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> What was the last thing you thought?, read deed by path.

post Oct 18 2021, 16:45
Post #15341

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I just want to say something about CopyOf.

Are you colorblind or do you need a new monitor? Your work is over-saturated again!!! Just leave the colors it as it is and just focus on translating!!!

The new gallery in question: https://e-hentai.org/g/2038909/12f2ef5155

This post has been edited by striker021: Oct 18 2021, 17:19
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post Oct 18 2021, 20:00
Post #15342

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Looks like someone's angry the other kids with Amigas don't want him in their club.
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post Oct 18 2021, 20:51
Post #15343

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[www.google.com] https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardia...ts-lower-grades

Click th
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post Oct 18 2021, 21:44
Post #15344

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Volcanoes are causing global warming. Molten core in Earth.
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post Oct 19 2021, 00:26
Post #15345
Anime Janai

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QUOTE(Honeycat @ Oct 18 2021, 12:44) *

Volcanoes are causing global warming. Molten core in Earth.

[en.wikipedia.org] Ban Nuclear Power! Shut down Earth's Core Now! Earth First! Nukes Never!

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post Oct 19 2021, 01:49
Post #15346

Look, Fat.
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QUOTE(Honeycat @ Oct 18 2021, 09:44) *

Volcanoes are causing global warming. Molten core in Earth.

My God. The earth itself is a white supremacist.
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post Oct 19 2021, 03:49
Post #15347
Moonlight Rambler

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Sounds like someone came here from 4chan (or some other imageboard) and doesn't realize rustling jimmies and being contrarian isn't a personality.
I just don't like people who say that my piece of shit computer from 30 years ago is worth $500 because it means prices of parts for it are driven up. Even the aftermarket new products have ridiculous markups on them, because they're willing to pay such stupid amounts. Sets the barrier to entry pretty high.
QUOTE(striker021 @ Oct 18 2021, 10:45) *
I just want to say something about CopyOf.

Are you colorblind or do you need a new monitor? Your work is over-saturated again!!! Just leave the colors it as it is and just focus on translating!!!

The new gallery in question: https://e-hentai.org/g/2038909/12f2ef5155
Do you have a wide gamut monitor, perchance?
Wide gamut monitors displaying sRGB content without appropriate corrections tend to oversaturate things.

Just checked, okay, yeah, that's their fault, and it's also stupid. They should be using an ICC profile if they want to fuck around with colours or don't have a good display.
Quote from another gallery they uploaded:
Along with bringing the colors to the lines, I changed the colors of their vaginas and nipples from purple to pink and reduced some of the shadows there (probably should have done the dicks, too, but didn't feel like it). I could have done more with the outisde scenes (like darkening the colors at night) but didn't feel like that either. So, mostly minor tweaks, and of course I had to up the saturation (I know some of you hate it, but I wouldn't have bother working on this in it's desaturated state, and you can always batch desaturate for your own collection if you want).
Okay, that's cancerous. Has anyone informed them that saturation/desaturation operations are not losslessly reversible?

This post has been edited by dragontamer8740: Oct 19 2021, 04:16
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post Oct 19 2021, 04:16
Post #15348

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QUOTE(dragontamer8740 @ Oct 19 2021, 03:49) *

Sounds like someone came here from 4chan (or some other imageboard) and doesn't realize rustling jimmies and being contrarian isn't a personality.

I agree, you should probably work on that, sirrah.
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post Oct 19 2021, 04:21
Post #15349
Moonlight Rambler

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QUOTE(Shit_Tier_Husbando @ Oct 16 2021, 23:36) *
Reads like a /pol/ and /v/ shit thread. Milo Yeahnohomoforus used to write garbage like this all the time.. The dude comes off as a Gavin McInnes knockoff with his self help shit, too.
(IMG:[i.imgur.com] https://i.imgur.com/B5Sakca.jpg)
I win. Bye-bye.

This post has been edited by dragontamer8740: Oct 19 2021, 17:56
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post Oct 19 2021, 04:24
Post #15350

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Go back to your imageboard, you cuntrarian, you.
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post Oct 19 2021, 05:44
Post #15351

Look, Fat.
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QUOTE(Shit_Tier_Husbando @ Oct 18 2021, 08:00) *

Looks like someone's angry the other kids with Amigas don't want him in their club.

I know that feel. Smug bastards with their families that can afford a computer at home. Showing off all their floppy disks.
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post Oct 19 2021, 06:27
Post #15352
Adhinferno Bloodmoon

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QUOTE(Anime Janai @ Oct 19 2021, 06:26) *

Wow, just reading The Second Sentence make me feel dumber and dumber all the way to the Beyond~!!!! (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif)
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post Oct 19 2021, 06:32
Post #15353

The Wraith of Cannes
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QUOTE(Adhinferno Bloodmoon @ Oct 18 2021, 23:27) *

Wow, just reading The Second Sentence make me feel dumber and dumber all the way to the Beyond~!!!! (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif)

...and that's why you're here. That's why we're all here.
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post Oct 19 2021, 06:35
Post #15354

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QUOTE(gamagaeru @ Oct 19 2021, 06:32) *

...and that's why you're here. That's why we're all here.

I'm here for the hot, freshly spewed chicken milk.
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post Oct 19 2021, 08:43
Post #15355

Look, Fat.
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Wow CCP became even more edgy.

CCP: You will not like our final solution for the Taiwan question.

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post Oct 19 2021, 19:48
Post #15356
Anime Janai

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QUOTE(EsotericSatire @ Oct 18 2021, 23:43) *

Wow CCP became even more edgy.

CCP: You will not like our final solution for the Taiwan question.

The CCP remains the socipathic bully. But behind the scenes it uses blackmail, bribes, and accidental deaths. Even USA citizens are subject to the CCP's will. As more USA corps and politicians fall under their control, dissent in the USA will also dry up due to the [en.wikipedia.org] Chilling Effect increasing the amount of self-censorship.
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post Oct 20 2021, 04:57
Post #15357

Look, Fat.
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QUOTE(Anime Janai @ Oct 19 2021, 07:48) *

The CCP remains the socipathic bully. But behind the scenes it uses blackmail, bribes, and accidental deaths.

They have had a long relationship with the Clintons it seems.
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post Oct 20 2021, 05:11
Post #15358
Msgr. Radixius

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QUOTE(EsotericSatire @ Oct 18 2021, 22:44) *

I know that feel. Smug bastards with their families that can afford a computer at home. Showing off all their floppy disks.

Back in my day we ate 8 inch floppy disks

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post Oct 20 2021, 05:18
Post #15359
Moonlight Rambler

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QUOTE(balthy13 @ Oct 19 2021, 23:11) *
Back in my day we ate 8 inch floppy disks

When hard ones cost thousands, sometimes you had to settle for floppy.
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post Oct 20 2021, 19:07
Post #15360

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QUOTE(dragontamer8740 @ Oct 19 2021, 09:49) *

Do you have a wide gamut monitor, perchance?
Wide gamut monitors displaying sRGB content without appropriate corrections tend to oversaturate things.

Some of the users are actually using his translation and applying it to the raws WITHOUT the oversaturation. CopyOf is a repeat offender and a lot has complained about it but it just keeps on going.

This post has been edited by striker021: Oct 20 2021, 19:22
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