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[Suggestion] A few requests, Can we has... |
Mar 7 2014, 02:18
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QUOTE(Teresa of the Faint Smile @ Mar 6 2014, 19:27)  http://ehwiki.org/wiki/Monster_LabQUOTE Distribution Ratio Graded materials are gifted at a ratio of 2:1:1:1 in Metal:Cloth:Leather:Wood. Is that distribution rate only for High Grade materials? I don't have any high level monsters so I can't say anything about High Grade Metals, but I don't recieve 2 Low/Mid Metals everytime one of my monsters give me something.
Mar 7 2014, 02:29
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It's for any grade.
Mar 7 2014, 07:13
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QUOTE(Nerzzzzz @ Mar 6 2014, 14:18)  distribution rate
No its the probability ratio for the material drops. For every two metals that drop you'd expect one of each other over a large period of time.
Mar 7 2014, 07:25
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QUOTE(EsotericSatire @ Mar 7 2014, 13:13)  No its the probability ratio for the material drops. For every two metals that drop you'd expect one of each other over a large period of time.
Oh, that makes a lot of sense. Now I feel stupid.
Mar 7 2014, 18:28
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Can we has increased duration on infusions used during battle, and stacking of different types? Twenty-five turns is nothing compared to stackable 15 and 60 minutes from the forge.
Mar 7 2014, 23:40
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Let's buff melee and elemental weapons (and in a way buff elemental mages): Right now for melee, the only benefit to your spells through elemental spell damage is if it is holy, e.g. boost your cure. What about the other elemental strikes? I pick all player buffs bc otherwise elemental mages get too strong. And we don't want that, do we? (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif) 1-Elec, boost duration/effectiveness of spirit shield 2-Cold, boost duration/effectiveness of haste 3-Fire, boost duration/effectiveness of protection 4-Wind, boost duration/effectiveness of shadowveil 5-Dark, boost duration/effectiveness of imperil (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/wink.gif)
Mar 8 2014, 02:26
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0.80 is out: 1-Elec, boost duration/effectiveness of Blind 2-Cold, boost duration/effectiveness of Slow 3-Fire, boost duration/effectiveness of Confuse 4-Wind, boost duration/effectiveness of Sleep 5-Dark, boost health amount of Full-Cure (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/tongue.gif)
Mar 8 2014, 03:12
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-comment deleted because it's too depressing-
This post has been edited by holy_demon: Mar 8 2014, 03:13
Mar 8 2014, 05:46
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QUOTE(treesloth16 @ Mar 7 2014, 13:40)  Let's buff melee and elemental weapons (and in a way buff elemental mages): Right now for melee, the only benefit to your spells through elemental spell damage is if it is holy, e.g. boost your cure. What about the other elemental strikes? I pick all player buffs bc otherwise elemental mages get too strong. And we don't want that, do we? (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif) 1-Elec, boost duration/effectiveness of spirit shield 2-Cold, boost duration/effectiveness of haste 3-Fire, boost duration/effectiveness of protection 4-Wind, boost duration/effectiveness of shadowveil 5-Dark, boost duration/effectiveness of imperil (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/wink.gif) I like it, but it makes more sense to me thematically if fire boosted Haste and cold boosted Protection. ... Suggestion: Have Blunted Attack also reduce MP and SP Regen rates by 25~50%...Or maybe just 10%, to be in-line with the other status effects. This post has been edited by n125: Mar 8 2014, 05:56
Mar 8 2014, 08:43
Group: Catgirl Camarilla
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QUOTE(n125 @ Mar 8 2014, 03:46)  I like it, but it makes more sense to me thematically if fire boosted Haste and cold boosted Protection.
Suggestion: Have Blunted Attack also reduce MP and SP Regen rates by 25~50%...Or maybe just 10%, to be in-line with the other status effects.
Maybe cancel the holy EDB boost cure and then add a new ability allow your total edb boost spell other than damage spell? So you can choose what you want~ (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
Mar 8 2014, 08:46
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Random suggestion of the week * 2 (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/smile.gif). 1: change to elemental spike shieldThe damage of the current spike shield is almost non-existing, the only benefit of spike shield is the reduction of specific elemental mitigation. I suggest to increase its damage to: CODE (1 * attack base damage + 2 * magic base damage) * 0.01 * A * (1+ corresponding spell damage bonus) ,where A is the ability level of the equipped spike shield. Not like this suggestion can make a huge different, but it can make elemental damage bonus from elemental melee weapon somewhat related to the overall damage output. 2. change to Last ElixirAs a consumable item, Last Elixir is too rare so very few, if any, players carry them into battle. To make them more useful, I suggest make it having a revive effect passively. Detail: When someone have been killed in a battle, all of his hp/mp/sp will be 0. If Last Elixir available, one of them will be used automatically and the player will be revived with 20% base health, 10% base mp/sp, and keep recovering for 20 turns. This post has been edited by Colman: Mar 8 2014, 08:54
Mar 8 2014, 08:59
Group: Catgirl Camarilla
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To boost elemental Strike: 1. Make EDB Boost elemental Strike damage. 2. Make EDB Boost Spike Shield Damage BY A LOT (and based on Setting) so it does worthwhile damage. Also needs a max damage cap or mages will kill everything just by getting hit (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/heh.gif)
Mar 8 2014, 11:09
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QUOTE(Colman @ Mar 8 2014, 17:46)  Random suggestion of the week * 2 (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/smile.gif). 1: change to elemental spike shieldThe damage of the current spike shield is almost non-existing, the only benefit of spike shield is the reduction of specific elemental mitigation. I suggest to increase its damage to: CODE (1 * attack base damage + 2 * magic base damage) * 0.01 * A * (1+ corresponding spell damage bonus) ,where A is the ability level of the equipped spike shield. Not like this suggestion can make a huge different, but it can make elemental damage bonus from elemental melee weapon somewhat related to the overall damage output. 2. change to Last ElixirAs a consumable item, Last Elixir is too rare so very few, if any, players carry them into battle. To make them more useful, I suggest make it having a revive effect passively. Detail: When someone have been killed in a battle, all of his hp/mp/sp will be 0. If Last Elixir available, one of them will be used automatically and the player will be revived with 20% base health, 10% base mp/sp, and keep recovering for 20 turns. +1
Mar 8 2014, 15:39
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I do, too. Phoenix Elixir. And it is too rare to blindly sparktank with it.
Mar 8 2014, 16:28
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QUOTE(Lement @ Mar 9 2014, 00:39)  I do, too. Phoenix Elixir. And it is too rare to blindly sparktank with it.
It's currently being sold at 1k apiece. Can't be too rare (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/heh.gif)
Mar 8 2014, 18:40
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No.2 500 x High-Grade ClothCurrent bid: 9900k atest1 No.3 1000 x High-Grade LeatherCurrent bid: 3350k StonyCat 13:46 No.4 2000 x High-Grade MetalsCurrent bid: 8250k StonyCat 14:07 No.5 150 x High-Grade WoodCurrent bid: 3100k pori_n Done, It's the final price... (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif)
Mar 8 2014, 19:23
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QUOTE(Colman @ Mar 8 2014, 01:46)  When someone have been killed in a battle, all of his hp/mp/sp will be 0. If Last Elixir available, one of them will be used automatically and the player will be revived with 20% base health, 10% base mp/sp, and keep recovering for 20 turns. What happens if you have a belt full of them? This post has been edited by qw3rty67: Mar 8 2014, 19:24
Mar 8 2014, 19:55
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QUOTE(gc00018 @ Mar 9 2014, 02:40)  No.2 500 x High-Grade ClothCurrent bid: 9900k atest1 No.3 1000 x High-Grade LeatherCurrent bid: 3350k StonyCat 13:46 No.4 2000 x High-Grade MetalsCurrent bid: 8250k StonyCat 14:07 No.5 150 x High-Grade WoodCurrent bid: 3100k pori_n Done, It's the final price... (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif) Time to buy some leather and metal.
Mar 8 2014, 20:40
Amaduyu Mitsumi
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QUOTE(qw3rty67 @ Mar 9 2014, 00:23)  What happens if you have a belt full of them? Then you would have to be dying to get the replenishment effects out of your battle slots. (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/sleep.gif) I want the Phoenix Elixir to be another layer of overrun protection in my Hellfest. It could very well render SoL entirely obsolete though, so balancing is in order. Making the Phoenix Elixir require 2 slots should be a good trade-off I think. (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/happy.gif)
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