That NY post video cuts out the end where blood is just pouring off his face making it clear just how serious of a wound it is. []
This is what you get when cops are afraid to defend themselves even in the face of the most obvious threat.
QUOTE(Pillowgirl @ Oct 16 2024, 14:13)
She looks like the tranny character from Concord called Bazz...who also uses knives and has the same hair.
Despite saying all this, I'll probably still keep returning since it seems to be wired into my behaviour (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/dry.gif).
Your behavior is correct, and admirable.
Doing the right thing can be a burden when everyone else doesn't care.
Here they would've just shot her as soon as she pulled a knife.
Honestly probably the craziest thing is how in the US they still keep sending cops alone on calls like these. Cops never do anything alone where I live. There's always two of them in one car.
Kinda wish I had one, even though I have zero use for it and no money.
I've heard a lot of people bitching that they are trying to treat them like rolex now where you have to buy multiple other cars before you get put on the wait list for the 911 gt3.
I've heard a lot of people bitching that they are trying to treat them like rolex now where you have to buy multiple other cars before you get put on the wait list for the 911 gt3.
Yeah Porsche has been doing that for a while now. You have to level up your Porsche cred like you're trying to prove to them you're worthy of buying one. Luckily the used car market doesn't have the same rules.
QUOTE(Drone-chan @ Oct 19 2024, 02:09)
Anton Chigurh from No Country for Old Men is a smartly written smart character. When Chigurh kills a hotel room full of three people he books to room next door so he can examine it, finding which walls he can shoot through, where the light switch is, what sort of cover is there etc. This is a smart thing to do because Chigurh is a smart person who is written by another smart person who understands how smart people think.
Were Sherlock Holmes to kill a hotel room full of three people. He'd enter using a secret door in the hotel that he read about in a book ten years ago. He'd throw peanuts at one guy causing him to go into anaphylactic shock, as he had deduced from a dartboard with a picture of George Washington carver on it pinned to the wall that the man had a severe peanut allergy. The second man would then kill himself just according to plan as Sherlock had earlier deduced that him and the first man were homosexual lovers who couldn't live without eachother due to a faint scent of penis on each man's breath and a slight dilation of their pupils whenever they looked at each other. As for the third man, why Sherlock doesn't kill him at all. The third man removes his sunglasses and wig to reveal he actually WAS Sherlock the entire time. But Sherlock just entered through the Secret door and killed two people, how can there be two of him? The first Sherlock removes his mask to reveal he's actually Moriarty attempting to frame Sherlock for two murders. Sherlock however anticipated this, the two dead men stand up, they're undercover police officers, it was all a ruse. "But Sherlock!" Moriarty cries "That police officer blew his own head off, look at it, there's skull fragments on the wall, how is he fine now? How did you fake that?". Sherlock just winks at the screen, the end.
This post has been edited by kotitonttu: Oct 19 2024, 15:48
Wouldn't it be easier to just post something like "fuck bunnys" that no one could even tell apart from regular posts than "Oh please sirs don't mind me I'm just doing this for le HV"?