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What was the last thing you thought?, read deed by path. |
Oct 3 2021, 06:30
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Daily Sermon: Whether good or bad, all go to the same place after death, a cold haunting dark empty plane of existence, black as night, where we are consigned to wander by ourselves, and in that nothingness there will be only dust to eat. Thou canst only sigh therein.
And in this gloomy afterlife whither all souls shall one day fly into, as the only interruption in the monotony of the sound of semi-conscious souls moaning, every so often man can hear in the silence, as it is in a gathering of the deaf, the sound of the not fully human breaking wind.
If one had more gold in life, thou wilt have more gold coins in the next, but there will be no use for them what with the loss of self in the coming realm, but it's important nonetheless to have relatives who will bury thee with more gold so thou wilt have more gold coins to keep one company, for it is better to have what thou needest not than need what thou hast not.
Oct 3 2021, 07:55
Moonlight Rambler
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QUOTE(weegeeweegeeweegee @ Oct 3 2021, 00:30)  I usually just ignore your crap, but screw it. I'm going to go after it this time. Cut it out with the stupid middle english bullshit. It just makes you sound dumb. Your "sermon" is full of logical fallacies; for instance, there is not necessarily a next life, but you are assuming that everyone else thinks there is. In fact, there is little evidence to suggest there is. And nothing is sacred. Even if there is something after life (unlikely, given the rather physical nature of the brain), claiming to know what the next life is would be bullshit. And blindly accepting what someone else says it is would be foolish. I'm of the opinion that this "next life" stuff is to make people accept the shit they're handed because it'll all pay off when they die - i.e., it exploits people to stop them living the only lives they have to the fullest, because when they're dead suddenly they won't be suffering constantly to hold up a bunch of aristocrats anymore. It's not just an opiate of the masses, but a tool often used to actively exploit them as well. Also, there's no such thing as a soul beyond a theoretical construct of human consciousness in the brain. It dies when you do. BTW, no problem with the idea of religion (I guess some people can't have "morals" without it), just stop trying to push your bullshit on others. Spirituality is all fine and good if it helps you to feel connected to others, have empathy, and so on. The only place can be sure you will go after death is in the dirt, though. Anything more is conjecture. In closing, (IMG:[ i.imgur.com] https://i.imgur.com/qubYhZu.png)  This post has been edited by dragontamer8740: Oct 3 2021, 08:39
Oct 3 2021, 14:43
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QUOTE(dragontamer8740 @ Oct 3 2021, 13:55) 
Since when did I mention religion or God? The afterlife has always been that way, so it doesn't need a supernatural creator. Everything has always existed, no need for evolution. When rain falls, worms come out of the earth. That's how life began.
Oct 3 2021, 15:00
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QUOTE(weegeeweegeeweegee @ Oct 3 2021, 23:43) 

Oct 3 2021, 15:33
Moonlight Rambler
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Nowhere in my post did I say the word "god." Although I guess it was in one of the pictures.
You are talking of an afterlife. Between that, calling the post a sermon, and trying to make it sound like the King James bible, I just sort of assumed it was religiously influenced.
Also life didn't begin when worms came out of the ground, because worms are life and worms didn't materialize out of thin air. And if you're trying to make some clever analogy, it didn't work.
I try to respect people's religious views/speech, as long as they aren't proselytising, crusading, or being pretentious. You failed the last test.
Also it's a bit weird to talk about being buried with your money like you're some egyptian royalty or something, but writing about it in middle english.
This post has been edited by dragontamer8740: Oct 3 2021, 15:43
Oct 3 2021, 17:41
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Bought the wife a new laptop but they soldered the RAM. Soldered. The. RAM. WTF!
EDIT: No, it wasn't an Apple product either.
This post has been edited by gamagaeru: Oct 3 2021, 17:41
Oct 3 2021, 23:36
Moonlight Rambler
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QUOTE(gamagaeru @ Oct 3 2021, 11:41)  Bought the wife a new laptop but they soldered the RAM. Soldered. The. RAM. WTF! EDIT: No, it wasn't an Apple product either. Hope you learned a lesson. Never buy new laptops. There's a thread about that in tech chat right now. This post has been edited by dragontamer8740: Oct 3 2021, 23:36
Oct 4 2021, 02:07
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QUOTE(gamagaeru @ Oct 3 2021, 05:41)  Bought the wife a new laptop but they soldered the RAM. Soldered. The. RAM. WTF! EDIT: No, it wasn't an Apple product either.
Was that from walmart? I heard people complaining some of the models that did that from there.
Oct 4 2021, 02:10
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QUOTE(dragontamer8740 @ Oct 3 2021, 16:36)  Hope you learned a lesson. Never buy new laptops. There's a thread about that in tech chat right now.
I'm buying a Framework laptop as soon as it gets touchscreen functionality, though. QUOTE(EsotericSatire @ Oct 3 2021, 19:07)  Was that from walmart? I heard people complaining some of the models that did that from there.
I bought from Newegg. Nowhere in the specs does it show the issue at hand.
Oct 4 2021, 03:25
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QUOTE(dragontamer8740 @ Oct 3 2021, 13:33)  Also life didn't begin when worms came out of the ground, because worms are life and worms didn't materialize out of thin air. [ en.wikipedia.org] Spontaneous generationThe history of the idea is interesting. We've only known that for two centuries. Before that, for two millennia, spontaneous generation was considered the rational and scientific explanation. This post has been edited by Necromusume: Oct 4 2021, 04:09
Oct 4 2021, 07:01
Adhinferno Bloodmoon
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QUOTE(Necromusume @ Oct 4 2021, 09:25)  [ en.wikipedia.org] Spontaneous generationThe history of the idea is interesting. We've only known that for two centuries. Before that, for two millennia, spontaneous generation was considered the rational and scientific explanation. Well..... You know Science are still "new" subject to humanity, given that they are only developed for the last century, compared to cultures, religion and whatever people can think of that already developed for millenia (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif) This post has been edited by Adhinferno Bloodmoon: Oct 4 2021, 07:02
Oct 4 2021, 07:09
Moonlight Rambler
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QUOTE(gamagaeru @ Oct 3 2021, 20:10)  I'm buying a Framework laptop as soon as it gets touchscreen functionality, though. I bought from Newegg. Nowhere in the specs does it show the issue at hand.
Framework is also garbage. It has a good screen aspect ratio, but literally every other modern laptop problem. Horrid keyboard layout/feel, fragile, donglebook, no ethernet port or ethernet dongle, no touchpad buttons, glossy screen. The keyboard design is truly awful. No gaps between the F* key quads, no inverse T arrow keys (even though there is room), several keys totally missing from the board. No way to enter numpad keystrokes for programs that won't work without a numpad. I did a big rant about why it's still garbage (just slightly less garbage) a few days ago on the tech chat thread. It suffers from almost every single problem that other new laptops do, and compromises on functionality severely to stay slim. Doesn't even have a modular battery pack. Never buy modern laptops. Except a toughbook might be OK. Maybe. They cost too much. Or one of the JP-only Panasonic imports could be alright maybe. I really wish there were better options, but the best option in the States (or Europe) is to get a laptop from around 8-9 years ago. My X201 tablet from 2010 has a touch screen, EMR stylus, a good keyboard, socketed RAM, built in gigabit ethernet port. It also has a modular battery and is repairable, and doesn't omit keys from the keyboard layout. F* keys are also positioned so you can feel the quadrants, and the aspect ratio is taller than 16:9. This post has been edited by dragontamer8740: Oct 4 2021, 07:20
Oct 4 2021, 08:33
Anime Janai
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If Trump conceded the election to Biden, then it wouldn't matter if the forensic audits of Arizona, Texas, and New York caused those states' attorney generals to review the results and switch their electoral votes to Trump?
Oct 4 2021, 08:41
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Hello I'm new to this place
Oct 4 2021, 13:01
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QUOTE(Arrogance_incarnate @ Oct 4 2021, 14:41)  Hello I'm new to this place
You should get to know me, I get a lot of respect around.
Oct 4 2021, 13:15
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QUOTE(weegeeweegeeweegee @ Oct 4 2021, 22:01)  You should get to know me, I get a lot of respect around.
If by respect you mean absolute contempt than sure you do.
Oct 4 2021, 15:50
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Daily Sermon: Mags used to be tall and fat, he looked very big and tough because of his size but underneath that fat he has a weak frame, he wore certain clothes to look less fat (like a pimp does in his suit) but now he's lost weight so he is tall and thin but he still wears those clothes to look not so thin.
This post has been edited by weegeeweegeeweegee: Oct 4 2021, 17:15
Oct 5 2021, 05:39
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QUOTE(weegeeweegeeweegee @ Oct 5 2021, 00:50) 

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