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[Suggestion] A few requests, Can we has... |
Jan 7 2014, 14:55
Group: Catgirl Camarilla
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QUOTE(Kurt91 @ Jan 5 2014, 01:45)  Would it be possible to set up the difficulty individually for each type of battle, or be able to set it in an easier/more convenient fashion than the Settings page? I don't think I'd be able to deal with a high difficulty Arena or Item World, but I could probably manage it on a Random Encounter. Heck, maybe just have it as a selection on the main Arena/Grindfest/Item World pages so you can click what difficulty you want before going in. There's more than enough empty space.
By the way, have any of these requests ever actually made it into the game, or are we just wasting our time with wishful thinking?
Yeah quite a few have. Quite a deal haven't. Its an issue of value vs implementation cost usually.
Jan 7 2014, 15:39
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QUOTE(Lement @ Jan 7 2014, 11:50)  In-game shop: Then we run into "How about we have some customization" and "personal rules" and "I want more items" and "there needs to be way to search all this crap" and soon we have another WTS.
Well, why not. At the core, I would like at least a search function by prefix/type/suffix, ordered by price. Searching through all those WTS is a bore. We can start with items (that's simpler). Each player would be able to provide a list of items they sell, with the minimum price they are asking for, and everyone would be able to buy those items via the item shop bot.
Jan 7 2014, 16:32
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QUOTE(Colman @ Jan 7 2014, 07:47)  If there is shard for anti-parry, it will also have anti-resist shard that will make everyone happy. (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) So the parry and resist will become another evade for monster... an almost useless stats. (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/wink.gif) And Tenb have to introduct new stats for mob to maintain the difficult. Then circle agian. (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/tongue.gif) So, I would suggest nerf the resist and parry but buff the evade.(it may also make accuracy more useful) Like, make the cap of hit chance increase from 200% to 300%. This post has been edited by gc00018: Jan 7 2014, 16:39
Jan 7 2014, 17:15

QUOTE(gc00018 @ Jan 7 2014, 15:32)  make the cap of hit chance increase from 200% to 300%. I didn't read the rest of your post, but that's an awesome idea! ( I'm kidding! Kinda.)
Jan 7 2014, 18:59
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While I do hate monster parry, but changing it so that player have the ability to negate it almost completely (like how we can with evade now) is bound to have yet more unintended consequence IMO. The current problem with parry is not mainly that the monster does not take damage, but because parried-attack is not count as 'hit'— so you don't get to do the fighting style proc (this is particularly bad for 2H) and you do not regain OC (which is even worse IMO; you need every % of it (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/sleep.gif) ) ... This, combined with the fact that many monster have a lot of dex (and therefore, parry), the nerf to skill range/dmg, nerf to Dom strike, and other numerous changes to melee in various part, made monster parry way too annoying than it should IMO... (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/sad.gif) Unless, of course, you are high level 1H. (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/heh.gif) This post has been edited by buktore: Jan 7 2014, 23:14
Jan 7 2014, 23:12
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I'm not that smart, but I'll just throw out a few (silly?) suggestions concerning monster-parry:
a. The shard thing - some kind of shard which gives x% of counter-parry.
b. Additional sources of counter-parry from potencies - Perhaps a small chance to get like 5% counter-parry when an armor reaches level 10. Could make this specific to a certain slot, e.g. Gauntlets. People have been asking for more interesting level 10 armor bonuses, so I dunno.
c. Change monster-parry to work a bit more like resist. E.g. A parry would block 50%, 75%, or 90% of damage on that hit (ele/void strikes included). This would still let monster-parry be useful, but not be as harsh to 2-Handed by still allowing Domino to proc. If a 50% or 75% block is too much of a nerf, 90% would still achieve the effect of not screwing 2-Handed as much.
d. Each monster-parry in a row reduces the chance for the next monster-parry by a few %, resetting after the player scores a successful hit. This would make chain-parries occur slightly less, which is good because chain-parries seem to be the thing that pisses people off the most.
I'd love to have monster-parry still be relevant, but also afford players just a few more options to deal with it. Even if those options are really expensive or require a bunch of other offensive/defensive sacrifices. It's just that right now there's almost no methods at all for dealing with monster-parry.
Except playing 1H.
Edit: More random (and bad) suggestions:
e. Monsters parry only once per their turn - Makes attack speed more useful
f. Bleeding Wounds lowers monster-parry by some %/stack - Bleeding Wounds sucks right now.
g. Monsters don't parry on Mondays - Not a real suggestion
I don't know what I'm talking about. Those of you who are wiser than me (everyone), please chime in~
This post has been edited by happy.forum: Jan 7 2014, 23:40
Jan 7 2014, 23:47
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QUOTE(flint @ Aug 8 2013, 23:51)  It's all about OC management.
Jan 7 2014, 23:57
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QUOTE(Tenboro @ Jan 7 2014, 17:15)  I didn't read the rest of your post, but that's an awesome idea!
(I'm kidding! Kinda.)
1. Buff Monster Resist, Parry, Evade 2. Introduce Amulets which can negate only one of these 3 3. ???? 4. Enjoy whining (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif)
Jan 8 2014, 00:03
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QUOTE(Tenboro @ Jan 7 2014, 15:15)  (I'm kidding! Kinda.)
I can feel that YOU ARE NOOOTTTTT KIDDDDDINGGGGG . (,,#゚Д゚)> QUOTE(Ichy @ Jan 7 2014, 21:57)  1. Buff Monster Resist, Parry, Evade 2. Introduce Amulets which can negate only one of these 3 3. ???? 4. Enjoy whining (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif) 3. But the amulets can only be equiped by Monsters. Not for players. (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/cool.gif) This post has been edited by gc00018: Jan 8 2014, 00:05
Jan 8 2014, 00:06
Group: Catgirl Camarilla
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QUOTE(gc00018 @ Jan 8 2014, 00:03)  3. But the amulets can only be equiped by Monsters. Not for players. (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/cool.gif) Nope Players. If you chose to negate Parry the fuckers will evade all the time. If you negate Evade they will Parry all the time. (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif)
Jan 8 2014, 00:10
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QUOTE(Ichy @ Jan 7 2014, 22:06)  Nope Players. If you chose to negate Parry the fuckers will evade all the time. If you negate Evade they will Parry all the time. (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif) At least people won't whining all the time about parry and resist... (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif)
Jan 8 2014, 04:15
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Proper icons for weapon skills in the quickbar slots would be nice.
Jan 8 2014, 11:48
Group: Catgirl Camarilla
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QUOTE(akiba-kei @ Jan 8 2014, 04:30)  It would be great to have more chances of getting a Legendary weapon or higher (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) U sure? Once you done gearing the game is pretty much over.
Jan 8 2014, 16:12
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Your goal on e-hentai/HV doesn't have to be getting best gear possible.
Jan 8 2014, 20:19
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The goal is to buy so much GP you break the system.
Jan 8 2014, 21:49
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Another equipment slot for ammulets and rings would be kind of cool.
They wouldn't do anything major and would have mostly static stats -
For example: Ring of the Clever Noob +0.5 Crushing Mitgation +2 Str +1% Increased Block (if shield is equipped)
Just minor little bonuses that don't really amount to all that much- and they can't be leveled or forged. They could drop from level 50+ arenas and would drop 20% of the time that ToBs drop.
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