I finally was able to eat INSIDE a McDonald (instead of just going to the Drive). Almost felt like posting that in the Culture version of this topic. ... But no FSZ may somehow be more...more...something? (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/wacko.gif)
This post has been edited by uareader: Mar 24 2022, 23:35
I finally was able to eat INSIDE a McDonald (instead of just going to the Drive). Almost felt like posting that in the Culture version of this topic. ... But no FSZ may somehow be more...more...something? (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/wacko.gif)
There was this weird stage of the pandemic in 2020, where I could only eat inside the mcdonalds. I don't go there very often (about once a year). It was quite funny, business had to close unless they were essential and it confused everyone.
McDonalds with the McCafes were allowed to be open because they were also selling bread, milk and eggs to the public so they counted as 'essential".
It took about two weeks for to government to deem their previous advice retarded, then they closed the eat in and allowed the drive through.
I think 2020 was the last time I actually ate McDonalds. I seriously haven't missed anything I guess. Sometimes have the urge for a big mac but it always seems disappointing compared to the distant memories in the past.
I thought McDonalds was great as a little kid but for like decades its been pretty shit. Not sure if its just low standards as a kid or McDonalds has gotten worse.
Not sure if its just low standards as a kid or McDonalds has gotten worse.
Here, at least, it's some of both.
The grease they use for fries changed like a decade ago and they don't stay crisp as long anymore, for instance. They're supposedly less likely to give you a heart attack, though... in case you were going to mcdonalds and ordering fries because you wanted to prolong your lifespan.
Everything is better when you're too young to have experienced the world, though.
This post has been edited by dragontamer8740: Mar 28 2022, 05:08
The grease they use for fries changed like a decade ago and they don't stay crisp as long anymore, for instance.
Yeah they switched based on industry lobby groups terrible studies and then marketing campaigns by billionaires against McDonalds lol. The beef tallow they used to use was actually healthier than the trans fat they switched to and even the canola oil they now use.
The original large longitudinal study used to convince everyone to switch from saturated to unsaturated fats was shut down early because after eight years the participants in the 100% unsaturated fats group all started dying off. The canola oil back then was lower quality but it shows the problem.
High Carb + 100% unsaturated fats = high risk of oxidized cholesterol.
The issue is that low density cholesterol is not a problem but oxidized very low density cholesterol is terrible. Very few clinics globally actually test for vldl or oxidized cholesterol and use LDL as a proxy. You can use sort of calculate using the ratios of triglycerides and HDL to LDL but that is too complicated for most GPs.
GP: Lol here are some Statins. They will extend your life for statistically five days. Don't bother changing your diet.
EsotericSatire gives out points for people who gives real answers to questions. These are free and easy to accumulate if you are a smart lad. One of the prizes that I personally have my eyes on is the rainbow slinky. It's redeemable for only 500 points.
People on tik tok killing themselves by rubbing pain relief creme on their balls. This results in their brains swelling up due to salicylate poisoning.
Its like Tik Tok is actively trying to kill its user base.
There is the "Cleaning Overload' challenge where you mix all the cleaning products like bleach and ammonia to create colorful (and deadly) tik tok cleaning videos.
They are basing the mixing on the colors not... like risk of killing your self.
I wonder if someone is just starting trends that will kill influencers and tik tokers that put zero brain power into what they do. If its trending people just start doing it without any research.
Did you hear they're going to release playing cards with black/African king, queen, jack, joker cards? But then they realized there'd be too many spades in the deck.