QUOTE(malkatmp @ Aug 24 2014, 09:35)

i guess i'm too new, but what's the deal with Elia 501? & players joking about it'll never be removed.
Eila 501 (and more generally any one of frith's mobs/witches) used to be notorious for being annoying due to how hard they were due to frith investing almost everything into his mobs. I can't remember how high Eila was in the PL rankings but it was up there (top 10?).
Then the nuclear holocaust known as HV 0.76 came around and shattered frith's soul and his walkman due to the changes to the Monster Lab, mainly how upgrades now needed much, much fewer crystals to upgrade, essentially nuking frith's 2+ years of investments into his mobs. To rub salt on the wound, Http maxed out Kodou Yuki only 1 or 2 days after 0.76 was released.
This made frith quit the game (he bazaared everything he had), but he wants Eila 501 to be retired as well due to his attachment to his mobs. However, because his drama queen antics is just so bloody hilarious, Tenboro refuses to retire Eila 501 despite frith's pleas.
tl;dr everyone is a sadist.
This post has been edited by Cashino: Aug 26 2014, 04:56