QUOTE(Colman @ Mar 2 2014, 19:08)

Giant is the most popular monster class for a long time because END contribute most to the PMI/MMI and it increase HP. Though it seem sensible, it causes unbalance because it increase both HP and defense, make the monster's actual life grow much faster than linear with END.
I think this problem needs to be considered on two dimensions.
When monsters are hard to survive, high END mob will be popular because they can use more skill than low END ones;
When monsters are easy to survive, high damage mob will be popular because them use powerful skill/spell to one shot players and no need to worry about being one-shoted.
Today players can deal much more damage than before ( mob health % ) because:
1: x25 change into x15
2: better equipments
3: imperil for mages
Tenboro does try to do a lot work about them.
1: added new difficult :x20, however x15 is still very popular for its high-profit.
2: balanced some equipment, nerf stronge one buff weak one, good job here.
3: nerfed imperil, however I think change the mechanism of imperil will be better.
Because imperil make monster defense more useless compare to HP. I think it should be change
into a simple debuff which increase mage damage against the debuffed mob.