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post Jan 18 2022, 08:28
Post #15881

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QUOTE(uareader @ Jan 18 2022, 14:24) *

Is "wenda" the name of the girl that take a shit, and thus Earth is born?

Earth is formed from the accumulation of Invisible Pink Unicorn's rainbow fart.
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post Jan 18 2022, 09:18
Post #15882

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NBA: We strongly believe in BLM and social justice, but fuck Uyghurs and HK, nobody gives a shit about them. Human rights are a luxury belief. Its not the NBA's role to care about human rights in other countries.

Journalist: I am against war, but we should disengage economically.

NBA: How can we take actions that could lose money, when America has systematic racism? How can you say what is worse, 500k African Americans in prison vs 1m Ughyurs in camps? Obviously, we can't say which is worse, so we should prioritize money.

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post Jan 18 2022, 10:44
Post #15883

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He's backpedaling.

[twitter.com] https://twitter.com/chamath/status/1483228175391866881?s=21
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post Jan 18 2022, 12:53
Post #15884

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QUOTE(Pillowgirl @ Jan 17 2022, 22:44) *

He's backpedaling.

Kinda, its still 'We totally care about human rights and not just profits"

Maybe the NBA will become like the BBC and then die from wokeness. They have one last chance to save Dr Who before the BBC itself is cancelled and all the expensive woke people they hired become unemployed.

They are both quite similar; rich woke people telling everyone that they are super oppressed and don't look at real issues overseas for comparison as it makes them look bad.

This post has been edited by EsotericSatire: Jan 18 2022, 12:55
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post Jan 18 2022, 14:12
Post #15885

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[mangakakalot.com] https://mangakakalot.com/manga/vn924669
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post Jan 18 2022, 15:42
Post #15886
Moonlight Rambler

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QUOTE(Pillowgirl @ Jan 18 2022, 07:12) *
(IMG:[i.imgur.com] https://i.imgur.com/TkQTE84.gif)
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post Jan 18 2022, 17:36
Post #15887

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Some wise beautiful Chinese fables:
"Guo Ju lived with his mother, wife and son. He was known for being very filial to his mother. However, his family was poor and Guo became worried when he realised that his family's food supply was unable to feed four people. After discussing with his wife, they made a painful decision to bury their son alive, so that they would have one less mouth to feed. He also felt that he and his wife could have another child again, but he could not have his mother back if he lost her. While Guo was digging, he discovered a pile of gold and a note which said that the gold was a gift to him from Heaven. With the gold, Guo was able to provide for his whole family."

"Min Sun's mother died early so his father remarried and had two other sons. Min was ill-treated by his stepmother but he never bore any grudges against her. During winter, his stepmother prepared a coat made of reed catkins for him, but prepared coats made of cotton for his half brothers. One day, Min followed his father out and was instructed to drive the carriage. However, as the coat was too thin, Min was unable to withstand the cold so he shivered and was unable to focus on the task at hand. He accidentally caused the carriage to get stuck in a ditch. Min's father was furious and started beating him until his clothes tore and the reed catkins came out. It was then when Min's father realised that his son was being mistreated. He was so angry that he wanted to expel Min's stepmother from the family. However, Min pleaded with his father to spare his stepmother, saying, "If she stays, only I suffer. But if you send her away, my brothers and I will suffer." Min's stepmother was so touched that she regretted her actions and never mistreated Min again."

"During the Spring and Autumn Period there lived a filial son named Old Master Lai (Lao Laizi). He obeyed their wishes, and even took special care of their innermost thoughts, so concerned was his heart in serving them as a dutiful son. At age seventy he still earnestly made offerings to the elderly couple, who had reached such a lengthy life span due to his filial devotion. He kept them warm in winter, cool in summer, and fed them soft foods, that were easy to digest in their toothless mouths. Old Master Lai, wanting to keep his parents' spirits high, never mentioned the word "old" in their hearing. When he overheard the old friends lamenting one day, "Look at our son, he's already in his dotage! Surely our own days must be drawing to a close!", his heart could not endure the helpless feelings that arose. "I must find a way to lighten their hearts!" he vowed. Determined to keep his parents from lamenting over their increasing years, he hit upon a plan.
Old Master Lai dressed up in the costume of a young child at the circus, or imitate the walk and manner of a mischievous boy at play. He would paint on comic opera make-up and carry a flower drum, horse-playing and cutting comic antics in front of his delighted parents' eyes. To tickle their funny-bone he would take a toy in hand and mimic a child's nonsense prattle, singing and dancing, and falling in a heap. Sometimes he would carry a pole into the sitting room that balanced two full buckets of water. Singing a silly tune he would trip up on purpose, sending water showering over the floor and soaking his foolish-looking wig and face-powder. His ridiculous show never failed to send the old folks into gales of laughter. Playing the fool always dispelled his elders' Periods of melancholy, and made them happy for days. Even though he was not a youngster, he was able to dutifully care for the physical health and mental well-being of his seniors. This was his first priority in life."

This post has been edited by weegeeweegeeweegee: Jan 18 2022, 17:37
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post Jan 18 2022, 21:49
Post #15888

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QUOTE(Pillowgirl @ Jan 18 2022, 13:12) *

Why not in the covid topic instead?
I usually don't click on links, this time I did, and I would have been more confident to do so in that other context.
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post Jan 18 2022, 22:00
Post #15889
Moonlight Rambler

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// ==UserScript==
// @name        Mario's Mansion
// @namespace   dragontamer8740.mariosMansion
// @description Evict Luigi
// @include     /^https?://forums\.e-hentai\.org/index\.php?.*showtopic=.*$/
// @include     /^https?://forums\.e-hentai\.org/index\.php?.*st=.*$/
// @version     1
// @grant       none
// ==/UserScript==
var posts=document.querySelectorAll(".postdetails .bigusername a[href$='index.php?showuser=5175192']");
function findParentTable(elem) {
  while(elem && elem.tagName.toUpperCase() !== 'TABLE')
  return elem;
posts.forEach(p => findParentTable(p).setAttribute('style', 'display: none'));
Thank me later.
This code will survive username changes, should they ever occur.
Update: 17:30 UTC, 19 Jan: I had to tweak the script a little (changed some include lines to catch eventualities (page URL's) I'd missed at first. I could see his posts after posting something myself because they abridged 'showtopic' to 'st').

This post has been edited by dragontamer8740: Jan 19 2022, 19:36
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post Jan 19 2022, 00:06
Post #15890

Look, Fat.
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QUOTE(Pillowgirl @ Jan 18 2022, 02:12) *

Not sure if isekai genre has jumped the shark yet. Imagine what it will be like when they do? It will be crazy.

Attached Image
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post Jan 19 2022, 00:25
Post #15891

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QUOTE(weegeeweegeeweegee @ Jan 19 2022, 02:36) *

The fucking hell is wrong with you?

QUOTE(dragontamer8740 @ Jan 19 2022, 07:00) *

// ==UserScript==
// @name        Mario's Mansion
// @namespace   dragontamer8740.mariosMansion
// @description Evict Luigi
// @include     http://forums.e-hentai.org/index.php?showtopic=*
// @include     https://forums.e-hentai.org/index.php?showtopic=*
// @version     1
// @grant       none
// ==/UserScript==
var posts=document.querySelectorAll(".postdetails .bigusername a[href$='index.php?showuser=5175192']");
function findParentTable(elem) {
  while(elem && elem.tagName.toUpperCase() !== 'TABLE')
  return elem;
posts.forEach(p => findParentTable(p).setAttribute('style', 'display: none'));
Thank me later.
This code will survive username changes, should they ever occur.

Is this a way to never see anything the retarded luigi cunt never posts?

If so please help me to use it.
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post Jan 19 2022, 01:31
Post #15892
Moonlight Rambler

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QUOTE(Mags_ @ Jan 18 2022, 17:25) *
Is this a way to never see anything the retarded luigi cunt never posts?
Yes, exactly. Unless someone else quotes a post of his (I could possibly make something to block that too, but it'd get tricky fast). That last post of his finally dried up the last of my patience/resolve.
Update: 17:30 UTC, 19 Jan: I had to tweak the script a little (changed some include lines to catch eventualities (page URL's) I'd missed at first).
Here's how his last one looks for me now in firefox:
[i.imgur.com] (IMG:[i.imgur.com] https://i.imgur.com/CghrpR8l.png)
QUOTE(Mags_ @ Jan 18 2022, 17:25) *
If so please help me to use it.
Sure. What browser do you use? (Instructions follow for the two that I think most people care about).
if firefox/seamonkey/pale moon/waterfox or some such, you should install the [addons.mozilla.org] Greasemonkey addon.
Then, try clicking [gitlab.com] this link and it should ask if you'd like to install the script.
If it doesn't ask you if you want to install the script, do this instead to manually install it:
Click the monkey icon that probably showed up in one of your toolbars/menu bars after you installed the addon, and go to "new user script...". Paste that code into the tab that opens, do ctrl+s (or click the floppy icon).

In either case, when done, reload the forum page.
For chrome/chromium, it has built in user script support but I don't know how to describe how to use it. I'd install the [chrome.google.com] Violentmonkey addon, since it will manage scripts better than chrome/chromium itself does. Some people will say to use Tampermonkey instead of Violentmonkey, but those people are wrong because Tampermonkey doesn't publish unrestricted and vettable source code anymore. Both addons are basically clones of Greasemonkey's functionality. The steps are similar to firefox otherwise.

Reload the forum page when done.
if you need more instructions, or aren't using either of those browsers, let me know. Happy to assist.
I have only tested this in firefox and firefox derivatives because I don't like Chrome, but it should still work there.
QUOTE(EsotericSatire @ Jan 18 2022, 17:06) *
Not sure if isekai genre has jumped the shark yet. Imagine what it will be like when they do? It will be crazy.
I don't think they have, but that's only because I thought moeblob shit like K-On! was overdone but it keeps selling.

This post has been edited by dragontamer8740: Jan 19 2022, 19:36
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post Jan 19 2022, 01:34
Post #15893

Look, Fat.
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In firefox I was using tampermonkey, went to create new script, copy paste, then save.

Seems to work well.
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post Jan 19 2022, 01:36
Post #15894
Moonlight Rambler

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QUOTE(EsotericSatire @ Jan 18 2022, 18:34) *
Seems to work well.
I had to add a couple more edge cases; update the script if you're using it.
QUOTE(EsotericSatire @ Jan 18 2022, 18:34) *
In firefox I was using tampermonkey, went to create new script, copy paste, then save.
Tampermonkey is the worst possible choice if you care about privacy or trusting your code.

Tampermonkey also runs google analytics by default now.

They haven't published sources for it in about a decade (nine years). The ones inside the addon are obfuscated. Use Violentmonkey or (even better) Greasemonkey. Violentmonkey will be slightly more compatible with very badly written/positively ancient (15 year old) user scripts than greasemonkey, but greasemonkey is the one I trust most and is the progenitor of all the others.

See [news.ycombinator.com] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=26057106
It's important to know why the three exist.

Greasemonkey is the original Firefox extension, the development slowed down/stopped when Firefox changed how extensions work, it was restarted later. It's kind of heavyweight but very compatible with most scripts because it's the original.

Tampermonkey started as Chrome's alternative to Greasemonkey (because the latter was only for Firefox). I don't recommend it, see [old.reddit.com] this.

Violentmonkey started as an Opera extension (back when Opera was using the Presto engine and wasn't compatible with Chrome extensions). It's more lightweight in terms of resource usage than Greasemonkey and doesn't contain analytics code. It was later ported to Firefox and Chrome.

If you need compatibility with old scripts your best choice is Greasemonkey. If you need it for modern scripts or to write your own Violentmonkey is fine. Avoid Tampermonkey, they are not to be trusted (proprietary license and analytics).
A decade ago, Tampermonkey was fine. Don't use it now, though.

Their opinions on the details of how violentmonkey and greasemonkey differ are reversed from what I have experienced. But it doesn't matter, just don't use tampermonkey.

This post has been edited by dragontamer8740: Jan 19 2022, 02:14
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post Jan 19 2022, 04:25
Post #15895

Look, Fat.
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QUOTE(dragontamer8740 @ Jan 18 2022, 13:36) *

I had to add a couple more edge cases; update the script if you're using it.
Tampermonkey is the worst possible choice if you care about privacy or trusting your code.

Tampermonkey also runs google analytics by default now.

Their opinions on the details of how violentmonkey and greasemonkey differ are reversed from what I have experienced. But it doesn't matter, just don't use tampermonkey.

So is violentmonkey okay? The problem I had was getting Hentaiverse scripts and such to work properly with Greasemonkey.

Seems like logging can't really be turned off easily in Tampermonkey? The no logging option is not there. German dev is like "Trust ze authorities!!"

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post Jan 19 2022, 16:10
Post #15896
Moonlight Rambler

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QUOTE(EsotericSatire @ Jan 18 2022, 21:25) *
So is violentmonkey okay? The problem I had was getting Hentaiverse scripts and such to work properly with Greasemonkey.

Seems like logging can't really be turned off easily in Tampermonkey? The no logging option is not there. German dev is like "Trust ze authorities!!"
Only poorly written ones shouldn't work in greasemonkey.
But yes, violentmonkey is okay and should be more compatible. Before I figured out how to make my scripts work in greasemonkey I used violentmonkey all the time.
Just use anything except tampermonkey.
There's actually a fourth option called Firemonkey, which uses some newer additions to the webextensions API to accomplish what it does, which might be worth trying. But in my experience GM is more compatible overall than it is.

The technical reason for their primary difference is that greasemonkey 4 has an asynchronous API, while GM 3 used a synchronous one. Violentmonkey has a wrapper to make GM 3 scripts continue to work, as does tampermonkey.

Things are easy to port to the asynchronous API, typically (with async/await). But it works out in the end either way.

This post has been edited by dragontamer8740: Jan 19 2022, 16:18
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post Jan 19 2022, 17:22
Post #15897

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QUOTE(dragontamer8740 @ Jan 18 2022, 14:00) *
// ==UserScript==
// @name Mario's Mansion
// @description Evict Luigi
Can you make one for jacquelope, and make it to where if someone replies to their posts then the quote won't show up in their post?
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post Jan 19 2022, 19:28
Post #15898
Moonlight Rambler

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QUOTE(AhumanRS @ Jan 19 2022, 10:22) *

Can you make one for jacquelope, and make it to where if someone replies to their posts then the quote won't show up in their post?

You can make one yourself; find Jacquelope's user ID and insert it. Jacquelope's ID is 2615882.
But here's a version where you can just add additional user ID's and have it block as many as you want.
Glad you guys are enjoying my toy.
// ==UserScript==
// @name        Mario's Mansion
// @namespace    dragontamer8740.mariosMansion
// @description    Evict Luigi
// @include    /^https?://forums\.e-hentai\.org/index\.php?.*showtopic=.*$/
// @include    /^https?://forums\.e-hentai\.org/index\.php?.*st=.*$/
// @version    1
// @grant        none
// ==/UserScript==
// to add more users, add a comma after the first user ID in the list and then your additional ID('s) to hide:
var userlist= [ 5175192 ];
function findParentTable(elem) {
  while(elem && elem.tagName.toUpperCase() !== 'TABLE')
  return elem;
function filterUser(id) {
  var posts=document.querySelectorAll(".postdetails .bigusername a[href$='index.php?showuser=" + id + "']");
  posts.forEach(p => findParentTable(p).setAttribute('style', 'display: none'));
userlist.forEach(u => filterUser(u));
For instance, to block both the green one and yourself, the line would be
var userlist= [ 5175192, 4544793 ];
You can find user ID's by copying the link on the username in the corner of a forum post. The end of the link is the ID. I am 1097716, for instance (so if you want to block me, there you go, honeycat).
Also i just made the includes list shorter again by using regular expressions ([en.wikipedia.org] regex). Not an essential update, but saves a few bytes.

[gitlab.com] Gitlab link also updated.

This post has been edited by dragontamer8740: Jan 19 2022, 19:57
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post Jan 19 2022, 20:24
Post #15899

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Pretty soon my conversations will only be between me and weegee because nobody else will see our messages

Honeycat doesn't hate you, if that's what you are insinuating.
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post Jan 20 2022, 03:13
Post #15900

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Potato's press conference today lasted nearly 2 hours? I didn't know it was going to be today and happened to turn on the TV and only saw the last 40 minutes of it. It was a total wreck and I burst out laughing a few times like I do when reading funny or retarded posts.

I watched Trump's rally on YouTube last night because I missed it over the weekend but Potatobrains was more entertaining if you can believe it. But only because it was so sad to the point of being hilarious. The reporters destroyed him. It was like throwing a rotted corpse to a pack of hungry wolves. The old Dementiacrat definitely needs to be in a nursing home.

"If you ask me easy questions I'll give you quick answers." -Joe Biden
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