinite rounds.
Nov 4 2014, 22:53
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As intended, strategery!
Nov 4 2014, 23:30
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nerfing one build isntead of buffing the other builds is the wrong approach. You might end up with a nerf creep like some games.
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