Oh yeah, I am sure if I did that then I would love watermelon, my best friend would be a watermelon, I'd fuck watermelons. Even grass would be a delectable after just 2 hours of celery.
QUOTE(Mags_ @ Mar 23 2023, 19:22)
Is there some sort of intricate troll account impersonating the bbc with Wakanda speak?
Or is there a dedicated watermelon version that caters to 3 year old literacy levels.?
No, BBC Pidgen is very real. Pidgen is like offhand English, but technically it has no written form so I don't really know if the people in Africa who speak it can actually read it, but that is who it's for...
Right before he sticks the drill in your mouth. Interesting strategy.
You made a good point and I considered it. Asked for a formal email of him detailing everything that happened in that session, which by law he's obligated to when asked. Told him to get his shit together and focus at the work and not be sloppy. The assistance remained in the room this time with the suction stick thing. They're understaffed as fuck so she works at reception too and would leave the room to answer calls before mid-drilling making me choke on my saliva.
Next appointment is thursday so w/e is in my root now can take place then either finish or maximum another session.
Once that's done, and free of charge, I will not make any more appointments and continue through the legal ladders of contact.
Honestly he is a really kind and happy dentist, but bad at the job. I would much prefer a rude person but amazing with their craft.
He wasn't as chipper today after I said I wanted everything in writing because he could piece it together that it's the first step of legal matters.
worst case scenario for him out of this, and I mean absolute worst case scenario would just be supervision of his work for 3 years.
Personally hate reporting anyone for anything. Not even when it's me it's happening to. However! you dont just fuck around with someones teeth like that. After this root filling I'm going to look up dentists by review & years of experience. My goal is a foreign old male with 15+ years under his belt
get an American dentist so his big belly will grind against your crotch as he drills into your teeth
That takes me back to a long time ago when I used to go to an old woman called Eva who would always rub her tits on the top of my head. Actually looked forward to those sessions. She retired. Saddest day for the profession of dentists
Fuck head dad (in the picture rolling around on the floor; the kid is behind the counter and you can't see him anymore) puts a gun infront of the kid, kids shoots himself, dad turns around and smacks his head, kid falls over, still very dead, dad checks on the kid then fucking flops around like a fish as if he gave a fuck in the first place
This post has been edited by AhumanRS: Mar 24 2023, 18:42
I was trying to find a Twitter comment to verify if it's real or not but everything I found was either "The dad is an asshole" or "That kid is an asshole good on the dad"
QUOTE(Honeycat @ Mar 24 2023, 21:10)
What? I didn't post these because I thought they were funny, I posted these because it made me wonder why people think Twitter is good. It's always terrible political takes or shit like this. I specifically said "Why is twitter cool"
Tell me what to do one more time. I dare you. I'll use a medium to contact my mother's spirit to tell on you.
I didn't post these because I thought they were funny, I posted these because it made me wonder why people think Twitter is good. It's always terrible political takes or shit like this. I specifically said "Why is twitter cool"
Good artists draw porn on there that you can see for free.