My bad? Sorry (for real). I have a habit for babbling. Nothing but verbose and disingenuous bullcrap. I wasted your time with my bs.
Pillow, same. This may as well be pointless but I will mail Pillow 100 dollars worth of creds. Feel free to ignore the gest but it would make me feel good and look more believable aka less fake.
QUOTE(Honeycat @ Jan 9 2022, 17:43)
You are causing me a great inconvenience having to keep coming over here to post at idiots such as yourself. For starters, stop with the stupid videos because no one clicks on them and it bogs down the page and makes my delicate index finger hurt having to scroll past all that crap. Please no more threads unless it's well thought out.
Next thing you could do is stop being so emo and whiny. You come off as obnoxious and it alienates you. Think before you post if you can manage that with your pea brain and stop shriveling it with alcohol, a small one like yours needs healthy antioxidants and fresh air. What you could do besides not wasting your time and everyone else's by posting ridiculous videos or arguing and being a dumbshit is maybe get a cute cat avatar. People might like you better. And everyone here is a depressed pile of autistic shit so don't think you're special.
Let me give a few pointers back:
I appreciate the effort you put into these but your kitten infatuation is somewhat unnerving so you better have it checked next therapy session. Those stupid videos have always been fun to me and can't say the same from you dude. My honey, your comments are uninteresting and unremarkable and that's saying the least, except maybe for when you are dropping the hammer here. I can't remember a single post from you except dull crap from previous shit shows. My comments are shitty but I don't take shit on a personal level so don't worry, point taken and lesson learned (in like 2008). Raising political awareness drove me here and now to rectify, but I'll probably quit now.. I dropped the mission half-heartedly last year.
I watched the video that says "This could be us" and was disappointed. I went to the channel and all of the videos are just trendy shit and popular memes. Gamaguru would call their avatar repugnant. They are a trend hopper. I don't get why you support scum content creators and bad content like this.
Your opinion can pretty much be disregarded as pretentious.
By the way, a witty response ain't gonna work b/c ain't gonna be here? I am better than you! Maybe you can still redeem yourself to these guys so just try something else bro. Good luck.
Mezzoforte 3.0
Ai we wotchin anime innit mae? British dub ftw! You can find a few episodes in yt.
U.S is dying from virus and later nukes are launched. W/ subs. Pretty good.
Once an evil bastard nailed his grandmother alive into a coffin and tossed her into a river, as this evil bastard was recounting this story I gasped and felt anger at this man's awful personality. "HOW DARE HE? SUCH A SCOUNDREL!" Then a young man who overheard the story became very confused. He said to me "Did you know his grandmother?" I replied: "No" He said "So why are you so upset?" That young man was Mags.
This post has been edited by weegeeweegeeweegee: Jan 14 2022, 15:39