Why do trannies and faggots complain about everything so much
Trannies aren't the ones passing the dumbest bills. But hate-mongering college dropouts are banding together right now to make them a punching bag and Republicans love the excellent distraction of a few "transwomen in school sports" because they don't have to talk about ANY real pressing issues.
Why do trannies and faggots complain about everything so much
The gays do not procreate, there is no lower form of unfiliality!
In light of this, please heed this tale: "Wang Pu (Wang Weiyuan) was a filial son who lived during the Three Kingdoms Period. His mother dreaded the sound of thunder-claps. Every time the sky filled with dark clouds and rain was on the way, Wang Pu would run to his mother's side to comfort her and to calm her fears. If her son was not at her side, the old woman felt unbearable alarm.
After his mother passed on, Wang Pu buried her in a neighboring graveyard. Even though the old lady was no longer alive, every time a storm approached, and it appeared that lightning was coming, he would run to the graveside and kneel by his mother's tombstone with tears running down his cheeks. "Don't cry Mother, your son is nearby!", he would call, just as if his mother was alive. As long as the storm lasted, the man remained near the grave, circling around it countless times, to protect his mother's spirits and keep her from fear.
Later when he taught school, every time he read a passage that mentioned the emotion felt by devoted sons and daughters for their departed parents, Wang Pu's own feelings would overflow, and he would cry with deep longing. Seeing this behavior, his students would carefully remove any texts that talked about the tender feelings of children for their parents. Wang Pu always emphasized in his lessons the necessity of repaying the kindness of one's parents while they are still alive. He was considered a model of filial behavior, and his constant regard for his departed mother moved the hearts of all those who witnessed it."
That person will never menstruate, ovulate or bear children.
Calling that person a woman is an insult to women.
Way to prove you don't care about any issues that matter. An asteroid could hit the planet and you'd still be talking about a small percentage of transwomen being allowed to play in high school sports, make friends and be accepted. Your morons passed a bill to target only 4 transwomen in Utah:
MRKH syndrome, a.k.a Müllerian agenesis, causes approximately 1 in 5,000 women to be born without a uterus. We need to seek out these people, politicize their existence, relentlessly harass them (for not being able to bear children without unnatural intervention), and then blame them again if it makes some of them depressed. After all, the body determines someone's personality, and the body is their fault.
Correct. It's a man who had shit ranking on the men's team so he became a "woman" to place first.
QUOTE(Mags_ @ Apr 8 2022, 03:20)
That is a dude wearing women's bathers.
His bathing suit is more confused than he is. Looks like he still has his dong.
On the other end of the spectrum, the I Am Jazz tranny Jazz Jennings began transitioning before puberty. It has no muscle tone and always considered itself a girl and dressed like one from very early childhood. It's also fat, stuffs itself with food and is emo like a chick.
Also what constitutes an issue that matters to you?
Not aimed at me, I know, but basically:
Is it about competitive sports? | --> yes --> I don't care. .| \./ No .| \./ Is it about something that impacts my daily life, or impacts someone else negatively in a non-hierarchical way? | --> No --> I don't care. .| \./ yes .| \./ There is a chance that maybe I might possibly care.
Tier lists are stupid; almost as stupid as competitive sports
Thus on the issue of trans people in sports, I really do not care. Even if I did, and thought that they shouldn't compete with people biologically of the opposite sex (which sounds reasonable to me), I wouldn't proceed to deliberately try to make them feel bad about themselves by doing something so inconsequential as refusing to address them the way they wanted to be. Thinking they shouldn't compete in sports is fine, but there's no real reason to get upset about calling someone "he" or "she" unless they immediately jump down your throat when you guess wrong.
This post has been edited by dragontamer8740: Apr 8 2022, 22:02
Way to prove you don't care about any issues that matter. An asteroid could hit the planet and you'd still be talking about a small percentage of transwomen being allowed to play in high school sports, make friends and be accepted. Your morons passed a bill to target only 4 transwomen in Utah:
Brandon: "America is a nation that can be defined with a single word... at the foot hills of the Himalayas with Xi Jingping I traveled 17,000 miles as Vice President but I don't know that as a fact"
Thinking they shouldn't compete in sports is fine, but there's no real reason to get upset about calling someone "he" or "she" unless they immediately jump down your throat when you guess wrong.
It literally takes more effort to continue be an asshole and to deliberately misgender someone than it is to just address someone as they want you to.
It literally doesn't take any effort to use the sex labels that have been used for 80 thousand years to describe the sexes that existed for 2 billion years.
Two sexes: 2 billion years. Two genders in language: 80k years. Neo-pronouns: 10 years.