[Suggestion] A few requests, Can we has... |
May 8 2014, 01:05
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QUOTE(ginjok @ May 6 2014, 10:51)  No, that thought process isn't the correct one. We know that this is not a closed or zero-sum system, it’s all inherently inflationary, that's it's identity. Changes against that or the “essence of the game” won’t bring results. All those attempts will fail.
You also won’t be able to balance the market effectively. Your attempts at balancing something will only be a temporary and not really useful fix, because much like in the real world, those interventions will create "non-intended consequences" and further unbalances in the future. Those measurements never worked, nor will they work. It cannot be done. This is known from real world economy. Trying to control inflationary consequences without actually controlling inflation is a naïve attempt at best.
And to make things worst you will lose players every time you make one "rebalancing". It’s a vicious cycle that’s very unstable for players, but always end in the same way: in a need of making radical changes again.
(Also on that comment about the real world, it also suffers highly from inflation with most of the new money going to the dominant group. This is much like hentaiverse. What they have hoarded in fact in the real world is power, key properties etc.) What this game needs is: - Stability. Stop with the radical or "crazy" changes. At every crazy change players quit. Some improvements of the equip that today is considered “garbage” would also be good.
-Further credits sink off the system (credits lottery, credits directly to monsters [?], etc)
Mainly to curb inflation and to promote continuity in the game this is the correct measurement (which is also fail proof, it has worked in many other places, situations and games):
-No level cap on trainings (or should I say in almost everything), but with costs rising a lot after the current maximums. Why? The current system works, players get their income and then spend it out of the system in trainings, hath perks etc. But then they reach a limit in what they can remove of the system, while their income potential is at the highest? The system works but then it's sabotaged to stop working? Some may say that the guy with crystarium VI will be making too much income, but he will have to spend a lot to get there, and once there why wouldn't he want VII? He would, but getting it would cost a lot more. Positive incentives, not ineffective nerfs or "rebalances".
Comparing the real world economy with the HV economy doesn't make much sense to me. The HV economy is enclosed in the real world economy. In the real world, all land area is within state borders. Some states have their own central bank, other states share a central bank with other states (eg USA has the FED, the EMU states have the ECB). Eg the ECB can create money out of thin air, that money is not backed up by real world assets but rather by people prepared to settle transactions with it and the state to settle tax obligations in return for it. The ECB has an inflation target set at a very low 2% (euro area inflation now is near 0%) , and the (not fair) way this has been achieved was to force millions of people into unemployment. The euro area by having 12%? umemployment makes it's people afraid to spend their money because there's not enough jobs and upon that the welfare systems are being sacrificed by the rich so that the state can pay back (with interest) the money the rich have lent to the state. Free money for the rich in the name of paying back state debt (in the short term), this austerity increases long term debt eg look at Greece. A way of dealing with this problem could be the ECB raising the inflation target (to eg 3% or more) which probably would result in less unemployment and less public sector cuts. Now this HV economy is just something completely different. The real world economy is interacting with it various way eg with bitcoins which btw I think one day are gonna crash and burn and wind up in the shithouse. Also who gives a fuck about markets in HV, it's all made up. Though reducing gains for grinding might lead to users doing something else instead, such as eg improving the real world economy by sacrificing their blood for the rich. Also you're totally wrong about the real world suffering from high inflation. It's the other way around. The USA and the euro area suffers from low inflation, because they have high unemployment. In contrast, Asia gain by having high inflation, which is because they have low unemployment. EDIT: while I'm at it I'll throw in a suggestion here. In the monster lab, it would be convenient for me if the 'FEED MAX' button would need only one click to make the hunger bar filled. I have tons of monster food so I'm not scared of wasting too much of it. This post has been edited by pentiuminside: May 8 2014, 01:12
May 10 2014, 09:27
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QUOTE(pentiuminside @ May 7 2014, 23:05)  edited for size of post, click to read hehe
Your talk of inflation was fully compatible with my suggestion. What I said is quite simple, the inflation should be kept as is and to deal with the inflationary consequences he can just add deflationary measurements. Who cares about the game? Some guys care maybe I presume (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/tongue.gif) , didn’t you saw the guys talking about it a few pages back and dozens of complaints. The admin seems to care a bit (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/tongue.gif) , which is why he will place a measurement to curb inflation and inflationary consequences, but that won’t be really effective which is why I quoted it. All this real world economy talk is getting too off-topic, but here it is a summarized explanation (those not interested in it, most people I assume (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif) , just scroll way down, but do search about Gideon Gono, "hilarious" stories): You like most of the people were "deceived" and don't really know what inflation is (or that’s a communication error), so that’s why it’s all that thinking is misdirected. People think that is that inflation is a rise in prices (as in consumer price index rise) or something of the sort, where that is (one of) the consequence of inflation (who has come to be known as inflation), but by knowing the true definition and (economic) original meaning of the word (and one can also check etymology if interested), in which inflation means a “(air) growth in something” and in economics the “monetary (supply) growth”, until a form of “doublespeak” (later) supported by “Keynesians” changed the definition to keep the people in ignorance so that they won’t blame inflation in the Central Banks and ask for a change to the system that ultimately generates money for the “rich”. It’s worth to observe this Keynes and Lenin talk on the (definition of the) matter above: [ pubs.aeaweb.org] http://pubs.aeaweb.org/doi/pdfplus/10.1257/jep.23.2.213This fact explains part of theory: "creation of new money ex nihilo benefits the creators and early recipients of the new money relative to late recipients. Money creation is not wealth creation; it merely allows early money recipients to outbid late recipients for resources, goods, and services." This both supports the current inflationary hentaiverse mechanics and opposes it in the real world ie. bank controlled system. Boom-bust cycle is also not a concern here. One might ask if inflation is happening at such "X" levels why it doesn’t reflect in the prices. Because a large part of that money isn’t reaching the market, they’re in the banks (both the central and investment etc.). If Gideon Gono (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/tongue.gif) (see down who that is) gave me 1 quadrillion right now but I don’t spend it, it won’t affect the prices but I will have one quadrillion. But when the newly generated money hits the market for scarce goods it will cause the price rise. Some of the other points: Employment is caused by inflation? And the difference is not inefficiency and high labour costs, coupled with a lack of growth, but inflation? (and we all know the cause of the recession was the asset bubble, caused by inflation). Obviously by “world” there I had meant the whole world. (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/heh.gif) [ www.bullionbullscanada.com] http://www.bullionbullscanada.com/guest-co...al-money-supplyDoes not have TMS, but that data can be found with some difficulty. You can easily check M0, M1, M2, MB etc. at ecb, world bank and other websites. US low inflation? A bir far from it. Eurozone inflation is (relatively) “low” compared to the "crazier" ones, but it’s not quite low [ b-i.forbesimg.com] http://b-i.forbesimg.com/michaelpollaro/fi...MSEuro-1-17.pdf[ www.acting-man.com] http://www.acting-man.com/?p=27045 (I think some of the analysis is good, but I’m posting this link for its data/quotes) To talk more deeply about this would require many more papers, books etc posted and analysed, it's not really fruitful to continue here. But I still have to talk about Gideon Gono. (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/tongue.gif) When speaking about inflation one of the most curious cases to study is that of Gideon Gono (Zimbabwe CB). It goes against some of what you said also (inflation x employment x wealth), and it's not hilarious to think about the suffering of the people, but searching for things about him one can't help but laugh. This interview is golden: [ www.newsweek.com] http://www.newsweek.com/qa-zimbabwes-centr...-policies-78131Just this quote sums up inflation. “The stockbrokers were creating a money supply that wasn't there. I printed Z$1.5 quadrillion, but the exchange was operating with Z$100 sextillion.” Well maybe if you printed 1.5 quadrillion and we’re planning on printing more you’re part of the problem no, "Dr" Gideon? /endofofftopic (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif) Back to the game, I’m suggesting to Mr Tenboro that he doesn’t end up taking “anti-inflationary” measurements like Gideon Gono basically (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/heh.gif) (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/duck.gif) . I'm making a joke, but it's true that what he planned won’t work like I explained in my other post. Tenboro is smart, those ideas are a bit far from perfection (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/heh.gif) , maybe he doesn't know the theory (no one knows them all), so maybe my suggestion can lead to something.
May 10 2014, 23:04
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QUOTE(ginjok @ May 10 2014, 09:27)  Your talk of inflation was fully compatible with my suggestion. What I said is quite simple, the inflation should be kept as is and to deal with the inflationary consequences he can just add deflationary measurements. Who cares about the game? Some guys care maybe I presume (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/tongue.gif) , didn’t you saw the guys talking about it a few pages back and dozens of complaints. The admin seems to care a bit (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/tongue.gif) , which is why he will place a measurement to curb inflation and inflationary consequences, but that won’t be really effective which is why I quoted it. All this real world economy talk is getting too off-topic, but here it is a summarized explanation (those not interested in it, most people I assume (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif) , just scroll way down, but do search about Gideon Gono, "hilarious" stories): You like most of the people were "deceived" and don't really know what inflation is (or that’s a communication error), so that’s why it’s all that thinking is misdirected. People think that is that inflation is a rise in prices (as in consumer price index rise) or something of the sort, where that is (one of) the consequence of inflation (who has come to be known as inflation), but by knowing the true definition and (economic) original meaning of the word (and one can also check etymology if interested), in which inflation means a “(air) growth in something” and in economics the “monetary (supply) growth”, until a form of “doublespeak” (later) supported by “Keynesians” changed the definition to keep the people in ignorance so that they won’t blame inflation in the Central Banks and ask for a change to the system that ultimately generates money for the “rich”. It’s worth to observe this Keynes and Lenin talk on the (definition of the) matter above: [ pubs.aeaweb.org] http://pubs.aeaweb.org/doi/pdfplus/10.1257/jep.23.2.213This fact explains part of theory: "creation of new money ex nihilo benefits the creators and early recipients of the new money relative to late recipients. Money creation is not wealth creation; it merely allows early money recipients to outbid late recipients for resources, goods, and services." This both supports the current inflationary hentaiverse mechanics and opposes it in the real world ie. bank controlled system. Boom-bust cycle is also not a concern here. One might ask if inflation is happening at such "X" levels why it doesn’t reflect in the prices. Because a large part of that money isn’t reaching the market, they’re in the banks (both the central and investment etc.). If Gideon Gono (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/tongue.gif) (see down who that is) gave me 1 quadrillion right now but I don’t spend it, it won’t affect the prices but I will have one quadrillion. But when the newly generated money hits the market for scarce goods it will cause the price rise. Some of the other points: Employment is caused by inflation? And the difference is not inefficiency and high labour costs, coupled with a lack of growth, but inflation? (and we all know the cause of the recession was the asset bubble, caused by inflation). Obviously by “world” there I had meant the whole world. (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/heh.gif) [ www.bullionbullscanada.com] http://www.bullionbullscanada.com/guest-co...al-money-supplyDoes not have TMS, but that data can be found with some difficulty. You can easily check M0, M1, M2, MB etc. at ecb, world bank and other websites. US low inflation? A bir far from it. Eurozone inflation is (relatively) “low” compared to the "crazier" ones, but it’s not quite low [ b-i.forbesimg.com] http://b-i.forbesimg.com/michaelpollaro/fi...MSEuro-1-17.pdf[ www.acting-man.com] http://www.acting-man.com/?p=27045 (I think some of the analysis is good, but I’m posting this link for its data/quotes) To talk more deeply about this would require many more papers, books etc posted and analysed, it's not really fruitful to continue here. But I still have to talk about Gideon Gono. (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/tongue.gif) When speaking about inflation one of the most curious cases to study is that of Gideon Gono (Zimbabwe CB). It goes against some of what you said also (inflation x employment x wealth), and it's not hilarious to think about the suffering of the people, but searching for things about him one can't help but laugh. This interview is golden: [ www.newsweek.com] http://www.newsweek.com/qa-zimbabwes-centr...-policies-78131Just this quote sums up inflation. “The stockbrokers were creating a money supply that wasn't there. I printed Z$1.5 quadrillion, but the exchange was operating with Z$100 sextillion.” Well maybe if you printed 1.5 quadrillion and we’re planning on printing more you’re part of the problem no, "Dr" Gideon? /endofofftopic (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif) Back to the game, I’m suggesting to Mr Tenboro that he doesn’t end up taking “anti-inflationary” measurements like Gideon Gono basically (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/heh.gif) (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/duck.gif) . I'm making a joke, but it's true that what he planned won’t work like I explained in my other post. Tenboro is smart, those ideas are a bit far from perfection (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/heh.gif) , maybe he doesn't know the theory (no one knows them all), so maybe my suggestion can lead to something. Good luck with trying to explain hentaiverse inflation (whatever the fuck that is) with ideas about inflation in the real world. You won't get anywhere because it's meaningless. The reasons are obvious, HV is not an alternative world, it's just a game, a big chatroom if you like, with all the shit that comes with it, it has no 'resources' or 'goods' or 'services' as these things are understood in discourse about economy in the real world. I've only known of inflation as 'when the value of money is going down'. Inflation is caused by rising employment or rising wages, which is good. However, inflation can also be caused by banks irresponsibly lending out infinite amouts of money without any restrictions. So inflation can be good or bad, it depends on what's causing it and of course in which country it's happening. Inflation hovering around 0% is low, maybe you think it's high, but it's very low compared to Bretton Woods era standards. The idea of inflation alone as the reason for the 2009- financial crash is NOT a good explanation. Before the crash, inflation was low (artificially kept above deflation by bank lending etc) and interest on loans were high. So getting into debt was unattractive but given the US welfare system had been dismantled by the rich and the US wages were low and unemployment was high, people had no options except to borrow money just to make ends meet or even survive. Upon that these US banks relied on the US gov to bail these banks out by the time a crash would come along, so no matter what the banks would do they'd be saved by taxpayer money. Which has nothing to do with hentaiverse or this forum for that matter.
May 10 2014, 23:14
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HV: the sum total GDP of E-Hentai.
Economics fight!
May 11 2014, 01:39
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Suggestion: create a dedicated thread for e-hentai economy matters where all of these walls of texts can go.
May 11 2014, 03:18
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QUOTE(pentiuminside @ May 11 2014, 07:04)  Good luck with trying to explain hentaiverse inflation (whatever the fuck that is) with ideas about inflation in the real world. You won't get anywhere because it's meaningless. The reasons are obvious, HV is not an alternative world, it's just a game, a big chatroom if you like, with all the shit that comes with it, it has no 'resources' or 'goods' or 'services' as these things are understood in discourse about economy in the real world.
We wouldnt have this whole real world analysis if Tenboro didnt use his interpretation of real world economy to justify his change to HV. QUOTE(Tenboro @ May 4 2014, 17:39)  If we stop creating credits, you'll just have a bunch of people who have hoarded tons of credits in the past, while most new people won't ever be able to obtain the riches of the previous generation.
Much like in the real world.
The only way to curb inflation in a fair way is to add additional taps, which is why I'm adding repair costs. Soon
Oh, and people will complain about that too of course, but at least that's just whining and not genuine concern about making a stark divide between old and new players.
My take on this situation is, all system is exploitable. Unless Tenboro patch destroy all inequality (by say, giving everyone daily peerless gears, bindings and crystal on Dawn, thus eliminating any incentive to exploit, grind, trade or even play at all), there will be always ways to play the game to your advantage.
May 11 2014, 06:53
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QUOTE(ginjok @ May 9 2014, 21:27)  I didn't study high school or even first year economics so when I read some books geared to make it seem like a conspiracy I was taken hook line and sinker.
They really should encourage more people to at least study basic economics in America. In Australia at least high school and first year economics are crammed down people's throats so at least they don't think basic knowledge is special. Now there is your conspiracy theory, why the education system has been allowed to get so bad in general in the US whilst at the same time the US has some of the best schools and universities. More recently economists have been applying game theory to create probabilistic economic model of virtual markets which would probably be more applicable to EH.
May 11 2014, 13:47
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QUOTE(gc00018 @ May 7 2014, 05:47)  How about let the cure also boost by supportive proficiency?
Cure is too weak for current warriors, especially high level.
Isn't cure already boosted by supportive proficienty? or only holy spell damage? (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif)
May 11 2014, 14:52
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QUOTE(pentiuminside @ May 10 2014, 21:04) 
I've only known of inflation as 'when the value of money is going down'. Inflation is caused by rising employment or rising wages, which is good. However, inflation can also be caused by banks irresponsibly lending out infinite amouts of money without any restrictions. So inflation can be good or bad, it depends on what's causing it and of course in which country it's happening. Inflation hovering around 0% is low, maybe you think it's high, but it's very low compared to Bretton Woods era standards.
The idea of inflation alone as the reason for the 2009- financial crash is NOT a good explanation. Before the crash, inflation was low (artificially kept above deflation by bank lending etc) and interest on loans were high. So getting into debt was unattractive but given the US welfare system had been dismantled by the rich and the US wages were low and unemployment was high, people had no options except to borrow money just to make ends meet or even survive. Upon that these US banks relied on the US gov to bail these banks out by the time a crash would come along, so no matter what the banks would do they'd be saved by taxpayer money. Which has nothing to do with hentaiverse or this forum for that matter.
Yes, "money value is going down" because of the supply side. And you explained the crisis with banks loaning leading to the bubble, you just didn't analysed that those loans are inflation acting. (Maybe you should take a look at the Phillips curve.) What you're referring to as inflation is not real inflation as I explained. I am talking about the original concept, you're talking about the "rise in some prices" who relatively recently started being referred by some as "inflation". Indeed in the long term, inflation will very likely hit the CPI. [ ideas.repec.org] http://ideas.repec.org/a/ebl/ecbull/eb-10-00337.html (the beggining here explains part of the theory.) About the usefulness of the debate, economy or game, I won't enter in the merits, but it existed so I went and talked a little about it . QUOTE(EsotericSatire @ May 11 2014, 04:53)  They really should encourage more people to at least study basic economics in America. In Australia at least high school and first year economics are crammed down people's throats so at least they don't think basic knowledge is special. Now there is your conspiracy theory, why the education system has been allowed to get so bad in general in the US whilst at the same time the US has some of the best schools and universities.
I'm not from the US, so you already started wrong. Now that you find this out perhaps you'll want to adjust your nationality based discriminatory ad-hominem. Now maybe you'll prefer to just call me "nig*a of underdeveloped zone" of your all powerful discriminatory Australian high horse. And I did studied economics, started young and went all the way to masters. You just come in disregarding something that is consensus and is in line with the writings for all the greatest names in the history of economics (read the originals please) with no reasoning behind your comments. Yeah, maybe all those PhD's, Nobel Economics laureates, top universities professors also have no education or knowledge because they aren't in the Australian superior mind-set. (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif) Most of the[ ideas.repec.org] top-cited economists, and economists of (almost) all schools, even Marxians, Keynesians, and in the mainstream agree with that theory one way or another (I can post the links, but since you don't seem interested in actually seeing data or books or studying anything, specially by a non-Australian, it likely wouldn't be very fruitful). But perhaps I should post the links for some more books or papers, so that you won't need to resort to sheer ad-hominem with zero argumentation.
May 12 2014, 01:01
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QUOTE(ginjok @ May 11 2014, 14:52)  Yes, "money value is going down" because of the supply side. And you explained the crisis with banks loaning leading to the bubble, you just didn't analysed that those loans are inflation acting. (Maybe you should take a look at the Phillips curve.) What you're referring to as inflation is not real inflation as I explained. I am talking about the original concept, you're talking about the "rise in some prices" who relatively recently started being referred by some as "inflation". Indeed in the long term, inflation will very likely hit the CPI. [ ideas.repec.org] http://ideas.repec.org/a/ebl/ecbull/eb-10-00337.html (the beggining here explains part of the theory.) About the usefulness of the debate, economy or game, I won't enter in the merits, but it existed so I went and talked a little about it. What has this to do with HV? Nothing! Read the thread title, you are in the wrong forum. Also, you're wrong about what I said. When a central bank prints money, inflation rises, simple as that. I've never equaled inflation as "rise in some prices" as you put it. And fuck the Phillips curve and all the links you posted, I did not bother looking at any of it. If you're gonna debate with me you better argue with what's in your head rather than some shit on the net you've probably not even read yourself. I'm not impressed by you referring to authority, how about making some arguments yourself? Also this debate would not exist if it weren't for you pulling it out of your ass. And stop putting words in my mouth. QUOTE(ginjok @ May 11 2014, 14:52)  You just come in disregarding something that is consensus and is in line with the writings for all the greatest names in the history of economics (read the originals please) with no reasoning behind your comments. Yeah, maybe all those PhD's, Nobel Economics laureates, top universities professors also have no education or knowledge because they aren't in the Australian superior mind-set. (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif) Most of the[ ideas.repec.org] top-cited economists, and economists of (almost) all schools, even Marxians, Keynesians, and in the mainstream agree with that theory one way or another (I can post the links, but since you don't seem interested in actually seeing data or books or studying anything, specially by a non-Australian, it likely wouldn't be very fruitful). But perhaps I should post the links for some more books or papers, so that you won't need to resort to sheer ad-hominem with zero argumentation. You're wrong about "fighting inflation no matter what" as being "the consensus". Sure it's the 'consensus' but only among chicago school nobel economic laurate milton friedman cocksuckers and criminal bankers who want all for themselves and nothing for anyone else. But it's not the consensus among economists and most people who with their own eyes could see how the religion about free markets and low inflation detonated the whole world economic system. Obviously you've not read eg the Financial Times, just to mention one paper, which has been pretty much pro Keynesianism ever since the financial crash 2009-. Do you think a big paper like that can be disregarded as if it was nothing? Is it because their concensus is the opposite of what you think is "the concensus"? Or maybe you did not even know what their stance is? Which just shows you don't know what you're talking about. "Consensus" my asshole, bullshit, and again, this has nothing to do wtih HV. Look, I have an idea ---> E-Hentai Forums > Discussion Forums > General Chat > Free Speech Zone. If you're gonna keep on arguing with me about this shit I think you better go there instead.
May 12 2014, 02:00
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You seem upset.
May 12 2014, 03:22
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HV economics: 99% perceived/priced value, 1% actual
This post has been edited by skillchip: May 12 2014, 03:23
May 12 2014, 03:24
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Yo pentium, I don't think you understood what I was trying to convey, maybe I failed in communicating a part of those ideas. QUOTE When a central bank prints money, inflation rises, simple as that.
Well that is inflation. This is what some of those links we're about. Even Keynes and Marx agree. QUOTE you've probably not even read yourself. I have read it. And a lot more. That's all I can say. It's an open forum where I replied to what some guys where suggesting/debating, I've seen an idea I disagreed and replied with the idea I find to be more correct. Then you contested me and I justified my position, and with some data and external references. Then I replied to the other guy that arrived with the ad-hominem and with the "Americans are stupid and their education is poor line" (and you thought it was directed at you? ) No need to get stressed (or to answer, especially if you're not reading what I've posted, and even less to attack me). QUOTE(qw3rty67 @ May 12 2014, 00:00)  You seem upset.
About what I was replying to someone else... No wonder he got "mad".
May 12 2014, 04:16
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QUOTE(qw3rty67 @ May 11 2014, 16:00)  You seem upset.

May 12 2014, 04:21
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QUOTE(ginjok @ May 12 2014, 03:24)  Yo pentium, I don't think you understood what I was trying to convey, maybe I failed in communicating a part of those ideas. Well that is inflation. This is what some of those links we're about. Even Keynes and Marx agree.
I have read it. And a lot more. That's all I can say.
It's an open forum where I replied to what some guys where suggesting/debating, I've seen an idea I disagreed and replied with the idea I find to be more correct. Then you contested me and I justified my position, and with some data and external references. Then I replied to the other guy that arrived with the ad-hominem and with the "Americans are stupid and their education is poor line" (and you thought it was directed at you? ) No need to get stressed (or to answer, especially if you're not reading what I've posted, and even less to attack me). About what I was replying to someone else... No wonder he got "mad".
An economic theory worth anything at all ought to be based on the world as it exists. So to begin with you have to know a lot about the world as it exists. Not totalitarian bullshit like eg authority tells you 2 + 2 = 5 so that has to be the truth. You ought to know which banks are we talking about, what they're doing, you know, today, tomorrow and so on and the only way you get to know that is to read what journalists in the field are reporting about it, today, tomorrow and so on. In contrast, if you have an economic theory based on mathematical formulas and forget about the real world, you will end up with shit like "always fight inflation" and ridiculous ideas such as "natural unemployment" etc. So if you're serious about debating the HV economy, whatever the fuck it is, you ought to deal with what the HV economy is, in the reality as it exists, eg statistics about how many players are involved, when are they playing, how much time is spent on what, how many credits are they earning, how much hath is out there, what's the role of bitcoins, how many users gets registered every day, and on and on and on. This post has been edited by pentiuminside: May 12 2014, 04:26
May 12 2014, 07:11
Group: Catgirl Camarilla
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QUOTE(Frostbite @ May 11 2014, 11:47)  Isn't cure already boosted by supportive proficienty? or only holy spell damage? (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif) Only holy spell damage.
May 12 2014, 12:07
Group: Catgirl Camarilla
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QUOTE(ginjok @ May 9 2014, 21:27)  You like most of the people were "deceived" and don't really know what inflation is (or that’s a communication error), so that’s why it’s all that thinking is misdirected.
You were/are talking about basic level economic theory like it is a conspiracy theory. That is what I was annoyed about. I can believe you have a masters but I am not sure if its a masters in economics, maybe your masters was from 20 years ago. I suppose calling you an American does count as an ad hominem attack LOL. Except what you were saying sounded exactly like what economic conspiracy doomsayers in the UK/US are saying to build their cults. QUOTE(ginjok @ May 9 2014, 21:27)  You just come in disregarding something that is consensus and is in line with the writings for all the greatest names in the history of economics (read the originals please) with no reasoning behind your comments. Yeah, maybe all those PhD's, Nobel Economics laureates, top universities professors also have no education or knowledge because they aren't in the Australian superior mind-set. (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif) Oh such a strawman you troll. You were going on about conspiracy theories mixed with economic theory and then trying to relate that to hentaiverse. The top economists you are trying to hide behind now weren't saying it was a conspiracy theory. (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif) PentiumInside's rant also covered many of the legitimate modern criticisms of those economic theorists. Start a freaking topic in the serious debate forum as suggested even the KKK members have worked out how to do that and you are smarter than them. This post has been edited by EsotericSatire: May 12 2014, 12:22
May 12 2014, 22:34
Group: Catgirl Camarilla
Posts: 5,753
Joined: 31-December 06

How about some changes to gear that will make older gear obsolete, without hurting anyone directly. I won't vouch for no one using these, but it seems like from how much people talk about the big two for weapons Destruction/Slaughter and Slaughter/Protection/Shadowdancer for armor, the rest are greatly under represented.
For Weapons: Focus: Add counter-resist Balance: Add counter-parry (will effect power armor) Battlecaster: Add %magic damage or Arcane Blow Vampire/Illithid/Banshee: Small additional %siphon based on users total HP/MP/SP
For armor: Dampening/Stoneskin/Deflection + Elemental Mitigation Prefixes: Small reflection of said damage types Fleet: Attack Speed Bonus (Because it and Shadowdancer are not differentiated enough) Swiftness: allowing it to be a suffix on Leather Warding: Add Resist to it, and make more monsters normal and specials be magic
New Weapon/Armor types could also be added without causing people to feel that there weapons/armor have been nerfed/obsoleted. Sure the current weapon might not be the "Best" anymore but at least a new Longsword won't put yours to shame.
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