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> What was the last thing you thought?, read deed by path.

post Aug 22 2010, 14:46
Post #5481
Sayo Aisaka

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QUOTE(Marvin666 @ Aug 22 2010, 04:46) *

Bloody fuck! I damn near nicked my scrotum whilst shaving. I felt the edge of the razor blade, but no blood.

One of the few scenarios where you might want to use something other than "[tvtropes.org] Cut myself shaving" to explain the injury...
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post Aug 22 2010, 15:22
Post #5482

Bitch, please ... Lookin' all fly.
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I want to know, why do most men believe they can get a really hot chick, when they themselves are like a 5 or below

edited/revision: I want to know why do most men that are a 5 or below believe they can get a really hot chick?

This post has been edited by Isis86: Aug 22 2010, 15:34
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post Aug 22 2010, 16:04
Post #5483
Msgr. Radixius

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Personally, I think it's kind of hard to be enthusiastic for someone who spends the latter part of a week trying to alienate people.
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post Aug 22 2010, 17:01
Post #5484

ii-Kagen ni Shiro.
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QUOTE(Isis86 @ Aug 22 2010, 09:22) *
I want to know, why do most men believe they can get a really hot chick, when they themselves are like a 5 or below

edited/revision: I want to know why do most men that are a 5 or below believe they can get a really hot chick?

The male ego is a wonderful thing, isn't it?
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post Aug 22 2010, 17:43
Post #5485

"It's animated well"
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QUOTE(Isis86 @ Aug 22 2010, 14:22) *

I want to know, why do most men believe they can get a really hot chick, when they themselves are like a 5 or below

edited/revision: I want to know why do most men that are a 5 or below believe they can get a really hot chick?

I was thinking the same thing recently. Why is it normal for a girl to settle, but not a guy?
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post Aug 22 2010, 17:56
Post #5486
Msgr. Radixius

If Your Crotch Don't Tingle, It Ain't Based
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Because most men are boys and boys are idiots.
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post Aug 22 2010, 19:05
Post #5487

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QUOTE(Isis86 @ Aug 22 2010, 15:22) *
I want to know, why do most men believe they can get a really hot chick, when they themselves are like a 5 or below

edited/revision: I want to know why do most men that are a 5 or below believe they can get a really hot chick?

Money, dear boy.
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post Aug 22 2010, 19:22
Post #5488

"It's animated well"
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QUOTE(radixius @ Aug 22 2010, 16:56) *

Because most men are boys and boys are idiots.

But women and girls are worse.
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post Aug 22 2010, 19:28
Post #5489
Msgr. Radixius

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They're not idiots, but most are emotionally and mentally unstable, but that doesn't have to do with hormones and is typically a symptom of outside sources (i.e. the media's and society-at-large's expectations of beauty.)

Most men are idiots, and it's their own fault, albeit uncontrollable, it's still an internal issue. The problem lies within the Alpha Male mentality that testosterone brings up and the unwarranted sense of self-importance that a vast majority of males exhibit.
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post Aug 22 2010, 19:33
Post #5490

Grumpy Old Man
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QUOTE(BradRepko @ Aug 14 2010, 19:20) *

I could go to take a shit and push so hard my innards slide out.

Brad is an Elvis tribute act.
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post Aug 22 2010, 19:36
Post #5491

"It's animated well"
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QUOTE(radixius @ Aug 22 2010, 18:28) *

They're not idiots, but most are emotionally and mentally unstable, but that doesn't have to do with hormones and is typically a symptom of outside sources (i.e. the media's and society-at-large's expectations of beauty.)

1: Daddy issues.
2: Sex and the City.
3: They're fucking IDIOTS.
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post Aug 22 2010, 19:40
Post #5492
Msgr. Radixius

If Your Crotch Don't Tingle, It Ain't Based
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This character you're portraying isn't very interesting. It really never has been.
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post Aug 22 2010, 20:09
Post #5493

"It's animated well"
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LoL, it's not a character, nor is it meant to be interesting.
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post Aug 22 2010, 21:45
Post #5494
Msgr. Radixius

If Your Crotch Don't Tingle, It Ain't Based
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QUOTE(Anto of the Sand @ Aug 22 2010, 13:09) *

LoL, it's not a character, nor is it meant to be interesting.

Sure. I'll play along, I suppose.

(IMG:[i7.photobucket.com] http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y280/houseofgas/toobad.png)

Another piece of evidence against the intellect of Microsoft.
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post Aug 22 2010, 21:50
Post #5495

Bitch, please ... Lookin' all fly.
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QUOTE(Anto of the Sand @ Aug 22 2010, 12:36) *

1: Daddy issues.
2: Sex and the City.
3: They're fucking IDIOTS.

WTF does sex and the city have to do with anything? A lot of girls don't have daddy issues, a lot of Men are fucking idiots. They act as if they do favors for pretty girls they're going to sleep with them, when really the women are just using them. Women know when you want to sleep with them, we're not idiots and no amount of favors are going to make any women sleep with you
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post Aug 22 2010, 21:53
Post #5496
Msgr. Radixius

If Your Crotch Don't Tingle, It Ain't Based
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Hey, Anto, you got the reaction you were looking for. What will you do with this generous gift?

ADDENDUM: I just got an idea that may get a few personage's panties in a wad :3

This post has been edited by radixius: Aug 22 2010, 21:56
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post Aug 22 2010, 21:58
Post #5497

"It's animated well"
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LMAO! You two are a strange couple, but I like yiz! :shouldertap:
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post Aug 22 2010, 21:58
Post #5498
Msgr. Radixius

If Your Crotch Don't Tingle, It Ain't Based
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Eat shit.
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post Aug 22 2010, 21:59
Post #5499

"It's animated well"
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(IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/sad.gif)
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post Aug 22 2010, 22:50
Post #5500

Bitch, please ... Lookin' all fly.
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QUOTE(Anto of the Sand @ Aug 22 2010, 14:58) *

LMAO! You two are a strange couple, but I like yiz! :shouldertap:

......yeah apparently the guy who was supposed to marry us said he'd never known another couple that had, had a discussion over the relevance of the big bang theory. (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif) I took it as a compliment though
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