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> [Suggestion] A few requests, Can we has...

post Jan 21 2014, 14:07
Post #10181

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QUOTE(buktore @ Jan 21 2014, 19:32) *

The interesting thing is that, prior to 0.77 patch, Tenb made numerous changes to melee in an attempt at balancing (i.e. stop people from using 2H, estoc in particular, and to use something else), but despite all of these changes, which is quite drastic btw, most people still kept on doing the same thing.

Then 0.77 came, which despite the fact that it made very little changes (if any at all) to melee itself—the only significant change is that stunned monster can no longer parry, nevertheless it has a huge impact on how melee is play, and many people are now switching their style; 1H in particular, is becoming more and more popular despite the fact that 1H itself is exactly the same as before 0.77 patch...

This beg the question :

- Why is the changes made before 0.77 failed?
- Why is the changes made in 0.77 succeed?
- If the change that were made before 0.77 were (mostly) ineffective, why is it still remain in effect now?

I think one of the reason is the PF difficulty added in 0.77.
- A new difficulty level was added. While base monster health is the same as on IWBTH, the new one increases the damage and max level of encountered monsters, and gives them certain bonuses:
-- Monsters do all actions in 75% of the usual time
-- Monsters get +50% health/mana regen and have a higher chance to use skills/magic attacks
-- Monsters have an additional +10% resist/parry

The melee players who play at PF will feel how bad is parry with the 10% bonus.
- Stunned targets can no longer parry.

Combining with stunned monsters can no longer parry, melee player would like to stun the monster for higher damage output and higher survivability.

And the situation become mace vs 1H.

This post has been edited by Colman: Jan 21 2014, 14:09
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post Jan 21 2014, 17:36
Post #10182

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And bleed becomes better, too, with more parry/evade. Plus niten is less vulnerable to those since it has less domino damage.

Still, I chuck one for "HV players have inertia". Once some adopt and advocate, others may follow.

This post has been edited by Lement: Jan 21 2014, 17:37
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post Jan 21 2014, 17:51
Post #10183

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QUOTE(Lement @ Jan 21 2014, 23:36) *

And bleed becomes better, too, with more parry/evade. Plus niten is less vulnerable to those since it has less domino damage.

Still, I chuck one for "HV players have inertia". Once some adopt and advocate, others may follow.

I want the old bleeding more than the current one.
The max bleeding now seems good but in fact even school girl will die before stack bleeding 5 times if i use imperil (with axe/rapier DW).

Well, the bleeding weapon (longsword only) become much stronger that make some people switching.

This post has been edited by Colman: Jan 21 2014, 18:37
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post Jan 21 2014, 21:02
Post #10184

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Should I give up now? It seems everyone is saying one-handed is the best (it's not), so the inevitable nerf / obsoletion is guaranteed to ruin my build. There's nothing to spend money on, you can't find your own loot, and buying from others will be a waste come patch time.

Is nudity the only option? It does fit the hentai theme (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/tongue.gif)

This post has been edited by qw3rty67: Jan 21 2014, 21:02
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post Jan 21 2014, 21:24
Post #10185
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QUOTE(qw3rty67 @ Jan 21 2014, 19:02) *
Is nudity the only option? It does fit the hentai theme (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/tongue.gif)
IW your weapon and shield to lv.10; name the weapon "my dick" and the shield "my ass". It's another way of getting into the hentai theme.
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post Jan 24 2014, 05:33
Post #10186

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In addition to my earlier post, it would be great if there's some sort of Practice Mode in the settings.

When enabled, all battles would give no credit/loot drops, no proficiency gains, doesn't cost any stamina(or not, depends), and stamina regens as normal while in battle(or not, depends). Arenas/RoB won't go into cooldown and RoB wouldn't cost any tokens (or not. people would still need to have x tokens to enter). Battle Items used would be lost.

This mode would really help in testing out stuffs like trying to find out how something works, trying out other playstyles, or trying to see whether you can challenge the next set of difficulty.

Another idea would be to allow this mode to drop equipments but they are sent to the bazaar instead of your inventory, then make equipments dropped in this mode cost 20 times more or something. (Numbers can be changed, and probably depends on equipment quality).

Oh man, these ideas sounds like a mess.
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post Jan 24 2014, 13:56
Post #10187

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EDB should give a small bonus to spell besides magical attack , like how holy EDB gives a bonus to Cure. For example, Fire EDB gives more crit damage bonus to heartseeker/arcane focus, Cold EDB give more PMI/MMI bonus to Protection, Wind EDB gives speed bonus to Haste, Elec EDB give a better health/spirit ratio to Spirit Shield, and Dark EDB gives a bonus evade to Shadow Veil. Also holy EDB should give bonus to Regen too! The bonus should be logarithmic and capped at maybe 30 or 40 EDB, so stacking them won't break the game :/

That'd solve the current ridiculous favoritism for Ethereal and Hallowed prefix, and the price inflation of a small number of equips, while everything else is just trash.

This post has been edited by holy_demon: Jan 24 2014, 14:01
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post Jan 24 2014, 13:59
Post #10188

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QUOTE(holy_demon @ Jan 24 2014, 13:56) *

EDB should give a small bonus to spell besides magical attack , like how holy EDB gives a bonus to Cure. For example, Fire EDB gives more damage bonus to heartseeker/arcane focus, Cold EDB give more PMI/MMI bonus to Protection, Wind EDB gives speed bonus to Haste, Elec EDB give a better health/spirit ratio to Spirit Shield, and Dark EDB gives a bonus evade to Shadow Veil. Also holy EDB should give bonus to Regen too! The bonus should be logarithmic and capped at maybe 30 or 40 EDB, so it won't break the game :/

That'd solve the current ridiculous favoritism for Ethereal and Hallowed prefix

So basically you say: hey Elemental mage is already better let's fix it by giving more advantage to elemental mage (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/unsure.gif)
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post Jan 24 2014, 14:25
Post #10189

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QUOTE(holy_demon @ Jan 24 2014, 11:56) *

EDB should give a small bonus to spell besides magical attack , like how holy EDB gives a bonus to Cure. For example, Fire EDB gives more crit damage bonus to heartseeker/arcane focus, Cold EDB give more PMI/MMI bonus to Protection, Wind EDB gives speed bonus to Haste, Elec EDB give a better health/spirit ratio to Spirit Shield, and Dark EDB gives a bonus evade to Shadow Veil. Also holy EDB should give bonus to Regen too! The bonus should be logarithmic and capped at maybe 30 or 40 EDB, so stacking them won't break the game :/

That'd solve the current ridiculous favoritism for Ethereal and Hallowed prefix, and the price inflation of a small number of equips, while everything else is just trash.

Inb4 holy EDB bonus gets removed. (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/dry.gif)
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post Jan 24 2014, 14:52
Post #10190

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QUOTE(Ichy @ Jan 24 2014, 22:59) *

So basically you say: hey Elemental mage is already better let's fix it by giving more advantage to elemental mage (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/unsure.gif)

Well that's why I said, cap the bonus (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

And the elemental mage thing can be easily fixed by increasing the spell cost. It will pretty much make everyone better, except for ethereal user, who already benefits from no burden/interference

QUOTE(mustardpie @ Jan 24 2014, 23:25) *

Inb4 holy EDB bonus gets removed. (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/dry.gif)

There's still the fact that ethereal melee weapon is horribly overpriced compared to everything else

This post has been edited by holy_demon: Jan 24 2014, 14:55
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post Jan 24 2014, 17:28
Post #10191

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QUOTE(holy_demon @ Jan 24 2014, 20:52) *
There's still the fact that ethereal melee weapon is horribly overpriced compared to everything else

supply and demand (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
If someone willing to pay for it, it is not overpriced.

Most people like to have ethereal but heavy melee do not really need ethereal weapon. And I purposely make my Burden = 74.9 to eliminated the attack speed bonus.

This post has been edited by Colman: Jan 24 2014, 17:36
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post Jan 24 2014, 19:42
Post #10192

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Ichy: If all bonuses are equal it gives no advantage to elemental mage. It would help to fix the melee weapon situation though.
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post Jan 24 2014, 21:21
Post #10193

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Give monsters resistance to void damage or remove the no interference/no burden advantage it has and ethereal prices will come down. Just ethereal has too many perks for melee that everything else pales in comparison with it.

I also doubt many people actually look specifically for a hallowed weapon because of its cure bonus. Its a bonus but not the primary reason for hallowed being #2 to void. People go after it just as they would go after a demonic weapon; they're both the most effective elements after void to kill schoolgirls fast. And everyone farms schoolgirls for loot at endgame. The cure bonus is the only thing that makes hallowed slightly better than demonic and as ethereal prices already demonstrate, people toss it in the trash when they compare it against ethereal.
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post Jan 24 2014, 21:37
Post #10194

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QUOTE(rancidmeat @ Jan 25 2014, 06:21) *

I also doubt many people actually look specifically for a hallowed weapon because of its cure bonus. Its a bonus but not the primary reason for hallowed being #2 to void. People go after it just as they would go after a demonic weapon; they're both the most effective elements after void to kill schoolgirls fast. And everyone farms schoolgirls for loot at endgame. The cure bonus is the only thing that makes hallowed slightly better than demonic and as ethereal prices already demonstrate, people toss it in the trash when they compare it against ethereal.

Holy is also strong against FSM

But hell, I'd love to see fiery weapon becomes popular if it gives crit bonus.
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post Jan 24 2014, 22:53
Post #10195

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QUOTE(Lement @ Jan 24 2014, 19:42) *

Ichy: If all bonuses are equal it gives no advantage to elemental mage. It would help to fix the melee weapon situation though.

Why has everything to be equal?

isn't it be better to have some yay and some meh things?

This post has been edited by Ichy: Jan 24 2014, 22:53
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post Jan 25 2014, 00:30
Post #10196

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I think the burden penalty should be changed so below say 30 burden, there's no penalty at all.

This allows leather wearers to mix Shade with Leather without the evasion penalty just like Power Armor users can mix in Plate. It would also allow Shade users to use more than just ethereal weapons if they care about their evasion, potentially decreasing the demand for ethereal weapons.

On another note... does anyone else find it a bit odd that Leather has both bonus to evasion and a burden penalty (thereby reducing evasion)?

This post has been edited by rancidmeat: Jan 25 2014, 00:35
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post Jan 25 2014, 12:56
Post #10197


QUOTE(rancidmeat @ Jan 24 2014, 23:30) *
On another note... does anyone else find it a bit odd that Leather has both bonus to evasion and a burden penalty (thereby reducing evasion)?

The effect of Burden was changed at some point, it didn't always reduce evade. And removing evade from Leather would create a new class of "pre-nerf" items which everyone loves so much.
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post Jan 25 2014, 13:22
Post #10198

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I wonder what does item below Exquisite level for besides to level Skills/Proficiencies (for crude) and to just sell it?

Most people now use at least Exquisite, rarely Superior.

Perhaps introducing Weapon/Equipment Evolution, so that people can upgrade their Equipment through evolution, thus

reducing the price of Peerless (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif)
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post Jan 25 2014, 16:28
Post #10199

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QUOTE(Frostbite @ Jan 25 2014, 19:22) *

I wonder what does item below Exquisite level for besides to level Skills/Proficiencies (for crude) and to just sell it?

Most people now use at least Exquisite, rarely Superior.

Perhaps introducing Weapon/Equipment Evolution, so that people can upgrade their Equipment through evolution, thus

reducing the price of Peerless (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif)

Your suggestion will make the drop chance of Exq+ gears become close to 0 (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/tongue.gif) . So people have to use superior gears. Like long time ago.

This post has been edited by Colman: Jan 25 2014, 16:28
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post Jan 25 2014, 16:46
Post #10200

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QUOTE(Frostbite @ Jan 25 2014, 19:22) *

I wonder what does item below Exquisite level for besides to level Skills/Proficiencies (for crude) and to just sell it?

Most people now use at least Exquisite, rarely Superior.

Perhaps introducing Weapon/Equipment Evolution, so that people can upgrade their Equipment through evolution, thus

reducing the price of Peerless (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif)

How does the Evolution upgrade work? And how does it differ from IW+Forging?

This post has been edited by hujan86: Jan 25 2014, 17:53
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