QUOTE(Azraelgt @ Jun 2 2010, 20:40)
QUOTE(BradRepko @ Jun 2 2010, 19:35)
Redacted: ...great. Now you've set me off on a raging tirade, Blorg. When you ask someone what is wrong with them, make sure you actually want to know before you ask, because, in all honesty, I could fill a whole page with this shit.
Really? Would you rather I just left it the way it was...
QUOTE(BradRepko @ Jun 2 2010, 19:35)
QUOTE(BlorgAlmighty @ Jun 2 2010, 19:27)
What... the fuck is wrong with you?
It's called vorarephilia; and it's my fetish of choice. You'd probably be surprised at the diverse little community it has. Unfortunately, it is being choked by a ruthless overload with no scruples and a desire to regulate who is let into her "fancy little community", as if she owns the fucking fetish.
Then there is that pathetic lot of people who call themselves my "friends". Friends huh; well, I guess friendship means staying quiet when your friends get booted out of the community by an egotist on a power trip, as long as it staying quiet means they get to stay. Fucking useless, the whole lot of them. And then they have the audacity to get upset at me when my resentment for them boils over and I unleash it on them.
Oh yea, and according to the rules, you're not allowed to talk about rulings by moderators on-site or in private. Just mentioning all that here would be enough to get me banned if I wasn't already. Theoretically, talking about it in a confessional at church could get you banned if there was some way for her to find out. Maybe she bans all Catholics too on the off-chance they might talk about her in confessions.
And then of course there's the "
You must be over 18 to access this site. No exceptions!" rule. Yea, no exceptions, unless the user in question happens to a 15 year old wunderkind who draws vore stuff she likes, then she lets him stay.
Thank you for encouraging my angry tirades though. The next time someone gets all pissy about me going on and on about stupid shit, I'll just tell them you encouraged me to do so, Azraelgt.
This post has been edited by BradRepko: Jun 3 2010, 07:54