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> [Suggestion] A few requests, Can we has...

post Mar 1 2014, 17:56
Post #10381
Amaduyu Mitsumi

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Might as well ask for the source code to make your own server then. Let's play the god game! (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/cool.gif)
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post Mar 1 2014, 22:19
Post #10382

Mathematical Trashcat
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I just want it to look for bugs and get some data for my spreadsheets
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post Mar 1 2014, 23:48
Post #10383

~ Loli Trainer ~
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Let me play at home. I won't cheat! (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif)
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post Mar 2 2014, 11:08
Post #10384


The "alt" server still uses the same backend, so putting them elsewhere wouldn't really do much for latency.
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post Mar 2 2014, 12:29
Post #10385

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Power of slaughter/balance should have equal drop chance as power protection/warding.

It seems to that I get one slaughter/balance every 5 protection/warding I get (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/sleep.gif)

For instance just last week, I got 20~ exq power protection and warding, but only 1 power slaughter and 3 power balance

This post has been edited by holy_demon: Mar 2 2014, 12:32
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post Mar 2 2014, 18:20
Post #10386

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Higher chance to gain bindings related to the equipment one's wearing from the monster lab ;P (Can't get enough of them Barrier bindings!)
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post Mar 2 2014, 18:40
Post #10387

A poor old monster trainer
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QUOTE(Grieger @ Mar 2 2014, 16:20) *

Higher chance to gain bindings related to the equipment one's wearing from the monster lab ;P (Can't get enough of them Barrier bindings!)

Go to WTS and buy some.. (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/wink.gif)
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post Mar 2 2014, 20:02
Post #10388

Mathematical Trashcat
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QUOTE(holy_demon @ Mar 2 2014, 10:29) *

Power of slaughter/balance should have equal drop chance as power protection/warding.

It seems to that I get one slaughter/balance every 5 protection/warding I get (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/sleep.gif)

For instance just last week, I got 20~ exq power protection and warding, but only 1 power slaughter and 3 power balance

Inforced supply because of user demand of that suffix to create increased value and so not everyone has it. Would be nice to have changed but not likely.
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post Mar 2 2014, 21:08
Post #10389

Where is the loli?
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Giant is the most popular monster class for a long time because END contribute most to the PMI/MMI and it increase HP. Though it seem sensible, it causes unbalance because it increase both HP and defense, make the monster's actual life grow much faster than linear with END.

My suggestion is that half the effect of END to PMI/MMI making END have the same effect as AGI/WIS. Apply to both players and monsters.
In this way both monsters and players will die faster (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/tongue.gif) . The gap between Giant and other class will be smaller.
For players' stat, it can make the PMI/MMI value in the armor more important. As I do not find 1-2% different in armors' PMI/MMI affect my final defense more than END.

Originally I would like to ask for removing END in the PMI/MMI equation, but it would make END much worst than other 5 stats so I changed my mind.
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post Mar 2 2014, 22:16
Post #10390

~ Loli Trainer ~
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Why not completely redo Monster Lab and make reach Crystal increase one Stat directly?

ps: Don't forget to exclude Eilas from that overhaul so frith can't delete her.
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post Mar 3 2014, 02:12
Post #10391

Planeswalker Pain In The Ass
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I'd like to see a return of the mini-bosses.
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post Mar 3 2014, 10:46
Post #10392

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QUOTE(Azru @ Mar 3 2014, 06:12) *

I'd like to see a return of the mini-bosses.

Ain't we all?
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post Mar 3 2014, 15:03
Post #10393

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QUOTE(kserox @ Mar 3 2014, 10:46) *

Ain't we all?

Custom monsters of PL 1978 and up can be the new mini bosses, with hunger and stamina permanently maxed. Custom monsters can automatically gain the silver color when reaching PL 1978 and gain a 10% boost on everything.

And if we end up having a few hundred monsters of PL1978+, then only the top 20 monsters can qualify for the silver color/10% boost, which instantly changes when one monster's PL raises and causes another monster to drops below #20 (and consequently lose the silver status and boost immediately).

If all that sound stupid, the just think of it as one more way for Eila to become completely undeletable forever. (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/happy.gif)
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post Mar 3 2014, 16:07
Post #10394

~ Loli Trainer ~
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QUOTE(eleeinos @ Mar 3 2014, 15:03) *

Custom monsters of PL 1978 and up can be the new mini bosses, with hunger and stamina permanently maxed. Custom monsters can automatically gain the silver color when reaching PL 1978 and gain a 10% boost on everything.

And if we end up having a few hundred monsters of PL1978+, then only the top 20 monsters can qualify for the silver color/10% boost, which instantly changes when one monster's PL raises and causes another monster to drops below #20 (and consequently lose the silver status and boost immediately).

If all that sound stupid, the just think of it as one more way for Eila to become completely undeletable forever. (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/happy.gif)

Ultimately we want grey mobs back in Arena but to do so we need weaker Grey mobs for lowfags as well.

Tie the Ability to create Mini Boss Mobs to player level.

Reach Level 100 and you are allowed to create 1 Mini Boss with a fixed max powerlevel.
Reach Level 200 and create one more mini Boss Mob, this one has a higher max PL.
300 one more.
400 again one more with pretty high PL.
450 create one final Mini Boss which can go up until 2250 or whatever current max is.
500 allow the Creation of one legendary Mob!

If those Mini Bosses are worth it ( no Hunger and/or can bring Unique Gifts) we will get a lot of different Mini Bosses and we suddenly have a real reward for leveling again!

ps. i'm against just downscaling Mobs.
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post Mar 3 2014, 16:41
Post #10395

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QUOTE(Ichy @ Mar 3 2014, 16:07) *

Ultimately we want grey mobs back in Arena but to do so we need weaker Grey mobs for lowfags as well.

Tie the Ability to create Mini Boss Mobs to player level.

Reach Level 100 and you are allowed to create 1 Mini Boss with a fixed max powerlevel.
Reach Level 200 and create one more mini Boss Mob, this one has a higher max PL.
300 one more.
400 again one more with pretty high PL.
450 create one final Mini Boss which can go up until 2250 or whatever current max is.
500 allow the Creation of one legendary Mob!

If those Mini Bosses are worth it ( no Hunger and/or can bring Unique Gifts) we will get a lot of different Mini Bosses and we suddenly have a real reward for leveling again!

ps. i'm against just downscaling Mobs.

I just realized I said Stamina instead of Morale. Oh well. I guess monsters are people too, after all. (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/tongue.gif)

That's actually a nice idea. Everyone will be facing mini bosses related to their character level, same as regular monsters and unlike Bosses that can randomly appear in an Item World, for example, even if you are level 17 (I think).

As long as there can be some balance between the overall amount of mini bosses we fight and the frequency of each one's appearance, while also including something like the "unique gifts" you mentioned, then I personally support this idea. Hentaiverse is heavily repetitive by nature, special features such as this will only do it good.
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post Mar 3 2014, 19:00
Post #10396

~ Loli Trainer ~
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If it is like back then when HV was still good Arenas will have a fixed amount of Mini Boss each round.
And Mini Boss will show up rarely in GF and IW so Arena feels special.
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post Mar 3 2014, 19:23
Post #10397

Grammatically Incorrect (☞゚∀゚)☞
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QUOTE(Ichy @ Mar 4 2014, 03:00) *

If it is like back then when HV was still good Arenas will have a fixed amount of Mini Boss each round.
And Mini Boss will show up rarely in GF and IW so Arena feels special.

I think you feel special enough.
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post Mar 3 2014, 20:06
Post #10398

A poor old monster trainer
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QUOTE(Colman @ Mar 2 2014, 19:08) *

Giant is the most popular monster class for a long time because END contribute most to the PMI/MMI and it increase HP. Though it seem sensible, it causes unbalance because it increase both HP and defense, make the monster's actual life grow much faster than linear with END.

I think this problem needs to be considered on two dimensions.

When monsters are hard to survive, high END mob will be popular because they can use more skill than low END ones;
When monsters are easy to survive, high damage mob will be popular because them use powerful skill/spell to one shot players and no need to worry about being one-shoted.

Today players can deal much more damage than before ( mob health % ) because:
1: x25 change into x15
2: better equipments
3: imperil for mages

Tenboro does try to do a lot work about them.
1: added new difficult :x20, however x15 is still very popular for its high-profit.
2: balanced some equipment, nerf stronge one buff weak one, good job here.
3: nerfed imperil, however I think change the mechanism of imperil will be better.
Because imperil make monster defense more useless compare to HP. I think it should be change
into a simple debuff which increase mage damage against the debuffed mob.

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post Mar 3 2014, 20:18
Post #10399

Where is the loli?
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QUOTE(gc00018 @ Mar 4 2014, 02:06) *

I think this problem needs to be considered on two dimensions.

When monsters are hard to survive, high END mob will be popular because they can use more skill than low END ones;
When monsters are easy to survive, high damage mob will be popular because them use powerful skill/spell to one shot players and no need to worry about being one-shoted.

Today players can deal much more damage than before ( mob health % ) because:
1: x25 change into x15
2: better equipments
3: imperil for mages

Tenboro does try to do a lot work about them.
1: added new difficult :x20, however x15 is still very popular for its high-profit.
2: balanced some equipment, nerf stronge one buff weak one, good job here.
3: nerfed imperil, however I think change the mechanism of imperil will be better.
Because imperil make monster defense more useless compare to HP. I think it should be change
into a simple debuff which increase mage damage against the debuffed mob.

I think both PA and imperil should be changed.
Completely ignore PMI/MMI/elemental resistance make the mid-high level players all use the same style.
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post Mar 4 2014, 10:19
Post #10400

Lalalala la~ la la~!
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@Colman: Actually, ignoring resistance means that more elements for maging are viable. It is not like they have any other option than stacking more damage; at most you might see more prof usage at difficulties like hell.
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