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> [Suggestion] A few requests, Can we has...

post Mar 12 2014, 05:08
Post #10461

Mathematical Trashcat
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QUOTE(EsotericSatire @ Mar 12 2014, 00:58) *

Tenboro can just patch in 10 levels of exponentially excruciating grinding to 510 XD.


with no dawn exp
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post Mar 12 2014, 06:57
Post #10462

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QUOTE(skillchip @ Mar 12 2014, 06:08) *

with no dawn exp

You already need 144 days of dawn xp to go from 499 to 500, that's not really significant.

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post Mar 12 2014, 07:27
Post #10463

Mathematical Trashcat
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Why make it easier?
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post Mar 12 2014, 14:47
Post #10464

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Random suggestion: Riddlemaster should recover MP and SP instead of HP and MP (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif)
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post Mar 12 2014, 15:51
Post #10465

Rain fire on Bekenu!
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QUOTE(holy_demon @ Mar 12 2014, 20:47) *

Random suggestion: Riddlemaster should recover HP, MP and SP instead of just HP and MP.

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post Mar 12 2014, 15:56
Post #10466

Where is the loli?
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QUOTE(holy_demon @ Mar 12 2014, 20:47) *

Random suggestion: Riddlemaster should recover Stamina instead of HP and MP (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif)

(IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif)

This post has been edited by Colman: Mar 12 2014, 15:57
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post Mar 12 2014, 20:19
Post #10467

Grammatically Incorrect (☞゚∀゚)☞
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Riddlemaster should just give you credits & hath.
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post Mar 13 2014, 02:20
Post #10468

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QUOTE(hujan86 @ Mar 13 2014, 00:51) *


QUOTE(Colman @ Mar 13 2014, 00:56) *

Riddlemaster should let you choose the reward (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif)
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post Mar 13 2014, 03:21
Post #10469

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Voting for rename to Diddlemaster.
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post Mar 13 2014, 09:20
Post #10470

No I said.
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how about monster synergy, between # of mobs and types of mobs. both buffs and debuffs.

example: sprites get attack/evade bonus when in a group w/ giants (big guys easier to attack). celestials and daimons get an attack debuff when together (opposing elements). > 3 giants get a accuracy debuff (too many big guys make it hard to hit small target). Humans and undead don't mix, so attack/pmi debuff. Elementals boost same (or even all) element attacks for other mobs. 4+ fliers get a scaling bonus. 4+ mages get a scaling bonus, etc.

This might allow other mobs be a threat (besides oh look it's a giant, a giant, a giant, an athropod) w/o needing to fiddle with stats or anything else.
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post Mar 13 2014, 11:49
Post #10471
Amaduyu Mitsumi

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QUOTE(skillchip @ Mar 12 2014, 12:27) *
Why make it easier?

Self-fulfilled prophecy... What? Am I using the word wrong? (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/duck.gif)
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post Mar 13 2014, 12:03
Post #10472

A poor old monster trainer
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QUOTE(etothex @ Mar 13 2014, 07:20) *

how about monster synergy, between # of mobs and types of mobs. both buffs and debuffs.

example: sprites get attack/evade bonus when in a group w/ giants (big guys easier to attack). celestials and daimons get an attack debuff when together (opposing elements). > 3 giants get a accuracy debuff (too many big guys make it hard to hit small target). Humans and undead don't mix, so attack/pmi debuff. Elementals boost same (or even all) element attacks for other mobs. 4+ fliers get a scaling bonus. 4+ mages get a scaling bonus, etc.

This might allow other mobs be a threat (besides oh look it's a giant, a giant, a giant, an athropod) w/o needing to fiddle with stats or anything else.

like a giant will tank damage for the Celestials and Sprites heal it, 6 Mechanoid can transform into Six God United Godmars, and 3 Mechanoid + 3 Humanoid you will get a Getter Robo. (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif)
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post Mar 13 2014, 16:45
Post #10473

Lalalala la~ la la~!
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6 Mechanoid is no longer possible. The max you can have is 4.
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post Mar 13 2014, 22:10
Post #10474

नो व्हिनिन्ग अल्लोवेद
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Doesn't Breached Defense look like Deep Burns? Can we get a different breached defense icon? Anomtai, where are you??
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post Mar 14 2014, 01:31
Post #10475

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id love it if we could get an option to turn riddlemaster OFF, admins can love ponies all you guys liek go right ahead, I am not a fan of em and would rather not be force to play "name the characters I really dont like other wise hur hur hur lose stamina no you cant back out!" between my phones hella long load times and this fuckin thing it has killed many of my grind attempts :/

Could we also please get more mage weapons perhaps? like orb and wand? or something that allows for more offensive less squishy oriented mages? also more equipment varients or atleast skills for exsisting ones.
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post Mar 15 2014, 05:32
Post #10476

Mathematical Trashcat
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Change hourlies to be be able to be forced. A forced hourly takes 1 stamina while in great stamina, or 0.25 while in good and can not be triggered while in exhausted stamina ranges.
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post Mar 15 2014, 05:47
Post #10477

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Fortitude Chaos upgrade should only increase monster HP by 2.5%. Interception/Dissipation/Evasion should increases monster parry/resist/evade by 1%

Atm the whole chaos upgrade heavily reward END monster, whereas DEX, AGI, and WIS monsters are pretty much weak sauce, since the chaos upgrade adds pretty much nothing to their main stats.

In general, monsters got half as much HP, but twice as much in its evasive stats, so clear speed shouldn't be affected, but all those "memory of" mobs are finally nerfed (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/tongue.gif)

This post has been edited by holy_demon: Mar 15 2014, 05:50
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post Mar 15 2014, 07:42
Post #10478

Look, Fat.
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Wisdom is awesome too, resist got a buff if you forgot. The monsters that do seem overly weak are the ones that rely on dex and agi alone but they have high offense potential at high levels so its hard to balance.
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post Mar 15 2014, 16:45
Post #10479

A poor old monster trainer
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QUOTE(holy_demon @ Mar 15 2014, 03:47) *

Fortitude Chaos upgrade should only increase monster HP by 2.5%. Interception/Dissipation/Evasion should increases monster parry/resist/evade by 1%

Atm the whole chaos upgrade heavily reward END monster, whereas DEX, AGI, and WIS monsters are pretty much weak sauce, since the chaos upgrade adds pretty much nothing to their main stats.

In general, monsters got half as much HP, but twice as much in its evasive stats, so clear speed shouldn't be affected, but all those "memory of" mobs are finally nerfed (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/tongue.gif)

1 Make mob's evade more useful.

2 Magical defense and resist are much more useful than physical defense for Monsters.

But Physical defense are much more useful than Magical ones for players...

Why not try to balance them a little? (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif)
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post Mar 15 2014, 18:11
Post #10480

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nerf monster's swiftness chaos upgrade and give monsters atack speed depending on agi => Nerf of END monsters successful !
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