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[Suggestion] A few requests, Can we has... |
Jul 23 2014, 19:33
Group: Gold Star Club
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Combine Low grade mats into scrap mats. Take away catalysts for repairing and just increase the scrap metal usage to compensate (or maybe even completely remove catalysts and have a credit cost, it is basically the same thing) Make Assimilator not suck (maybe allow proficiencies to increase by a small amount above the level). Make condition not affect sale price (if the credit generation is an issue, just cut all equipment sales by 25%).
Jul 23 2014, 21:52
 Group: Members
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I know i am new and i don't really have any right to make any suggestion, even if i joined mainly for the game.
But i want to suggest the introduction of a timer until HP/MP/SP fills. It should simply something like 320s until full HP or something combined.
Jul 23 2014, 22:38
Group: Catgirl Camarilla
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QUOTE(saphireweb @ Jul 23 2014, 19:52)  I want to suggest the introduction of a timer until HP/MP/SP fills. It should simply something like 320s until full HP or something combined.
It isn't really necessary since you can just buy some lesser potions and play again immediately. See here: http://ehwiki.org/wiki/Battles#Recovering
Jul 23 2014, 23:34
Group: Catgirl Camarilla
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So many nice gears to IW.... but too scared to IW w/o having unlock+equipped protection....especially when sleep-playing. I know ppl have asked for this, but dear Mr.Tenboro, can we have this functionality again? Thx
Jul 24 2014, 01:26
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QUOTE(mechafujoshi @ Jul 23 2014, 23:38)  It isn't really necessary since you can just buy some lesser potions and play again immediately. See here: http://ehwiki.org/wiki/Battles#RecoveringI noticed, but i prefer to play it easy on Nightmare or Hell for 5 minutes or so until the HP/MP drops and then let it recharge while i surf the web. Not everybody(or at least not me) uses those potions so something like that would be helpful, but thanks for the link, while i've read everything on the wiki, i can say that it warms my hearth to see people wanting to help other people and search for links for them. Thanks.
Jul 24 2014, 04:46
Group: Catgirl Camarilla
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QUOTE(saphireweb @ Jul 24 2014, 05:26)  I noticed, but i prefer to play it easy on Nightmare or Hell for 5 minutes or so until the HP/MP drops and then let it recharge while i surf the web.
Not everybody(or at least not me) uses those potions so something like that would be helpful, but thanks for the link, while i've read everything on the wiki, i can say that it warms my hearth to see people wanting to help other people and search for links for them. Thanks.
Level 30 players now playing it easy on Hell... Oh how times change. (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/unsure.gif) Anyway, potions now are basically worth nothing. No reason to keep them. You should just ask, and some people will easily give you like 5k of every potion type for free.
Jul 24 2014, 06:36
Group: Catgirl Camarilla
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Random suggestion: Repair cost has work well, but it mainly suck out money from poor. We may need a way to recycle rich's credit back to system. My idea: Reduce the High-grade materials used in upgrade but increase catalyzers used. It will let the credits back to system instead of market. For example, If the reduced High-grade materials worth 20k in market and the increased catalyzers cost 18k per upgrade. Everyone will save 2k per click but the system recycle additial 18k. It's two-win. It will also make the highest catalyzers more useful~ (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
Jul 24 2014, 08:35
Group: Gold Star Club
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QUOTE(m118w11 @ Jul 24 2014, 01:33)  Take away catalysts for repairing and just increase the scrap metal usage to compensate (or maybe even completely remove catalysts and have a credit cost, it is basically the same thing) Make Assimilator not suck (maybe allow proficiencies to increase by a small amount above the level).
+1 to those. In addition, make forging do not require catalysts. Make it consume credits directly instead. Basically, please remove catalysts. The system can still suck credits by applying credits cost for repair and upgrade.
Jul 24 2014, 09:07
Group: Gold Star Club
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Joined: 23-April 12

Does the server has some connection problems?? I tried mulitple lines from different area around the world, the ping are all bad.. Mainland China, Taiwan, Hongkong, U.S., U.K.......Ping are bad. I've also tried different IPs given by EHwiki, but they remain the same. Ping is very unstable, reply returned in a few short times then suddenly get lost or delayed significantly. This happened every four or five times in the 50 ping trial. The delayed reply cost more than 2000ms to return, or just failed to return.... (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/cry.gif) I cannot do HV at this circunstance........
Jul 24 2014, 10:32

QUOTE(treesloth16 @ Jul 23 2014, 23:34)  So many nice gears to IW.... but too scared to IW w/o having unlock+equipped protection....especially when sleep-playing. I know ppl have asked for this, but dear Mr.Tenboro, can we have this functionality again? Thx
You only have to unlock to reforge it. But there will be some changes with the next patch to mitigate various fat-fingering and sleep playing accidents.
Jul 24 2014, 19:25
Group: Gold Star Club
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QUOTE(m118w11 @ Jul 23 2014, 19:33)  if the credit generation is an issue, just cut all equipment sales by 25%.
basically you want to make credits income form the bazaar lower than what the already are? did i misunderstand? (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/blink.gif) QUOTE(saphireweb @ Jul 23 2014, 21:52)  I know i am new and i don't really have any right to make any suggestion
why on the hell you shouldn't be allowed? (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/huh.gif) QUOTE(kserox @ Jul 24 2014, 04:46)  Level 30 players now playing it easy on Hell... Oh how times change. (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/unsure.gif) aye-aye.
Jul 24 2014, 21:29
Group: Catgirl Camarilla
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QUOTE(Tenboro @ Jul 24 2014, 17:32)  You only have to unlock to reforge it. But there will be some changes with the next patch to mitigate various fat-fingering and sleep playing accidents.
Thx for that! (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif) and.... Plz return 2H/DW to a state of prominance... (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/cry.gif) QUOTE(treesloth16 @ Feb 28 2014, 07:55) 
2H can proc: 'Berserk Mode,' which increases both crit chance and counter-parry.
DW procs: 'Swordsmanship Mode?,' increasing both attack accuracy and attack speed.
Niten procs: 'Kenjutsu Mode,' boosting attack speed and crit chance?
I also begged for this somewhere.... but have attacks proc respective skills(any) randomly(to any monster), for small or no overcharge usage (when overcharge is full)? I say random just so it doesn't tax the HV servers too much. so it comes out like this: 1H - safest, slowest, and predictable DW - not so safe, explosive, unpredictable 2H - least safe, unpredictable, generally faster clearing than 1H and DW (estoc at least) Niten - safer, fast and predictable This would hopefully add some excitement for melee'ing. (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/tongue.gif)
Jul 24 2014, 22:55
Group: Gold Star Club
Posts: 24,304
Joined: 18-January 07

not bad... also, holy and dark spike shield? would they overpower those two styles too much?
Jul 24 2014, 23:16
Group: Catgirl Camarilla
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QUOTE(n125 @ Jul 24 2014, 09:43)  What about drunk-playing accidents? (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/sad.gif) As of next patch, Big Stern Men will come to your house and install a breathalyzer on your computer which you must blow into before performing potentially harmful actions, including posting. A tamper-resistant camera records you while you blow, and possibly at other times, too. The mandatory implanted bloodstream monitors will be ready Soon. We are strongly committed to helping our citizens stay clean, sober, and on their medications. This post has been edited by mechafujoshi: Jul 24 2014, 23:17
Jul 25 2014, 00:47
Group: Catgirl Camarilla
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QUOTE(n125 @ Jul 24 2014, 09:43)  What about drunk-playing accidents? (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/sad.gif) Can't stop drunk, or stupid
Jul 25 2014, 03:01
Group: Catgirl Camarilla
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QUOTE(n125 @ Jul 24 2014, 09:43)  What about drunk-playing accidents? (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/sad.gif) I am not laughing, really! Ah hahahaha.... (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/duck.gif) QUOTE(Scremaz @ Jul 24 2014, 20:55)  not bad... also, holy and dark spike shield? would they overpower those two styles too much?
Holy & Dark are the strongest mages~ so NO buff~ (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/tongue.gif) This post has been edited by gc00018: Jul 25 2014, 03:02
Jul 25 2014, 03:14
Group: Gold Star Club
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QUOTE(Tenboro @ Jul 24 2014, 18:32)  You only have to unlock to reforge it. But there will be some changes with the next patch to mitigate various fat-fingering and sleep playing accidents.
Not sure if this was intended, but locked items can be to moogled if you use ajax to make mail. /testing item manager
Jul 25 2014, 03:14
Group: Gold Star Club
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QUOTE(skillchip @ Jul 25 2014, 08:47)  Can't stop drunk, or stupid
Nor hacking (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif) This post has been edited by holy_demon: Jul 25 2014, 03:15
Jul 25 2014, 05:54
Group: Gold Star Club
Posts: 4,102
Joined: 30-April 12

can we have a MM system that allows multiple attachments. ie when buying/selling a crystal pack, so we can send 1 MM with 12 attachments instead of 12 MM with 1 attachments each. thanks. (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) This post has been edited by malkatmp: Jul 25 2014, 05:54
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