QUOTE(Marvin666 @ Apr 26 2010, 16:31)
I find humor in your crude reasoning.
Really? I don't find anything funny about your crude and shallow mindset.
QUOTE(Marvin666 @ Apr 26 2010, 16:31)
People like yourself are the reason I have no faith in humanity.
It's so funny you should say that, since you hated me from the get go.
QUOTE(Marvin666 @ Apr 26 2010, 16:31)
I may be pessimistic, but I don't perpetually wallow in my my sorrows.
Nor do I. I wallow in whatever emotion I am feeling. If it's sorrow, I wallow in it. Anger, I wallow in that too. Happiness, I even wallow in that. I wallow in whatever emotion I'm feeling at the moment.
QUOTE(Marvin666 @ Apr 26 2010, 16:31)
I don't blame my personality flaws on illness and meds/lack thereof.
Would you rather I be like you and not admit my flaws at all? Anyway, that is incredibly shallow minded. I take full responsibility for my actions, but I'm capable of seeing when a situation is out of my control. The fact that you don't even understand what it means to be mentally ill shows how much of an apathetic git you really are. I bet you slap the mentally retarded for shitting their pants, even though it's not like they can help it.
QUOTE(Marvin666 @ Apr 26 2010, 16:31)
Some self respect
While I'll admit I lack a sense of self respect, you have an outstanding ability to show nothing but disrespect to people who've done nothing to you. You even target those poor, helpless newbies who only want help in figuring out how this site works. It's one thing to yell at them when they mess up, it's another to stalk their ass every three days to give them negative karma just because they screw up now and then. That's the weakness of your heart!
QUOTE(Marvin666 @ Apr 26 2010, 16:31)
apathy towards the opinions of stangers and those you don't like really helps out.
I'm a pretty empathetic person most of the time. Sometimes my emotions get carried away and I become apathetic, and other times I just forget to appreciate other people's feelings. However, that's the difference between your view of what's wrong with me, and my view. I don't like how I sometimes lose sight of people's feelings and treat them with apathy. I'm guilty of doing it many times on this site, especially to Anto. I am ashamed by the fact that I have tried to hurt others with words. I need to treat people with more empathy, not less.
QUOTE(Marvin666 @ Apr 26 2010, 16:31)
Now either you grow up, or shut the fuck up. Either one is fine by me.
Why would I take such advice from someone who is even more immature than I am; especially one who needs to learn to shut up even more than I do? If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all!