All of it is from the 70's. One of them is a combination variable power supply/multimeter, with a few miscellaneous thing also in the case. I custom built it from a few scrapped pieces. The other is a multimeter, with a bunch of hard to find part testers, a fixed power supply, and more stuff. Then there's a bunch of pieces I made from scratch.
2010-03-26 20:05 +316 Sayo Aisaka 24653 I do believe you actually meant that. Of course, should your opinion influence the judges against me, I shall kill you. :>
I proudly support lolicon and shotacon, and and the right for any fetish to be expressed through drawing or writing. I also proudly support Tenboro, and condemn the so called moral police that try to fuck with him!
Modern Israeli music in every sector besides omg can't hear shit metal types is absolute garbage all of it even if the artist started out while music was still good in this country.