[Suggestion] A few requests, Can we has... |
Aug 28 2014, 04:52
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QUOTE(Drksrpnt @ Aug 27 2014, 22:05)  Will Dovahkin be buffed ever? There's still almost no reason to use it at all.
Dovahkiin is too OP for melee... (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif)
Aug 28 2014, 11:00
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QUOTE(e-Stark @ Aug 28 2014, 04:52)  Dovahkiin is too OP for melee... (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif) How good is the combo Estoc + Agile light armor + Fus Roh Dah?
Aug 28 2014, 13:22
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QUOTE(Dan31 @ Aug 28 2014, 06:00)  How good is the combo Estoc + Agile light armor + Fus Roh Dah?
I've not played too much with it (yet)... but I can say " Invincible"... The drawback is that you can't use Spirit Stance and skills (other than Fus Roh Dah) anymore... and you need too take care with OC management... in other words: You will be a little slower than normal. but seriously, you can just play invincible with it... even with Estoc (Lv5 Swift Strike) + full set Power Slaughter (full feather)... (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/ph34r.gif)
Aug 28 2014, 17:45
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Yeah the only time I ever use Dovahkiin is when I'm running Item World with my estoc/leather set. The stun is pretty good, but losing the 10% damage and 3% evasion sucks. And besides that, there's really not much reason to use it.
Aug 28 2014, 19:36
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QUOTE(Cashino @ Aug 25 2014, 21:51)  Eila 501 (and more generally any one of frith's mobs/witches) used to be notorious for being annoying due to how hard they were due to frith investing almost everything into his mobs. I can't remember how high Eila was in the PL rankings but it was up there (top 10?). Then the nuclear holocaust known as HV 0.76 came around and shattered frith's soul and his walkman due to the changes to the Monster Lab, mainly how upgrades now needed much, much fewer crystals to upgrade, essentially nuking frith's 2+ years of investments into his mobs. To rub salt on the wound, Http maxed out Kodou Yuki only 1 or 2 days after 0.76 was released. This made frith quit the game (he bazaared everything he had), but he wants Eila 501 to be retired as well due to his attachment to his mobs. However, because his drama queen antics is just so bloody hilarious, Tenboro refuses to retire Eila 501 despite frith's pleas.
tl;dr everyone is a sadist.
QUOTE(Ichy @ Aug 26 2014, 01:37)  This was round 2. The same happened with original Eila much much earlier.
Yes, that was public attack #2. There were several others before that, some private. The first public one was when he was actually named Frith (hence why why still call him that), in which he sold his entire inventory, publicly posted his login info, and demanded that all of his Strike Witches monsters be deleted. When this was rejected, he demanded they be distributed instead. So the originals were distributed through a lottery, except for Eila. The agreement for me receiving her was that I would devote my time to upgrading her (after finishing my goal of completing all HV trainings at the time.) The original Eila Ilmatar Juutilainen was actually the strongest highest PL mob at the time, just over PL700. I don't know what triggered this, but it could probably be explained by his later actions. About a month after that, TheTornPrince (frith) PMed me, begging to help upgrade Eila, because I hadn't started by that point. We spent a week or two with him grinding for crystals and then sending them to me to add to my stash. Then, I used my own portion of one of the crystal types to upgrade a non-Eila mob, which resulted in him having a(nother) schizophrenic episode in which he tried to pocket a large amount of hath and equipment I had lent him to recover (since it was a new account.) I talked down his paranoia, and he eventually returned these things incrementally, and I returned the crystals. Due to his behavior, I vowed to not upgrade Eila, which I maintained for almost 3 years. Directly after that, I believe he latched on to Ichy (to help upgrade Liselotte?) I don't know what happened, but the rumor was it ended in a similar fashion. You'll have to ask Ichy. After that, frith went back on his own to make the 501st monster series. The above 2nd public incident happened after some time. The main thing that pissed him off was that the crystal requirement for upgrades was drastically lowered briefly, allowing HTTP/308 to max upgrade Kodou Yuki with his stockpiled few millions of crystals. Then right afterwards, the crystal requirements for upgrades were readjusted much higher. When frith saw that, it led to episode 2 with him demanding that all of his 501st monsters be deleted. I think tenboro caused this incident just to watch him squirm. (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif)
Aug 28 2014, 19:55
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I remember saying somewhere on the forum before the second incident that Eila 501st was a monster I loved to hate. He briefly went nuts on me for that, even though I simply meant I liked the challenge and was dubbing Eila a worthy opponent. Oh, and here is an old thread of interest. This post has been edited by Dan31: Aug 28 2014, 20:07
Aug 28 2014, 23:32
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introduction of the "3-Headed Flail"
crushing AND piercing, really high crit chance but no? stun
Aug 28 2014, 23:44
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QUOTE(treesloth @ Aug 28 2014, 23:32)  introduction of the "3-Headed Flail"
crushing AND piercing, really high crit chance but no? stun
Multiple damage types? I don't think it will ever happen. I would like to see a weapon with a very high crit chance though. Sword Chucks mk II.
Aug 29 2014, 00:23
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QUOTE(Drksrpnt @ Aug 28 2014, 12:45)  Yeah the only time I ever use Dovahkiin is when I'm running Item World with my estoc/leather set. The stun is pretty good, but losing the 10% damage and 3% evasion sucks. And besides that, there's really not much reason to use it.
I don't know in what difficulty you play... there's really no reason to use Dovahkiin in low difficulty... but in PFUDOR, sure it's OP... You don't need to evade monsters who can't attack you... and 10% damage is really negligible int trade of invincibility... also, stunned monsters can't evade/parry... so, in practice, you'll do (FullDamage - 10%) every turn... pretty fair imo... (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif) You just need some Swift Strikes or Agile prefix to make it work... for my experiments, with the right OC management, you'll need to fight face-to-face only two monsters per round (it's when you are building OC to get Fus Roh Dah ready for next round)... I don't know how hard a monster can hit in 900+ rounds of PFUDORfest... but i played 'till ~300 and their attacks are weak enough so that regen can easily take care of it... I want to experiment more with it... but i need to find time for it... (especially because i play mage... (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif) )
Aug 29 2014, 00:34
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QUOTE(e-Stark @ Aug 29 2014, 00:23)  so, in practice, you'll do (FullDamage - 10%) every turn... pretty fair imo... (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif) Not (FullDamage - 10%), but (FullDamage - 9.09%).
Aug 29 2014, 00:52
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QUOTE(Dan31 @ Aug 28 2014, 05:00)  How good is the combo Estoc + Agile light armor + Fus Roh Dah?
see the link in my sig. IMO you'd need forged leg estoc + DD + >24% attack speed to get the best results, but playing around with the set i mentioned is manageable at BT FYI; for an infinite stun loop, you'd need ~35% attack speed. i think.
Aug 29 2014, 01:04
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Oh, yeah, I learnt of the combo via your sig initially. The linked post has more details than I thought.
Aug 29 2014, 04:54
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QUOTE(something @ Aug 28 2014, 19:52)  see the link in my sig. IMO you'd need forged leg estoc + DD + >24% attack speed to get the best results, but playing around with the set i mentioned is manageable at BT
FYI; for an infinite stun loop, you'd need ~35% attack speed. i think.
The first time i heard of what is really possible to do with Dovahkiin was in your post too... (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) But you are wrong... since the only thing important in that case is the Action Speed (and since you will be invincible)... You don't need any awesome set, any weapon will do the trick as long as it has Swift Strike Lv.5... (the Estoc i have is Exquisite)... I've IW an Estoc, a Katana and a Swiftness Wakizashi to Swift Strike Lv.5 just to see what is possible:. 1. Estoc (Lv.5 SS) + Power (full feather) = 12.1% Attack Speed: I can do exactly 10 attacks before stun run out... in other words: Fus Roh Dah get out of cooldown exactly at the same time of Stun... I gain between 50%-100% overcharge while attacking... that way if you manage to begin every round with ~200% OC you are safe (you should use the 2 last monsters of round to build OC)... it's difficulty but pretty feasible... 2. Estoc (Lv.5 SS) + Shade (no Agile) = 26% Attack Speed: Only 11 attacks before stun runs out, Recover 55%-110% OC while attacking. 3. Niten (Lv.10 SS) + Power (full feather) = 30.8% Attack Speed: I can do 13 attacks before stun runs out, Recover 65%-130% OC while attacking. 4. Niten (Lv.10 SS) + Shade (no Agile) = 42.3% Attack Speed: I can do 15 attacks before stun runs out, Recover 75%-150% OC while attacking. The more attack speed, the more safe you will be... but with the right management, even a single IW weapon + any set allows you to play semi-invincible... you just need to manage to begin every round with FRD out of cooldown + good amount of OC... PS: All my experiments are done in PFDORfest... imo there's no reason to use Dovahkiin in low difficulty... and any reasonable set can do very well in BT (even without Dovahkiin) as long as you don't want to complete GF... This post has been edited by e-Stark: Aug 29 2014, 05:01
Aug 29 2014, 05:11
Cats Lover
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Yep, I tried Fus Ro Dah trick after the PFUDOR speed patch (about 5 month ago IIRC), and it truly makes me invincible. But I abandoned it because it's too slow. (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/sad.gif) It can be a good option if someone set a goal to clear itself regardless of clear speed. This post has been edited by Cats Lover: Aug 29 2014, 05:12
Aug 29 2014, 06:57
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I think the abilities properties should be changed, for both melee and mage, because I think it's turning off new players. All skills and spells should be available to players of all levels in their specific class. However, the respective skills and spells should be very weak. Anyone can do a roundhouse kick, but only a black belt can knock someone out. (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif) If I were a new player at level 0, and I could only cast 'Corruption' targeting one monster, or iris strike without backstab, that would bore me to death and I would lose interest quickly. Only Tenboro will know the distribution of player levels to make conclusions about the number of new players vs old.
Aug 29 2014, 09:38
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Or, on the contrary, having things to unlock makes the game a little newer each time you do unlock things.
Aug 29 2014, 09:57
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QUOTE(Dan31 @ Aug 29 2014, 16:38)  Or, on the contrary, having things to unlock makes the game a little newer each time you do unlock things.
this is true, but for example, unlocking the first level of ragnarok at level 250 is too late. should be 100-150. imperil should also be allowed to unlock to 0 cooldown earlier than 310. unlock things earlier, but just make the effects weaker. this current system has a very steep growth curve and is unfriendly to new players.
Aug 29 2014, 10:11
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QUOTE(treesloth @ Aug 29 2014, 15:57)  this is true, but for example, unlocking the first level of ragnarok at level 250 is too late. should be 100-150. imperil should also be allowed to unlock to 0 cooldown earlier than 310. unlock things earlier, but just make the effects weaker.
this current system has a very steep growth curve and is unfriendly to new players.
The old users get used to the system does not mean the system is old users friendly. Also, the imbalance between different style is too huge. The user all shift to usable style to make thing work. Some weapons are completely useless. No armor combination can make them work. e.g. 2H Balance weapon is useless. Club of nimble is useless. Vampire weapons, etc.
Aug 29 2014, 10:16
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QUOTE(n125 @ Aug 28 2014, 01:45)  I guess these things won't be addressed until the title system is redone.
I am looking forward to the new title system. (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif)
Aug 29 2014, 10:44
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QUOTE(hitokiri84 @ Aug 28 2014, 19:36) 
Directly after that, I believe he latched on to Ichy (to help upgrade Liselotte?) I don't know what happened, but the rumor was it ended in a similar fashion. You'll have to ask Ichy. After that, frith went back on his own to make the 501st monster series.
Nope he never helped me level up Lisi (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/cry.gif) He should. But I did get all his Credits every time he quit which was used to upgrade some of my mobs.
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