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> [Suggestion] A few requests, Can we has...

post Feb 22 2014, 09:34
Post #10321

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QUOTE(Lement @ Feb 22 2014, 11:25) *

Mages depend more on AGI than light melees, really.

How so?
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post Feb 22 2014, 11:27
Post #10322

Expressionless Lolicon
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can we get a warning popup before you salvage or reforge an item? i'm sure some people have accidentally salvaged/reforged some wonderful things
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post Feb 22 2014, 12:36
Post #10323

Lalalala la~ la la~!
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QUOTE(kserox @ Feb 22 2014, 09:34) *

How so?

Lot less alternative defensive options - cloth isn't exactly great on defense, so you end up depending on PABs. Also, new phase has roughly one fourth higher AGI than shade in general.
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post Feb 22 2014, 20:14
Post #10324

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QUOTE(something @ Feb 22 2014, 01:27) *

can we get a warning popup before you salvage or reforge an item? i'm sure some people have accidentally salvaged/reforged some wonderful things

Lock your good equipment. Once locked, it can't be salvaged or reforged.

But I think your suggestion is a good one.
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post Feb 22 2014, 20:44
Post #10325

Lalalala la~ la la~!
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No. A popup before salvage will just get autodismissed anyway as a reflex, and adds pointless tedium. Tenboro has dismissed the "confirm for salvage" before.

This post has been edited by Lement: Feb 22 2014, 20:45
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post Feb 22 2014, 22:33
Post #10326

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Maybe add a super lock which need a password to unlock for your equipment?

(It will work well for someone like playing HV when intoxicated. (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif)

This post has been edited by gc00018: Feb 22 2014, 22:36
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post Feb 23 2014, 01:26
Post #10327

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QUOTE(Lement @ Feb 22 2014, 13:44) *
will just get autodismissed anyway as a reflex

The point is to benefit non-idiots. He can always add a "don't show this again" ticker.
Pointless tedium? Have you forgotten what game this is? (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/tongue.gif)
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post Feb 23 2014, 01:32
Post #10328

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QUOTE(gc00018 @ Feb 22 2014, 10:33) *

Maybe add a super lock which need a password to unlock for your equipment?

(It will work well for someone like playing HV when intoxicated. (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif)

There is one MMO I used to play where my character has been naked for years because I forgot the password.
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post Feb 23 2014, 02:50
Post #10329

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QUOTE(something @ Feb 22 2014, 11:27) *

can we get a warning popup before you salvage or reforge an item?

I'm for it.
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post Feb 23 2014, 02:51
Post #10330

Lalalala la~ la la~!
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There already are features for locking that prevents salvage, sell, moogle and reforge and plain equipping without locking which prevents all that minus reforge. Non-idiots don't need any more locking features and adding any more seems reduntant and cases like
(It will work well for someone like playing HV when intoxicated. rolleyes.gif)
seems incredibly specific and more likely to lead to trouble with forgetting PW.

The "prevent anymore dialogs" you mentioned is far more likely to cause major issues by, say, sending out stuff without COD due not opening new tabs in HV window too.
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post Feb 23 2014, 03:17
Post #10331

Expressionless Lolicon
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there are plenty of popups that don't really need to be there(arena, iw, the shrine, ability reset, you are/have been victorious/defeated); one more that's actually helpful wouldn't make much of a difference.

This post has been edited by something: Feb 23 2014, 03:19
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post Feb 23 2014, 07:23
Post #10332

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QUOTE(something @ Feb 22 2014, 20:27) *

can we get a warning popup before you salvage or reforge an item? i'm sure some people have accidentally salvaged/reforged some wonderful things

QUOTE(Laboq @ Feb 23 2014, 11:50) *

I'm for it.

Meanwhile, a script solution


var salvageButton = document.querySelector("[onclick*=do_salvage]");
if (salvageButton) {
    salvageButton.onclick = function() {if (confirm('Sure?')) do_salvage();}

This post has been edited by holy_demon: Feb 23 2014, 07:26
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post Feb 23 2014, 07:29
Post #10333

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QUOTE(holy_demon @ Feb 23 2014, 13:23) *

Meanwhile, a script solution


var salvageButton = document.querySelector("[onclick*=do_salvage]");
if (salvageButton) {
    salvageButton.onclick = function() {if (confirm('Sure?')) do_salvage();}

It better also show the name, pxp, and some more information on the confirmation popup.
It is easy to click the next item when reforge/salvage.

BTW, I think the most dangerous thing is to salvage an item that you want to reforge. I suggest to move those two button further apart.
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post Feb 23 2014, 07:38
Post #10334

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QUOTE(Colman @ Feb 23 2014, 16:29) *

It better also show the name, pxp, and some more information on the confirmation popup.
It is easy to click the next item when reforge/salvage.

too much work for a trivial script (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/sleep.gif)
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post Feb 23 2014, 09:53
Post #10335

Lalalala la~ la la~!
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First of all, how it is actually helpful as opposed to keeping your valuable equips locked?

The help I see is um...Okay, your cat could walk on your keyboard, unlock your equips in shop with the mouse then move and click on them and then press s, but spacebar is a lot bigger key than any of those. You could find new shiny and when going to lock it in the forge instead of iw, you accidentially instead click on the equip not it's lock and then press s.

Second, as for alerts there are some important distinctions in how often they appear.

@Shrine: once, per item category. Outside of ponies, you can spacebar through it. Typical ratio should be less than 1 popup per 100 actions. The Alert is so you don't accidentially shrine memoriabla.
@Arena: Assuming it takes you on average 8 turns to finish a round in an arena, in 100-round arena it'd be 800 actoins to 1 popup. Also, the popup is only on entering the arena, where entering one with wrong set is sufficient grounds to flee.
@Ability Reset: There already is a single button to reset everything if you're switching builds, something very rare - and if you aren't you can reset individual abilities, which would be probably relevant once per dozens of level due the way updates are set. The alert is also because it costs credits.
@victory: Not an alert or confirmation box, meaning it doesn't hijack browser(not really meaningful outside of the fact that you cannot close the tab on alerts to avoid what happens after them). Although battle for loot is kind of meaningless without loot, it is correct if thematically inapproapriate that you could set the list appear at the beginning of next round.
@Salvage: something like 100+ equips at once reasonably often, so you're facing that many alerts at once/every third action being alert. Also, unlike shrine, they're all distinct so you cannot loop through them.
The idea is to prevent salvage of something you like but there already have been implemented two features that prevent that that don't require you to do additional dismiss on every other equip once you've decided that you don't want to salvage them and ALSO trigger alert if you try anyway.

There is the lazy situation of not equipping the equip then unlocking it to reforge it and instead just plain unlocking it, but if there was alert for both reforge and salvage, but if
1) one didn't pay attention enough to click on the wrong one they'd also manage a wrong keypress, seeing it is just two visually-similar alerts. Once is a coincidence, twice is a pattern.
2) one sets popup autodismiss due salvaging earlier, it doesn't matter. Though, if it it is confirm box you can't autodismiss popups because then it will fail to return "Yes" I think. If you can, it is ludicriously huge risk, as that includes things like COD too.
And that punishes everybody who has exq+ and perhaps sup tier1 dropped because few IW runners cannot be brothered to just perform 4 clicks(equipscreen→equip slot→click→forge) instead of 1 (alert) for the safety of the equip.
3) While it can alert only on reforge -wouldn't mind with needing to complete an IW at least every time for even lowest levels, if not many times for higher ones it seems somewhat pointless, as I cannot really think of a situation where you'd want to keep something you don't want to lose unlocked.

No, I really am not interested in having security risk/100+ alerts to dismiss on salvage run.

This post has been edited by Lement: Feb 23 2014, 09:55
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post Feb 23 2014, 10:29
Post #10336

Expressionless Lolicon
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QUOTE(Colman @ Feb 23 2014, 00:29) *

I think the most dangerous thing is to salvage an item that you want to reforge. I suggest to move those two button further apart.

i'd also be ok with that.

QUOTE(Lement @ Feb 23 2014, 02:53) *

i'll just take your word for it that it's a bad idea. also, i wasn't aware that there's a reforge hotkey (It's not in the wiki for some reason), so my suggestion is kinda pointless

i'll change my suggestion to moving all the buttons in the forge further apart.

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post Feb 23 2014, 10:32
Post #10337

Lalalala la~ la la~!
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Less obviously harmful than tedious and pointless. And like I said, if you fear salvaging instead of reforging, just equip the reforgee beforehand.

This post has been edited by Lement: Feb 23 2014, 10:33
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post Feb 23 2014, 12:25
Post #10338

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QUOTE(Colman @ Feb 23 2014, 07:29) *

BTW, I think the most dangerous thing is to salvage an item that you want to reforge. I suggest to move those two button further apart.

Then ask for a reforge Script. If activated it just hides the Salvage Button so you can safely unlock your piece and reforge.
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post Feb 24 2014, 14:15
Post #10339

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I'd like a change with innate arcana, debuffs should vanish at 5% and recast at 15%, it's a pain to manage your mana pool if you have to constantly keep your mana above 25% to keep spark of life.

This post has been edited by danixxx: Feb 24 2014, 14:18
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post Feb 24 2014, 19:26
Post #10340

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Random suggestion (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)
How about adding INT and WIS bonus for battlecaster melee weapon?
there is no meaning if they cannot boost magic damage output.
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