People fighting over politics has always been some ugly bullshit but meh, after a while one learns to cope with it I guess... (IMG:[]
Roommate got a cat. And she's a great snuggler cat. Can be pet pretty much anywhere too.
The problem is is she seems to have bonded to me a bit more than him; at night she came over to my door and when I came out started meowing until I went to lie down on the sofa. She tried to sleep on my legs. I enjoyed it, but was uncomfortable on the sofa after around an hour and had to cancel the sleeping arrangements.
I also felt kind of obligated to try to sleep on the couch, since he's not slept well the last couple days and I wanted to keep her from meowing and waking him up.
I can't let her in my room/bed because I moved all my shit in here to make the common area cat-safe, and now my room's too messy to let a cat in. Need to find a way to let her know I'm not her owner but I think I'm fighting a losing battle.
SHe really has a good attitude, though, overall, and she's a lot better than those asshole cats.
Still, today she threw up three times and ate immediately after, so if it happens again I think we're gonna need her checked out. This is just day two, though, so maybe it's because this is a different food than she's used to or something? She's still acting the same as ever.
This post has been edited by dragontamer8740: Aug 27 2020, 10:58
Have your roommate give her more attention, give her more treats, produce more body heat,
Well, don't give her too many treats. Treats may obviously sway her as much as sending her health into a nosedive. If you have money, try buying a heating pad for a heated cat bed and putting it in his room. Cat would probably like it. Your problem is "I gave the cat attention, now she likes me!", not that hard to reverse. (IMG:[]
This post has been edited by AhumanRS: Aug 28 2020, 12:45