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post Sep 1 2010, 00:24
Post #5701

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QUOTE(Dlaglacz @ Aug 30 2010, 02:42) *

That does single him out as the one who actually uses tagging rules the most, don't you think? Where are you on that list?

By that logic, Tenseigamoon is the one most qualified to be a global mod on the forums. Tagging the most doesn't mean you tag the best. There is a clear difference between quantity and quality.
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post Sep 1 2010, 00:44
Post #5702

Caged Konata Lover. (*≧д≦)o (≧∀≦)ノ
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And a phallus to compare to Joe, of course.
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post Sep 1 2010, 00:53
Post #5703

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And another thing, Dlaglacz, I don't trust Shadow Weaver. I've seen him make up rules and pass stupid judgments that make it harder to find things just for the sake of his own ego. As far as I'm concerned, he has about as much authority in the galleries as do; maybe even less since I've seen him intentionally mislead newbies in order to run things the way he wants them.

Anyway, suppose I manged to get to the top of the tagging toplist? How many people here do you think would support me having more of a say than they do in regards to tagging rules? The answer is no one.
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post Sep 1 2010, 01:52
Post #5704

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Here's the problem with Alpha 7:
QUOTE(The Tag Grouping/Blacklist Discussion)
QUOTE(BradRepko @ Aug 20 2010, 15:15) *

black magician girl = dark magician girl

Don't care which one is the parent tag, but there should be a default.

QUOTE(bladejtr @ Aug 20 2010, 23:57) *

Uh, no, black magician girl should just be voted down since that's not the name of the card.

QUOTE(Shadow Weaver @ Aug 21 2010, 02:48) *

Black magician girl was it's japanese name, it was called dark for the north american release but seems to be the most common form.

QUOTE(BradRepko @ Aug 23 2010, 16:22) *

Shadow is right, the Japanese name of the card is literally translated as Black Magician Girl. Some galleries are tagged Dark Magician Girl, others are tagged Black Magician Girl. The two tags should be grouped.

QUOTE(Alpha 7 @ Aug 24 2010, 22:11) *
QUOTE(BradRepko @ Aug 24 2010, 12:08) *

Hey, whoever has tag grouping powers, you ever going to get around to these?

We are not doing character/author names until Tag Grouping is sub-divided to include those sub-categories.

Never once did he address the problem of the Black Magician Girl/Dark Magician Girl tags. I said that some galleries were tagged Black Magician Girl, while others were tagged Dark Magician Girl. He said they aren't grouping names, but he conveniently left out any solution for this.

Since the so called "Elite Taggers" weren't fixing the problem or offering any advice, I decided to spend some time fixing the problem myself. I spent twenty minutes going through the galleries tagged Black Magician Girl and tagging them Dark Magician Girl, and another fifty minutes going through the galleries tagged Dark Magician Girl and tagging them Black Magician girl.

There, problem solved, right? Wrong. It is at this point Alpha 7 decide to inform me of this little rule:
QUOTE(Alpha 7 @ Aug 30 2010, 13:38) *
Nationality is not relevant. Google decides which is "correct". In this case, a search for [www.google.com] Black Magician Girl brings up results with page titles of Dark Magician Girl, so only Dark Magician Girl is correct and all BMG tags should be nuked.

Really? You couldn't have told me this before I went ahead and tried to fix the oversight? I'm not contending the rule doesn't exist, it probably does. The point I'm making is that all the fuss I made about some galleries being tagged with one character name, while others with the same character being tagged with a different name; and you couldn't have once told me that the Black Magician Girl was a bad tag and all galleries tagged with it should be tagged Dark Magician Girl? As far as I'm concerned, there are no "elite vigilante posters"; you all suck equally and are all derelict of helping anyone but yourselves. You had five days; five days to address the issue before I finally decided to fix the problem myself. Now that I've done it, you are trying to tell me what I did was wrong and that I am a bad tagger. You all had the chance to fix the situation, or tell me how to rectify it. You all blew it and sat on your thumbs until I fixed the problem myself. None of you have the right to be called "elite" or to have your opinion count more than anyone else who uses the Vigilante on a somewhat regular basis. You all failed!
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post Sep 1 2010, 02:16
Post #5705
Msgr. Radixius

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And Brad strikes a victory pose!

'Cause he loves men.
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post Sep 1 2010, 02:34
Post #5706

Extra Hissy
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What the fuck is a Black/Dark Magician Girl? Sounds like a jigaboo from Haiti who does voodoo while she sucks rotten chicken cock.

Anyway, as an "Elite Tagger," I'd say it calls for the "nigress" tag. Go for it.
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post Sep 1 2010, 02:51
Post #5707

ii-Kagen ni Shiro.
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Wikipedia says it's related to that yu-gi-oh shit.
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post Sep 1 2010, 03:02
Post #5708

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What's with all the faggotry?
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post Sep 1 2010, 03:14
Post #5709
Sayo Aisaka

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"Black Magician Girl" is ambiguous in its meaning, whereas "Dark Magician Girl" apparently isn't. At all.
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post Sep 1 2010, 03:36
Post #5710

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Why don't i feel 25.
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post Sep 1 2010, 03:38
Post #5711

Size does matter...so there.
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QUOTE(Tenseigamoon @ Aug 31 2010, 20:34) *

What the fuck is a Black/Dark Magician Girl? Sounds like a jigaboo from Haiti who does voodoo while she sucks rotten chicken cock.

Good grief, I haven't heard that word since I was a kid!

Didn't even know it was still in the lexicon.
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post Sep 1 2010, 04:56
Post #5712

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sometimes...I don't quite understand life...
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post Sep 1 2010, 05:19
Post #5713
Msgr. Radixius

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Well, fuck, there goes the neighborhood, yet again.
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post Sep 1 2010, 05:23
Post #5714

I hate everything >:C
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This is why we can't have nice things.
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post Sep 1 2010, 05:28
Post #5715

Extra Hissy
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QUOTE(tralphaz6476 @ Aug 31 2010, 18:38) *

Didn't even know it was still in the lexicon.

Right back at ya with the good grief thing there, Charlie Brown.
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post Sep 1 2010, 06:21
Post #5716

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So many Tremolos....
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post Sep 1 2010, 13:07
Post #5717

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QUOTE(Tenseigamoon @ Sep 1 2010, 01:34) *

What the fuck is a Black/Dark Magician Girl? Sounds like a jigaboo from Haiti who does voodoo while she sucks rotten chicken cock.

Anyway, as an "Elite Tagger," I'd say it calls for the "nigress" tag. Go for it.

I'd go with Jigaboo Magician Girl - it has a nice ring to it.
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post Sep 1 2010, 14:15
Post #5718

Caged Konata Lover. (*≧д≦)o (≧∀≦)ノ
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A gollywog be castin' magics.
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post Sep 1 2010, 23:05
Post #5719

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My PC is as good as dead, time to get a new one...

This post has been edited by HybridGuardian: Sep 1 2010, 23:06
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post Sep 1 2010, 23:34
Post #5720

ii-Kagen ni Shiro.
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Why not repair it?
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