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post Oct 24 2021, 01:34
Post #15401

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QUOTE(Mags_ @ Oct 23 2021, 10:51) *

Nobody likes cherry Dr Pepper?

I love Diet Dr Pepper Cherry and blogged enough about it in the past. It's so good but it's the devil's drink. It's got a deep red tint to it if you look closely enough and it's got a lot of caffeine. Does things to me, must keep away.
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post Oct 24 2021, 01:58
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QUOTE(EsotericSatire @ Oct 24 2021, 01:10) *

The problem is that the US gets trash tier high fructose corn syrup.
I only drink soft drink as a mixer if at all.

Explains much.

The problem is like people who drink diet soda for years being unable to drink regular soda. I have a hard time with most pure sugar cane sodas in that they have two entirely different tastes and the corn syrup being so commonplace that it has an off taste that doesn't always make it palatable to drink.
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post Oct 24 2021, 02:03
Post #15403

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QUOTE(Honeycat @ Oct 24 2021, 01:34) *

I love Diet Dr Pepper Cherry and blogged enough about it in the past. It's so good but it's the devil's drink. It's got a deep red tint to it if you look closely enough and it's got a lot of caffeine. Does things to me, must keep away.

I honestly never see the diet in stores. You'd literally have go to Burger King it Wendy's and use the Freestyle machine if you want diet cherry. It's like chasing ghosts any other way.

This post has been edited by Shit_Tier_Husbando: Oct 24 2021, 02:03
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post Oct 24 2021, 03:07
Post #15404
Msgr. Radixius

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QUOTE(Shit_Tier_Husbando @ Oct 23 2021, 17:24) *

That shit will make you do a full body butt pucker if you aren't prepared the first sip.

Well, at least it ain't Beverly
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post Oct 24 2021, 03:38
Post #15405

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Never tried it. Apparently they marketed like an after dinner thing, like people are going to ditch a traditional drink like cognac for some stank ass sodey pop.

This post has been edited by Shit_Tier_Husbando: Oct 24 2021, 16:44
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post Oct 24 2021, 16:38
Post #15406
Msgr. Radixius

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Yes, it is an aperitif. Doesn't stop people from taking shots of it in Disney World
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post Oct 24 2021, 17:54
Post #15407

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QUOTE(balthy13 @ Oct 24 2021, 08:43) *

Drink some Moxie, bitch.

I looked that up and It's yet another drink we don't get in convictopia.

QUOTE(Shit_Tier_Husbando @ Oct 24 2021, 09:24) *

Dr. Pepper is good, I just can't drink a lot of it.

I don't think the rest of the world really has a high demand for American soft drinks, what with bans for health concerns and the U.S. really having a sharp contrast in what we like compared to the world. I didn't hear much complaints when the EU starting banning Mountain Dew, which I'm sure most people outside the U.S. only know it from dank memes. I was surprised to see Aussies enjoyed root beer. We get Bundaberg up here and it's got a bite to it reminiscent of Moxie, almost. Shit is pretty standard, unless you get stuff like Jones Soda or the other knockoff microbeverage that have popped up over the years. But they're far and few good and more if a niche to that gimmicky American consumerism everyone likes to poke fun at us about.
That shit will make you do a full body butt pucker if you aren't prepared the first sip.

We have the Mountain's Dew here. It always resides in that sad part of the fridge where the obscure drinks are.

Also try and get some guava or passionfruit Bundaberg.

It is the tits.
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post Oct 24 2021, 18:03
Post #15408
Moonlight Rambler

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Pepsi is pretty good.

Yes, I am a normie about sodas.

Carlsberg makes one of my favourite beers, it's just really hard to find it in stores around here. So I usually end up getting Wernesgrüner pilsener (an east german beer) from aldi instead and saving a few bucks.
I'm not a frequent drinker though.

This post has been edited by dragontamer8740: Oct 24 2021, 18:08
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post Oct 24 2021, 19:03
Post #15409

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QUOTE(Mags_ @ Oct 24 2021, 17:54) *

I looked that up and It's yet another drink we don't get in convictopia.
We have the Mountain's Dew here. It always resides in that sad part of the fridge where the obscure drinks are.

Also try and get some guava or passionfruit Bundaberg.

It is the tits.

I've it ever seen the Bundaberg root beer. Though it does seem common around here in terms of stores carrying it.

Moxie is really only limited to few places outside if Maine, so it's not really accessible despite being one of the first American sodas. Undoubtedly because it's noted by anyone who drinks it as an acquired taste. Interestingly, if you've ever played the Fallout 4 DLC; Far Harbor, the soda Vim is loosely based off Moxie.

Speaking of Fallout, some good cane sugar soda is stuff by Jones Soda, who made those Nuka Quantum sodas people jizzed themselves in a frenzy to buy and scalp online. I enjoy their FuFu Berry and Green Apple flavors, and was addicted to that back when they had twelve pack cans. They're sadly harder to find in stores here.

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post Oct 24 2021, 19:15
Post #15410
Msgr. Radixius

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QUOTE(Mags_ @ Oct 24 2021, 10:54) *

Also try and get some guava or passionfruit Bundaberg.

It is the tits.

I'll need to see if I can acquire that. All I have near me for Bundaberg is the cream soda and the root beer.

They're fine.
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post Oct 24 2021, 22:55
Post #15411

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I hated Dr.Pepper when i bought some during a cinema trip with friends when i was a loli.

I used to drink a lot of Canada Dry.
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post Oct 24 2021, 23:05
Post #15412

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I prefer Hawaiian Sun Passion Fruit & Lilikoi
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post Oct 24 2021, 23:42
Post #15413
Moonlight Rambler

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Sunny D
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post Oct 24 2021, 23:46
Post #15414

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QUOTE(Mags_ @ Oct 24 2021, 05:54) *

Also try and get some guava or passionfruit Bundaberg.

I like Bundaberg soft drinks. my body reacts negatively towards the rum though.

QUOTE(dragontamer8740 @ Oct 24 2021, 06:03) *

Pepsi is pretty good.

Carlsberg makes one of my favourite beers,

I find Pepsi to be too sweet. I don't really drink coca cola anymore though.

Calrsberg has become a lot more common here.

QUOTE(Shit_Tier_Husbando @ Oct 24 2021, 07:03) *

Moxie is really only limited to few places outside if Maine, so it's not really accessible despite being one of the first American sodas. Undoubtedly because it's noted by anyone who drinks it as an acquired taste. Interestingly, if you've ever played the Fallout 4 DLC; Far Harbor, the soda Vim is loosely based off Moxie.

Speaking of Fallout, some good cane sugar soda is stuff by Jones Soda, who made those Nuka Quantum sodas people jizzed themselves in a frenzy to buy and scalp online. I enjoy their FuFu Berry and Green Apple flavors, and was addicted to that back when they had twelve pack cans. They're sadly harder to find in stores here.

I didn't even know Moxie was a drink, everyone just used the word in line with their slogan. Pretty good marketing, though people here would probably think it was named after the word not that the word was defined by their slogan.

I've heard everyone say that the third party fallout drinks were far better than the official licensed drinks which confused everyone.

QUOTE(Pillowgirl @ Oct 24 2021, 10:55) *

I hated Dr.Pepper when i bought some during a cinema trip with friends when i was a loli.

I used to drink a lot of Canada Dry.

American friends used to rave about Dr Pepper, but I think because it has doctor in the name, I always associated its flavor with cough syrup. Do people actually drink dr pepper warmed up?

Canada Dry became super popular here a couple of years ago. Haven't seen as many promotions or ads recently though.

QUOTE(gamagaeru @ Oct 24 2021, 11:05) *

I prefer Hawaiian Sun Passion Fruit & Lilikoi

I have that about once a decade. We have Passiona soft drink here.

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post Oct 24 2021, 23:49
Post #15415
Moonlight Rambler

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QUOTE(EsotericSatire @ Oct 24 2021, 17:46) *
Do people actually drink dr pepper warmed up?
Can't speak for others, but i wouldn't drink it at any temperature.

I have heard of people drinking it warmed though. I don't think it's especially common, but it might still be statistically significant.
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post Oct 25 2021, 00:34
Post #15416

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I've only ever drank a warm Dr. Pepper if it had been sitting around at room temp or boiling in my car on a hot day. Not really something I set out to do intentionally before drinking.
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post Oct 25 2021, 06:50
Post #15417

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Have not had had a soft drink in years. I miss them.....
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post Oct 25 2021, 07:02
Post #15418
Adhinferno Bloodmoon

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QUOTE(RyantheFett @ Oct 25 2021, 12:50) *

Have not had had a soft drink in years. I miss them.....

Me too, Usually we only drink them on our friend/family's Wedding Party (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif)
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post Oct 25 2021, 08:50
Post #15419

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I think I have not had soft drinks since the before times, like 2019.

Only would drink coca cola at friends places but never go out of my way for it.
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post Oct 25 2021, 09:53
Post #15420

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QUOTE(dragontamer8740 @ Oct 25 2021, 03:03) *

Carlsberg makes one of my favourite beers, it's just really hard to find it in stores around here.

I used to like Carlsberg just over a decade ago.

Attached Image

I got a little bit carried away though.

Might I also add that I've since learned to not do that to my kitchen.

QUOTE(EsotericSatire @ Oct 25 2021, 08:46) *

my body reacts negatively towards the rum though.

In America they have Florida man.

In Australia we have Queenslanders.

Bundy rum is what they drink.
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