Epstein’s Zorro Ranch had computer rooms the ‘size of houses’ to spy on guests including Prince Andrew, victim claims"These rooms were enormous - bigger than houses. I have no idea why anyone needs so many computers in one room. "
It's called a data center. This suggests that, besides setting up targeted individuals at his house to be filmed, Epstein was running large amounts of internet infrastructure so he could collect blackmail data on all its users. What might have been running on that?
- Porn sites
- Forums & image boards
- Your hath servers
- VPN services that keep no logs
- Private email services
- Dating sites
- Cloud-based backup providers
- Cloud apps hosting your employer's financial data, emails, business strategies and trade secrets, your hospital's outsourced patient data backend
- And more.
You advertise adult-friendly VPS hosting, private hosting, secure hosting, and let people build hundreds of sites for you themselves. I wonder how many of [
these were him. You make a profit selling the hosting and keep all the data too. It's in his basement so law enforcement can't bug the hardware without him knowing, and he has access to everything.
Why would Epstein kill himself? With all that dirt on important people, he knew he could get off again. Then the real Bond villains in the U.S. deep state killed him and took it all. The student has left, and the master has come.
Showy upstarts get squashed. Bigger, more anonymous people are busy taking over the world.
This post has been edited by Necromusume: Oct 22 2021, 05:50