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> What was the last thing you thought?, read deed by path.

post Oct 8 2021, 09:02
Post #15241
Adhinferno Bloodmoon

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QUOTE(EsotericSatire @ Oct 7 2021, 15:38) *

As long as it doesn't involve allegedly putting military in plain clothes to 'resolve' ethnic tensions.

For that, you learn from Ch*na (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif)
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post Oct 8 2021, 21:19
Post #15242

Grammatically Incorrect (☞゚∀゚)☞
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I always wanted to be a mountaingoat.

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post Oct 8 2021, 22:29
Post #15243

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i need to sleep... work so hard

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post Oct 9 2021, 08:50
Post #15244

Look, Fat.
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You can't quit the party. Police officer quits in Victoria and that is a crime.
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post Oct 9 2021, 19:53
Post #15245
Anime Janai

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QUOTE(Adhinferno Bloodmoon @ Oct 5 2021, 20:05) *

Now this is what I call Utter Stupidity

BLM is requesting from city politicians that they put their efforts where their mouth is. Gifted student programs are discriminatory against black and hispanic students because school merit programs typically favor whites and asians. New York city commisioned a study under the direction of five principal executive members of which the NAACP and Hispanic Foundation are two of the executive members. Following the conclusion of the study, New York is therefore phasing out programs for Gifted students.

[www.msn.com] https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/n-y-c-pub...rams/ar-AAPhY2R
[nypost.com] https://nypost.com/2021/10/08/nyc-to-phase-...lented-program/

Will more school programs across the USA do the same?
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post Oct 9 2021, 21:35
Post #15246

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Fuck me, this is 'No Child Left Behind' taken to it's ultimate illogical extreme.
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post Oct 10 2021, 00:44
Post #15247

Look, Fat.
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QUOTE(TheMarauding @ Oct 9 2021, 09:35) *

Fuck me, this is 'No Child Left Behind' taken to it's ultimate illogical extreme.

Its lefty logic. If everyone is behind then everyone is equal (except for the elites at the top).

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post Oct 10 2021, 10:28
Post #15248

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Daily Table talk:
Now let us take a moment to admire Dubai.
The Emirates was built upon slave labor, whether it is cheaper to use slaves than automation and robotry is irrelevant, artificial intelligence is an abomination.
If I had spaceships the cannons would be loaded by thousands of men pulling ropes.
The ingenuity of the Gulf Arabs cannot be overstated in finding an efficient way to use manpower.
The futility is is art. The skyscrapers are art!
They turn their back on gay couples and drunkards so long as they have money, they understand to compromise principles for convenience.
I do this on a regular basis when I pee on my neighbors petunias to save money.
My principles are to spend excessively, saving is a vice.
A toast everyone! A toast to futility.
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post Oct 10 2021, 11:47
Post #15249

Look, Fat.
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Woah, Taiwan is really freaking the hell out. They believe that China is creating economic problems to cause a global economic shock as a distraction for their invasion. Xi Jinping is also talking about the CCP dream of reunification to gain the mandate of heaven XD.

They believe that Biden would be too incompetent to deal with the economic shock and prevent a war.

Their talks just lead to confusion:
Biden: "China will stick to the agreement on Taiwan"

Everyone: "There is no official agreement, what is he talking about??"
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post Oct 11 2021, 05:36
Post #15250

Grammatically Incorrect (☞゚∀゚)☞
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I think i liked this.

I liked the cooking in the woods.

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post Oct 11 2021, 05:50
Post #15251
Adhinferno Bloodmoon

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QUOTE(EsotericSatire @ Oct 10 2021, 17:47) *

Xi Jinping is also talking about the CCP dream of reunification to gain the mandate of heaven XD.

Heh, China and their so called "Mandate of Heaven".
No wonder people there called heaven as "Old Villainous Heaven" now, since "Heaven's Mandate" are mostly obtained by Scums.
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post Oct 11 2021, 06:06
Post #15252

Look, Fat.
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America used to have its Manifest Destiny. The unifying dream that united everyone in America.

Now wanting to destroy America is what is taught in schools.
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post Oct 11 2021, 06:45
Post #15253
Adhinferno Bloodmoon

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QUOTE(EsotericSatire @ Oct 11 2021, 12:06) *

America used to have its Manifest Destiny. The unifying dream that united everyone in America.
Now wanting to destroy America is what is taught in schools.

Lol, so America have Manifest Destiny (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif)
I wonder what Russia, Britain and French have?
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post Oct 11 2021, 09:40
Post #15254
Anime Janai

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Amazon's "Lord of the Rings" series will have black hobbits in the 2nd Age. Since I didn't see any swarthy hobbits in the printed books or view any swarthy hobbits in the movies, that means all the Amazon black hobbits died off before Bilbo Baggin's time in the 3rd Age.
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post Oct 11 2021, 10:31
Post #15255

Grammatically Incorrect (☞゚∀゚)☞
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I thought lefties thought the orks were black?

Speaking of cringe, i saw this a few days ago...

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post Oct 11 2021, 10:36
Post #15256

Look, Fat.
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QUOTE(Pillowgirl @ Oct 10 2021, 22:31) *

I thought lefties thought the orks were black?

Speaking of cringe, i saw this a few days ago...

Any non-human races can be black according to left wingers.

Hmmm I think I will hard pass on that. I loved game of thrones the tv show until the last season where they phoned it in and screwed everything.

It did make people on twitter rage, but just didn't find it very good.
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post Oct 11 2021, 11:05
Post #15257

Grammatically Incorrect (☞゚∀゚)☞
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Is Dune out yet?

I want some Arabian nomads and giant worms without Kevin Bacon.
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post Oct 11 2021, 12:36
Post #15258

Look, Fat.
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QUOTE(Pillowgirl @ Oct 10 2021, 23:05) *

Is Dune out yet?

I want some Arabian nomads and giant worms without Kevin Bacon.

Its like when fren tried to explain tremors and dune to me.

Picard was in the old film... That was the only highlight.

The old film was good if you fast forwarded through most of it.

California banned having boy's toy sections. I am sure that will sell more barbies.

"It may seem counterintuitive to see toys become so dramatically gender segregated at a time when, for example, women make up the majority of college students. Brown hypothesizes that whenever there are a lot of cultural changes in one direction, there is a backlash in another direction."

That is the most retarded thing I have read in a while. They are ignoring the actual psychological research showing the underlying trends.


Germany is trying to nationalise property like youtubers have worried the Build Back Better initiative wanted to do.

Can't vote against the government when they are your landlord.

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post Oct 11 2021, 14:58
Post #15259

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(IMG:[files.catbox.moe] https://files.catbox.moe/nw8u5g.JPG)

They'll digitally alter the hobbits to be black in the movies they've already made. Except Smeagol.

Peter Jackson: "The movies you thought you saw were just a work in progress. They don't exist any more."

This post has been edited by Necromusume: Oct 11 2021, 15:35
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post Oct 11 2021, 18:06
Post #15260

Grammatically Incorrect (☞゚∀゚)☞
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I thought i read Berlin Builds Wall and had to shake off the bewilderment.
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