It is common. In the old days each food add 2000 hunger so the script may set to feed food when hunger < 10,000 (I haven't looked into the codes). But the pill for morale haven't used by the script so far, and I dunno the threshold.
I tried looking at the code to adjust this as well, but it looks like it determines monster hunger/morale by the pixel width of the bar graphics, so I didn't want to mess with them. It's a bit of a pain, but you could wait until the bar is at a point that you want to refill, check the bar's width by checking the graphic properties, and then editing the number in the script.
I tried looking at the code to adjust this as well, but it looks like it determines monster hunger/morale by the pixel width of the bar graphics, so I didn't want to mess with them. It's a bit of a pain, but you could wait until the bar is at a point that you want to refill, check the bar's width by checking the graphic properties, and then editing the number in the script.
It shouldn't be hard. I will have a look later™. (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif) BTW, the author is still around. Ask for a newer version should be easier. He should be using the updated one anyway.
This post has been edited by Colman: Aug 9 2014, 18:38
It shouldn't be hard. I will have a look later™. (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif) BTW, the author is still around. Ask for a newer version should be easier. He should be using the updated one anyway.
If you want to adjust it yourself, the bar width for 1000 hunger looks to be about 110 px. So just open the code and look for the block of code with hungerbar.png and change BarWidth<100 to BarWidth<110. Then the script will feed a little after 1000 hunger instead of 2000 (so it will feed at width 109, which is actually a little more than 1000; not sure if 110px is precisely 1000 hunger or not.)
Can we have different icons for 'Smite' and 'Banishment'? Smite looks like 'shock' and banishment, well I don't know what it's supposed to be. Also, I would like 'Disintegrate' to look kinda like this:
A lot of icons and ability names are placeholders. They're probably stuck in the same hell that pre-0.76 ability tool tips were in.
I think Tenboro once wrote that he is open to taking suggestions for ability names. The community probably could put something together if there was enough interest.
I didn't think it through thoroughly, but it would be cool if there were 1-2k hath perks that increased the stack limits of Ether Tap, Bleed, and maybe PA by one for greater effect.
I think that when the game asks how many items we want to attach, We should be able to use an @ sign to intricate that item's selling price, so that the game would calculate and automatically append a COD for us.
For example:
If I told the game to attach "29@7000" when it asked me how many units I would like to attach, it would attach 29 unit sand append a 203,000 credit COD for me.
This post has been edited by Pickled Cow: Aug 15 2014, 07:50
Sounds more viable, if only that'll mean Stonycat would be the next Level 500 player lickety split. And no, you can't have it the other way around. Too bad. (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)
Sounds more viable, if only that'll mean Stonycat would be the next Level 500 player lickety split. And no, you can't have it the other way around. Too bad. (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)
Not if it's 1,000,000,000:1 ratio. Which would be about the only reasonable ratio given how much exp level 500 actually is.
1) Change Artifact Happy Pills reward to Amnesia Shards or Chaos/Blood Tokens. Why? Excluding arena clears, Happy Pills are already more common than shards or tokens. Why clutter up the artifact loot table with a fairly common drop? Similar to how they used to give Flower Vase / Bubblegum, yet no one wanted them.
2) On the Repair screen, when you click on an equipment to see the required materials, have it show your current stock as well. For convenience. Just like when you are forging/enchanting/reforging, it shows your stock of needed items.
3) Forging also repairs an equipment, partially or fully, based on cost. If you think about it practically, a blacksmith hammering on a weapon to improve its quality would not be able to do so without improving the condition the weapon is in. In other words, they are coupled together. We already have the reverse of this, where Condition below 50% degrades your stats. Catalyst costs would probably work, since those are constant and system defined costs. Forge Rank could improve this effect, or reduce the degradation as well.
4) Forge Rank gives bonus LG/MG/HG/Scrap when salvaging. Salvaging gives Forge Rank? Then it's only natural that you would become more efficient at salvaging. Not to mention, it would give incentive to people with low rank to improve their rewards and forge higher.