If you're afraid to have your fetishes laughed at in public, send me a PM and i promise never to tell anyone about them k?
Please make an AI coomer story with pillowgirl so I have something to read :<
edit: um um and um can you add a part where you have a pulley system where the girl is in the cowgirl position with a rope attached to her and when you pull down on the rope on your end it lifts her up by her throat so when you jerk the rope real fast she is bouncing around on top of you
This post has been edited by AhumanRS: Feb 24 2024, 06:22
Parents: "If someone's making you upset, just walk away" >Later that night, parents yell at me for something or another >I walk away Parents: "WTF do you think you're doing!?" (not actual words)
This post has been edited by dragontamer8740: Feb 27 2024, 11:44
Parents: "If someone's making you upset, just walk away" >Later that night, parents yell at me for something or another >I walk away Parents: "WTF do you think you're doing!?" (not actual words)
"Wu Meng was already known for his filial piety when he was still a child. His family was poor and could not afford mosquito nets. During summer nights, Wu stripped and sat near his parents' beds to allow mosquitoes to suck his blood in the hope that they would not bother his parents."
I swear all these years I never put together that chim-chim-iny-chim-chim-iny meant chimney because he's a chimney sweep.
Chim chiminey Chim chiminey Chim chim cher-ee! A sweep is as lucky As lucky can be
Ah fuck, it even spells it out in the lyrics! What does chim chim cher-ee mean? Does cher-ee mean cheery? I don't know but that song is eerie. Maybe instead of a cheery chimney it's an eerie chimney.