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[Suggestion] A few requests, Can we has... |
Jan 19 2014, 13:56
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Make the monster health bar turn yellow when under 50% HP, and red when under 25% HP (similar to the morale/hungry bar in the monster lab). Most useful for 1H's Merciful Blow.
Jan 19 2014, 14:31
Amaduyu Mitsumi
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QUOTE(Dan31 @ Jan 19 2014, 18:56)  Make the monster health bar turn yellow when under 50% HP, and red when under 25% HP (similar to the morale/hungry bar in the monster lab). Most useful for 1H's Merciful Blow.
Very limited convenience imo. Still, it'd be nice if it's implemented. +1
Jan 19 2014, 15:25
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Isnt it be much better to just keep perma Spirit Stance in Normal grind? Well at least for me since pushing the Mouse up and down is already enough work (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/tongue.gif)
Jan 19 2014, 17:45
Amaduyu Mitsumi
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I only ever use Merciful Blow in PF RoB (or marathons, but I am damn sure I won't be in one any time soon). Thus "limited convenience". Outside of RoB, I keep perma-SS on everywhere, regardless of difficulty. For me, 1H is the ultimate faceroll style with the help of perma-SS so why complicate it? (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/tongue.gif)
Jan 20 2014, 00:41
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What would be really cool to add are options to "level" the special abilitie(s) of a piece of equipment through item worlds since there are no bindings nor materials for those and change "reforge" to "merge" two pieces of equipment to have one gain a little stat increase.
Let's say you want to increase a Frugal type piece of equipment's mana conservation, then you enter the "special ability item world" of the equipment and fight the same number of rounds you'd do in order to level the piece of equipment. To keep things fair, said increase would have to be minimal or very small (like the increases in the very old item-worlds) and capped at the current equipment's level. That would serve two purposes: 1. Level up a special ability somewhat so even if your equipment is not Magnificent+ you'd still see an improvement. 2. Since the increases are small, existing higher leveled equipment would take a long time to "improve", thus deterring unfair exploitation.
Example: Fine Frugal Cotton Cap of Protection Cloth Armor Level 1 55 / 358 Magic Accuracy +2.42% Mana Conservation +1.72% Physical Mitigation +5.07% Magical Mitigation +2.84% Evade Chance +2.70 % HP Bonus +2.00% Primary Attributes Dexterity +25.37 Agility +12.38
We then enter its "Special ability" Item world and fight 358 battles (either in one go or in sets as the current item worlds behave) and see a Mana Conservation increase of (or you can add whatever complicated formula here, but this is an example) 1%. Naturally, if you had leveled the equipment to Level 2, then the "Special Ability" item world would also have its round count increased which keeps it fair. Additionally, special abilities would have an absolute overall cap, so it wouldn't be possible to have an ultra-high leveled frugal set that would allow you infinite mana. If the total Mana Conservation percentage of the equipment pieces would surpass the cap, only the closest to the cap's total higher value would be used. The same would apply to all special abilities not currently covered by existing bindings and materials or training.
"Reforge" as "Merge" would also be cool. You could take two existing pieces of equipment and "combine them" to add stats tof one of them. To keep things fair and to avoid abuse, said combinations would require exactly the same type of equipment and suffix, so it would not be possible to add Phase type characteristics to heavy armor types or 1 handed weapons the capabilities of staves or two handed weapons. Additionally, "Merging" would always increase burden AND interference, since two pieces of equipment are "sharing the same space". This prevents abuse since you can now get interference and burden even on phase armor and ethereals. The benefit of "Merging" would come from increased or added stats that are not covered by current item-world leveling or cannot be trained further because the equipment has reached it max level. This could improve even Peerless equipment since it would still see benefit but with the added cost of "merging" two peerless and getting burden and interference. Potencies unlocked through item wordls are intransferrable and two "Merged" pieces of equipment have their materials/bindings' increased levels and potencies reset and without "reimbursement".
Example: "Merge" Two Superior Willow Staff of Focus. One of them has Mana Conservation but weak stats, this is A. The other is slightly better but doesn't have Mana Conservation, this one's B. Merge A into B and get (let's say) 35-50% of the Mana Conservation of A, but also a fraction of its burden and interference (or if it didn't have interference, then a set/calculated interference value added).
All this of course is just wishful thinking, but it is feasible.
This post has been edited by doomgaze: Jan 20 2014, 00:42
Jan 20 2014, 05:56
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QUOTE(Ichy @ Jan 19 2014, 18:54)  Soon HV will require rocket scientist level intelligence (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif) bring it
Jan 20 2014, 09:57
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The more people tout 1H as the cat's meow the more boro will nerf it.
Jan 20 2014, 15:01
Amaduyu Mitsumi
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QUOTE(skillchip @ Jan 20 2014, 10:56)  bring it
Anyway, last time I heard (read), 1H players made up less than 2% the populace of HV. That was more than 6 months ago, but I really doubt the situation has changed much. Beside me, I only recall Colman as another high leveled player who uses 1H style on a regular basis, i.e. as his main style.
Jan 20 2014, 15:39
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QUOTE(Kagoromo @ Jan 20 2014, 21:01)  Anyway, last time I heard (read), 1H players made up less than 2% the populace of HV. That was more than 6 months ago, but I really doubt the situation has changed much. Beside me, I only recall Colman as another high leveled player who uses 1H style on a regular basis, i.e. as his main style. FYI, I am a mid level player. High level players are all having fully forged Leg+ gears, while I'm still using non-forged Exq gears. From my observation from auctions, I guess some players have try 1H, but not that many. As the price of force shield is not increasing. A reason is that it is not like High level players need more defense. In fact, most of them are mage. You know, 10B like to screw player who specialize in a single style. If the magic can hit every monster, I think I am still a holy/dark mage. So, although I am using 1H now, I still keep my 2H/DW/holy/dark sets for future use. As long as one of them is not nerf in the future patch, I can still stably grind (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) But I think 10B will just nerf any existing things and introduce new stuff to make players grind on. Edit: Forgot to add suggestion. (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/tongue.gif) Please add a ass rape skill to let the player ass rape the dying monster (hp <10%) to recover some SP (5% base). This post has been edited by Colman: Jan 20 2014, 17:00
Jan 20 2014, 16:31
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QUOTE(Kagoromo @ Jan 20 2014, 20:01)  ... but I really doubt the situation has changed much.
0.77 changed everything... (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif)
Jan 20 2014, 18:09
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QUOTE(buktore @ Jan 20 2014, 15:31)  0.77 changed everything... (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif) 2H got nerfed even more so that 2H heavy melees had to use 1H if they wanted to play highest difficulty with their power gear. Slower as before 0.77 but at least I don't have to cure almost every turn. (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/dry.gif) PFUDOR with Leg Estoc and Mag or Mag+ power gear is a nogo. (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/sad.gif)
Jan 20 2014, 18:34
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QUOTE(Mantra64 @ Jan 20 2014, 17:09)  2H got nerfed even more so that 2H heavy melees had to use 1H if they wanted to play highest difficulty with their power gear. Slower as before 0.77 but at least I don't have to cure almost every turn. (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/dry.gif) PFUDOR with Leg Estoc and Mag or Mag+ power gear is a nogo. (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/sad.gif) On the other hand, because of the introduction of PFUDOR (that gives monsters bonus parry), and the fact that now stunned monsters can't parry, maces have never been so useful.
Jan 20 2014, 18:51
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I'm still dying on Battletoads...... (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/sad.gif) Sigh.... I've been one-handing it for about a week now...and yea, the suitability of One-Hand + force shield + heavy armor is pretty damned good. In the future, I'm going to try and get my poor mitts on a set of goood ol'd Shield Plate of Protection (not Shielding Plate; Shield Plate) and see if with a goood, GOOOOOD Force Shield if I can just 1-H my way slowly to victory in everything. I'm tihnking I might even go with a Ethereal Rapier of Nimble or some other high-parry weapon and just block/parry everything with Spirit Shield up to take the damage from anything that goes through (with Regen or just Cure to help out.)
Jan 21 2014, 00:45
Amaduyu Mitsumi
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Well, there was a time when monsters couldn't parry and stunned monsters took extra 100% damage...
Damage output is actually very important for 1H. Even with a good shield you can only tank for so long. Being able to focus down the strongest monster(s) while others are stunned is the best way to survive high difficulty and to get a good clear speed. That's why, I'd recommend every 1H-er against using a theoretical turtling build like Shield Plate, Force Shield and Rapier of Nimble; that kind of build is just too excessive on defence and not enough damage output at all. A good (GOOOOOD) force shield should give you the ability to wear a full or almost full power armor set with a Rapier of Slaughter without compromising much of your defensive ability. Finding out how much PMI you can sacrifice for damage is very important if you want to 1H effectively.
This post has been edited by Kagoromo: Jan 21 2014, 00:45
Jan 21 2014, 02:23
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QUOTE(Dan31 @ Jan 20 2014, 16:34)  On the other hand, because of the introduction of PFUDOR (that gives monsters bonus parry), and the fact that now stunned monsters can't parry, maces have never been so useful.
Useful but still slow as heck (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/sleep.gif)
Jan 21 2014, 11:06
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QUOTE(mustardpie @ Jan 21 2014, 01:23)  Useful but still slow as heck (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/sleep.gif) Can't excel in both offense and defense, right?
Jan 21 2014, 13:32
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The interesting thing is that, prior to 0.77 patch, Tenb made numerous changes to melee in an attempt at balancing (i.e. stop people from using 2H, estoc in particular, and to use something else), but despite all of these changes, which is quite drastic btw, most people still kept on doing the same thing.
Then 0.77 came, which despite the fact that it made very little changes (if any at all) to melee itself—the only significant change is that stunned monster can no longer parry, nevertheless it has a huge impact on how melee is play, and many people are now switching their style; 1H in particular, is becoming more and more popular despite the fact that 1H itself is exactly the same as before 0.77 patch...
This beg the question :
- Why is the changes made before 0.77 failed? - Why is the changes made in 0.77 succeed? - If the change that were made before 0.77 were (mostly) ineffective, why is it still remain in effect now?
This post has been edited by buktore: Jan 21 2014, 13:33
Jan 21 2014, 13:48
Group: Catgirl Camarilla
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QUOTE(buktore @ Jan 21 2014, 14:32)  The interesting thing is that, prior to 0.77 patch, Tenb made numerous changes to melee in an attempt at balancing (i.e. stop people from using 2H, estoc in particular, and to use something else), but despite all of these changes, which is quite drastic btw, most people still kept on doing the same thing.
Then 0.77 came, which despite the fact that it made very little changes (if any at all) to melee itself—the only significant change is that stunned monster can no longer parry, nevertheless it has a huge impact on how melee is play, and many people are now switching their style; 1H in particular, is becoming more and more popular despite the fact that 1H itself is exactly the same as before 0.77 patch...
This beg the question :
- Why is the changes made before 0.77 failed? - Why is the changes made in 0.77 succeed? - If the change that were made before 0.77 were (mostly) ineffective, why is it still remain in effect now?
I'd say force shield + counter block from monster lab nerfed.
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