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[Suggestion] A few requests, Can we has... |
Jun 16 2014, 17:07
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QUOTE(Colman @ Jun 16 2014, 10:50)  add one A shit for you (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/wub.gif) Just a shit from a random animal, but you will get ban if you do not have it. ?!?
Jun 16 2014, 18:16
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QUOTE(dnbdave @ Jun 16 2014, 16:07)  ?!?
Jun 16 2014, 21:41
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Still need a hathperk to reset the server.
The richest guy can buy it and lose everything he has. Everyone else is just along for the ride.
People could pool hath and the person that buys the perk gets an award in the forum or his account gets banned lol.
This post has been edited by Pillowgirl: Jun 16 2014, 21:43
Jun 17 2014, 20:08
Group: Catgirl Camarilla
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QUOTE(Pillowgirl @ Jun 16 2014, 19:41)  Still need a hathperk to reset the server.
The richest guy can buy it and lose everything he has. Everyone else is just along for the ride.
People could pool hath and the person that buys the perk gets an award in the forum or his account gets banned lol.
I'm all for it with two stipulations. 1. The player who has the highest hath has their total hath displayed below so people can see there doom approaching. 2. People can donate hath against this perk so that it becomes more and more expensive
Jun 17 2014, 20:21
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QUOTE(skillchip @ Jun 18 2014, 02:08)  I'm all for it with two stipulations.
1. The player who has the highest hath has their total hath displayed below so people can see there doom approaching.
2. People can donate hath against this perk so that it becomes more and more expensive
Jun 18 2014, 04:05
Group: Recruits
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I can't read though all 551 pages here, but I wanted to add my 2credits to the requests for Niten to gain skill points. I am now level 135 and just found out why I have basically no weapon skill points (thought I was just having REALLY bad luck, and Niten only affected dual wielding, because that is what I was doing). Since I started on the only fighting style I wanted to use as soon as I was able to find the right weapons (was in my 20s before I even found my first weapon of any kind anyway). I thought it seemed wrong, the more I fought using only melee to attack, the less skill points I would get. This makes no sense at all why one fighting style would be singled out as not being worthy of improving it by using it (or any other logical way), and those players are not worthy enough to learn from what they do.
@ level 135, I have the following weapon skill levels... 1h - 0.06 2h - 0.00 DW - 7.93 Staff - 0.00
^^ This is really not fair, so much for game balance.
Either this skill needs it's own skill proficiency, it needs to gain skill points (even if more slowly than the others), or none of the skill should be based on the skill points, only the ability points spent. This is supposed to be a casual game, something to do while reading doujin, I don't want to have to keep switching all around, that's not good.
Jun 18 2014, 04:32
Group: Catgirl Camarilla
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Put HV link in sidebar.
Jun 18 2014, 05:00
Group: Catgirl Camarilla
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QUOTE(The_Devian @ Jun 17 2014, 16:05)  Niten
You shouldn't niten before level 200, and its not very effective until higher levels. Fixing the proficiencies is on the to do list for future features (no eta). I'd recommend DW or 1H for newer players choosing melee. DW may be useful especially if you intend to niten later.
Jun 18 2014, 05:50
Group: Gold Star Club
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QUOTE(skillchip @ Jun 18 2014, 04:08)  I'm all for it with two stipulations.
1. The player who has the highest hath has their total hath displayed below so people can see there doom approaching.
2. People can donate hath against this perk so that it becomes more and more expensive
Should also delete all your donation stars, forum post, galleries, and send all your activity logs to authority while you're at it. (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif) Bonus: IP, activity log and contact information of the perk buyer will be emailed to all users so they can launch a witch hunt on him (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/duck.gif) This post has been edited by holy_demon: Jun 18 2014, 05:56
Jun 18 2014, 06:39
Group: Catgirl Camarilla
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QUOTE(holy_demon @ Jun 17 2014, 22:50)  Should also delete all your donation stars, forum post
join forum dfor hell of it Be here long time regret Make so many post get sick of see it set to zero 0
Jun 18 2014, 07:26
Group: Recruits
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QUOTE(EsotericSatire @ Jun 18 2014, 05:00)  You shouldn't niten before level 200, and its not very effective until higher levels. Fixing the proficiencies is on the to do list for future features (no eta).
I'd recommend DW or 1H for newer players choosing melee. DW may be useful especially if you intend to niten later.
Don't like shield fighting, only used 1h weapon when I had not found a 2nd one yet. Well, Niten was far more effective at any level than dual wielding was, hits more targets, and as soon as I saw it existed, it was the only style I ever intended, I would have started it sooner if I could have gotten my hands on the right weapons. Honestly I never expected to get to level 200 (didn't figure I would make it this far either), I just wanted to do what I thought was fun, I didn't realize that anyone would make a game with a weapon choice that would hurt your progress so badly. It makes no sense for anyone to make it that way in the first place, so of course I could never have guessed such a thing, and not wanting to spend weeks reading up on a game I didn't intended to play this much at first seemed nuts. I am dyslexic, so I don't read extra stuff unless there is a good reason (takes for-freaking-ever), and that is typically not the case with most rpgs, as they are generally self explanatory and most tend to avoid blatantly unfair things like that. If there is a difference in the 'classes', it is usually something that is logical, not a non-sequitur like getting less progress because you picked a certain weapon. (Especially when it is clearly the one designed to appeal the most to the most people into manga and ...whatnot). Don't have near enough ability points to work on more fighting styles (still more than 20 short of what I will need by 150), and just wanted to add my voice to the already existing movement, would have done so sooner, but just found out today
Jun 18 2014, 08:16
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QUOTE(The_Devian @ Jun 18 2014, 15:26)  with most rpgs, as they are generally self explanatory and most tend to avoid blatantly unfair things like that.
All RPG will have a certain class/combo/technique that is vastly superior to anything else, and you mostly likely won't figure it out by yourself. I mean, when I started getting into watching speedruns, I realised how broken classic RPG like Chrono Trigger, Zelda, FF, Pokemon, etc... are, to the point that some people can finish the game in 1/30th of your best try. This post has been edited by holy_demon: Jun 18 2014, 08:17
Jun 18 2014, 09:46
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QUOTE(The_Devian @ Jun 18 2014, 01:26)  [insert well intended rant about game balance]
This game... is balanced by a single dude. Think DotA 2 and how severely unbalanced it is, and remember that there's only one guy behind it as well. I used to be a massive 2H whore before I realized that between the turns I spent attacking, I'd need 3 to buff/heal/debuff to make sure I didn't die. Now I play DW and though I don't have Domino anymore ( (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/cry.gif) ) I eviscerate anybody I think is looking at me funny. I also know that I'm not picking the best style either, because 1H is broken because it lets you have fake invincibility with a force shield and a rapier and infinite OC. Now then, can we please have siphoning effects scale better with level, or somehow connect the siphoning to a stat to make them worthwhile?This post has been edited by cavecricket48: Jun 18 2014, 09:47
Jun 18 2014, 12:08
Group: Gold Star Club
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QUOTE(cavecricket48 @ Jun 18 2014, 15:46)  This game... is balanced by a single dude. Think DotA 2 and how severely unbalanced it is, and remember that there's only one guy behind it as well. I used to be a massive 2H whore before I realized that between the turns I spent attacking, I'd need 3 to buff/heal/debuff to make sure I didn't die. Now I play DW and though I don't have Domino anymore ( (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/cry.gif) ) I eviscerate anybody I think is looking at me funny. I also know that I'm not picking the best style either, because 1H is broken because it lets you have fake invincibility with a force shield and a rapier and infinite OC. Now then, can we please have siphoning effects scale better with level, or somehow connect the siphoning to a stat to make them worthwhile?1H did not become stronger, its just that 2H and DW got nerf to a level that cannot even survive. Before the nerf, most of the melee players were using estoc. So, the next target is to nerf mage. At least make them cannot survice without a shield. (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif) This post has been edited by Colman: Jun 18 2014, 12:24
Jun 18 2014, 15:12
Group: Catgirl Camarilla
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QUOTE(Colman @ Jun 18 2014, 00:08)  So, the next target is to nerf mage.
Mages did get nerfs with the resist buff for monsters, and pfudor getting fixed.
Jun 18 2014, 19:07
Group: Catgirl Camarilla
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QUOTE(Colman @ Jun 18 2014, 10:08)  So, the next target is to nerf mage.
Of course not, do you forget there is no balance here? (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif) the next target is nerf 1H, so melee can play 2h again~ if too much melee switch into two-hand, then nerf 2H again~ and then nerf 1H~ then nerf 2H~ then 1H 2H ... The fairness has been done! (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/cool.gif)
Jun 18 2014, 19:56
smt nocturne
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Not sure if this has been discussed before, but it would be nice if we can hide the info bars that appear in the Forge. When I use custom fonts, the text obscures the Show Upgrade button (in the Upgrade section). For instance, with Courier/font size 8/bold, I get this: I can toggle the font size when I want to upgrade stuff, but it's a tedious workaround. *edit: skimmed around a bit, seems that you can simply press space-bar instead of clicking. Certainly more convenient. This post has been edited by smt nocturne: Jun 18 2014, 20:03
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