It's game company is one of the few that didn't announce it supported BLM. Are you sure you want to play a game that doesn't support peaceful protests?
You posted here 30000 times and still can't figure out how this website works?
You sound like Drangonflamer who chewed me out in the Windows 11 thread about not having the time to change my OS to Linux even though I have a high post count and supposedly because of that I can do all this extra shit. In reality, I can't do a lot of dumb nerd stuff at his whim because I'm currently far too busy and I ripped him a new one. He can piss right off, jelly blogfailer who is jelly of my superior blogging abilities even though he claims to not be jelly. Asshole.
This post has been edited by Honeycat: Mar 24 2022, 02:18
You sound like Drangonflamer who chewed me out in the Windows 11 thread about not having the time to change my OS to Linux even though I have a high post count and supposedly because of that I can do all this extra shit
I don't think pointing out that you probably do have some time you could have spent on it is "chewing you out." If you don't want to bother learning it and don't think it's important enough to spend the time on, you should just say that instead of blaming a "lack of time."
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
QUOTE(Honeycat @ Mar 23 2022, 23:52)
blah blah blah
Ok boomer.
Really though, if you actually were 10 when you joined this site like you claimed in that thread, you are a zoomer. And younger than I am.
This post has been edited by dragontamer8740: Mar 24 2022, 05:49
They joined back in 2007, they wouldn't be a zoomer.
Using the word "zoomer" is juvenile in itself. Honeycat has the mental maturity of at least 5 years your senior, even if you are 50 with a boytoy roomate.
Do you not see my member title? Even I wouldn't use the word "zoomer."
I do adult shit like draw stickmen fucking eachother and pasting jacquelope's profile picture over their heads as a satirical euphemism in reference to how they act and should be treated.
They joined back in 2007, they wouldn't be a zoomer.
Sorry, if you don't remember 9/11 you are a zoomer. The end. I barely even count myself as a millennial despite remembering the late 90s. And he said it himself in a public post.
Thought: I'm baking a chocolate cake in a skillet today. Probably overfilled it, but I have a giant pan underneath to catch overflow.
This post has been edited by dragontamer8740: Mar 24 2022, 17:33
I had a friend that told me when 9/11 happened he had got home from school and his dad was watching the news. He turned to him and said "The world is over." I don't recall anything eventful happening.
I don't understand the hype around 9/11 at all. They say it was the 'largest terrorist attack in history,' but big deal. Staind is cooler than 9/11.
Update: The cake did rise above the top of the pan, but did not overflow down the sides. Smells good. Hope it's cooked evenly and comes out of the pan.
Edit: came out of the pan quite smoothly. Letting it cool now. worried I may have overbaked it, (and that it will be dry), but we'll see once it's done cooling down.
I have enough ingredients for another cake too.
This post has been edited by dragontamer8740: Mar 24 2022, 18:20
Update: The cake did rise above the top of the pan, but did not overflow down the sides. Smells good. Hope it's cooked evenly and comes out of the pan.
Edit: came out of the pan quite smoothly. Letting it cool now. worried I may have overbaked it, (and that it will be dry), but we'll see once it's done cooling down.
I have enough ingredients for another cake too.
Take a picture
Wait a minute, are you blogging?
This post has been edited by AhumanRS: Mar 24 2022, 18:40
It's currently wrapped in plastic wrap and foil while it cools, so I can't take a photo atm.
It fell apart when I took it out of the pan because I didn't just flip it over like I should have. I don't have a cake rack. But it smells great and I wasn't planning on frosting it anyway. And I have more ingredients to try again later. I just woke up really wanting cake today.