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> [Suggestion] A few requests, Can we has...

post Jan 2 2014, 21:10
Post #10021

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QUOTE(Ichy @ Jan 2 2014, 10:02) *

Add a tiiiiiiiiiny chance to meet a God in RE.
The Chance to meet it is getting bigger with each RE survived. If you die or met a God it is reseted.

oh joy.... or how about a true challenge, for those lucky few that have managed to reach the level cap a new version of the grindfest were every enemy in the 1000 floors is elite or higher rank(on floor 1000 you have to fight 10 enemies that are all god rank and start with several stat boosters or advantages, like they start agitated, higher defense mitigation and higher resist, possibly full spirit bar and other nasty tricks)

If they manage to somehow survive and complete it a bigger reward would be nice, like say 1,000,000 credits, 100 hath, an 100% chance of a peerless weapon or armor, and maybe a special title that gives an award in the forums?

this is for those few that reached lvl 500 mind you.
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post Jan 2 2014, 21:19
Post #10022

A poor old monster trainer
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QUOTE(Aerith12 @ Jan 2 2014, 19:10) *

this is for those few that reached lvl 500 mind you.

Isn't it a little too inefficient to make such an update for only 1 or 2 men?

Maybe it's better to focus on most of common players.
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post Jan 2 2014, 21:41
Post #10023

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QUOTE(gc00018 @ Jan 2 2014, 12:19) *

Isn't it a little too inefficient to make such an update for only 1 or 2 men?

Maybe it's better to focus on most of common players.

hmmm....maybe your right, ok, same challenge but for those who finished the first grindfest its unlocked automatically

or to make it even more interesting, enemies also have there maximum possible HP as well. if you can finish it then, congrats.

or another ring of blood challenge, were the boss you fight has a the ability to use Procs like the player, such as Weaken, Regen, Imperil. Or worse has a Vampire/Ether Theft Spirit attack, so each time he uses his Spirit attack it drains your HP and MP and restores his bars.
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post Jan 2 2014, 21:43
Post #10024

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Level 300 - 450 Content is more needed.
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post Jan 2 2014, 21:53
Post #10025

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How about a Level drain attack like from some other rpgs, where if your hit, you lose several levels for that battle but the enemies levels don't change, you would regain your levels after the battle is over, but during it you would have to deal with the effects.
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post Jan 3 2014, 03:20
Post #10026

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Focus should really give counter-resist or allow economizer stack with it
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post Jan 3 2014, 06:20
Post #10027

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Aerith: Your idea would result in crazy inflation. The trophies they can drop are enough of a reward, tbh.

Added difficulty isn't a bad idea in itself, mind you, though it could result in "I completed grindfest once" thing.

This post has been edited by Lement: Jan 3 2014, 06:21
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post Jan 3 2014, 09:16
Post #10028

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Hopefully adding difficulty doesn't equal to adding more tankiness. Fck marathons.
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post Jan 3 2014, 16:26
Post #10029

A poor old monster trainer
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QUOTE(Oversoul @ Jan 3 2014, 07:16) *

Hopefully adding difficulty doesn't equal to adding more tankiness. Fck marathons.

The new way of Item world may be a good attempt of increasing difficult. (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/tongue.gif)
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post Jan 3 2014, 16:26
Post #10030

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well as long as people want something more difficult, how about a new difficulty where all enemies are twice as strong/fast/gain more mp and sp per turn/etc. as they are in PFUDOR , has the same exp/credit/pxp bonus, raises the drop bonus for >PL500 to 20%, and 50% higher chance for peerless. it comes with a catch though:

stamina drains twice as fast. if you die, you lose 50 stamina and are mugged for 6 random items.

edit: if you want to make it even more fucked, instead of making enemies stronger just make new difficulty negate all bonuses gained through IW and forging except hollowforged, infusions, and shards. or do both.

This post has been edited by something: Jan 3 2014, 19:24
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post Jan 4 2014, 07:43
Post #10031

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I've only read a few pages of this thread so forgive me if it has been suggested before, but how about:


Since getting that cookie on my forum profile, I've grown rather fond of it and the thought of a year before the next chance to add to it would make me suggest the following awards:

(Award Name) - (Condition):(Icon appearance suggestion)=(Reward suggestion)
- (reason)

First Smile - Complete First Blood Arena on PFUDOR : A Smileyface holding a 1 = +300 extra credits each Dawn of a New Day
- You need low lying fruit to entice newer players.

Average Toad - Complete Eternal Darkness on Battletoads using nothing higher than Average equipment : A Gekota Badge = +10% Bonus xp
- Mid-Game achievement.

YRAAH - Complete A Dance with Dragons on PFUDOR using nothing higher than Crude equipment : Pirate Badge = +1 Hath each Dawn of a New Day
- Potentially create a Crude market, gives lv 400+s something to do.

Twice Forged - Gain enough Forge EXP to have leveled it to 50 twice : An Anvil = Slightly increases the chance of a higher quality material when salvaging
- In recognition of the artisans.

Ketchum - Have at least one of each type of monster with at least 13 Chaos levels each : Ketchup bottle = If a food item is dropped, increases the chance that the food is of higher quality
- To increase variety of monsters.

Snowflakes Chance - Win the Lottery (1st to 5th) with a less than 0.1% chance of winning : Snowflake in Hell = +8,888 GP each Dawn of a New Day
- Encourages GP spending/trade.

Does anyone think the rewards are too low/high? Is YRAAH actually easy to do for lv 400+ players? Anything you can suggest to make it harder? (It should be a real achievement... very difficult to do, I imagine you'll need maxed IW forged Crude to have a good chance)
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post Jan 4 2014, 07:49
Post #10032

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QUOTE(B0nd @ Jan 3 2014, 22:43) *

I've only read a few pages of this thread so forgive me if it has been suggested before, but how about:

Since getting that cookie on my forum profile, I've grown rather fond of it and the thought of a year before the next chance to add to it would make me suggest the following awards:

(Award Name) - (Condition):(Icon appearance suggestion)=(Reward suggestion)
- (reason)

First Smile - Complete First Blood Arena on PFUDOR : A Smileyface holding a 1 = +300 extra credits each Dawn of a New Day
- You need low lying fruit to entice newer players.

Average Toad - Complete Eternal Darkness on Battletoads using nothing higher than Average equipment : A Gekota Badge = +10% Bonus xp
- Mid-Game achievement.

YRAAH - Complete A Dance with Dragons on PFUDOR using nothing higher than Crude equipment : Pirate Badge = +1 Hath each Dawn of a New Day
- Potentially create a Crude market, gives lv 400+s something to do.

Twice Forged - Gain enough Forge EXP to have leveled it to 50 twice : An Anvil = Slightly increases the chance of a higher quality material when salvaging
- In recognition of the artisans.

Ketchum - Have at least one of each type of monster with at least 13 Chaos levels each : Ketchup bottle = If a food item is dropped, increases the chance that the food is of higher quality
- To increase variety of monsters.

Snowflakes Chance - Win the Lottery (1st to 5th) with a less than 0.1% chance of winning : Snowflake in Hell = +8,888 GP each Dawn of a New Day
- Encourages GP spending/trade.
Does anyone think the rewards are too low/high? Is YRAAH actually easy to do for lv 400+ players? Anything you can suggest to make it harder? (It should be a real achievement... very difficult to do, I imagine you'll need maxed IW forged Crude to have a good chance)

all I can say is....May god have mercy on your soul. also a snowflakes chance isn't possible by any margin, since people keep buying tickets so no matter how many you buy its almost always going to be a 0% chance of winning.
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post Jan 4 2014, 08:23
Post #10033

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QUOTE(Aerith12 @ Jan 4 2014, 13:49) *

all I can say is....May god have mercy on your soul. also a snowflakes chance isn't possible by any margin

I can't agree with that

"You hold 1 of 6270 sold tickets.
Win chance for the grand prize: 0.02 %"
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post Jan 4 2014, 08:55
Post #10034

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QUOTE(Nerzzzzz @ Jan 3 2014, 23:23) *

I can't agree with that

"You hold 1 of 6270 sold tickets.
Win chance for the grand prize: 0.02 %"

problem is, that your chance goes down the more people buy tickets.
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post Jan 4 2014, 09:02
Post #10035

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QUOTE(Aerith12 @ Jan 4 2014, 08:55) *

problem is, that your chance goes down the more people buy tickets.

Yes, that is part of the equation.

The idea is that you have at best a 1 in 200 chance of getting this achievement assuming you diligently buy just enough tickets to remain below 0.1%. So someone buying tickets daily might take a few years to get the achievement assuming they do not check their chances and hour or two before the dawn.
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post Jan 4 2014, 11:42
Post #10036

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QUOTE(B0nd @ Jan 4 2014, 06:43) *

I've only read a few pages of this thread so forgive me if it has been suggested before, but how about:

Since getting that cookie on my forum profile, I've grown rather fond of it and the thought of a year before the next chance to add to it would make me suggest the following awards:

(Award Name) - (Condition):(Icon appearance suggestion)=(Reward suggestion)
- (reason)

First Smile - Complete First Blood Arena on PFUDOR : A Smileyface holding a 1 = +300 extra credits each Dawn of a New Day
- You need low lying fruit to entice newer players.

Average Toad - Complete Eternal Darkness on Battletoads using nothing higher than Average equipment : A Gekota Badge = +10% Bonus xp
- Mid-Game achievement.

YRAAH - Complete A Dance with Dragons on PFUDOR using nothing higher than Crude equipment : Pirate Badge = +1 Hath each Dawn of a New Day
- Potentially create a Crude market, gives lv 400+s something to do.

Twice Forged - Gain enough Forge EXP to have leveled it to 50 twice : An Anvil = Slightly increases the chance of a higher quality material when salvaging
- In recognition of the artisans.

Ketchum - Have at least one of each type of monster with at least 13 Chaos levels each : Ketchup bottle = If a food item is dropped, increases the chance that the food is of higher quality
- To increase variety of monsters.

Snowflakes Chance - Win the Lottery (1st to 5th) with a less than 0.1% chance of winning : Snowflake in Hell = +8,888 GP each Dawn of a New Day
- Encourages GP spending/trade.
Does anyone think the rewards are too low/high? Is YRAAH actually easy to do for lv 400+ players? Anything you can suggest to make it harder? (It should be a real achievement... very difficult to do, I imagine you'll need maxed IW forged Crude to have a good chance)

I won 'Snowflake Chance' so where is my 'Snowflake in Hell'?

Win chance for the grand prize: 0.39 % when I won first prize few days ago (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)
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post Jan 4 2014, 11:51
Post #10037

A distant sky.
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QUOTE(Laboq @ Jan 2 2014, 07:49) *

Subforum for an auctions. (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif)

This times one thousand, I hate seeing all those auctions threads in the WTS subforum.
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post Jan 4 2014, 23:54
Post #10038

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Yeah, it would be much easier for auctions to be in their own section. Then, you can better keep tabs on active auctions without having to go through all the shops in the WTS section.
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post Jan 5 2014, 11:11
Post #10039

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Can we have the option to view our forged gears in its unforged state so we can measure its value accurately?
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post Jan 5 2014, 13:45
Post #10040

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Would it be possible to set up the difficulty individually for each type of battle, or be able to set it in an easier/more convenient fashion than the Settings page? I don't think I'd be able to deal with a high difficulty Arena or Item World, but I could probably manage it on a Random Encounter. Heck, maybe just have it as a selection on the main Arena/Grindfest/Item World pages so you can click what difficulty you want before going in. There's more than enough empty space.

By the way, have any of these requests ever actually made it into the game, or are we just wasting our time with wishful thinking?
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