A few months back this guy left a voicemail on my phone about how he was going to burn his house down and that he thought the girl he [allegedly] raped was sleeping with other boys.
Didn't know she was getting [allegedly] raped but I knew he was very strict with her. Constantly checking her phone, checked what she wore before school, never let her hang out with friends, etc.
I've heard good stories about him, and he's even done free labor for me before. Didn't know he had such a dark side though. Guess I wouldn't like him as much if I was a defenseless little girl.
He did try to burn the house down. He lit the master bedroom on fire and the fire department had to come put it out. His wife was trying to have him arrested, but the police wouldn't do anything because he said that he would shoot them. Steven sent pictures to her of him burning the room down as she was at the police station.
This post has been edited by AhumanRS: Feb 24 2022, 06:31
Retarded people like me exist and people die every day. Like, 5 people die every minute in the U.S. or some shit. You should start getting sad every...(60/5...google..) every 12 seconds or something.
I told people that voting for Brandon was the same as voting for war. He scrapped a bunch of peace treaties and was drone striking completely random targets.
I don't know why so called 'lefties' are so pro-war. Brandon was also breaching the peace deal by pushing for Ukraine to join nato, literally for the reasons of being able to make corrupt money and deposing Putin... in order to make more corrupt money.
I told people that voting for Brandon was the same as voting for war. He scrapped a bunch of peace treaties and was drone striking completely random targets.
I don't know why so called 'lefties' are so pro-war. Brandon was also breaching the peace deal by pushing for Ukraine to join nato, literally for the reasons of being able to make corrupt money and deposing Putin... in order to make more corrupt money.
Biden is a knock off Obama. All the wall street and military industrial corruption, and lack of ethics but with none of the charm or competence.
China and Russia's first meeting with the Biden administration was them yelling and laughing at them respectively. The first meeting between the leaders was them being shocked how senile he really was and his own staffers saying that he was not fit to negotiate and anything he said was not binding.
This post has been edited by EsotericSatire: Feb 26 2022, 14:44
Trump spoke at the CPAC in Florida today and I watched the whole thing, thank goodness. There's so much bullshit going on in the news that I had no idea he was going to be speaking until I saw it mentioned on Newsmax. They televised it and Trump was awesome as usual. He's the world's President of Peace and we need him back more than ever.