A man with an ak-47 with a drum magazine fights against kung fu enemies. He stands in the middle of a room and shoots them from the hip as they charge at him. Every fight scene is like this.
Whoopi Goldberg: The Nazis weren't racist, they were so hardworking because it was just white people killing other white people. Race is only about skin color, you can't call this racism, you can't tell who is a Jew.
Whoopi Goldberg: Most of the Nazis were white people attacking other white people, so to me, i'm thinking "How is this about race?"
Whoopi Goldberg: If the KKK were coming down the street, I would run, but my Jewish friend would be fine to stay there because they are white.
Critics are now demanding that Goldberg be fired from the show.
The whole show should be cancelled, who the hell even watches that garbage. What's funny is that ape has a Jewish last name, which is a stage name like her farty first name.
About her stage surname, she claimed in 2011, "My mother did not name me Whoopi, but Goldberg is my name—it's part of my family, part of my heritage, just like being black", and "I just know I am Jewish. I practice nothing. I don't go to temple, but I do remember the holidays."
Fact check:
She attended a local Catholic school, St Columba's.
One account recalls that her mother, Emma Johnson, thought the family's original surname was "not Jewish enough" for her daughter to become a star
Researcher Henry Louis Gates Jr. found that all of Goldberg's traceable ancestors were African Americans, that she had no known German or Jewish ancestry, and that none of her ancestors were named Goldberg.
If Roseanne Barr can be fired and have her career destroyed then so can she.
I used to love Whoopi as she used to be the reasonable one telling the other hosts to get off their high horses but obviously she smelt too many of her own farts and is now trying to out woke them. Whoopi was great as an actor, comedian and on star trek but she has really lost her way.
A load of the view cast have black face controversies. I'm trying to find a video of the Whoopi and Ted Danson drama. She disowned him and blamed him when it was half her idea.
Hard to find video, where Ted Danson wore black face, ate watermelon and used the n'word but it was okay because he was banging Whoopi Goldberg.
Whoopi was still fairly reasonable up until about 2017, she has been slowly sliding since.
I could only find Howard Stern's re-enactment, which also got him burned but not really
Howard Stern is okay because he is woke.
is this video okay to link, its a bit outrageous now. Jesus.
Howard stern has done it a lot apparently.
QUOTE(Honeycat @ Feb 1 2022, 15:24)
The whole show should be cancelled, who the hell even watches that garbage. What's funny is that ape has a Jewish last name, which is a stage name like her farty first name.
Maybe that is why she dislikes Jews so much.
People have been drawing comparisons between China and Nazi Germany, I guess it was only a matter of time before Hollywood started denying the holocaust to shill. Woke people were bashing Jews in New York and the Mayor was shutting down the parks and temples.
QUOTE(Honeycat @ Feb 1 2022, 15:24)
If Roseanne Barr can be fired and have her career destroyed then so can she.
Yeah they cancelled Roseanne in a heart beat and she had better ratings.