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> [Auction end] Super's auction #191

post Nov 29 2019, 00:18
Post #1

Dreaming of optimizing the system
Group: Gold Star Club
Posts: 7,581
Joined: 27-November 13
Level 500 (Godslayer)

(IMG:[reasoningtheory.net] https://reasoningtheory.net/countdown.png?title=Super's%20Auction%20^191&month=11&day=30&year=2019&hour=14&minute=00)
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  • Automatic proxy bidding is highly recommended over bidding normally if you're seriously interested in something. If you bid from [reasoningtheory.net] the website, you will automatically outbid any other bidders by the minimum bid, up to your limit. (You can still bid normally any time, of course.) PM me to get a bidkey.
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  • If you want an item, be courteous to other bidders by bidding early and consistently. Early bidders will be rewarded with a discount. Bidders who wait until the last few hours will be penalized with a tax. See details here. Most players will recieve a discount. To guarantee a good discount, submit a proxy bid of your true maximum before the last day of the auction.
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  • Start bid: 50k unless noted
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If you want me to auction an item for you, feel free to send stuff any time. There are no fees, see this post for details.

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Updated up to #126, 160 manual bids, 456 proxy bids in [reasoningtheory.net] bid log at Sun 05:47 UTC
Submit proxy bids from the [reasoningtheory.net] item list
Track discounts from the [reasoningtheory.net] bid times page (current max discount: -0.1%; sum of discounts 230k)


[Mat01] 1000 Mid-Grade Metals (seller: 高垣 楓) Fap Boost Institute 103k Proxy bid after #93, 103c per mat; winning for 39.2h / 39.2h; -0.1%
[Mat02] 500 Mid-Grade Metals (seller: ericeric91) dargon123 80k #116, 160c per mat; winning for 3.3h / 26.8h; +4.1%
[Mat03] 2000 Mid-Grade Metals (seller: kzh125) Fap Boost Institute 206k Proxy bid after #41, 103c per mat; winning for 38.9h / 38.9h; -0.1%
[Mat04] 5000 Mid-Grade Cloth (seller: hentai⑨) ljh235689 1.75m Proxy bid after #44, 350c per mat; winning for 33.6h / 38.9h; -0.1%
[Mat05] 500 Mid-Grade Cloth (seller: cylinnia) dragon54 181k Proxy bid after #115, 362c per mat; winning for 3.6h / 39.2h; +5.1%
[Mat06] 500 Mid-Grade Wood (seller: ericeric91) yamataro0987 153k Proxy bid after #18, 306c per mat; winning for 38.7h / 39.3h; -0.1%
[Mat07] 1000 Mid-Grade Leather (seller: 高垣 楓) Bolide 50k Proxy bid after #35, 50c per mat; winning for 34.9h / 34.9h; -0.1%

[Mat08] 250 High-Grade Metals (seller: Mantra64) Nimroth 103k Proxy bid after #113, 412c per mat; winning for 7.1h / 37.8h; +2.0%
[Mat09] 700 High-Grade Metals (seller: hentai⑨) Nimroth 294k Proxy bid after #115, 420c per mat; winning for 5.8h / 38.9h; +3.2%
[Mat10] 500 High-Grade Metals (seller: cylinnia) Nimroth 217k Proxy bid after #115, 434c per mat; winning for 7.1h / 38.8h; +2.1%
[Mat11] 500 High-Grade Metals (seller: ericeric91) Nimroth 206k Proxy bid after #116, 412c per mat; winning for 7.1h / 38.8h; +2.1%
[Mat12] 1000 High-Grade Metals (seller: morineko) Fap Boost Institute 412k Proxy bid after #115, 412c per mat; winning for 38.4h / 39.4h; -0.1%
[Mat13] 500 High-Grade Cloth (seller: NerfThis) wise wolf holo 6.7m #4, 13.4k per mat; winning for 39.5h / 39.5h; -0.1%
[Mat14] 300 High-Grade Cloth (seller: Sushilicious) wise wolf holo 4.2m #4, 14.0k per mat; winning for 39.5h / 39.5h; -0.1%
[Mat15] 300 High-Grade Cloth (seller: Sushilicious) ryuseii 4.019m Proxy bid after #98, 13.4k per mat; winning for 17.9h / 39.5h; -0.1%
[Mat16] 150 High-Grade Cloth (seller: Mantra64) fihero 1.975m Proxy bid after #35, 13.2k per mat; winning for 35.4h / 39.5h; -0.1%
[Mat17] 200 High-Grade Cloth (seller: hentai⑨) ryuseii 2.68m Proxy bid after #98, 13.4k per mat; winning for 17.9h / 39.5h; -0.1%
[Mat18] 500 High-Grade Wood (seller: NerfThis) PopTeamEpic 2m #108, 4.0k per mat; winning for 9.3h / 37.6h; +0.1%
[Mat19] 150 High-Grade Wood (seller: Mantra64) PopTeamEpic 600k #108, 4.0k per mat; winning for 9.3h / 39.4h; +0.4%
[Mat20] 700 High-Grade Wood (seller: hentai⑨) Fap Boost Institute 2.678m Proxy bid after #96, 3.8k per mat; winning for 19.5h / 37.7h; -0.1%
[Mat21] 200 High-Grade Wood (seller: poi999poi) Gotenbu 773k Proxy bid after #53, 3.9k per mat; winning for 39.4h / 39.4h; -0.1%
[Mat22] 1000 High-Grade Wood (seller: morineko) Fap Boost Institute 4.005m Proxy bid after #122, 4.0k per mat; winning for 39.4h / 39.4h; -0.1%

[Mat23] 40 Binding of Slaughter (seller: Sushilicious) ranphafranboise 4.151m Proxy bid after #80, 104k per mat; winning for 23.4h / 39.4h; -0.1%
[Mat24] 20 Binding of Slaughter (seller: hentai⑨) ranphafranboise 2.06m Proxy bid after #80, 103k per mat; winning for 23.4h / 39.3h; -0.1%
[Mat25] 20 Binding of Slaughter (seller: Yangtze Delta) ranphafranboise 2.06m Proxy bid after #96, 103k per mat; winning for 23.4h / 38.4h; -0.1%
[Mat26] 10 Binding of Slaughter (seller: ericeric91) ranphafranboise 989k Proxy bid after #96, 99k per mat; winning for 23.4h / 38.4h; -0.1%
[Mat27] 20 Binding of Destruction (seller: hentai⑨) qr12345 1.189m #10, 59k per mat; winning for 39.2h / 39.3h; -0.1%
[Mat28] 50 Binding of Destruction (seller: Yangtze Delta) Fap Boost Institute 3.067m Proxy bid after #8, 61k per mat; winning for 39.3h / 39.3h; -0.1%
[Mat29] 20 Binding of Destruction (seller: ravenfrost123) Fap Boost Institute 1.2m Proxy bid after #10, 60k per mat; winning for 39.3h / 39.3h; -0.1%
[Mat30] 50 Binding of Protection (seller: hentai⑨) Shimaidon 2.001m Proxy bid after #124, 40k per mat; winning for 38.1h / 38.1h; -0.1%
[Mat31] 30 Binding of Protection (seller: -vincento-) Nimroth 1.021m Proxy bid after #41, 34k per mat; winning for 33.9h / 39.2h; -0.1%
[Mat32] 50 Binding of Warding (seller: hentai⑨) ljh235689 50k Proxy bid after #45, 1000c per mat; winning for 33.4h / 33.4h; -0.1%
[Mat33] 50 Binding of Balance (seller: 高垣 楓) MiniAir 50k #101, 1000c per mat; winning for 15.0h / 15.0h; -0.1%
[Mat34] 50 Binding of Balance (seller: hentai⑨) Barthomeloi 50k Proxy bid after #102, 1000c per mat; winning for 14.3h / 14.3h; -0.1%
[Mat35] 50 Binding of Isaac (seller: 高垣 楓) mouisaac 114k Proxy bid after #112, 2280c per mat; winning for 26.2h / 37.8h; -0.1%
[Mat36] 50 Binding of Isaac (seller: hellweekdays) mouisaac 114k Proxy bid after #112, 2280c per mat; winning for 26.2h / 37.8h; -0.1%
[Mat37] 50 Binding of Isaac (seller: hentai⑨) mega-wifeacc 114k Proxy bid after #96, 2280c per mat; winning for 19.0h / 37.8h; -0.1%
[Mat38] 50 Binding of the Fleet (seller: hentai⑨) ryuseii 534k Proxy bid after #98, 10.7k per mat; winning for 17.8h / 39.0h; -0.1%
[Mat39] 50 Binding of the Barrier (seller: hentai⑨) Barthomeloi 50k Proxy bid after #101, 1000c per mat; winning for 14.6h / 14.6h; -0.1%
[Mat40] 50 Binding of the Barrier (seller: kzh125) arctos33 50k Proxy bid after #98, 1000c per mat; winning for 17.4h / 17.4h; -0.1%
[Mat41] 50 Binding of the Nimble (seller: hellweekdays) Barthomeloi 50k Proxy bid after #101, 1000c per mat; winning for 14.6h / 14.6h; -0.1%
[Mat42] 50 Binding of the Nimble (seller: hentai⑨) arctos33 50k Proxy bid after #98, 1000c per mat; winning for 16.9h / 16.9h; -0.1%
[Mat43] 45 Binding of the Ox (seller: hentai⑨) Barthomeloi 330k Proxy bid after #123, 7.3k per mat; winning for 14.5h / 37.8h; -0.0%
[Mat44] 50 Binding of the Raccoon (seller: 高垣 楓) Fap Boost Institute 361k Proxy bid after #101, 7.2k per mat; winning for 38.9h / 38.9h; -0.1%
[Mat45] 50 Binding of the Raccoon (seller: hentai⑨) Fap Boost Institute 361k Proxy bid after #101, 7.2k per mat; winning for 38.9h / 38.9h; -0.1%
[Mat46] 50 Binding of the Cheetah (seller: hentai⑨) ryuseii 1.556m Proxy bid after #98, 31k per mat; winning for 17.8h / 38.1h; -0.1%
[Mat47] 30 Binding of the Cheetah (seller: -vincento-) yamataro0987 955k Proxy bid after #25, 32k per mat; winning for 39.2h / 39.2h; -0.1%
[Mat48] 50 Binding of the Turtle (seller: hellweekdays) Fap Boost Institute 129k Proxy bid after #105, 2580c per mat; winning for 37.9h / 39.3h; -0.1%
[Mat49] 50 Binding of the Turtle (seller: hentai⑨) Fap Boost Institute 129k Proxy bid after #105, 2580c per mat; winning for 33.4h / 39.3h; -0.1%
[Mat50] 50 Binding of the Fox (seller: hentai⑨) Fap Boost Institute 931k Proxy bid after #98, 18.6k per mat; winning for 39.3h / 39.3h; -0.1%
[Mat51] 30 Binding of the Fox (seller: -vincento-) yamataro0987 575k Proxy bid after #115, 19.2k per mat; winning for 39.1h / 39.1h; -0.1%
[Mat52] 40 Binding of the Owl (seller: hentai⑨) Fap Boost Institute 745k Proxy bid after #98, 18.6k per mat; winning for 39.3h / 39.3h; -0.1%
[Mat53] 30 Binding of the Owl (seller: -vincento-) yamataro0987 588k Proxy bid after #11, 19.6k per mat; winning for 39.1h / 39.3h; -0.1%

[Mat54] 100 Binding of the Curse-weaver (seller: 高垣 楓)

[Mat55] 40 Repurposed Actuator (seller: Sushilicious) ranphafranboise 2.369m Proxy bid after #80, 59k per mat; winning for 23.5h / 39.2h; -0.1%
[Mat56] 10 Repurposed Actuator (seller: hellweekdays) dargon123 616k #117, 62k per mat; winning for 3.3h / 37.8h; +5.2%
[Mat57] 70 Repurposed Actuator (seller: Yangtze Delta) ranphafranboise 4.12m Proxy bid after #80, 59k per mat; winning for 23.4h / 39.3h; -0.1%
[Mat58] 20 Repurposed Actuator (seller: ravenfrost123) ranphafranboise 1.195m Proxy bid after #96, 60k per mat; winning for 23.4h / 37.8h; -0.1%
[Mat59] 10 Shade Fragment (seller: hellweekdays) Fap Boost Institute 50k Proxy bid after #96, 5.0k per mat; winning for 19.6h / 19.6h; -0.1%
[Mat60] 70 Shade Fragment (seller: Yangtze Delta) Fap Boost Institute 361k Proxy bid after #115, 5.2k per mat; winning for 17.3h / 37.8h; -0.1%

[Mat61] 200 Amnesia Shard (seller: in memory) mouisaac 2.534m Proxy bid after #25, 12.7k per mat; winning for 37.7h / 38.7h; -0.1%
[Mat62] 100 Amnesia Shard (seller: Sushilicious) Fap Boost Institute 1.267m Proxy bid after #19, 12.7k per mat; winning for 39.2h / 39.2h; -0.1%
[Mat63] 500 Amnesia Shard (seller: hentai⑨) Fap Boost Institute 6.18m Proxy bid after #24, 12.4k per mat; winning for 39.3h / 39.3h; -0.1%
[Mat64] 100 Amnesia Shard (seller: Yangtze Delta) Fap Boost Institute 1.289m Proxy bid after #21, 12.9k per mat; winning for 39.2h / 39.2h; -0.1%
[Mat65] 500 Amnesia Shard (seller: morineko) Fap Boost Institute 6.2m Proxy bid after #96, 12.4k per mat; winning for 19.6h / 38.1h; -0.1%
[Mat66] 3000 Happy Pills (seller: in memory) ericeric91 2.936m Proxy bid after #41, 979c per mat; winning for 39.0h / 39.0h; -0.1%
[Mat67] 200 Happy Pills (seller: Stainless Steel) mopme 180k #123, 900c per mat; winning for 0.6h / 39.2h; +7.5%
[Mat68] 200 Happy Pills (seller: Stainless Steel) ericeric91 186k Proxy bid after #41, 930c per mat; winning for 39.0h / 39.0h; -0.1%
[Mat69] 200 Happy Pills (seller: Stainless Steel) ericeric91 186k Proxy bid after #41, 930c per mat; winning for 39.0h / 39.0h; -0.1%
[Mat70] 4000 Happy Pills (seller: hentai⑨) ranphafranboise 3.914m Proxy bid after #80, 978c per mat; winning for 23.4h / 38.9h; -0.1%
[Mat71] 325 Happy Pills (seller: Yangtze Delta) SStwins 293k #31, 902c per mat; winning for 36.8h / 39.2h; -0.1%
[Mat72] 5000 Happy Pills (seller: morineko) zero1018101 4.893m Proxy bid after #41, 979c per mat; winning for 34.8h / 38.9h; -0.1%
[Mat73] 8000 Infusion of Darkness (seller: hentai⑨) Fudo Masamune 1.648m Proxy bid after #62, 206c per mat; winning for 30.7h / 37.8h; -0.1%
[Mat74] 8000 Infusion of Divinity (seller: hentai⑨) NerfThis 2.266m Proxy bid after #41, 283c per mat; winning for 33.8h / 39.0h; -0.1%
[Mat75] 8000 Infusion of Flames (seller: hentai⑨) Stainless Steel 700k #103, 88c per mat; winning for 14.8h / 38.5h; -0.0%
[Mat76] 8000 Infusion of Lightning (seller: hentai⑨) faiya 979k Proxy bid after #96, 122c per mat; winning for 23.6h / 39.0h; -0.1%
[Mat77] 8000 Infusion of Storms (seller: hentai⑨) Stainless Steel 1.84m #124, 230c per mat; winning for 2.2h / 38.5h; +6.1%


[One01] Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter (500, ADB 36%) (seller: morineko)
[One02] Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter (500, ADB 36%) (seller: morineko)
[One03] Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter (449, IW 9, ADB 43%) (seller: Stainless Steel) dargon123 250k #105; winning for 24.4h / 37.7h; -0.1%
[One04] Legendary Shocking Rapier of Slaughter (500, ADB 59%) (seller: in memory)
[One05] Legendary Arctic Rapier of Slaughter (452, ADB 58%) (seller: jjj4512) -vincento- 50k Proxy bid after #71; winning for 26.6h / 26.6h; -0.1%
[One06] Legendary Ethereal Rapier of the Nimble (500, ADB 89%) (seller: morineko) Fap Boost Institute 50k Proxy bid after #54; winning for 32.5h / 32.5h; -0.1%
[One07] Legendary Hallowed Rapier of the Nimble (380, ADB 62%) (seller: Frotag)

[One08] Legendary Ethereal Axe of Slaughter (428, ADB 47%) (seller: Hot Chocolate)
[One09] Legendary Ethereal Wakizashi of the Nimble (433, IW 4, ADB 95%) (seller: iPhone12)


[Two01] Legendary Arctic Katana of Slaughter (451, ADB 82%) (seller: jjj4512) Nimroth 50k Proxy bid after #113; winning for 7.0h / 7.0h; -0.1%
[Two02] Legendary Tempestuous Estoc of Slaughter (349, ADB 91%) (seller: Stainless Steel) Fap Boost Institute 50k Proxy bid after #12; winning for 39.0h / 39.0h; -0.1%


[Sta01] Legendary Tempestuous Willow Staff of Destruction (453, MDB 92%, Wind EDB 72%) (seller: ex-homehome. Start: 4649k) Stainless Steel 60m #54; winning for 38.5h / 39.4h; -0.1%
[Sta02] Legendary Demonic Katalox Staff of Destruction (488, MDB 53%, Dark EDB 41%) (seller: Ming28561) adamsway 50k #113; winning for 7.2h / 7.2h; -0.1%
[Sta03] Legendary Hallowed Oak Staff of Heimdall (500, IW 9, MDB 40%, Holy EDB 70%) (seller: in memory. Start: 30m) Pudding_Rapist 30m #20; winning for 38.5h / 38.5h; -0.1%


[Shd01] Peerless Amber Force Shield of Warding (491, Str Dex End, BLK 100%) (seller: Soulfuse) teenyman45 25m #102; winning for 14.4h / 39.3h; -0.0%
[Shd02] Legendary Jade Force Shield of Protection (379, Str Dex Agi, BLK 76%) (seller: fixlulu) arctos33 180k Proxy bid after #100; winning for 33.5h / 33.6h; -0.1%
[Shd03] Legendary Cobalt Force Shield of Protection (441, Dex End Agi, BLK 60%) (seller: Stainless Steel)
[Shd04] Legendary Cobalt Force Shield of Deflection (500, Dex End Agi, BLK 91%) (seller: morineko)
[Shd05] Legendary Amber Force Shield of Deflection (461, Str Dex End, IW 4, BLK 56%) (seller: Fap Boost Institute)


[Clo01] Legendary Radiant Phase Robe of Heimdall (500, Holy EDB 12%) (seller: Sushilicious) wise wolf holo 6.18m Proxy bid after #60; winning for 39.6h / 39.6h; -0.1%
[Clo02] Legendary Charged Phase Cap of Heimdall (455, Holy EDB 13%) (seller: 高垣 楓) yearharvest 500k Proxy bid after #125; winning for 3.3h / 33.0h; +4.8%
[Clo03] Legendary Frugal Phase Cap of Heimdall (460, Holy EDB 96%) (seller: poi999poi) PopTeamEpic 450k #125; winning for 8.4h / 33.8h; +0.0%
[Clo04] Legendary Zircon Phase Shoes of Heimdall (425, Holy EDB 76%) (seller: EV_SkyFall) PopTeamEpic 50k #90; winning for 22.4h / 22.4h; -0.1%
[Clo05] Legendary Charged Cotton Robe of the Heaven-sent (500, Divine Prof 54%) (seller: Sushilicious) Shimaidon 3.09m Proxy bid after #72; winning for 38.0h / 38.0h; -0.1%
[Clo06] Legendary Frugal Cotton Gloves of the Heaven-sent (500, IW 10) (seller: fihero)

[Clo07] Legendary Radiant Phase Pants of Fenrir (500, Dark EDB 61%) (seller: morineko) name83u5 14.67m #119; winning for 28.3h / 39.5h; -0.1%
[Clo08] Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Fenrir (500, Dark EDB 81%) (seller: morineko) Fap Boost Institute 9.064m Proxy bid after #126 Extend to 14:03; winning for 27.5h / 37.1h; -0.1%
[Clo09] Legendary Frugal Phase Shoes of Fenrir (411, Dark EDB 91%) (seller: itodon) Fap Boost Institute 550k Proxy bid after #96; winning for 19.4h / 33.8h; -0.1%
[Clo10] Legendary Charged Cotton Cap of the Demon-fiend (340, Forb Prof 71%) (seller: colorshow5 ) Fap Boost Institute 6.18m Proxy bid after #80; winning for 27.6h / 33.8h; -0.1%
[Clo11] Legendary Charged Cotton Cap of the Demon-fiend (500, Forb Prof 77%) (seller: in memory) name83u5 4.944m Proxy bid after #126 Extend to 14:14; winning for 25.8h / 37.1h; -0.1%
[Clo12] Legendary Charged Cotton Robe of the Demon-fiend (372, Forb Prof 75%) (seller: dragon54) name83u5 7.777m Proxy bid after #67; winning for 30.6h / 39.4h; -0.1%
[Clo13] Legendary Cobalt Cotton Shoes of the Demon-fiend (454, Forb Prof 96%) (seller: -StarWingS-) Fap Boost Institute 50k Proxy bid after #68; winning for 27.5h / 27.5h; -0.1%

[Clo14] Legendary Charged Phase Shoes of Freyr (493, Wind EDB 84%) (seller: Soulfuse) lestion 4.372m Proxy bid after #96; winning for 39.4h / 39.4h; -0.1%
[Clo15] Legendary Jade Phase Robe of Freyr (420, Wind EDB 93%) (seller: spaceleaping) KNozst 300k #89; winning for 26.3h / 33.9h; -0.1%
[Clo16] Legendary Cobalt Phase Gloves of Freyr (453, Wind EDB 99%) (seller: -StarWingS-) madaosan 350k Proxy bid after #89; winning for 30.0h / 34.3h; -0.1%

[Clo17] Legendary Charged Phase Shoes of Mjolnir (500, Elec EDB 42%) (seller: Sushilicious) ljh235689 2.575m Proxy bid after #112; winning for 33.8h / 33.8h; -0.1%
[Clo18] Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Mjolnir (500, Elec EDB 89%) (seller: Sushilicious) ryuseii 21.63m Proxy bid after #98; winning for 17.9h / 39.4h; -0.1%

[Clo19] Legendary Charged Phase Cap of Niflheim (500, Cold EDB 75%) (seller: Sushilicious) ihatov_x86 1.55m Proxy bid after #71; winning for 29.6h / 38.8h; -0.1%
[Clo20] Legendary Amber Phase Gloves of Niflheim (377, Cold EDB 38%) (seller: EV_SkyFall)
[Clo21] Legendary Zircon Phase Cap of Niflheim (439, Cold EDB 75%) (seller: Stainless Steel)

[Clo22] Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Surtr (500, Fire EDB 12%) (seller: tai2_1)
[Clo23] Legendary Frugal Phase Cap of Surtr (423, Fire EDB 75%) (seller: Stainless Steel) Kairenshia 100k #28; winning for 37.5h / 37.5h; -0.1%
[Clo24] Legendary Onyx Phase Pants of Surtr (500, IW 10, Fire EDB 77%) (seller: fihero)
[Clo25] Legendary Cobalt Phase Robe of Surtr (365, Fire EDB 75%) (seller: Stainless Steel) Kairenshia 300k #112; winning for 37.1h / 39.1h; -0.1%

[Clo26] Legendary Cobalt Cotton Gloves of the Elementalist (382, Elem Prof 48%) (seller: Frotag) Kairenshia 300k #104; winning for 31.1h / 39.4h; -0.1%


[Lig01] Peerless Ruby Shade Breastplate of the Fleet (444, ADB 100%) (seller: SStwins) hellweekdays 11m #79; winning for 23.8h / 39.3h; -0.1%
[Lig02] Peerless Jade Shade Leggings of the Arcanist (500, ADB 100%) (seller: marutora. Start: 1m) reviata 3.433m Proxy bid after #96; winning for 30.7h / 39.5h; -0.1%
[Lig03] Legendary Amber Shade Leggings of the Fleet (453, ADB 98%) (seller: -StarWingS-) Fap Boost Institute 50k Proxy bid after #22; winning for 38.4h / 38.4h; -0.1%
[Lig04] Legendary Savage Shade Breastplate of Negation (500, IW 10, ADB 78%) (seller: fihero)


[Hea01] Legendary Zircon Power Helmet of Slaughter (500, IW 8, ADB 32%) (seller: Fap Boost Institute) daimon2222 400k #45; winning for 33.4h / 38.8h; -0.1%
[Hea02] Legendary Jade Power Leggings of Slaughter (453, ADB 87%) (seller: -StarWingS-) Fap Boost Institute 2.403m Proxy bid after #69; winning for 27.0h / 39.2h; -0.1%
[Hea03] Legendary Cobalt Power Leggings of Slaughter (466, ADB 14%) (seller: Fap Boost Institute) Kagoromo 80k Proxy bid after #71; winning for 26.3h / 38.8h; -0.1%

[Hea04] Legendary Jade Power Boots of Protection (384, ADB 83%) (seller: Frotag) lexiconmx400 50k #59; winning for 31.7h / 31.7h; -0.1%
[Hea05] Legendary Jade Power Armor of Protection (452, ADB 88%) (seller: -StarWingS-) Stainless Steel 50k #63; winning for 30.2h / 30.2h; -0.1%
[Hea06] Legendary Ruby Power Boots of Protection (381, ADB 83%) (seller: Stainless Steel) pureclick 50k #38; winning for 34.4h / 34.4h; -0.1%
[Hea07] Legendary Cobalt Power Leggings of Protection (332, ADB 58%) (seller: Stainless Steel) arctos33 50k Proxy bid after #71; winning for 26.0h / 26.0h; -0.1%
[Hea08] Legendary Ruby Power Armor of Balance (456, ADB 89%) (seller: Stainless Steel) -vincento- 130k Proxy bid after #123; winning for 0.6h / 33.4h; +7.5%
[Hea09] Legendary Savage Power Leggings of Warding (342, ADB 91%) (seller: Stainless Steel) Ubershank 300k #94; winning for 20.9h / 37.8h; -0.1%
[Hea10] Legendary Ruby Power Leggings of Warding (297, ADB 58%) (seller: Stainless Steel) ljh235689 50k Proxy bid after #45; winning for 33.2h / 33.2h; -0.1%
[Hea11] Legendary Cobalt Power Armor of Warding (380, ADB 74%) (seller: Frotag) lexiconmx400 50k #59; winning for 31.7h / 31.7h; -0.1%
[Hea12] Legendary Onyx Power Helmet of Warding (384, ADB 92%) (seller: Fap Boost Institute) lexiconmx400 50k Proxy bid after #115; winning for 4.8h / 4.8h; -0.1%
[Hea13] Magnificent Power Leggings of Slaughter (346, forged 5, ADB 9%) (seller: Fap Boost Institute. Start: 300k)

[Hea14] Peerless Amber Plate Cuirass of Stoneskin (500) (seller: morineko) mouisaac 80k Proxy bid after #96; winning for 19.1h / 27.3h; -0.1%

This post has been edited by Superlatanium: Dec 1 2019, 07:47
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post Nov 29 2019, 00:18
Post #2

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Updated up to #126, 160 manual bids, 456 proxy bids in [reasoningtheory.net] bid log at Sun 05:47 UTC

Warning Log:

#110 BL.Kunkka edited, bids and commands inside the post are ignored
#107 mopme edited, bids and commands inside the post are ignored
#99 arctos33 cannot cancel bids because there are fewer than 24 hours left
#88 KNozst bid on Clo15 for 250k but last bid by Crime720 #74 was 250k and next minimum bid is 300k
#87 Hero Of Time has lig01 included in post, but the word "quote" was above it, so this line is ignored
#85 Starlight99 edited, bids and commands inside the post are ignored
#83 accelkatana edited, bids and commands inside the post are ignored
#73 mopme edited, bids and commands inside the post are ignored
#65 EV_SkyFall bid on Clo03 for 110k, but canceled the bid in #66
#61 marutora bid on Clo01 for 6000k but last bid by wise wolf holo [Proxy bid after] #60 was 6180k and next minimum bid is 6366k
#35 fihero bid on Mat16 for 1951k but last bid by 高垣 楓 [Proxy bid after] #33 was 1916k and next minimum bid is 1974k
#34 physics152 bid on Mat20 for 1k but minimum bid is 50k
#34 physics152 bid on Mat19 for 1k but minimum bid is 50k
#34 physics152 bid on Mat18 for 1k but minimum bid is 50k
#24 mundomuñeca bid on Mat76 for 200k but last bid by mouisaac [Proxy bid after] #23 was 824k and next minimum bid is 849k
#16 Pudding_Rapist edited, bids and commands inside the post are ignored
#5 decondelite bid on Mat14 for 3600k but last bid by wise wolf holo #4 was 4200k and next minimum bid is 4326k
#5 decondelite bid on Mat13 for 6000k but last bid by wise wolf holo #4 was 6700k and next minimum bid is 6901k

Manually ignored posts (for transparency):

This post has been edited by Superlatanium: Dec 1 2019, 07:47
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post Nov 29 2019, 00:23
Post #3
wise wolf holo

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clo01 5m
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post Nov 29 2019, 00:31
Post #4
wise wolf holo

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mat13 6.7m

mat14 4.2m
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post Nov 29 2019, 00:32
Post #5

Curse God of the Hentai Shrine
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Mat13 6M
Mat14 3.6M
Mat15 3.6M
Mat16 1.8M
Mat17 2.4M
Clo07 2M
Lig02 start
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post Nov 29 2019, 00:33
Post #6

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Clo26 50k
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post Nov 29 2019, 00:36
Post #7
Mini Aluminum

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post Nov 29 2019, 00:45
Post #8

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post Nov 29 2019, 00:49
Post #9

A certain pervert. OT expert. Just dancing around in the game.
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post Nov 29 2019, 00:50
Post #10

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post Nov 29 2019, 00:53
Post #11

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Clo25 start
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post Nov 29 2019, 00:56
Post #12

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post Nov 29 2019, 01:02
Post #13

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post Nov 29 2019, 01:04
Post #14
Mini Aluminum

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post Nov 29 2019, 01:05
Post #15
Mini Aluminum

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post Nov 29 2019, 01:09
Post #16

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This post has been edited by Pudding_Rapist: Nov 29 2019, 01:26
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post Nov 29 2019, 01:09
Post #17
Mini Aluminum

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Hea01 300K
Hea03 50K
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post Nov 29 2019, 01:14
Post #18

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post Nov 29 2019, 01:26
Post #19

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Mat61 2.46m
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post Nov 29 2019, 01:29
Post #20

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Sta03 30m
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