Simmer down there, Jeffery. No need to defend the honor of m'lady here. She won't bestow upon you her boon of dickgirl pussy for dispatching scoundrels on fappy doodle forums in an effort to raise the plight of a group of people who can still be as awful as the rest of us and not above reproach just because their innie is an outtie or vice versa.
This post has been edited by Shit_Tier_Husbando: Oct 15 2021, 09:10
Simmer down there, Jeffery. No need to defend the honor of m'lady here. She won't bestow upon you her boon of dickgirl pussy for dispatching scoundrels on fappy doodle forums in an effort to raise the plight of a group of people who can still be as awful as the rest of us and not above reproach just because their innie is an outtie or vice versa.
I do not actually want to have sex with trans people/actively think about having sex with people I see on a day to day basis. I just think you need to realize they are (often, at least) more than just sex objects.
This post has been edited by dragontamer8740: Oct 15 2021, 16:01
Simmer down there, Jeffery. No need to defend the honor of m'lady here. She won't bestow upon you her boon of dickgirl pussy for dispatching scoundrels on fappy doodle forums in an effort to raise the plight of a group of people who can still be as awful as the rest of us and not above reproach just because their innie is an outtie or vice versa.
You find Geoffrey And you find Geoffrey AND YOU FIND GEOFFREY
A high school student in Loudon County Virginia was raped by a gender fluid student. Father wanted to call the police, so the school called the police on him. Charges were dropped and test came back positive but police did not pursue charges against the gender fluid student. A protest was organized against the father by lefties to protect the rapist and the father punched a transtrender. So the father was arrested. The gender fluid person then raped another student. The father stated I don't care if the student is alphabet gang, he's a sexual predator.
Edit: OH my bad, Loudoun Country Sheriff confirmed that it was the fourth alleged sexual assault by the gender fluid bisexual alphabet gang teen. The schools were not reporting the incidents and they were rotating the student to different schools each time for their protection..... WTF are alphabet gain catholic priests now?
Please remember that "The left is destroying us" is hate speech on Youtube.
Youtube channels that cover the Loudon school rapes negatively get warned for hate speech. Some have been cancelled. The Youtube channel by Steven Crowder just got cancelled despite being popular and large.
I think you're rationalizing why you're an incel. Or maybe you're just asexual, which is worse.
Bruh, if I were asexual why would I spend so much time on a hentai forum?
I don't consider myself an incel (even if I meet the definition) simply because I remain optimistic things will work out in the end and don't hate or blame other people for my sex life.
Bruh, if I were asexual why would I spend so much time on a hentai forum?
I don't consider myself an incel (even if I meet the definition) simply because I remain optimistic things will work out in the end and don't hate or blame other people for my sex life.
Do you think Wario is a good representation of homosexuality? One of the most popular characters to come out as gay helped the gaymer community. But I wish they toned down the stereotypes with him.
Do you think Wario is a good representation of homosexuality? One of the most popular characters to come out as gay helped the gaymer community. But I wish they toned down the stereotypes with him.
Do you think Wario is a good representation of homosexuality? One of the most popular characters to come out as gay helped the gaymer community. But I wish they toned down the stereotypes with him.
That's fucking stupid. First it's Waluigi that people say is gay, not Wario. Wario literally has a girlfriend in the Warioware games, fact. Waluigi might like dicks, but he's not gay. His ideal mates are a low functioning autistic gamer girl, a qt 3.14 trap waifu who cosplays Ankha, or a pack of uncured bacon. Lrn2fancanon fgt.
This post has been edited by Shit_Tier_Husbando: Oct 16 2021, 16:17
Constipation really isn't an issue for me. It's more often I'm shitting too much. Some days I feel like a ripped bag of peat moss. Could go the whole day without eating and still replaster my toilet from it's eggshell white to burnt sienna. It's like someone choked Louie Armstrong with his own trumpet and waterboarded him with beef gravy. A literal cacophony of cantankerous crap. I think Johnny Cash wrote Ring of Fire specifically after an episode of violent, asshole punishing diarrhea like I experience.